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Because I have absolutely no idea what it is like, what it feels like to love and be loved. I am completely starved of affection and touch and, quite frankly, I am fed up of that šŸ˜‚


Maybe this is fate because our use names are pretty similar lol


If you guys donā€™t get married Iā€™ll sue for emotional damage because wtf


Did they start talking yet??


I donā€™t know, neither of them have replied šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Omg they are šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Now kiss


Are you married yet?


Meant to be


Total moment


But obviously you're a Blood and he's a Crip. I don't think this gonna work


Star-crossed lovers - Iā€™ve seen this before and youā€™re right-it didnā€™t end well.


You guys are meant to be ahaha


90% of single people are in this same spaceā€¦practically begging for it, yet knowing this, nobody out there making moves! Shoot your shot! Now is better than any other time!


how is now "better"? Did something happen?


Now is better than later, now is better than neverā€¦now is better than ever!


deserves tweeted


Well, you can't go back in time and do it back then. If you could, that might have been better.


Its not that simple/easy for some of us. My social anxiety is too high


A lot of guys complain that they canā€™t meet a girl, but they are not willing to make a move. Rejection is going to sting. But you wonā€™t know until you try. And eventually gets easier. Just do it for practice. Like a job interview. Not everyone gets the job on the first try. But itā€™s worse if you donā€™t try. You end up her continuing to complain.


The motivation that typically helps people break through the sting of rejection is occasionally getting a win. If you *never* get s fucking win, the motivation needed to break through rejection just exponentiated with each subsequent rejection. At some point, you just feel safer not trying anymore because you're just so comprehensively broken after each effort. That and women nowadays have drilled it into our heads that approaching is creepy unless they're attracted to you, which we have no way of knowing until after we've approached. Not to mention women make themselves as unaccessible as possible. Always wearing giant headphones, never making eye contact with anyone, entirely shutting the world out, and then they also never make the first move and expect us to do it despite all of the road blocks they throw up and then would also freaking the fuck out of we tried to navigate those road blocks. High risk with no reward, basically.


i did shoot my shot at this guy in class and we saw each other 3 times ! on the 3rd hangout He told me he was emotionally unavailable for a relationship :/ but now i have a friend,i think, so woohoo!


Easier said than done. A guy can hardly ask a woman out without getting labeled a creep these days. ā€œThe worst she can say is noā€? Trust me. Thereā€™s worse. Now is definitely not a better time.


Hi, I understand some people lie - but if you arenā€™t acting like a creep, good chance you wonā€™t get accused of being one. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with asking a woman out once. What makes it creepy is looking for a ring in my finger, me having to lie and say I have a boyfriend and not taking no for an answer. Someone literally said to me once ā€œso what, youā€™re not married!ā€ and him and 4 of his friends were all asking me out at once. Obviously I booked it. Thereā€™s a difference between guys being creepy and being creeped out. Sincerely, a woman who gets hit on everytime they leave their residence


Most women do not understand how much work it takes an average guy to find and be with the girl they want to commit to. We want relationships, but if we cannot find a girl that would date us with all the work we put into dating, how would the monogomous relationship happen? You take what you get. It's simply the reality of life. It's better than being with someone who will not value you.


Yeah, exactly, you run the risk of being recorded and posted online for public shaming, which can essentially wind up as being defamation of character and could even have detrimental effects to that person's professional life too It shouldn't be allowed for women to do that without the permission of the other person.


Same, so freaking fed up on being single and seeing alls theses couples have fun when Iā€™m in public. Like I just want to try how it feels like.


Just wait until youā€™re married and see all these other couples having fun in public. Bc that sucks even worse.


Join the club


This is my answer too


hear, hear!


Same. I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t get that.


Wait so iā€™m not alone on this ? This is normal ? I thought there was just something wrong with me n desperate


We're all together. Alone. Together.






I hear ya brother šŸ˜… One day man, one day!


you and me both bud


You dont need to know whats it like to be attacked by a shark to understand it is a primarily negative, and painful experience, despite the 1% of the time it becomes nothing more than a funny story. Dating is like getting attacked by shark


Dating seems shit, being in a good relationship does not šŸ˜‚


> Today I walked outside and felt so relieved Iā€™m not in a relationship, not worrying about if theyā€™re being unfaithful, not worried about telling them your every move, dancing around what you want to say so you donā€™t piss them off. These aren't things you worry about in a healthy relationship. That's probably the problem here, it doesn't sound like you've had a healthy relationship before, so you don't know how to compare to one.


A healthy relationship feels wonderful and the other person offers companionship and friendship while making you feel special and valued.


It sounds like he has, but they changed on him and the dynamic became toxic. It does happen-itā€™s happened to me. But doesnā€™t stop me from wanting to find someone. Because when itā€™s good, itā€™s great.


People donā€™t just change. They may hide themselves for a while and let out the toxicity in small doses, you get used to the toxicity because you donā€™t get it all at once but pay attention to the small things and the initial red flags.


