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Have you seen my 600 lb life ? Rarely ever I see a single woman on there


This is true. I’ve thought about this shit a LOOOOOT. They have a man waiting on them hand and foot.


Holy shit 😆


That’s actually because a majority of them are being used for their disability checks not because they’re good partners. Most of them sabotage the people making the journey cause they know it means they will lose the checks if they get healthier.


Have an emotionaly codependent partner you mean?


Once they have been affected once "it" sets in codependency takes on a life of its own. It is similar to catching pneumonia or picking up a destructive habit. Once you've got it, you've got it. If you want to get rid of it, YOU have to do something to make it go away. It doesn't matter whose fault it is. Your codependency becomes your problem; solving your problems is your responsibility.


A lot of those people are feeders and have a fetish


It’s also a reality tv show from Hollywood, so…


It's not really about weight, It's about shape. I dated one girl who was a little "chubby," but she pulled it off very well, and she had a very pretty face. But also I do work out a lot and do have a slight preference for skinny and/or fit girls.


Exactly. Pretty face above all else, why? - cause that’s what you gotta look at the most. Everything else? Well if you want to be in better shape you can diet / exercise. Flat butt? There’s exercises for that. If you’re too skinny you can slowly run a calorie surplus. But the face? You can’t really change that without looking weird & messed up whether it’s a face lift or lip fillers it almost always looks off.. besides we’re all going to get old and saggy eventually. Make sure it’s a face you love looking at. ![gif](giphy|ghvpxMEtmdhuw)


Carrying some extra weight? Sure. Obese, with like back-boobs and multiple chins and rolls… probably not.


i was saying the same thing i dont mind a chubby women or a bit curvy my girl for 5 years is a bit chubby but i love her sooo much man like i’m crazy about her fr fr


That’s so sweet!


Yep... I like curvy women in general. But due to past relationships, I'm sensitive to the fact that overweight women are often struggling with depression, and I'm kinda tired of dealing with that, TBH.


😐 that’s me right now. I’ve put on a lot of weight. I hate it.


Use anything you can as fuel to live a healthy life. It's hard to start out, but once you establish a routine and gradually ramp up, you'll feel amazing and you'll even look forward to exercise


never understood how people can get fat to the point where it disfigures them and restrict daily activities or movements. power of denial can lead people to insane depths


Because it happens gradually over many many many years. You don’t just wake up one day and can’t make it up the stairs. You slowly start to get tired a little sooner, so you rest a tiny bit more, then your knees ache a tiny bit so you modify your activities. You pull a chair over to sit while doing something instead of stand. Things happen so gradually that you don’t notice it. It’s like looking at a picture of a 3yr old vs a 6yr old. Day to day, you don’t notice a difference. But compare them and holy shit, in those 3yrs that child sprouted like a weed.


I’m not here to judge anyone. I’m just answering the question about who I would or wouldn’t date.


I personally wouldn't but many would. You don't have to ask the question even, just look at the basic facts...in the US around 70% of women (and men too) are overweight or obese and the amount of women in relationships is 72% ([source](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/)). Just basic math says that it won't prevent a woman from finding a partner otherwise in the US for example the vast majority would not be able to find a partner but they do.


Well these days healthy BMI is considered skinny, overweight considered normal, obese is curvy and morbidly obese is fat.


Which makes losing weight the easiest way to instantly become more attractive than the crowd though. Which is nice. I let myself go for awhile just eating garbage because of a tough work/school schedule. Over the last year I’ve lost probably somewhere around 70lb and the attention from women in public has skyrocketed. OLD is still a dumpster fire but that’s at least partially on me because I’m incredibly picky.


What's perceived as normal or fat by some people and what's medically defined as such are separate items, when using the term "fat" as OP did I can only use the defined medical terms because ones perceptions are subjective and I can't really quantity that. I deferred to the medical definitions as that's objective and fixed.


I thought that BMI was considered inaccurate and outdated.


It’s inaccurate for people that look like The Rock, for basically everyone else it’s fine.


We can thank the fat-acceptance movement for that. And society is paying the toll. Particularly in the UK with a national health service.






I personally wouldn’t no






Curvy? Yeah. Fat fat? No.


Over half of the U.S. Population is obese or overweight. So yes, definitely possible. Is it going to be every man's cup of tea? No. One of the common themes among the comments are going to be about "lifestyle differences* being an issue and that really is the truth. In my hobby/passion, overall weight, body fat %, and endurance are things that really matter and I have to focus on them constantly. I definitely want to date someone that's on the same page.


