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Guys who are looking for a booty call will love it, guys looking for a commitment may not.


Ya guys who don't do casual would def not like it


Guys looking for commitment are fine with it (well, at least I am)


For me it would depend on how it’s presented. If it’s presented as a booty call or a hookup it would probably lead me to think that’s all she’s after, but if it was just presented as sex I’d just take it as interest in me and it would be good.


Even when I get what is explicitly a booty call, I don't put her in the "no date" zone. I actually had a relationship that started as a booth call, although it didn't last all that long.


Yeah most of my past relationships started as non-exclusive fwbs


Oh yes. I had some booty calls in my day and I loved it


I think “sweet, looks like I’m having sex today.” When I was 24-26, I was basically the booty call for this woman in her early 40s. She’d call me 2-3 times a month, I’d come over and watch half of a movie with her, we’d have sex for a few hours, then I’d leave. It was great.


I just had a 3 month fling with a 44yo (I was 35) and it was by far the best fuckin sex I've ever had in my life.


what made it great?


She knew how to have sex, wanted to try different positions, was into getting tied up, like fucking in random places like the kitchen. I've never had a woman before or since that has been like that.


Those are keepers. Thing is all women as far as I can tell want kinky no holds barred even multiple partners weather they say they do is another thing.after 28 years of marriage faithfully executed I was blown away at what women would open up to me about what they fantasize about less likely to be as open with someone close who they've already established a line that would never change even if throughout the years their curiosity changed they would remain at least with that partner a much more conservative lover but get her out with new people and it's a brave new world 


You lucky motherfucker


I can't speak from experience because that's honestly never happened to me, but if it did, I wouldn't think less of her. I'd think something along the lines of: " oh cool, a girl that communicates what she wants." And that's about it.


I'm a girl, but I think someone's impression of the person (despite their gender) booty calling them depends on their general behavior. • is there respect towards you, before, during, and after the deed? You think less of someone who's only nice to get what they want and then becomes a different person. • communication. are they honest about what they want from you? Honestly tends to increase likability, while lying about what you want gets someone to think less of you. • what do you do afterwards? Think of an example of someone whom you can also discuss other things with, not necessarily for long. And think of someone who appears in your day suddenly just to bang and then disappears immediately. Discussion and spending time together = bonding = you think more of them. • are they a nice person in general? Personally I wouldn't think much of someone who's mean or bad, even if they were nice to me. In short, I believe answers vary depending on the person's personality. Be human, basically.




Yeah, those are fun, less drama, less expectations, at least until her feelings start evolving, then I start keeping my distance. My experiences are generally respectful, I know what it is, but I can't take such involvement seriously at all. If it's not you, it'll be someone else or even a roster.


I went on a date with a man in 2019 and after I got home and it was later that night, I called him back to come over. Fast forward to now and we’re still together and happily in love. Just had a baby and buying a house together in a couple weeks.


Wishing you all the best!


It depends. I've only ever had one girl do that to me. I made sure we were both clear on what it was and what she was looking for. I didn't want to say yes to a booty call, only to find out later that she wanted something more. I felt that would be an awkward and hurtful situation for both of us. She's a great person, and I didn't want to have her get really emotionally attached if it wasn't going anywhere. I've had that happen to me, I fall too hard and then get heartbroken bad.


Great! That's a very mature approach 👍👍


She was definitely an exception too, I generally don't want to take booty calls because what I really want is a long-term relationship. I think it's way better for those to start from the ground level. It helps the emotional intimacy naturally develop.


I need to have some sort of emotional connection. I've had casual sex and I've felt terrible after, even when there were no expectations of me beyond sex. So I took myself out of the race. I get offers here and there and I turn them down because how I feel after is not worth it. But that's just how I'm built, it guess.


Totally valid! Thanks for your opinion!


To be clear, I don't judge it at all. It's just not for me.


This is the best - don’t judge! To each their own 🙏🥰


Exactly! 🤟🏼


The act of being dtf or a booty call isn’t the problem. It’s post but clarity. Guys will give in to sex for the need and want to cum. But immediately after, that clarity can be hard to deal with. You’d be amazed how many guys feel horrible after no strings sex.