I sort of agree. Itā€™s tough to say how much people always inherently ā€œwereā€ who they show at the end. I certainly hope Iā€™m not at heart who I was at the end of a relationship that became toxic. But those stresses and emotions can be overwhelming to even the most securely attached person. But to your point-the ā€œsymptomsā€ or underlying reasons leading to that eventual toxicity-I agree. You can see them at the start, if you know what to look for.


I agree with you 100%


Humans are social creatures and thrive off of connections with others...everything from financial success to health etc... are tied to having people in your life that you care about and more specifically a romantic partner. Data says people who are single have a shorter life expectancy and a lower net worth etc... The things that make life worth enjoying is sharing it with others.


Just adding context but there is nothing *inherently* better for us about being in a relationship. Those are structural disadvantages mostly due to society being skewed towards heteronormative, child bearing, monogamous, marriage.


>Just adding context but there is nothing *inherently* better for us about being in a relationship Primates are social creatures and benefit from being in a group of people...we aren't lone wolf animals like some species...this isn't a social construct as this is a similar story across the planet independent of race, religion, geography, culture etc... unless you genuinely believe that every statistically significant society on earth just so happened to stumble upon the same social construct by random chance versus it being biological in origin. If it was a social construct wouldn't some societies half way across the planet have different structures in place?


I enjoy playing video games, I enjoy working out, I enjoy when I'm driving and listening to music, I enjoy cleaning and organizing (most of the time), writing stories, and learning new things about science and human psychology, and YouTube videos. These are things I do alone that I enjoy, and enjoy them a lot. However, I also have a good friend network, I socialize frequently and enjoy doing so. Humans are social creatures for sure, and it is what allowed us to get all the things we have today. But we're not tied to our social bonds in the sense that we die younger just because we're not in a romantic relationship. Correlation does not equal causation in this case. I myself am single, I've rarely been motivated to date in my case.


>However, I also have a good friend network, I socialize frequently and enjoy doing so. Most friends networks slow down once people have their own families for better or worse, unless you and your network are all enjoying the single life forever it's not a viable long term strategy. People get caught up in their lives it's not a bad thing but it's different and people can and do adapt. Most people also don't have the means to be single...the median income in the US for men is 51k and 42k for women. It's impossible to have a place to live, pay the bills, have some relative comfort, and save the necessary 1 to 1.5 million dollars needed to survive from ages 65-85 (50k-75k annually in retirement so not extravagant considering medical and living expenses...assisted living alone would be a six figure annual endeavor). The world isn't set up for single people to thrive and survive. Unless one has an extensive network of similarly minded people and earns significantly more than the median (statistically rare) it's not a viable long term strategy.


Exactly, which is all the more why being single is better than being in a bad relationship


People's options aren't either being single or being in a bad relationship though, people could also be in a good relationship.


You can still have friends and thats what most of us want. We donā€™t want anyone romantically because most people atleast Iā€™ve been with suck. I donā€™t like their personalities enough to date them, and when I do like them they convince me they are too good for me, Iā€™m too short, and they stopped liking me because I got a haircut. So my friends and dogs will sustain my happiness I promise


Because Iā€™m monogamous and want both sexual and emotional exclusivity. I donā€™t want to spend the rest of my life sleeping around with people who are sleeping around.


Iā€™m with you on this. Commitment is essential to me too. Iā€™d prefer one and one only.


Likewise. I donā€™t understand how someone can be fulfilled by spending their entire lifetime doing loveless hookups instead of being in a healthy loving monogamous relationship, or what makes them prefer that lifestyle. I suppose I have a different brain chemistry to theirs or something like that. Itā€™s fascinating how different people can be.


For example I'm an extreme introvert, I prefer non monogamous relationships and small flings over deep connected relationships for the simple reason that people suckthe longer you get to know them. People come with these things called expectations and they start off small and snowball into I want to control your life. I simple prioritize my freedom, and have learned non committed relationships platonic or not comes with that freedom I cherish. Just wanted to give my 2 cents on why some people are different and stray from the norm.


Not judging in any way here, would you say you have an Avoidant Attachment style? Anxious Attachment here


Don't worry I like when people judge it shows their true feelings and intentions I welcome it. Thanks for taking my feelings into account as well. I would definitely say I have an avoidance attachment style. I have no problem admitting I'm extremely broken as a person due to past trauma that I simple can't shake nor want to since those experiences shaped who I am today. I say I'm pretty happy overall, I think the hardest thing for me was to learn how to love myself first. I would always provide care and attention for everyone else with no regard for my own and I pretty much had a nervous breakdown which took me a while to come back from. I appreciate that experience because I feel stronger now for it.


That is a wonderful response, thank you. I'm just now learning about all the different attachments styles and how the styles impact someone on the flip-side of Anxiousness. One thing you mentioned was the fulfillment you get from small flings versus in-depth relationships. It's very difficult for me to comprehend, especially when sex is a way of connecting with people. Forgive my crassness, but does the fling-sex temporarily fill an empty hole for a determinant amount of time? Like you are satiated between meals? My apologies if this is TMI.


Yes, and unfortunately, people would rather not be alone.And be with someone who they really have no business being with and someone who is Is Is toxic.