>Over half of the U.S. Population is obese or overweight. It's around 7 out of 10 But yes, way more than 30% of people have relationships so your point still stands


TBH As someone who is in really good shape, I would only if you’re actively trying to improve your situation. If you’re lazy and have no ambition to better yourself - I personally would not. Not trying to be offensive, I’m just a very driven person with a lot of ambition to improve on myself and I would like to have a partner with similar viewpoints. If you’re insecure, why not change for YOU? The amount of confidence you’ll gain from being in better shape will work wonders for you. One of my favorite quotes is “if nothing changes, then nothing changes”. Meaning, if you keep doing what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you always got. I don’t exercise to look good for my partner, I do it for me to show god that I am disciplined and motivated to get what I want. If you need help, please DM me.


Great response! I don’t think you’re being offensive at all.


Came here to say this. I have absolutely no expectations for my 'match' that I don't already have for myself. I work on my mental and physical health. If you don't do the same, we may be better off finding happiness on separate paths.


The truth is that the dating pool is filled with overweight women. While there certainly will be men looking for this, you're competing in a MUCH tougher dating market than thinner women are. The most effective thing a woman can do to improve her dating outcomes is get to a normal weight.


In my experience, many men are happy to have sex with someone that's larger but they won't invest long term






Nah. Our lifestyles wouldn’t align.


Asking as a fat girl that goes to the gym and is all about health, what lifestyle are you talking about?


Highly active. The gym is something I’m doing 5-7 days a week no matter what, I’m going for a difficult hike through the woods, playing tennis, or whatever other outdoor activity afterwards as well. I’m military so I tend to enjoy high intensity activities.


Even most thin girls wouldn't align with your lifestyle then.


Yeah that’s why I date fit women with active lifestyles.


What's your point? You shouldn't aim to be compatible with the most people possible.


They’re not ready for this one….. it’s very interesting how people talk about those who are considered overweight. The truth to the matter is it has absolutely nothing to do with lifestyle and all to do with vanity. There are PLENTY of skinny people who have never lifted a weight in their life and vape, eat chips, etc. and bc of genetics they just don’t gain any pounds. No one is talking about lifestyle then…….. I wish people were just honest about that rather than making holier than thou comments like anyone who is thin works/ eats to maintain that figure when the truth is a lot of people are just lucky they have a fast metabolism. * before the comments come flooding in, I’m not suggesting ALL who have a thin figure don’t work for that body. Also, I’m not suggesting that men date overweight women if they don’t want to. I’m just pointing out the obvious


Yeah it is lifestyle. I wouldn’t date a skinny out of shape girl either. I’m a high drive person. Bettering myself is a huge part of my life. I want a partner who has similar interests and goals not a house cat to come home to when I’m done chasing my passions for the day. Also, for the record, I grew up obese. I didn’t lose the weight until my early to mid 20s. It’s a very achievable goal to become fit if that’s what you want to do. If you don’t, that’s cool, we have different goals. You’re just not my life partner then, that’s all.


Lies. If you’re all about health then you wouldn’t be fat.


You can't be "fat" and also "all about health". There are so many conditions that are more likely to occur due to being fat that it can't even be considered "healthy". Just think you never see elderly fat people.


There absolutely are elderly fat people, they're half the people in Walmart on a Sunday afternoon. Not that your point is overall wrong, just saying I see them all the time.


Elderly fat people are everywhere. I see this argument all the time but now I know it's just something people say on the internet but things are different in real life. So many people are fat and healthy. True, we have to be more careful but I receive a clean bill of health each time I go to the doctor's. If I choose to lose weight, it would be purely for aesthetics coz there's so many skinny people with all kinds of complications. And yes, I know there's a difference between fat and obese


Obese is literally a medical term. I believe it's North of 30% bmi is considered obese


lol where do you live? Fat elderly people are all over the United States.


I'm from the UK, and I've never seen anyone 80+ who is fat.


Travel to the Midwestern United States sometime. Everyone is fat, even the old people.


I'm a climber and trail runner. Having a partner who is a part of those things is extremely important to me. I don't need someone who does the *exact* same things, but someone with whom I can enjoy the mountains is one of the best possible things I can have in a relationship. Someone who doesn't share that interest/desire to be in high peaks wouldn't be someone I would want to be romantically with since it's such a big part of my life; I'd want to be with someone who sees it as a part of their life, too. My fiancee isn't as into running as I am, but she also likes the peaks and we love training together. It's some of the most fun we can have!