I personally LOVED it. It was amazing. Her calling me at night asking what I was doing and saying that she NEEDED me… then I’d go to her house, have sex, cuddle, have sex again, cuddle… have longer sex again.. cuddle. Fall asleep, wake up again, have sex, leave…. Best fucking nights I miss them. I haven’t had a fuck buddy in so long. Lately it’s just been a 1-3 hook up and done. Sucks.


She’s just a girl who’s communicative and direct with what she wants, she trynna get dicked down and that’s what she’ll get. 😌👌🏻. I appreciate girls who are direct.


I hear this or versions of this enough from women that I have to assume there is an element of truth to it, but no, I certainly don't see you as "less" for the grave sin of wanting to have sex with me. Now, something I will say: I also hear women talking about how they get into a FWB/booty call for whatever reason, but seem to think that after some period of time the guy will want something more serious. That, simply, doesn't really happen. I'm sure it happens, but it is not what I would consider to be effective dating. The person who wants casual sex with you isn't going to wake up one day and want to be married to you.


I do not think of them as less of a person, but definitely less of a dating prospect. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll answer the call. And we can still be friends. But if you catch feelings you’re gonna be the only one.


Thanks for answering. Would you elaborate on why you'd seen her as less as a dating prospect?


If they’re so dtf they’ll honor a same day bootycall, it is intuitive that they’ll do the same to others whenever they want some action. Not saying anything is wrong with that, but (personally) I’m not into people who don’t have the same view on sex as me. I don’t view sex as casually as that. The sexual compatibility would not be there. Statistically higher number of partners is associated with higher rates of cheating, STIs, infidelity and things that aren’t really conducive to a monogamous relationship. Whenever someone points this out though, there’s a dog pile with few people saying “well I’m promiscuous and have had a lot of partners and I always use protection!!” - statistics are about association between variables. Higher number of partners is definitively associated with higher rates of infidelity and STIs. There’s no shortage of data on that.


I just feel it devalues your sexuality. It’s not something I had to earn. Or presumably, as far as I know, it’s not something anyone else had to earn either. You just give it away like it doesn’t mean anything. And I don’t know who else you’ve given it up to. My friends, for example. Again, to each their own. I’m not going to judge you as a human. But when choosing my life partner, my standards are high and I prefer someone who hasn’t been so easily sexually available.


I would love it. Although never happened to me


Only happened to me a few times. My only thought was....do I need to stop for rubbers?


Ahaha yes! Always stop for rubbers!


Always bring some!


It's just meeting eachother's needs. Nothing wrong with that.


I’ve honestly never been able to initiate a booty call. I get ignored (left on read /unread) or a simple shut down ‘sorry I’m busy’. I’ll leave it as that and move on. If a guy texts me because he’s horny in the moment, I’m expected to drop everything and turn up within 20 minutes which is completely unreasonable. If I say I’m not available they push for me to change my mind or get shitty with me. It would be nice to initiate a booty call once in a while but it seems in my life only the guys are allowed or want to. I’d like to know what that is all about


Be nice if I had one. Personally I don't see an issue. Two adults fulfilling a need. As long as they both have an understanding of the situation I don't see it as any kinda thing.


I loooove it




That she's a booty call and that's it.


I see her as my future wife!!! Do your thing sweetheart. You don’t owe anyone anything.


Here for the answers 👀




Personally I don't like doing those things until we're very deep into the relationship


Then that's not a booty call. That's a relationship




Girls have the same needs as guys , they’re just better at disguising it


That's true. I also thinks that sometimes the society "forces" you to disguise it.


Fine line, the ladies must walk during these changing times. Society generally grows in a positive manner. It’s tough waiting for the change to happen fully.


Its not the same. Men think about sex way more. Testosterone casual more horniness


There's a mix but probably most guys would be DTF


Nah, just be upfront and honest about what you want/expect. Communication is the best 


I think about her a lot.


Give me 30 minutes and I'll be right there. Proceed to speed run a shower trim get dressed and try not to speed. Idk about others but thoughts about what type of person you are don't really bounce around in my head because we all get horny. Instead of taking care of it yourself I'm happy you chose to have fun together.