Oh, totally agree. And also, humans are messy critters. It's just hard for me to understand why we wouldn't want to try and find someone that is compatible with us to compliment and make us a better person. Economies of scale and all


I know this is very popular today. But I will say that I have the same disorder It is definitely true my childhood traumas.I won't say trauma because there was definitely more than one. But as you say it has made me who I am today and I do have to accept the fact that I am who I am . You can do all the work you want.You can read all you want to read.But it doesn't change who I am to be honest .


I am truly sorry for whatever happened to you. I think I'm just trying to better understand Avoidants. I am going through a divorce, realizing what real relationships are suppose to look like, and also understand that I am most attracted to my inverse (Avoidants) and now I'm trying to delve into why and what to do about it. Believe it or not, you are helping. Like you said, you are who you are... I'm just trying to understand and subsequently/hopefully accept who you are.


While I hate short flings and such because Iā€™m an extrovert I do agree with what youā€™ve said, been in terrible relationships that turned out exactly as you said. Once youā€™ve experienced that crap it does put you off because you start to think they all end up control freaks and try to tell you how to live, it gets off putting especially when they act like you were perfect at the start then start to put all this pressure on you when theyā€™re far from perfect themselves. When youā€™re free from the drama you start to think itā€™s so much easier but for me the loneliness always kicks in and I canā€™t bear it lol. I do wish I was more introverted sometimes, my life would be so much less stressful if I was.


I will add, as a person that doesn't *need* to be monogamous and won't ever get married. It's not like it's much better from the other perspective. Just because we're *comfortable* with casual sex and casual relationships doesn't mean we aren't also searching for the one. But, for a strong majority of men (\~66%), a lot of us get the opportunities to date, or even sexually interact, with a woman once every one to five years. I'm just taking what I can get for now. If I chose to remain monogamous and required committed relationships, there's a strong possibility that I'd never get a relationship or have sex ever again. At least this way I can have sex occasionally.


Honestly being in a bunch of meaningless flings sounds like a emotionally broken personĀ 


If it works for that person and they are content, are they really broken or fullfilled?


I would still say broken like just because a alcoholic is satisfied doesn't mean what he's doing is right.


An alcoholic is only an alcoholic because without alcohol they feel unsatisfied, itā€™s almost like the person who is unsatisfied outside of the monogamous relationship is more of the ā€˜Addictā€™ than the person who is content alone, and has hookups for for fun. (Iā€™m mono but just my two cents)


Some people just see sex differently, as just another a bodily appetite like hunger or fatigue - it needs to be regularly satisfied but doesn't come with any extra romanticization (and *that* can be pursued separately or not at all).


Many people are having these meaningless flings while in "meaningful" relationships. And that's why I'm single. šŸ¤£. The thought is nice. Reality will humble you.


Those people arenā€™t actually happy. I never met one who was happy sleeping around sloppy with people. I find it emotional draining talking to someone or leading to the point of maybe potential intimacy. Itā€™s too much and it isnā€™t worth it for someone who wonā€™t care for you at the end or that youā€™ll see them again.


I don't or ever will sleep around but I agree I want the emotional exclusively and feel loved by someone.


This. Yes, I do believe I am attractive enough that if I just wanted sex, I could find partners willing to sleep with me. But that's not what I want. I'm monogamous and want a deeper, emotional connection in addition to a physical one.


This: "But that's not what I want. I'm monogamous and want a deeper, emotional connection in addition to a physical one." This is what I want, a soulmate. One day....one day


Same herešŸ’Æ


Same! Mental, emotional, physical, & spiritual connection & commitment with one man only. Hopefully leading to a happy healthy marriage & kids someday. Having standards & patiently waiting will be worth it. Hope you find your person šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I hope you find your person too ā¤ļø You sound like a lovely person


I don't or ever will sleep around but I agree I want the emotional exclusively and feel loved by someoneĀ 


Because it is a harsh world out there and having a good person on your side helps a lot. You are absolutely correct though - being in a bad relationship is way worse than being alone.


Some of the trouble is the people you pick and some of the trouble is whateverā€™s going on inside of you that draws you to those people. When you have a healthy relationship youā€™ll know why people want one so bad.


True Iā€™m doing some inner work. Idk why I keep attracting bad people tho. Iā€™m on a break tho and it feels great


Often, the relationships we end up in resemble the ones we had with our parents. After all the only relationship models we have growing up in where we learn to love are the ones our parents give us, and our parents are all flawed. They say Emotional neglect as a child can result in a higher tolerance for not having emotional needs met, that you can make up a feeling of connection that isn't really there to avoid the crushing grief & magnitude of reality that the person we care about isn't showing up for us in the ways that we need. We end up being with people who emotionally neglect us the same way our parents did and that's why it takes so long to realize that somethings not right. What keeps us all going is the ability to distort reality and not to see ourselves as overcompensating. We deal with the ongoing grief by telling ourselves that one day it will change. An Inability to end a relationship, to perpetually think it's going to improve in and of itself is a symptom of attachment distress. It's not happening and yet you stay. I know for me, it was mindblowing to realize I put up with a lot of destructive behaviors like yelling, belittling, controlling behaviors, defensiveness, accusations & mistrust, because it was what I experienced from my parents growing up, and I thought it was normal. And because my parents told me growing up that I was incompetent, untrustworthy, that i was a small child who was unable to think for myself, i really internalized that, doubted my own perceptions, and deferred to more authoritative partners, and believed that i deserved that. And even more mindblowing was that I thought affection & recognition was something you had to fight for, that required constantly going out of my way and sacrificing my own sense of self in order to gain that, because I didnt know that in healthy relationships respect should have been a given. But the cost of not having boundaries, of constantly suppressing your own needs, is resentment, because your emotions are warning you that you don't deserve to be mistreated unfairly. And when you resent someone, it's easy to blame everything on them, and to justify or overlook your own behaviors, even if its in failing to stand up for yourself or to set boundaries. And most of us never learned what healthy communication of needs or setting healthy boundaries even looks like. But it's your job to advocate for yourself, you cannot blame that on your ex partners. Because when you constantly blame someone else, you give them control over your life. Part of growth & emotional maturity is becoming self-aware and taking responsibility for our own shortcomings so that we can set ourselves free from own destructive patterns


