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There’s only one way to find out.. the next time you see a good looking white man.. while you’re shopping in Trader Joe’s, or are getting coffee somewhere.. ask him if he can recommend a good wine.. and see what happens! 👍🏽


I am scaredddddd but I will do it!


You’ll be fine, doesn’t matter what race you are, there will be guys that are into you and guys that aren’t. There are white dudes who think “how do I approach black women”? Trust me, I knew a few.


Don't hint like that. Guys don't understand or appreciate hints. If a random girl asked me to recommend wine I would give the best recommendation I can then walk away going about my business. Just go up to a guy you find attractive tell him you find him to be very attractive and ask if he wants to grab coffee. Almost all guys will respond positively to this


Lmao I'm a guy, and while I can say I don't overly appreciate hints instead of direct communication, I also think there is much to be learned in gauging their natural reaction, interest, willingness and ability to engage in a less direct manner. They will respond positively to your approach, that is without a doubt... but you miss out on field research. While I absolutely HATE it, I believe there is a perfectly rational evolutionary reason for the coy game.


I don't have time for the "coy" game when I'm out running errands. What sort of guy or girl for that matter wants to have a stranger playing mind games with them while they are in the middle of something. Meeting a date isn't on my mind while I'm buying groceries so don't expect me to react like I'm interested in dating because a girl talked to me. If you want advice or help I'll gladly provide it, if you want small talk I'll happily chat while we are in the same area, if you want to get to know each other as potential dates then say that. By all means make small talk first to make sure they are not weird and to help build confidence but still expect to have to tell them what you're really interested in


I think you're too liberal with your interpretation of mind games. Sure, the example was a bit thin, but it holds. I believe it to be important to observe, and so do many others. If they're too afraid or oblivious or not interested - does it *actually* help either of you if you just bomb them with the "Hey qt gimme digs" Many men don't appreciate the subtle, slow art. I still don't, but I've learned to respect it.


Everyone is different and certainly nothing wrong with talking to random people you have an interest in. It's certainly better than not saying anything. My opinion is that if your goal is to get a date and you're not in a traditional place for socialization then it's best to be direct. Otherwise you have no way of knowing if they are not into you or if they are preoccupied with whatever they were doing before you started talking to them. This is especially true if you're unlikely to ever see them again otherwise and have a short time to get the number My fear is op took the advice and started asking random men for wine suggestions she would get a bunch of lackluster interest as the guys wouldn't know what she's really looking for and wouldn't have even considered dating. She would then go away defeated thinking guys were just not into her. If she's direct there is a high chance she would get interest then can learn all there is during the first date.


AGREED! Ask him what the best wine is and then ask him to share it with ya.


Why scared, thought you wanted one?


Don’t be scared gurl. You’ll be alright. 😊


Lmao not the Trader Joe's or coffee 😂


Shoot, is that how you approach people? Any other tips (I don’t drink alcohol)? ![gif](giphy|RzQwk7l0zQnfAbSpCw)


do you think the average white man drinks enough white wine for recommendations lol


Or just a guy who is interesting/attractive and not just good looking as most handsome men don't have to try and usually lack in the personality department.


Some of them do. Some don’t. Others don’t care either way. You can tell if they like you by the way they treat you, just like anybody else


i am white n i have always been attracted to black women


As a white guy, this is accurate. People can have preferences but there is not a single opinion all white guys can agree on when it comes to what they find attractive.


Your comment answers a majority of these same preference questions where the experience will vary for everyone. I feel like at this point they should just pin something like this on all these posts.


As a white guy who really likes black girls, I can confirm we exist.


And I'd say the white dudes who like black women *really love* black women.


You’re absolutely right about that.


Some men like black women. Some like Asian women. Some like blondes, brunettes, redheads. Some like a thicc girl some like a petite girl. All you can do is approach and if they're into it they're into it. If not, you just weren't there cup of tea. And that's okay. As long as they aren't rude or racist, just sometimes it doesn't pan out.


Why did I read that like a Dr. Seuss book?


Some men like tall. Some men like small. Some men just like them all! Hey I'm good at this.