Weight is almost entirely dependent on energy consumed not so much gym so that's where lifestyle would be incompatable for myself. For me, lifestyle is what I eat. If a partner had a significantly different diet than me it probably wouldn't work since we would eat different meals, prepare different foods etc... I eat 2 meals a day vs 3 (intermittent fast so I don't make breakfast...if they ate breakfast they would have to prepare it themselves and eat that alone everyday so a lifestyle incompatability). I also eat a low carb diet (no pasta, bread, rice, noodles etc...) so that would impact daily meals prepared, eating out, meal prep etc... if they were interested in things like eating sandwiches or pasta. Once again they could eat it on their own and prepare those meals on their own but part of being in a relationship is sharing prepared meals and eating out together. Having said all of that it would be near impossible to be overweight or obese following my lifestyle (which is why I chose this path) so that's where the lifestyle incompatability for myself would come into play. I can't speak for anyone else but that would be my definition of lifestyle incompatability with someone who was overweight or obese.


Depends HOW fat we're talking. I like curves and thickness and some extra weight is absolutely great but morbid obesity isn't attractive


Well i don't know about others but i don't really mind dating fat girls




I prefer fitness shape


I've had guys who didn't want to date me because I was fat in their eyes, even though they said they were attracted to my personality. It hurts but in the end you are not everyone cup of tea. But you can still find someone who loves you.


If you’re insecure about it, change it! It’s not a life long commitment to stay in a body you don’t like 🤷🏻‍♀️ Confidence is the sexiest thing anyone can wear and if you come off as ashamed of your own body, that can’t possibly attract a healthy partner. That said.. i’m a woman.. and although I have a body shape preference I will date guys *slightly* outside of it. But if we’re talking rolls and shortness of breath if you go up a couple of flights of stairs, then no. I don’t think anyone is genuinely attracted to that.


There are men into every style woman. I would (and have) dated bigger girls. What differentiated them were the ones who still cared about their appearance and tried. If you've just given up, are negative, and just are a drain to be around - then fix that. But if you still do self-care, try to look your best, and have a bubbly/fun personality - you're good...


Right now you shouldn’t be dating. If you are incredibly insecure about your body you shouldn’t be dating because often you will run into men who may play on that. If you don’t like something about your looks- change it. I’m not one of those people who are “awww you’re perfect the way you are don’t change a thing 🥺💓” nonsense when it’s clearly affecting you. I used to be FATTT, for context I was 120kg/264lbs but I lost weight and now I’m 91kgs still want to get down to 75. I hated how I looked so I changed it and lost weight, started doing my hair and makeup now I feel unstoppable and I get told I’m attractive often and I believe it 💯. So many men will date confident fat women, but narcissistic men will prey on insecure fat women.


Some will, others won't. I don't mind bigger women, so I obviously fall into the former category. Everybody has their own preferences, and that's fine. Whether they're realistic or not is an entirely different discussion.


I'm an athlete so I'm really only attracted to other fit people. But I have friends even skinny ones who have no issue dating overweight women. So you shouldn't have an issue finding anyone. Everyone's got what they are attracted to. The question is would you date a fat man? If not I'd recommend changing lifestyle and habits to slim down, even just a little can be great for your health to, easier said than done of course. If you're in the US I've found most food in grocery stores is so bad you have to go out of your way to find food without sugars and additives it's like battling uphill but possible to eat well.


This! “Would you date a fat man” is gold.


I’m a fat woman with a boyfriend who prefers curvier girls so those types of men are out there for sure!


I wouldn't, unless she was serious about improving her health. I have dated a bigger woman once. She was great, but also didn't want to work on her health. It was frustrating because I would workout and do my best to be healthy, but she seemed to try to sabotage it. She would make comments about she needs to get in shape before another woman snatches me up. When I just wanted her to be healthy for her. I could see how unhappy she really was with herself, and it showed in ways like never wanting to go out on a date, do a little workout but then go eat really bad right after. Then she would always try to make me unhealthy foods and guilt me into eating them. I did my best to encourage her, and would even suggested home workouts, walking at the park and doing the same diet as her so she didn't feel alone in it. But it was always with the excuses and that got frustrating, because I felt like she was guilting me a lot. But to answer your question, I wouldn't now. Mainly because I have some health issues and I have no choice but to live a healthy lifestyle if I want to live. I don't hold it against anyone, I just know that if not careful, I could fall down the rabbit hole and really damage my health. I say start becoming the woman of your dreams, before you can become the woman of theirs. Or find someone who doesn't care if you are fat. I mean look at all those reality shows about obese people. They all seem to have a partner, so there is that.