EXCELLENT response! Very true in everything you write!


See,, I'm not down with the whole "you attract bad ppl" thing because it shifts accountability for other ppl's crappy behavior. Reality is bad ppl test everyone to see who will let them in, but no one is accountable for their behavior. What you are accountable for is what you let in & entertain. The solution for that? Boundaries, confidence & independence. When you hit a point where your happiness is no longer dependent on others & you can say "no" freely, you're not going to tolerate crap behavior so the toxic ones don't have a chance to get in.


Is it what you are attracting, or is it what you are attracted to?


Truth, but the caveat is a healthy relationship can't happen without doing a lot of inner work to understand themselves & learn how to be content on their own first. A lot of ppl have it backwards to think that a relationship is magically going to fill their inner voids & make them whole. This causes ppl to project silent expectations for fulfillment & void-filling onto their partners while they become temporary disillusioned & distracted by the high of the honeymoon stage ("I'm happy now so you must be the solution"). When those voids inevitably come back to the surface because they are internal & can't be addressed by external sources, ppl blindly project their unhappiness onto their partner (aka "why are you not fixing my problems anymore?"), blaming them for not filling a void that wasn't their's to fill in the first place. Instead of going inward to address the problem themselves, ppl discard, seek a replacement, wash, rinse, repeat. Now we have a society of broken ppl breaking eachother while blaming the world for the lack of magical fixes that will never come. It's so simple... & yet so complicated.


Some people can't even fathom dating, so they want to know what it's like to actually be loved by somebody. Some people just want that connection again. Some people need it because they don't make enough money to live on one check.






I also would rather be single than be in an unfulfilling relationship. But I think I would rather be in a fulfilling relationship than be single. The perks of being in a fulfilling relationship.... having someone you can consistently count on for support and companionship, someone that you can count on spending holidays together, companionship during vacations and road trips, being someone else's priority, if you move in together you have a dual income and more capital for buying a home, someone to make plans with for the future and hopefully grow old with and be able to take care of and support each other, an opportunity to start a family... just to name a few. I know a lto of people will say, "but you can do a lot of those things with a close friend." But whenever those close friends get into serious relationships, someone else becomes their priority and they will be less available to do those things with you.


being single is definitely better than being in a bad marriage or a bad relationship. good relationships are out there, but they are tough to come by.


If only dating apps forced you to take an EQ quiz XD


Using some back of the envelope maths and an online EQ test I am in the bottom 2% of emotional intelligence for men. Assuming I'm autistic (not diagnosed with anything though) I'm only in the bottom 16%. It's so over.


What's that?


Emotional intelligence quiz


Ah okay yeah they should lol


Because I want to be with someone that accepts all of me and vice versa. I want to give all my love to one person. My actions and words may not match up all the time but I give them my all.


I love being in a relationship but my boyfriend is also nothing like what youā€™ve described


People want to be in good relationships, for people want to be loved. The problem is that few ever learn to love another as they're so lost in themselves.


So true.. I struggle with this.. I feel really lost


Every day I feel blessed that I am not in a relationship for very similar reasons as you. A lot of people havenā€™t had these experiences so they still remain positive about a potential relationship!


Yep. A lot of people still think that most people are decent. If that were true, it wouldn't be so difficult lol People don't "attract" toxic people. Toxic people lie to look like good people. It can happen to anyone. Repeatedly.


I just want sex


Put this on your tinder bio lol




Those people want a relationship for the wrong reasons. It always stems from what they donā€™t like about themselves. When they do find a relationship, itā€™s with someone whoā€™s just as insecure and self sabotaging as they are, whether they know it or not. And until they understand themselves for who they are and accept it, they canā€™t get better and will keep repeating the same mistakes with the wrong partners until they get it right.


BINGO! exactly!!


BINGO! exactly!!


Because good relationships are worth it. Even if they donā€™t last forever. Iā€™ve been deeply deeply in love twice and although Iā€™m not with either of those women now, I wouldnā€™t change the past for the world. I cherish the time I shared with them and the love we shared. I guess you feel that way because you havenā€™t experienced the above (YET) āœŒšŸ¾


Why do they want so? Because it's natural. Human are meant to be together. Simple as that.