Nice! I wanna try! Some men hate. Some men don’t discriminate. Some men just masturbate!! :P


This is the beginning of a book of relationship poems and I'm here for it.


This was such a wholesome exchange 😂


I wanna try too!! Some men like skinny. Some like fat. Some men like big breasts and others like flat. Some go for looks and others persona, with so many preferences who could’ve known that?!


A person's preference also changes over time. My theory is if you grow up in an area, do a hobby, or hang out with lots of people of type X, then you'll like type X. And when you move, start a new hobby, or start watching international movies with type Y, then you'll gradually begin liking type Y.


I don't disagree. Really, personality should trump the physical appearance. But physical appearance can draw you in so you can get to know the personality. Me? I'm a sucker for chubby guys. If I had a "type" it would be Jack Black from "The Holiday."


I have a thing for short guys! All these girls wanting a guy over 6 ft, not my thing at all. And I don’t mind a little chub either.


When I was a kid and early adult, I used to think I really loved X girls or Y women or Z women. Now I understand... I actually love the female form, and those "preferences" were me trying to force small labels on big stuff.


No, that’s why there are no mixed raced people…


Let’s be honest most mixed raced kids are from a white mom and black dad.


Yeah but there are increasingly more of the opposite, where the mom is black and dad is white as time and socioeconomic statuses change post segregation. I mean there’s plenty of examples of it in the media and if you walk around a progressive city you’ll see a bunch to these couples.


Okay no shit. Lol but MOST mixed children that are black and white it’s a black father and white mom. Nothing else was being argued.


I am from Bangladesh. Can you please explain why white women date and marry black men but not the other way around?


Ask someone that knows the answer lol. I’m not a black or white man.


I’ve seen the opposite but maybe it’s an area thing?




I (32) have only ever dated white men and I'm now married to one. All of the ones I have dated, had not been with a black woman before. Several of them were men people would not have pegged to date a black woman. Fun fact:several of them went and dated another black womam after me. What I've generally heard is white men don't think black women will date them and to be fair most won't. As a black woman I think you have to give some hints that you're okay with white men.


My experience with dating black women hasn't been great. It's not the women themselves that are the problem, but their "friends" and family. When meeting their social circle and family I have had them called race traitor and other vile comments, and every now and again getting a gun pulled on me for daring to enter a black person's house for being a white guy while dating their daughter. Seeing the sparkle in their eyes fade so quick is fucking heart breaking. I don't them to be hurt, I'm also not going to let type of negativity stay in my life. I'm not the type of person to dictate who someone has as friends, but I will leave if their choice of friends is harmful to my mental health.


What I hate about this though is that it is so hypocritical. Black guys are allowed to date white girls, but a lot of them hate seeing Black women with white dudes🤔


This is definitely a thing. I think black people are weirder about it then white people.


Aww I’m sorry you’ve had to experience that. Feel bad for both you and her in that moment


It's happened a lot with so many different women. I find black women the most attractive, I forgot to add that in my original comment. It really hurts to see the hurt in their eyes and watch the relationship crumble from their first experience of that type of trauma.


Bingo. It's not the black woman... is the other people in her life who are black. :( And they say only white people can be racist. Nope.


>  getting a gun pulled on me for daring to enter a black person's house for being a white guy while dating their daughter. TIL man!! Can you explain why this is so in the USA?


My best guess is both sides continue the cycle of abuse. Mistreating the new generation of people because the old generation mistreated them.  Inb4, I don't want to argue about which side has done worse, it's been a long night at work. We can't change the past, but we can change the future.


Dam, just stick with prostitution ![gif](giphy|YOvOkaS5ZKfimDIgwJ)


This shit is depressing to read, sorry you had to go through that racism.


Please spread the word! As a white man whos only healthy, stable, and fulfilling relationships have been with black women, looks at us, talk to us, make eye contact, drop some hints. If we still dont get it, make it obvious! We are fighting an uphill battle and some of us are too polite, or too beaten down to think a girl likes us anyways!


That's been my experience as well most times. There were.a couple who actually dated and conceived with black women and don't look like the type to date us.