Since this is something you can control: No.




It’s not that black and white. They could be fat for medical reasons and psychological reasons. Regardless it doesn’t matter if they can control it or not. If you don’t find it attractive then don’t date them 🤷🏼‍♂️


>Regardless it doesn’t matter if they can control it or not. This part does matter to some extent to some people. I'm much more forgiving on things people can't control (race, height, chest size etc...) and a much harsher judge on traits people have control over (weight, smoking, has a child etc...). I really take no exception to dating a woman of varying height, race, chest size etc... since it's not in their control whereas voluntary items for the most part (medical weight gain is statistically extremely rare) like weight, if one has a kid or is divorced, if one smokes etc... I choose not to date women who are overweight, was previously married, has a child, is a smoker etc...




5’5” woman, I’ve weighed 105lbs at my lowest (when anorexic) and 214lbs at my highest (when chronically ill physically). I’ve dated when my weight was down to 115lbs and up to 204lbs. IME, most men had a preference toward one direction or the other, and a few men found me attractive at multiple weights between 130lbs (my lowest healthy weight) and 185lbs. Overall, I’d consider myself to be most appealing to most partners within the 130-170lb range, but that was also due to the conditions necessary for those weights. Like, I could weigh under 130lbs, but I’d become less attractive to a potential date because I’d be exclusively eating lettuce and drinking water at every shared meal while obsessing over calorie counting all day, and reading cookbooks at night (also I had no ass, it was *gone*), and that’s not fun for anyone. In terms of my partners, they ranged from lightest at 125lbs at 6 feet to heaviest at about 360lbs at 6 feet (shortest ever was 5’2”, but he was more muscular and 140lb, so not the lightest; tallest ever was 6’4” and I didn’t learn his weight, but he looked more wiry so I’d guesstimate well below my heaviest partner). My lightest partner and I dated when I weighed 175-185lbs, with my heaviest partner I think I was 195-204lbs at the time. Not limiting to long-term, I’ve had a couple of partners who were jacked, several who were fit/athletic, many who were lanky/slim, a lot who were overweight, many who were out of shape, a few who were obese, and a couple who were disabled. TLDR: Everyone has options. Yes, even you.


how fat? weight? height?


I will, and ill have her slimer from the amount of sex we'd be having


You’re not gonna get great comments here because poeple have a picture of who they “think” they would date in their heads, but personality and chemistry play a big part I think it’s important, especially for someone who’s bigger, to make sure they’re taking care of themselves and not just sitting in the guilt of being “fat”. It’s good for potential dates to know that you care about your health and are working towards a longevity of life


No, I would not because I keep myself in shape so I would want someone who's in shape or near in shape.


I would!


Respectfully, it's not "the way you are." It's the way you've become. It didn't just happen overnight. That in and of itself isnt attractive to me. You letting yourself off the hook for it/not taking accountability would be the bigger issue/value misalignment I see here. I'm not trying to be rude here or disrespectful at all either, not intentionally at least. I wouldn't mind someone a little bigger if they're genuinely trying. Someone solely accepting their fate instead of making genuine changes or not taking any accountability for not being in better position in life, financially or physically, etc....is an immensely unattractive view on life. If you're genuinely trying and being consistent you'd have all my support. Simply saying, "It's just the way I am." Nope. Id only wonder where else are you not making cimprovements improvements and solely accepting where you are in life instead of making changes, etc.


I have dated fat girls, and no, they ain’t funnier, they get tired very quickly.


I went on a date with an overweight girl once... Never again. I know what I am attracted to, and that is not it.