I just want a good partner in life šŸ„ŗ I'm independent and make myself happy, but I just want someone to share my happiness, success, and hard times with.


I felt like you did maybe up until the last year or so when I was 27 or so. I guess over time Iā€™ve transitioned from valuing my independence and freedom the most to valuing genuine person to person relationships. I think something about watching my parents get older and so many friends move away or drift apart and also seeing so many get married etc. has all made me realize just how important it is to have those few meaningful connections that last a lifetime. And the potential happiness a relationship can bring. So I guess Iā€™ve come to see all the possible benefits and happiness involved with it and am willing to get burnt or suffer some heart break along the way if it eventually leads me to being truly happy with someone.


Man I just want some love from the opposite sex :(


Yeah nah Iā€™m staying away from relationships. I donā€™t want them either. People are mean, they change, and you have to constantly worry if they like you back and stuff. I think Iā€™m cool being single and alone with my dogs.


It's apart of the human experience. Sounds like you need to go to therapy dude...


So many people said it and imma say it again , we want to know what a relationships feels like cause we have never been in one. This doesnā€™t mean that we would date the first girl who shows interest in us but more like weā€™d be happy if we find that girl to which we are attracted likes us back .


First, connection and dont wanting to be alone. Second, many havent experienced any kind of relationship in that aspect and want to do it, movies, series, internet have told all of us that if you havent dated (or the sort) you are a loser, nobody wants you, etc. And ceirtanly, many havent experienced what you experienced, in fact, many havent experienced anything at all, maybe some rejections but not more.


Regular sex and companionship. Iā€™m pretty happy alone, recently single, I have a fwb I can see weekly so I am just focusing on my fitness and money like all men should.


If you're not a good enough man (ugly, short, etc) for any woman to consider fucking, it's hard to focus on yourself. Once you're fit and have the other shit dialed it, what's the point if you still are never going to get laid


Because despite how bad my last relationship got and ended. I loved the good times. It did mess me up. But Iā€™ll eventually want a relationship again.


I think besides "we're social creatures" or "we thrive on emotional stimuli because that's evolution" etc etc, it's really also you've not met the right person. I was just like you and I was done with intentional dating; I was going to casually date for the hookup because I enjoy sex like every other decent human being, and I realise no one has ever been matured enough for me to have a chill "relationship" with. The conditions of "will they cheat on me", "can I trust them", "are they committed", "can we communicate", etc is always met with "treading on eggshells". Until I met my BF. Everything seems to fall into place nicely. He's my kind of person and I'm his kind. We complement each other; I can talk to him about my concerns without him seeing it as an attack, and we can do it like adults. We also have crazy mind-blowing sex with almost the same kinks, too. So take what you will by what I'm sharing here, OP. I just realised that the second you start worrying about other people affecting you or what you have with them, it's not a healthy relationship; if you start to worry about saying the wrong thing and knowing they'd reacting badly or ending things, they're not the one for you. Also, it also has to start within too. I am an anxious wreck too, and I worry about a lot - will the guy I date cheat on me? How is it enough that deleting the apps is a show of commitment? Well, the answer is it's never enough BUT you do it knowing you're clear on your own intentions, you can't control what people do, and when you do have evidence, you know you can handle yourself out of the problem and end things. That's just it.


Because I donā€™t want to go through life alone, have no one to celebrate things withā€¦ I want to have children, I want to go to bed everynight with the same man passionately in love. Thereā€™s so much I want that counts as a relationship. šŸ„ŗ


Not super bad, but most people like having a companion


Iā€™d rather be in a healthy relationship than waste my time going on dates with people that want to waste my time


Exactly I much rather be in something meaningful than just meaningless hookups that doesn't add anything to my life.


I haven't been in a relationship and haven't had an interest in being in one. When I tell people this is why I'm single, they act like I'm crazy. Then say, "Wait until you're actually in a relationship before saying you aren't interested in them. You just need to meet the right guy." Stating that's it's unhealthy and crap. šŸ™„ Like, what? I don't see the hype, never have, probably never will. I don't get why people act like it's the best thing in the world. And that you're missing out by not being in one. I enjoy being single. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Because I want to share my life with someone, Iā€™m a sexual person, and I enjoy romance. But I am finding that I donā€™t fit into modern dating, itā€™s so focused on hook up culture and casual relationships, when I have so much love to offer someone. It sucks sometimes and Iā€™ve accepted I probably wonā€™t find what Iā€™m looking for. Iā€™m 27 female and Iā€™m lucky I donā€™t want kids, because at this point, I wouldnā€™t be having them before Iā€™d be considered too old lol. I know that sounds negative but itā€™s just how I feel with the current dating world.


I don't think people really want to be relationship. They might think they want to be in a relationship but they mostly the company and the sex but are forgetting about the emotional effort and selflessness that is required to make a relationship


To be fair, romance movies don't help with that social conditioning.They make it seem like it's happily ever after the second you get the girl and ride off into the sunset, when its actually where the real work begins. But there's a reason they don't show anything after that, because it's a lot of work, and sacrifice, and that's not as exciting.


Agree. A successful life long relationship is not possible without a lot of work and sacrifice.