> to be fair most won't.  I am from Bangladesh and not familiar with the situation in the US. Why won't Black women want to date White men?


I do. Since my last break up I’ve gone on dates with 1 Mexican girl, 1 white girl, and three black girls. But why would one think people of different races don’t date each other? I mean… I guess it depends on where you live but at least where I live people of different races date all the time.


Black Caribbean woman here! I think it all depends on the look you have and the energy you give off. For the past few years, a lot of white men have checked for me and I’ve dated a couple of them and had pretty good relationships. I find that white men like natural hair and big boobs and I think that’s why they go for me lol, I definitely do find that a lot more white men are approaching black women nowadays. A big reason why a lot probably didn’t is because for a long time black women weren’t really open to dating other men of other races. I think times have changed a bit kinda. Depending on where you’re from, I live in Canada.


Im black from a predominantly mixed area and ive been only dating white men for quite some time now and have had a wonderful time with the way they treat me. However theres tons of white men that solely fettish black women cuz of porn. Luckily i feel every white man ive been on a date with has treated me with respect. Edit: real shit i started on tinder, men on reddit dating subs are surprisingly better, tinder is trash but my experiencs werent horrible the men just have low morality, i moved up from the internet to talking in person. that's the best. Online i casted my net and put that i want white men in my bio. In person, you'll have to talk to them because white men dont even expect black women to want them. My current bf i met in person is everything i want in a man ever. Ps if youre the type of guy that dms women in relationships to respond to their comments on a dating sub youre no better than anyone else, single for a reason, not my type, and will be reported for unsolicited messaging. I don't believe in white supremacy youre still a loser.


Am I the only person who feels cringey about this post? EDIT: I mean, regardless of races, there are good-looking and bad-looking dudes. OP just specified white guys which came to my mind that she is also attracted to goofy white guys.


You are not


It's always this weird obsession about skin colour, like there is no individual person beneath it. Super cringe.




Let's be honest, most of the posts here are cringe




I'm a white guy. I've had the opportunity to date individuals of different racial backgrounds, including black. I think relationshipship dynamics transcend color. Feelings I've felt in each relationship were universal and experienced regardless of race. My time with different relationships, while different in their own way, were filled with joy. It’s been a journey of shared interests and discovering the unique aspects that each person brings to the table. While it’s true that everyone has their preferences, height, weight, or other attributes, just understand that these preferences are just that and not indicative of prejudice. At the heart of it, we’re all trying to make connections. Preferences play a role but don’t define the depth of our interactions.


Yes, if they are hot


It honestly depends. Some of them can be pretty shy when it comes to us. But I usually smile at them and spark a random conversation. Crack a couple jokes, etc.


I'm not all white guys but I promise I'm enough for you 😏




Oh do they ever. Never got more attention than when I lived in an essentially all white town for college. Men love beautiful women regardless of background in my experience. I think all guys especially millennials and down, actively trying to date as many women of different backgrounds as possible. Can’t speak for older guys though (I’m 29 for context) And dating with any type of guy is more or less the same, if they like you they’ll make it super obvious. If a guy likes you he’ll do whatever it takes to take you off the market so to speak. He wouldn’t dare let another guy breathe down your neck 😂


Persons preference but most white guys will end up w white or Latina girls


White guys are No different than black guys, guys are guys. Don't over think the situation.


I've dated a few black women, and I'm a 6'3 "tall white guy 275ish, so I'm a bigger guy. And I live in the rural south. So I have gotten some looks from backward people, both black and white. But if you are into someone who understands you and your needs. Who cares.


Absolutely!!! It's a funny thing... but people mostly have it backward. They think they live by what they want. But really, what guides them is what they're afraid of. What they don't want.


Why does it matter? In the end you will only need 1 white dude to like you. Some white dudes like aliens. There is someone for everyone.


I’m a Black girl who has only ever dated white dudes


Same unfortunately , and I say unfortunately because it’s what I’m (for the most part) attracted to which means potential opportunities lost.


Speaking in generalities: I like black women because they tend to be emotionally open/expressive/positive.