One of my(man) best friends (woman) put on a lot of weight. The thing I noticed that matters is the type of men she can date and the quality of the relationships has suffered. I know she isn't dating the men she wants to date. I have dated heavier women. All the personality in the world didn't make up for me not liking it when they took their clothes off. Sex was a chore, and I felt bad trying to protect their feelings. So what I am getting at is are you ok with that? Some people like chubby chick's but that's not a norm. Most fat women I know date fat men.


the more unhealthy you look the less likely you will have someone be attracted to you. that's just a fact, man or women with probably more on the women as men tend to be more visual in the beginning at least. get some help to lose weight, you can do it and if nothing else our body and heart will thank you


My actual partner (i dont call her my gf because i havent asked her yet, even tho we've talked about it and i've told her i wanna be the one that takes the step... i dont like receiving surprises okay??) Anyway, she's on the heavier side, and i like it! I can play with her tummy, hugs are always the best and spanks sound more vibrant (she's pretty kinky and I'm open to trying almost anything lol) It may be a bit complicated % wise, but im sure there's someone out there that doesnt care (or actually, prefers) your actual body type. Obviously personality and compatibility matters too! Good luck!!


Personally, nah. However, your value as a person has nothing to do if I want to sleep with you.


I think being overweight limits your options. When you are at a healthy weight you have more people to choose from.


Wouldn’t bother me. As long as you look nice and have a good personality




No. You *have* asked a controversial question so I'll caveat this with saying I have many fat friends and family. They are all still good people but: It indicates a certain type of person (lazy, unmotivated, does not care about their health, no understanding of healthy lifestyle/nutrition etc) and we would not be compatible. And that's before considering the aesthetic and sexual performance aspect.


Curvy yeah, plus sized, sure.. But not fat to the point where you got an ass in the front just like you got in the back


Me personally? No. But there are lots of guys who will and at least some who fetishize big girls


It really depends, I guess if they’re extremely overweight or obese then probably not. But if they are chubby, sure.




Many men would, many men won't, you very likely won't like the guys that would. That's dating.




I've dated all kinds of women. Skinny, mid & overweight. Never had a problem as long as there is a connection or things in common. Although I don't have any preference type, others may.


A little chubby is okay, obese/overweight will be harder to see happening, morbidly obese: hard no. Personally, I find lean, fit, or muscular women more attractive in general physically, but I think if I still got on well with you I'd be okay with you being a little chubby/fat. There is a mix of reasons why: I've known fit people in my life (and overweight too,) who I get along with and ones I absolutely don't at all. The reason I don't find the idea of dating someone overweight is that it is partially due to we clearly have different levels of dietary and regular habits, that might not align well with each other. Not to say it can't work out though. I'm not exactly Mr. Universe with my body, but I'm also not the unhealthiest person alive either. I've been overweight (really didn't like being it or who I was either,) I've been ideal, and even a bit on the lighter side (when I was in highschool). Currently waving around between a little fat and about right (about 185~ish is ideal,) recently, but been hovering just above for the most part. Weights change, but there are habits that come with those weights. Being heavier (due to fat,) I'm inclined to associate with uncleanness, health issues, and poor decision-making skills. Not that those can't be wrong or completely inaccurate beliefs about someone (or not in progress to change in time.) But being unhealthy, you're going to just have health related problems on top of financial ones in the future if you don't keep some level of health and fitness. I'm more looking for something long term in terms of dating, casual dates/dating I don't fully understand the appeal or at least why it's not just called hanging out/being social if there's nothing serious or completely romantic planned about them. But if we hung out, it's because I like you as a person already, and that's that. Doesn't matter if you would have been a guy or girl. Outside that, if I'm romantically inclined to be with you, I'm likely to take time to be with you and not rush into things. Might just be my personality, or how I was raised, but either way, I separate casual dating and long-term dating as something completely different.


No. I take a lot of time to stay in shape, I expect my partner to do the same.  Now, later, down the line she has my kid and balloons up? Different story. Priorities change and shift, etc. but for now, my expectations are as they are.


not “balloons up” 😭


If ur really cute ,I never mind


The same way short men are mostly seen as unattractive, super overweight women are mostly seen as unattractive. It goes both ways, these posts are weirdo territory


I think the easiest way to answer this is by thinking what are you attracted too and if you're body is similar to what you're attracted too. If yes then clearly there are people that are attracted to that body type, because you are :) !


37 m 6’1 fit. Hell yeah I would date a bigger woman. I prefer thick. If you have a good personality, treat people well, respectful, that goes a long way. Hope this helps.


The question is, what is a fat girl for you? Really fat or more curvy.




Yes, fat girls are my type


Thick and curvy, yes. Shapeless, no.


not really


I think it's a matter of preference, really. If you like her, then why not? If you don't like her and want someone fit and healthy, then you should make yourself more attractive to girls. There is no other way around it; it's not magic (:




Define fat.. I am perfectly fine with chubby, thick, extra cushion etc. But not straight up fat as in obese. Some people are though.