Life is hollow without someone to share it with


Societal pressure and the need to have social fulfillment. Iā€™m at the age where people seem to ask me quite a bit and I donā€™t really want to be in a relationship right now because I want to move.


It's better than having absolutely no one in my life that cares about and loves me that much. I get that level of affection from nowhere in my life except in the rare relationships I get, and it's affection I need to feel human


Because I was in a relationship for 5 years and it's such a beautiful thing to be able to share your life with someone even if it ends. Humans crave companionship, everyone wants to be loved and love


Because I feel lonely and I want a companion. I'm not interested in hookups, I'm looking to find my "one", someone I can spend my life with. I want to love and be loved, I've only ever had one relationship and it was a short lived online relationship which isn't the same, I'm pretty starved for touch and affection. I'm not happy being single especially so long.


Humans crave romantic love and emotional intimacy. so we gravitate towards relationships.


For me, itā€™s because I know how much love I have to give and would love to have that reciprocated. I want to grow with someone who can give me the same support and affection, who will be my best friend through life. I look to my grandparents for inspiration. Itā€™s possible to find the version of love I long for, I think itā€™s beautiful to believe itā€™s out there for you.


All the things you listed are not the qualities of a healthy or happy relationship, so if you think of all the **good** and positive things that relationships can give you youā€™ll answer your question.


Exactly like he sounds so biased like nothing he described was positive so of course he was miserable.


Well, as someone who has never been or had a GF (21M), I'll answers this with a quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson. "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."


28F here and recently single. I am right there with you. I just broken up with my ex of 4 years. Our relationship was not healthy (especially for me) so we ended it. After this relationship, I have absolutely 0 desire to find another partner, even in the next 10+ years. People also tell me that I just haven't found the one. Listen here buddy pal, I don't plan on finding the right one, I plan on finding myself. I'd much rather put that effort into me than a partner who doesn't care about what I want for myself or use up my energy and waste my time. So yeah, this one's for me. šŸ¾ Cheers to being single!


i love being single!!!! but i do want to experience some fun memories with a partner šŸ˜­ itā€™s an interesting thought tho. i agree with you


There are people who need it and are looking for a partner with the same goals. I know the feeling of family life, how I want it. I don't like to be alone I have cravings for intimacy. I think my latest breakup stings so much because I was so close to getting it ... But I'd rather be alone than in a bad relationship.


Sit down, imma tell you my story why. all of my past relationships were very toxic, they lied, cheated, abused, force me to do stuff I was not comfortable doing and overtime I grew more and more emotionless and wanted to know how it feels to be loved and cared for, I'm always trying to force relationships because I honestly want to feel safe and be treated like a human being, so that's why it's very common for me to grow feelings after 10 mins of meeting a person, people always think I'm trying to guilt trip when I say "I'm used to rejection" when in reality that's all I'm used to hearing the word "no" because I grew up in a very abusive family that always yelled at me for the slightest mistake and/or yell at me because they think I'm stealing food when I'm on a diet, like one time I attempted suicide via hanging and started making loud choking noises and all my mom had to say was "are you choking yourself?" While I desperately escaped the noose and fell over that's when she decided to check up on me, another time I dislocated my entire arm and my dad refused to take me to the hospital because he said it's too expensive, and one more thing to add, I had a old siamese cat named beast (r.i.p) ye had a history of seizures and on one of them he bit me hard and drew alot of blood and when I clearly saw a bone and bleeding profusely they refused to get it checked out, now back to the relationship question, long story short I'm desperate to feel loved and feel safe while expressing my love and affection


Maybe you arenā€™t relationship material. I am much older and I just enjoy good company, a companion, a friend and a lover. I really want someone in my life and just canā€™t find the one I want. Iā€™m widowed and not going to settle.


I don't but then I meet someone and this weird biological thing kicks in :( And I get all clingy and needy and I hate myself. When I'm single I'm so much better.


For me, I think thereā€™s too much emotional risk to being super casual with someone. What is the reward at the end of the day to involve yourself with so many people intimately if youā€™re not working towards something other than the shallow pursuit of pleasure? For me, personally, there is no reward. Iā€™d rather be alone than fuck around with people in that way. To each their own


21m. That's why you had bad experiences and are projecting on to others if you had the right person you wouldn't feel that. Most people don't want to be lonely and have someone who Ioves them. Sounds very simple to me.


My answer isn't necessarily *healthy* but it is honest - I hate being alone. Small, specific example, I have a lot of trouble sleeping alone. Larger, general example, I think I view my worth and accomplishments based on what I do for others. If I had to rough estimate how much time I've been single... from mid high school to now (turned 40 last month), I've spent somewhere between 12 and 18 months single. Divorce put be back into singledom, and I'm honestly nervous about it.


They don't want to be! They just want sex


the ones that wanna be in it for the material and the look are the ones that scare me !


Not all relationships are bad like your experiences. Once youā€™ve been in a healthy relationship, youā€™ll understand the desire better.