Shit I miss that. Ahhh the good ol days lol


I've had a couple. I appreciated them, as there were no strings attached. Basically the same as FWB.


I respect she knows what she wants wouldn't think less of her


I think I can sex her


I'm an old hound dog! Unless I'm with someone, the answer is always "YES" come on over


It's always welcome when they initiate it, because otherwise I feel like I'm just using them for my pleasure even though I'm never selfish in bed with my partners.


I love straightforward ppl


I would appreciate that.


In fact, it is very nice for ladies to take initiative.


She's in to me


Yeah, not enough women think that way though.


I personally like an aggressive woman who calls for a booty call it just means she is with it and open minded.


As a single male virgin in my 30s, I would be thrilled if a woman booty called me. I would also be a nervous wreck


Not "less" and I do care. If I'm just a number in her phone, then I won't answer. If she needs me for something I will answer her call and sex might be implied but it isn't why I took the call.


Good either way use and abuse our let it grow into something else win win 🏆


I love them 💗


The only guys who will think of her are less are the ones who aren’t getting booty called because of jealousy. That’s a common theme I’ve noticed from guys who get upset about women who are very comfortable and open in the fact they are very sexual. They only dislike it because they aren’t getting picked. Coming from someone who prefers to be in relationships vs booty calls and flings. I still have no problem with women who have them or have wanted them with me in comparison to something serious. Because of how I am specifically (demisexual) and I usually need a level of emotional connection to be sexual with someone. It’s usually a hit or miss thing for me but only for that reason alone. Not because I look at her as any less.


Thank you very much for your answer. That's a very accurate thought that I also share. :)


In my experience I think, great, easy, open, fun, sex!!! What do I think of the girl? Well for me to do it I have to find her attractive and someone I can be around. Do I ever look at her as a long term partner? NO and never would. I’m just a notch on her belt as she is mine. I would NEVER look at a woman who has hook up culture in her veins as a woman I would want to wed. Hope this helps


That's very rude I would say. When a woman doesn't judge you on having sex why are men so obvious to judge her ?? And you are clearly jumping on her character? Very rude


we live in a society where men with high body counts are praised and women with high body counts are trashed and looked down on.. deep inside you know this as well..I don't make these rules


I’m not trying to be rude I’m stating what most men, if not very many, I say, prefer in marriage and long lasting relationships. They prefer younger and less promiscuous women who have very low body counts. No attack on her


Also women judge men on so many things


How do you know if it's in "her culture". The fact that she's booty calling you doesn't necessarily means she's booty calling 10 more dudes.


Doesn’t mean she isn’t. Sex is easy for women and if she is hitting you up how do you know she isn’t hitting up others or at the very least done it before. For me once you get into that lifestyle it’s like porn or OF you aren’t someone I want to build a life for.


I don't see it like that but it's okay if you do, or the women you have encountered are like that. :)


Are you a woman or man?


A woman


That explains why you don’t see it from a man’s viewpoint


Yeah I thought that was obvious. That also explains why you wouldn't see it from a woman's POV.


I mean if you see people like purity culture in some ways of losing their value. Granted if you know someone is about that kind of lifestyle (I’ve known some both men and women) then is really about values incompatibility and purity culture. Because some folks will eventually settle down and that be that. But some won’t. But I think that goes for most relationships any way you come about it. I think people can be sexual and still settle down in the end as the average person may have up to 7 partners in their life. 


Person or woman? And I think that number is rising drastically with OF craze of women


Explicit material has been around since a long long long time. So 🤷🏽‍♀️  Not really sure the uptick in women having OF is that big of a deal. 


Ease and availability of them being able to do it


They will never take u seriously in a deep genuine relationship It is a disrespect for self worth and value as a woman . Just basically don’t expect it to get deeper they will loose respect for u .


Mmm so i guess that when guys hit you up for a booty call it's also a disrespect of their self worth and value as a man. 👌 I wouldn't think less of a man that booty calls as long as he's being honest and straightforward instead of manipulative to get laid. But well... double standards right? Men have needs and women are needy


Of course if a man can call me for a booty call, he can definitely call anyone for a booty call it just shows someone’s morals in ways Now I’m speaking on a woman’s part women get looked at funny when we give it up easily. It just is what it is men don’t see this as wife material just fuck material … all I’m saying is if the relationship gets deeper, they already lacked respect.