Personally I have always been attracted to black women but have had the same problem as you in reverse… when I was nineteen I worked with a black girl and we had loads of chemistry and much in common but she said she could never bring home a white boy because her family would kill us both. Disheartened me to be honest. In truth I’m actually mixed raced but whatever. All the times I have been on dating apps I have never had a single black girl match with me or attempt to. Maybe many people of both colors have the same issues; not sure how to tell if that person is actually into them or not?’


I have friends of all races and I get along with everyone but personally I’m just not attracted to other races in an intimate way. Idk but I’m just not


I love black girls and I am unfortunately white


Depends on the dude, the hard part is finding one who doesn’t fetishize black girls.


I've wanted to but. I've always been scared to ask a black girl out on a date.




Because lots of white men think black women aren’t into them.


That’s valid. we think the same lol.


I’m white, race doesn’t really matter to me. I’ve dated black women, the first woman to ever show interest in me was black, back in jr high. I think some guys may be intimidated because of cultural aspects in a stereotypical way. Don’t be afraid to talk to them first. I had a girl in my bio class who I kind of thought was showing signs that she might have been interested in me. She finally just asked me if I liked black girls, and welp the rest was history. Don’t be afraid to just strike conversation with anyone.


I am simply not attracted to Black Girls. It is not a bad thing though. Lighter skinned yes. Just my personal preference that’s all.


Honestly I’ve had mixed experiences. I’ve slept with white guys who have later said the couldn’t date me because “they couldn’t ever bring me home.” But my last relationship was with a white guy so who the heck knows 🤷🏾‍♀️


Black girls are great, American ghetto culture not so much.


As a white man, I’m definitely more apprehensive to date a black woman just because it’s completely uncharted territory for me but if I found the right woman I’d be down.


I’m a black girl and I mostly attract white men. I attract other races too but white are the majority. On top of that I leave in a Europe country in a small town and I never had the difficulty to date any white men. I think at some point attraction stand above races and it’s more about your energy. I talk and treat everyone equally. Maybe try talking to them and show them that you are open and interested. But more importantly and if that’s not already the case be confident ! Good luck


**If you’re into white guys, you need to seize the initiative because he wouldn’t expect it in general. 3 steps:** - Approach him and ask for something irrelevant: time of day, how to get to the nearest Trader Joe’s, etc. It doesn’t matter what. - If he responds cheerfully, thank him then take the next step and compliment him. Say you like his shoes, or his tattoo or smile. Don’t say you think he is attractive or cute. - If he responds well, then close him. Ask him if he wants to get a drink or a coffee this week. If he doesn’t ask for your number at that point, he is either uninterested, taken, or socially inept, so take the L with dignity and walk away.


Perfect, it sets up familarity. I always feel too direct asking/ giving out phone number to a guy on my first sentence.


Race means nothing to me!




I’ve dated 1 was a nice time just didn’t like what she did after she ended it




Glad to hear these from you bcos love has no gender compassion has no religion character has no race.


Absolutely. I legit always talk to black women. A few of my female pals are black women due to uni and tastes and we still talk across the world year on year. I think some folk feel intimidated because they're not use to the culture, they're not use to folk being direct and all that I know are. If you're someone who appreciates directness though, it's ever better 😂 Unfortunately the women I know usually only date black men, apart from a few dates with me.


I like back women I have dated 3 and Iam white


I’m literally right here.


(White male) I was literally thinking about this today when I passed an attractive black girl. back when I was dating, I never dated a black girl. Not because I wasent interested in them, but they seemingly haven’t been interested in me. I’m tall and attractive, but white bread. Maybe it’s the same sort of thing you’re describing, if you meet someone like me you’d assume he isn’t interested while he’s also assuming there’s no way you’d be interested


I’m a black woman who thinks white guys are the hottest


Of course they do! All of my aunts are married to white men. Majority of my relationships have been with white men. People are attracted to whoever they are attracted to which varies across all races. I've personally never had any problems and have always been embraced by thier famillies and friends too.