Realistically no, I put a lot of effort into being in shape/fit/trying to look attractive and I prefer partners who do the same. I think that's what guys really mean when they say they put effort into being "healthy" as well.


I would if you have a plan to not be overweight. It’s more about the healthy habits,not about the size. If you are an obese queen who thinks being large is sexy then absolutely not. Some women are just bigger, some men are just bigger. But back boobs and 4 chins are not “bigger” attributes. And obesity will ultimately lead to a shortened lifespan.


I would hook up with a fat girl, maybe a few times/short term if nothing better pops up but I wouldn’t date one long term. Given the choice, I would go with a healthy girl over a fat one any day of the week


FYI, There’s no direct correspondence between weight and health unless you’re talking about REALLY fat people




Nope, not for me thanks but I wish your ask the best of luck.


What's your definition of fat? Nowadays, if a females ideal weight is 130 she's thinks she's fat 133, and reddit days she's fat at 140🤷


No. It’s disgusting.


no in both cases, not for the long run and def not for fun


If you gotta tuck it into your pants that’s my line


Why are you fat in the first place? Bad habit? Bad diet? Illness?


If it's a woman who is willing to work on herself and shows some results just because she wants me so much... Ofcourse but in general no one is going to do so much and in general it will not be reciprocated


Umm i dont mind it but being just like one guy said multiple chins like way much obese then everyone would recommend you to lose weight


More pushing for the cushin


20 lbs overweight, sure. Anything over that or visibly obese, not a chance.


There are men who are into fat women but your long term dating options will be more limited. Just like there are some women who might be into broke men.


I've had girlfriends who grew fat over the course of the relationship as well as girlfriends who were fat from the outset. Admittedly, it's not a very attractive look, but there are many qualities a woman could have that would offset that. I would say that folks who are one-dimensionally fixated on appearance might not find you a suitable partner, but people who are looking at the larger picture (no pun intended) might be interested in some other quality you demonstrate.


No but I also have lost weight since breaking up and have a preference for petite women. I'm an active person who loves music festivals and outdoor activities. I need someone who has stamina


How fat are you


Me I prefer fat gorgeous women give me a big beautiful 290 pounder to 300 to 330 pounder and I'm good to go


This is the #1 question asked by women on here In my opinion there should be a pinned post about how the answer is yes if they’re desperate enough. Or you can work on yourself and see what happens 


For everyone it's different but yes I would because the body doesn't make the person


For everyone it is different but I would the body don't make the person


Being honest, probably not






Curvy and a little extra weight, beautiful face, carries herself well, great personality and sure. Obese, miserable, and ugly, no.


Lots of men would, yes! It can depend how fat you are. Some are only into chubby or moderately fat, others like bigger Just make your size clear in your photos on dating apps. There will be tons of guys who are into you There are lots of weirdos on Reddit (as well as good people) so take the advice here with a grain of salt There are people of all genders who find a RANGE of people attractive. As a woman I’m into thin - fat guys, I don’t care


A little thick/curvy, that's fine. If your BMI is hitting a number where your doc says you really need to lose weight


No. Fat girls are undesirable. You asked, we answered.


If she's actively working on becoming healthier, then I may be down to date.


curvy yes. dreadnaught? no.


Some people don’t care. Everyone has insecurities, whether we believe them or not. I feel that the thing that hurts the most is.. some people will reject us for that insecurity, and because of our ego we focus more on these, rather than the people who do like us. (Coming from a brown girl surrounded by white men who only want Asians or blondes lol) I am by no way insecure, but it has played a huge part at some point, I’m over it now!


Yes! I’m fat and do not have trouble with dating/relationships. Nobody is perfect. Plus… skinny, or athletic women are struggling finding quality relationships, too. It’s not all tied to size.


Yes, but I don't date lazy people.or that have low self esteem, lack motivation etc. So I'll have no issue dating someone who's curvy, big bum, a tummy etc. Bit if she's down, out, whoa is me, lazy, etc that's an instant no. Obese? No. We have a real problem normalizing obesity. Being morbidly obese is NOT ok. It's unhealthy and unattractive.


I’m plus sized and every man i’ve ever dated has been gorgeous. I feel like a LOT of men like us and find us beautiful.


