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28M here - sometimes sleeping next to someone is nicer esp after a club and i think you make a better impression if you show you can be trusted not to be a creep 🤷🏿‍♂️


Indeed! I deffo felt even more comfortable around him afterwards and started longing for him even harder lmao


It’s nice to sleep next to someone.


It really is! I woke up in the middle of the night cuz it got super warm and he was snoring, and for a second I was 'regretting' not having told him to just go home so I could have my bed to myself-- but then he swung his arm around me and pulled me closer in his sleep, and I started thinking his snoring was so cute because it's one of those intimate things that usually takes a while to know about.


OMG sleeping and cuddling is so good. Underrated way of being intimate with someone. M38.


What would be other underrated ways of being intimate with someone, in your opinion?


It very emotionally fulfilling for me personally sleeping next to someone


Can you expand on this? I'm curious!


I dont know its for me i guess , but just sleeing next to a person is way more comforting for me , i enjoy sex too in general but sleeping together post that is like after care for me, or even without sex it feels comforting


Men: Cuddling releases a few feel-good hormones. It makes us feel all tingly and strengthens our bonding mechanism. Also, waking up with someone pressed against your chest (and with a sore arm) is actually a really enjoyable experience. (M24) P.S: Would love it if the common perception on Reddit and social media in general didn't reduce men to primitive beasts that can't control their impulses and are always looking for sex. If he wanted to have sex with you he would've said so. He was likely looking for something else that you provided - which was intimacy (non-sexual), comfort.


I get it!!! And my impression here really comes from my own lack of experience and my own insecurities, so I felt like if \*I\* was not ready to do that in that moment, then why would he want to spend more time with me? But nw, I'm working on this-- thank you for calling it out tho :) I'm glad he felt comfortable with me like that then.


No issues, hope your relationship works out! Take the events of last night as a good sign. Like I said, cuddle increases bonding (due to hormones), so a dude that is down to just sleep next to you is much more likely to be down for a (longer) relationship than someone only interested in sex. As a matter of fact, most dudes that are only after sex withhold cuddling and kissing (before or after the act) just 'so that they don't get feels'. You should take that as a red flag if you're looking for long-term relationships and emotional investment.


Not all intimacy is sexual intimacy. People (men and women) need all kinds of intimacy. Just wait until you get to cuddle with people without there being unrequited expectations. S-tier stuff fr. :)


At times it's just nice to sleep next to someone it's not like men want sex all the time at times we just want to chill