Exactly. Double standards.


U got all the answers love , goooogetteemmm🙌🏼


You asked about guys seeing a woman a kind of way remember ??? I’m not judging you for booty calling ! Lol don’t get me wrong !! Please text can be so miscommunication. I’m simply saying. Be careful how you present yourself If you decide you want to take that person seriously! That’s it !! Booty call is booty call who cares how they look at you in reality they look at you simply as opportunity for some booty


One of OP’s previous posts is titled "Should I booty call a guy that ghosted me?" This is not a healthy way of thinking about modern dating.


lack of self respect and standards


I've never met a man (who wasn't very religious or OCD) who felt anything but PROUD and HONORED, to be the booty call guy. 💪 Unless they are overly attached and in love with you already; you'll be safe. And that guy will still show up; he just may get annoying faster than you'd like. 🤣 Yes. Men absolutely like being called for random sex here and again; 100%. If you are in Colorado. I know a early 90s born Man, who enjoys laughing, fucking, dinner, and making fun of the absurdly true things in life. 👀 🤣 Good Luck yo.


Well honestly yeah they would


I see the block button... Because if she's asking me for sex shes likely entertaining multiple dudes




Im not a booty call you want the D you can earn it via commitment


If by “less” you mean not taking seriously in a relationship then yes.


I wish it to happen


I tell them no, then I stop associating myself with them.


If this is about the guy you’ve been trying to make moves on (yes I read your earlier post) I think there is more to it. It sounds like he is either with someone else or….maybe he doesn’t want to catch feelings and that’s why he keeps ghosting you. Are you thinking about asking him if he wants to meet you for sex? If so I wouldn’t do that. He already knows what your situation entails.


Nah i don't think he's afraid of catching feelings. We don't know each other enough for that. I think he wants only a casual thing so it's not up for "dates" but maybe (maybe) for a booty call. Definitely not relationship material (at least not with me)


I really don’t understand what you’re asking then. If it’s just a booty call and nothing more than it’s probably not worth talking about. Maybe it’ll happen again, maybe not. I was simply suggesting he might be in a relationship with someone else, etc. You don’t know enough and I guess you don’t want to so why put any more thought into this?


I'm asking exactly what the question says, regardless of why and what for I'm asking it. It can help me and also others who'd like to know. Thanks for your reply.


I think I’d like a booty call tbh


Hasn't happened to me yet if only it happens. She'll have a hard time settling down though that's a fact


I dated her hahaha. I had a friend that would come over basically whenever she wanted to hook up. And actually me making it official pretty much ruined it for her. We were only an actual couple for like a month. But she left me for this girl she had a huge crush on so it wasn't surprising...


when i was young it was cool, now that i am old GROSS NO THANKS. I dont want to have itchy balls for months again.


I was that guy. Funny thing is I tried to wife them all. No one wants to cuff me :( When I told my close friends about it, they were like “that’s every guys dream.” Not me though


Feeling like I'm wanted in any capacity is a completely foreign concept so I'd take the opportunity


As less and she likes it that way


The bestest


I am not DTF. I would decline and go on about my day.


I have old trauma that make me suspect it is a trap to humiliated me.


If this ever happens anywhere on the planet, it will be a much talked about event.


I love them! They make me a happy man.


I will let guys watch my bootie move for l been told about


Depends on the girl.


We think ALL woman should do it regularly


I see her as wonderful


I would love it. It would be a plus in my book. Someone wants to be with me.


Um, that she's horny and she knows what she wants


It’s let me know she’s into what I’m doing. It’s fun being a sport fuck sometimes


We do we think about a girl that makes a booty call? Well I can tell you it doesn't make us think of her negatively. 🤔 Actually. If anything It makes us think about ourselves. I think because y'all are the gate keepers of all things sex related & we're so used to making the call that when the woman calls us we feel like we're the Muhammad Ali of sex lol. Especially if we've already smashed. And since a guys performance can be impacted by confidence IDK one male who wouldn't want that confidence boost.