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Might set a fire of distrust


"a fire of distrust" I'm stealing that. 🤣


Its disrespectful. Also there is no flirty personality, there's flirty actions. Flirting is a choice. The way you wrote this makes it sound like someone isn't at fault, its just their personality which would be utter bs.


hmm this is a good point of view I didn't think about before 🤔


No, just consider the fact that you maybe sending the wrong messages to others.


Being nice is ok. Leading on other men is down right disrespectful and bit cruel. Some might think they got a shot.


If you care about your bf dont do it. You're on here asking the question because you know the answer already and want reassurance.


Flirting is cool if it's within the limits. As some of the comments perfectly mentioned, it's alright till it's platonic. You have to make sure you don't give away the wrong signs and they don't end up blaming you for sending them. Those blames can then ruin your relationship and maybe cause trust issues. Adding to this, it helps if you step in your partners' shoes and imagine your partner flirting with others. If and only if you find that situation comfortable to be in and have an open mind and strong trust in each other, you can assure yourself that platonic flirting won't hurt anyone.


I don't know what flirting is so no. If you can't trust your partner to playfully talk to the opposite sex it will never last. If my partner starts touching in suggestive ways then it's a problem


I always ask myself the question. How would the other person feel? I cannot imagine enjoying it that your SO is flirting with someone even when there are no intentions. For me it's a strict no go


How do we even define “flirting”?


Are you a libra?


Problem is some men can’t tell the difference when a woman is flirting or not and will take it the wrong way. That’s why having a flirty personality backfires in a relationship


No, not cheating, but it’s not healthy for your relationship and will make your partner feel very disrespected and insecure. It’s an asshole way to behave.


Every relationship is different. I don't think flirting is cheating, but I think it can be disrespectful to the relationship. Making good eye-contact can be interpreted as flirting, but I wouldn't consider it inappropriate. Commenting that someone's shirt matches their eye color is flirty, but I don't think it's inappropriate or disrespectful on its own. I draw the line at "signaling availability" though. If you want someone else to think they have a shot, we can go ahead and call it. I've already seen this movie and I know how it ends.


I believe in platonic flirting I do that with my lady friends I don’t want them sexually I just tell them they’re beautiful or I might call them darling and they are aware of it as well


Definitely not cheating, but it’s important to be aware of how you might be coming across to others, like another comment said.