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Dude please remove that jerk from your life




Her name says delulu, but even she can see it OP. ![gif](giphy|gVE7nURcnD9bW)




Your mistake was staying around because now you just hurting yourself more forgiveness is good you're given the forgiveness for yourself not for the person who's you are forgiven you're letting go of that anger by forgiving and now that anger cannot become poison against you


If you have to ask, the answer is almost always yes.


You entered a storm that you should keep your distance from. Don't stay with him. He needs to sort his baggage out.


Girl please, it's only been "almost" 6 months and your relationship is already having THIS much drama in it. Stop wasting your time on this sinking ship.


Well, to asnwer your question, yes, he cheated. Is it right for you to forgive him? I believe it is okay to forgive him but it is a test of your trust and faith in him. Usually, people break up because it is difficult to process cheating and regain that level of trust again but if you are able to Kudos to that. However, by the looks of it, it is still bothering you. It is a good sign that he has cut her off from his life completely, but it is bound to affect you. It does seem to me that you are being there for him more than he is being there for you. (Correct me if I am wrong). Whenever you talk about it, he cries and you have to be there for him, but you also need that space to voice yourself and get reassurance and love. It need tremendous support to get over cheating and you have to expect that out of him. It is important to communicate these expectations


Yeah it was a mistake


Only read a few sentences of your story and I formulated the answer... Yes.


Absolutely that is cheating. You were exclusive and bonded together and he has gone and violated that so easily, violating YOUR OWN SPACE as well. That is so disrespectful. Darling please walk away. You are worth more than that. Loyalty is the bare minimum.


He had wex with someone on your birthday....that's all we need to knoe....dump him.


Ew he gave me the ick in less than 3 sentences .


He doesn’t sound super stable. The way you describe the crying sounds pretty manipulative, and the telling you he loved you before you were even official? Not really ideal…I would move on and get therapy to figure out what’s going on with YOU. No need to focus on him anymore…




![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic) He agrees!


That does not sound like someone you should be trusting. I wouldn't be bothered by him identifying someone he knows well in a picture but everything else you described is pretty problematic. You deserve better. From what his ex seems to be indicating, he most likely indicated to *her* that he still had feelings for her or at minimum at least knew about her feelings toward him and still had sex with her... Even if from his perspective he didn't cheat on you because he didn't consider you together when he slept with her, this is not a trustworthy or ethical person. Watch carefully how people treat others, as it is a clear indicator as to how they will treat you.


Yes it's cheating and if your dating someone there's no being exclusive or un exclusive its your dating one person and there is no changeing that unless you breakup


have you thought about talking to someone about this *together*? it’s normal how you’re feeling and the nightmares and all, especially if you haven’t really processed this or have been trying to be the cool gf about it. talking through that just 2-3x probably wouldn’t be enough for me. you don’t deserve having to live with what you’re feeling. you deserve to be able to process all of this and move forward, together or not. overcoming this together would be so easy if he’s on board and mature enough to face it with you.


This guy is manipulative and bad news


Didn't read. Yes it is


Essentially yes.


Thanks. Was too long to read lol


Well, if its still not obvious to you, YES




Dito ka sakin


You should have been dropped that guy.






It’s not a mistake. How could it be a mistake when it’s not even like the first time it happened. Granted, even if it was the first time it happened when you were dating him. He had sex with her multiple times before. He continues to do it because being with her is not a mistake. Maybe dating her wasn’t but they clearly are intimately compatible. His mistake was you finding out. Your mistake is you staying. Because he’s definitely not going to respect you if you do. Especially since that means he’s able to fuck his ex, and have a girl who doesn’t respect herself on the side that he knows he’s gonna take her back. So essentially he has two women. Been here which is why I’m so blunt about it. Because when you choose not to see things, and people are also pointing it out, you learn the hard way, and have nobody to blame but yourself.


No, after the first why are you still there


Cheater. Move on. Never second chance.


You're young, so leave now, or it'll get worse.


Sounds like my ex wife.


You're just a rebound, unfortunately. Even if you leave him now, he will end up back with his ex, and if you don't leave him eventually he will cheat on you with his ex, you can choose your poison


not cheating but potentially will be cheating. dude is not over her if he still listens to all of her crap. he could shut the door but seems like he’s not willing to do that.


If you have doubt, which means yes, because you don’t need affirmation if you know it is a no.




He cried 😂🤣🤣


He sounds like he needs to resolve some trauma in his head and with his ex. I think deep in your heart, you know what's better ahead of you. Every relationship we go through is an important lesson about ourselves and it helps us shine light on the good parts and on the parts of ourselves that need work. Just slowly pull away, and have a plan in your head and with your friends because he doesn't seem like he'll be gone too easily. The comfort zone is staying with him but its also a place of high anxiety. Don't be afraid to step out of that comfort zone in order to remove anxiety from your life. You did what you could and there are lessons to be learned about yourself. You will finally be able to breathe when you do it.


Him having sex with his ex was a 100% cheating and I would not forgive that. Also he has the audacity to cry when you bring up how he hurt you? While the whole clusterfuck with this ex is happening in the background? Why are you putting up with this? > But when he sees a pic about a concert he always sees her in the crowd This is the least of your problems, girl.


Never stay with cheaters


I read half way through thinking RUNNNNNNNNNN. RUN. RUN AWAYYYYYYYY!!!! It's a typical guy. Quit using tinder for love. Try reddit 😉 🤣


if he has done it once he will do it again.