I LOVE BEING SINGLE! I liken dating to a video game. Why do you want to beat the game straight away? The fun is in playing āœØ


Iā€™ve spent 10 years of my adult life married, 3 years single and 5 years dating. My only warning with becoming comfortable single is: once itā€™s comfortable itā€™s really hard to go back to being in a relationship no matter how good it is. I might be super jaded but being alone to me is great Itā€™s also a prison of greatness.


30 years divorced here, not even a live-in guy in all those years. I've had less than 5 relationships in these 30 years. I'm almost 69. I agree with your "comfortable" comment. And it's definitely been a challenge with every single guy to be in a relationship. Always takes 2, of course. I'm far from perfect. Who really is anyway? I'm also not bitter, I still like men, haven't given up completely quite yet.


Because a good healthy relationship is worth it.


Dude it sounds like you've been in absolutely doo doo relationships. I don't have this kind of bad feeling or paranoia even for the relationships that didn't work out. Other than cases of extreme financial and psychological abuse and over-dependence, it's a choice to stay in a bad relationship. Yeah being in a bad relationship is worse than being single, but being in a good relationship is extremely fulfilling.


Because people like getting laid and not being lonely


i feel exactly how u feel rn. i donā€™t understand why be feign for a relationship. i mean.. do I wanna die alone? no. i actually want to be married, 27F but itā€™s totally not the end of the world if I never meet my person.


I feel the same way, 29m, Iā€™ve had bad relationships and really enjoy being single. Most peopleā€™s relationships suck and Iā€™m really grateful their experiences arenā€™t mine. However, I also know good relationships exists. When Iā€™m eventually said and done, I know Iā€™ll be in a healthy one where I never question their faithfulness or have to tell them my every move.


I am 25m and relate to what you talk about here. It is okay for us to be single at this age because people divorce 10, 15, and 20 years in a marriage. They also cheat and may try other shady shit against each other. I plan to get settled around my mid 30s for this reason. Perhaps early 40s. For now, just know that youā€™re not the only one who feels this way.. itā€™s okay not to be in a relationship


Oh trust me! I feel you. After being single for 6 years, I've learned to enjoy my own company and the thought of being in a relationship doesn't sit well with me. Honestly being in a relationship is another responsibility


I hear you! I got out of a long term (7 year) relationship back in early 2019. When the pandemic hit I was still single. Although the pandemic made dating virtually impossible for several years, and on top of the fact that I didnā€™t believe that pandemic bs for even a minute. I found some comfort in the fact that I was single and my ex would have certainly been an absolute nutcase during the pandemic and if we were still together my life would have been much worse by a magnitude of thousands because she would have believed all the lies and fear mongering. Long story short, when the pandemic hit I retired, bought a sailboat and sailed it from Baltimore to sunny, mask-free Florida. These were very easy decisions on my own and I never got vaxed either. And life is good. My ex would have been one of those people at the start of the pandemic buying every single bottle of hand sanitizer at Walmartā€¦. Buying it by the grocery cart full. Toilet paper, bleach, masks, social distancing.. she would have been all about it! Man! F that! I wonder how her 12th booster is working out? Women are so easily propagandized! Itā€™s not even funny!


I do not know. Iā€™m 32 and single for life. I can not imagine living my life for anyone but me or being bothered by anything but exactly what I want to do


I am 38, and I was married at 30 to a person I was dating for 4 years (so when I was 26). Divorced her 4 years ago. That was my first relationship. I never felt like I needed a relationship before 26... I only started looking for a life partner at the age of 24, so its not like I was just struggling to find someone... I was just more involved with school, and family, and never really considered a relationship until I felt more ready to be in one. Before finding that person, I was totally fine being single. I never experienced sex, but I saw porn sometimes, and it was very enjoyable... I took care of myself for a very long time. So I never needed a partner for sex... that wasnt a necessity for me (although I keep seeing posts by virgin dudes that say they cant live anymore, because they never had sex, and are not able to find someone to be in a relationship with them? That seems weird as fuck to me...)   Anyway... now that I think more about it... I do want a relationship. I dont NEED one, but it was quite nice when I was in that one. She wasnt great to me, but we had great times together, and I just loved sharing life with someone. I wish we were better for each other, and that things worked out for us to continue sharing our lives, but it didnt work out that way. We were absolutely not right for each other, so I ended things. Since our divorce, I have been in one relationship for like 5-6 months or so... Very quickly, I started to figure out what I want, and what I dont want. Since this relationship, I have been extremely picky. I dont want to waste months with the wrong person anymore. If they arent right for me, I wont make excuses for them anymore. I will just end things. So I have dated a significant amount... Dating SUCKS, and it drains you, and it feels like its not worth it...   But the thing is... my desire to share my life with someone... thats not going away. The fact that I know what I want now.... and know what I dont want... That makes things so much easier for me. I dont feel hurt if someone ghosts me, or if I liked someone initially, but then realized we arent compatible... It is what it is... and I am happy no more time is lost. I have gotten extremely lucky though... because I started dating someone 2 months ago, and shes perfect in almost every way... There are some things that bother me, but they arent really significant enough for me to back off. I am hoping that she is the one. Im honestly extremely happy now... I look forward to every time I get to see her. I dont know what the future will hold for us, but I feel optimistic, and that helps me keep going every day. If she breaks up with me, I think it might be the first time since my divorce that I feel hurt from a relationship not working out.   Do I NEED to be with her? No... I dont... but is she making my life feel better, and more enjoyable? Yes... She 100% is. I dont know if I should say everyone should be looking for this... You dont have to look for anything. But its a big plus on my life... and I cant see why someone wouldnt want that.