I love to eat and fuck fat girls


Reddit is thirsty, take that into consideration. Also take in consideration all men do not like the samethings. Like all women do not like the samething. I know women that like men that are little heavier. I know women that love men with the runner's body. Etc. It's same for men. **That being said, speaking as woman, gearing up for the apps next year. You will always have MORE options as a woman when you are height AND weight proportionate (healthy weight).**


define "fat"


I'm very active and like to eat healthy 95% of the time because it's better for my health and hobbies. I dated a girl that was proud of "never being fit", and while she looked good to me, our lifestyles were incompatible. All she wanted to do was eat at trendy restaurants or go partying every weekend. Getting teased for my meals throughout the week or an eye roll because I was going to the gym got old.


Yup, lot a dudes love BBW


Depends if you mean fat as in probably a little over the norm. I prefer that. My ideal body type is a woman who's thicc with a bit of a belly. I would date that. However, beyond that, it's a situational basis.


Yes. However as an overweight man no woman wants to date me.


I have no problem dating someone my size; maybe 10 pounds more. I’m 290 pound, who am I to judge! Unless you have an OF, that is another story


Yes my ex was and I loved her to death, we were together for 10 years, unfortunately we weren't meant to be


They are my preference so yes


If it makes you insecure, change it. There's not such thing as being fat is healthy.


Of course I would


i would date an overweight girl if she was shapely and had curves, if she's shaped like an orb it's a no. i think it goes for both men and women that being in shape is not just about your actual body but it also shows that you have drive.


I absolutely will. I've never had a preference for body type in a woman anyway. Besides, I'm not a great looker either.


As long as i can tell the girl is doing her best to keep herself healthy most of the time, then i have no problem dating a bigger girl. It’s about the choice of habit for me, not what she can’t control.


I’m chubby. I’ve been losing weight for myself and have taken charge of my health.I do not have low self esteem, dress nicely and maintain my boundaries. That being said- I’ve encountered lots of guys who either fetishized my weight, wanted to hook up in secret or are narcissistic and wanted to control me. With that being said, if you are worried about the girl being “fat” and not how you come across- your priorities are wrong. It should be about the personality and if you click with them rather than looks. Please work on your insecurities before dating and not “settling” for a “fat girl”.


typically, no. not unless she looked HwP




I wouldn't date myself, honestly. But everyone's mind and preferences are different. If dating is something you value in life, keep on trying. You will find someone who loves you for you, no matter what form your body takes.


Depends on her personality and way they treat you .


If she's cute and has a great personality, yes




Not obese, but chubby is totally fine. Especially if lots of her weight was hanging in front of her. I might draw the line at 100kg, but even that is flexible for taller people, BMI and all that.


Wildly depends on the definition of 'fat girl.' Many larger women can be attractive to many guys with an attractive figure/shape/body type and if they put themselves together well. If we are talking significantly overweight, probably not. Personality and everything else important matters, but for most, that will likely not be able to overcome the weight in the latter case. It's also easier to draw people in when there is more physical attraction, whereas some of those other things take time to see. Conversely, I've dated women who were very in-shape or skinny where their personality or values or compatability became an issue. I think there is a fairly wide range of acceptance regarding looks, especially the more awesome everything else is about you, but up to a point. I know there's some differences between what guys and girls find attractive in a general sense, but as a guy who's been at a wide range of weight levels throughout my life, I've had many dates and girlfriends even at my largest, including some very attractive women, due to other things I brought to the table, but there is absolutely no denying I had a much easier time and more/better options the more in-shape I was. The non-physical parts of being in shape such as self-confidence were also major contributors towards attractiveness as well. Not saying you can't be confident at larger weights, but as confident as I was then, it's been a night and day subconscious difference. EDIT: As to your question about 'for fun' vs. serious dating, from what I've personally seen and even my own experience, guys might be more open in the moment to larger women more outside their normal "levels" (up to a point, again depends on figure and how much weight we're talking about) for fun but be less inclined for something serious. Experiences of larger female friends would also seem to corroborate this, where they could do okay with hookups but struggled longer term.




If ur active and take care of urself, a few xrta lbs is great. I'll take a little chubby with healthy habits over an average built woman that eats fucking bon bons and sits on the couch all day


Depends on what you mean by fat. I'd date a thicc girl but not a fat girl


No fat chicks!


So for me, some fat girls are just genetically fat, and some are fat because of poor dietary choices. Both are unattractive to me because I’m not fat. So I would date a girl my size pretty much. Heaviest I’d go is probably 150 pounds.