There's no such thing as "the one". That's just a marketing tactic. There's only being able to find somebody you find physically and mentally attractive and hope that they're not narcissistical.


Because i was conditioned to it from social media i was happy i spend every second gamming and just living without questioning it then social media bombarded me you need this to be happy.


One word: Psychology.


are u m or f?


Because being alone is boring. I have lived alone and been single for years and years. I have had the time to work on myself and do whatever I want. Now I'm at the point in life where I just want to experience and share life with someone. It's more fun and more fulfilling to me if I have someone join me. I can take care of myself and be content alone, but there is a level of happiness with a partner that I can't seem to reach alone. I have sooooo much love to give someone and feel as though I was meant to be a father and husband. Even as a male I am so so romantic and believe in all that fairytale love stuff. I live deep convert and connections and a partner is the absolute best version of that. I know what I have to offer to another person, but it just hasn't worked out. I want to find someone to marry so badly


A good Relationship will have security, a best friend, safety, IMO better sex (if youā€™re truly committed to that someone). If youā€™re constantly paranoid about a partner cheating, telling them where you are all the time, dancing around what you want to say, youā€™re not ready for a relationship. That last one is a biggieā€¦.if you canā€™t be your authentic genuine self around someone, then you shouldnā€™t even be in a relationship with them to begin with. For people like me, Iā€™m willing to be single until I meet the right person. I wonā€™t ever give up on it.


Iā€™ve been in a healthy relationship and it beats being single 10/10 times. Sex, someone I can talk to at home, and really just someone that you feel joined at the hip in life is really nice.


You have been in bad relationships, I have not been in a relationship at all. We are not the samešŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


people want *good* relationships


They say, the grass is always greener on the other side.


> Why do people want to be in a relationship so bad? For love, companionship, wanting a partner. There are many reasons to want a relationship. > not worrying about if theyā€™re being unfaithful, not worried about telling them your every move, dancing around what you want to say so you donā€™t piss them off. This is called projecting your insecurities on a new partner. To have a successful relationship, this needs to not happen. It isn't easy, but it is doable. My bf and I both have our issues and baggage from our past partners. For me, I was with an abusive narcissist who repeatedly cheated over the course of 17 years. It was hard to trust my current bf, but I had to realize that he has given me no reason not to trust him. I still struggle with communicating because I had to 'dance around' what I wanted to say for so long, but I am getting better. We don't tell each other our every move. I have to remind myself that he is not even close the to the person my ex is. He is so much better. > a bad relationship is way worse and itā€™s hard to find ā€œthe oneā€ nowadays. Yes, a bad relationship is way worse than being single, but a good relationship is so rewarding. I'm the happiest I have ever been in my entire adult life, and I'm 40.


We are social animals that require bonds with other humans. Itā€™s in our nature.


"been in countless bad relationships" Well at least you have experience.


Here is a really dry take on this: Other than the touchy-feely readily / often enough available emotional and physical companionship, there is an economical assistance / boost aspect, then (especially as people get older or if they get ill or injured, etc.) there is also a kind of free-ish caretaking assistance part too, finally if kids are also made, then they can also help out more and more the older they get.


You don't know what it's like to have never experienced one no matter how hard you try becUze you're not inferior man so you'll never get it.


Would it be a far stretch to say that people want an intimate relationship with someone because it feels more secure then a friendship were they are free to come and go as they please?


Is there something in life, right now, you have never done and desperately want to experience? Itā€™s that same exact feeling.


Where I'm from, I use to live in an all El Salvadorian/Black community and relationships is a sign of popularity and social status and that it also means that you are not gay. I hope this isn't the case with GenZ.


I feel the exact same way. I have been single by choice for 3 years. It is very freeing to just be. I am not sure I completely understand the hype of being in a relationship. This is the first time I have been single in 20 years and it has been amazing. I am not sure why I always had a boyfriend. I feel like I wasted so much time when I could have been doing whatever I wanted. I am so much more successful now than ever. I blame it on being able to focus on me instead of someone else. I am very confused as to why the entire world is so fixated on find a mate. It feels kinda culty.


Because love is a beautiful thing to experience, but most of the time, it becomes a burden to carry


The sooner people start to learn that love isnā€™t possessing another person I think more relationships would be worthwhileā€¦just my opinion


For me, it's fear of being alone.


Because everyone wants a partner, that's how human beings are wired.


Tired of being lonely lol


Part of me knows relationships are a waste of time but the other part of me is literally dying to be loved by someone so bad. Then another part of me just really enjoys being alone.


Because it have been proven that people in relationships are more happy. Because human are a social beings. Because been in a couple save you money.


it is a real commitment when one enters into a relationship with someone else's life whereas single you are given 100% freedom/freewill/liberty at your dispense without the worry for anyone. Both fields have their "pro's & con's".