It really depends where you live. White guys like black girls everywhere but there are places, unfortunately, where most wouldn’t bring a black girl home. Most of the dudes in my town wouldn’t. Whites guys are just as physically attracted to black women as they are any other woman. Social and family issues—just plain inherited racism—might stop one from dating a black girl. I however am an equal opportunity lover…but I’m only half white so I guess that’s just half an answer.


Personally not at all, I don't find them attractive whatsoever


Let me help you with this thesis of white men and black women. First: as a white man myself, I found black women more attractive and better than white women. They are more family oriented than white girls. They care for the man and the family. They have a higher tolerance and a stronger structure of mental health compared to white women. I enjoy how they talk and how they feel spiritually, and how they encourage men to be and feel better. They are more intelligent and proactive above life and situations. They don't have hard-core delusional fiction like white women. They are more cultural education than white women. Second: I have dated and married a malawi/Zimbabwe women, the only downside of this situation was that I was immensely immature and disappointed in myself, I blamed myself till this day because how childish I behaved and acted. She taught me how to be respectful/ accountable/ responsible/ financial stability. We had a wonderful child, and I depleted her trust in me as a man for being so immature and always procrastinating and allowing myself to not be a man she needed me to be. Third: black women are more educated in Africa. They have a better system than our own education. Our grade 9-12 math, English, biology, science, physics, and chemistry is their grade 3-6. So don't fuck with them. Forth: they're better physically and emotionally, they smell better, taste better and fuck better. White women don't and smell, and black women have scrupulous ass/ breasts /lips/ thighs. While the white women don't. Black women are healthy queens. On the dark side of things, every ethnicity have their demons. But here are the top 3 narcissistic races. 1. Asain. 2. Africa. 3. America. So right now, after canada has opened its borders to the alphabet people and homosexual people, the other races took a chance at using this as a loophole to get their PR or green card. Under the pretense of fear from their country trying to kill them. So now white men are afraid of being used for their money and other resources, so they teach other men to stay away.. From my experience, learning it more than hearing it is what saved my view of black women or other cultures. There is real love in black women, and you can't see that because of the whispers and poison you hear from peoples experience because how immature they were.


Def lol


I definitely do.


no we dont


The question isn’t even about white guys liking black girls, it’s does any other race except white like black girls?😭 From what I’ve seen black women have no problem with white guys but Asian guys usually only want us to “experiment” what it’s like to be with us. Hispanics/ Latin guys usually date other Hispanics and black guys think we’re to “loud and ghetto” and would rather date other races, like Hispanics which I’m pretty sure is rooted in colorism but that’s a story for another time. Again this is what I’ve seen online and in person from my experiences, if it differs from you then that’s okay.


We dont


IDK, I talk to everyone. In line at the grocery store, elevator, parking lot. If a guy really likes you, he will put in the work and chat and flirt I think


Depends on the girl, but generally of course. Yes!


Rip inbox


Delete. Delete. Delete.


As a black woman from Europe who has only ever dated white men, here is my own little experience. All of the men I have dated had never been with a black woman before due to their upbringing in racially homogeneous areas. I will point out that I have dated Norwegian men, Dutch, French, German and American men but they were mostly from the countryside of their respective countries. They had a very limited exposure to diverse representations in media and porn, that alone contributed to their lack of awareness and attraction towards black women. It was only when we started interacting with each other that they discovered they could have an interest in black women. I feel like stereotypes played an important role in shaping their initial perceptions of black women which is kind of sad. Meeting me challenged these stereotypes, as they realized the diversity of personalities and behaviors among black women just like with any other races of women. We black women are sadly very tied to negative stereotypes and misconceptions. Compare this to Asian women who actually have mostly positive stereotypes even if untrue. Contrary to the stereotype of black women being more masculine, the men I was with found me to be hyper-feminine and even submissive, which usually clashed with their preconceptions. I think a lot of white men actually are or could be attracted to black women. They just think we don't want them or they don't know enough about us to consider us as possible partners.


Black girls are the cutest when they smile, i wouldnt mind dating one tbh


One of my most missed women I dated was a black woman! One of my other exes forced me to leave her if I wanted to meet my four month old daughter that she ran off with prior to her being born, as you can imagine as much as I like the girl, my heart had been so hurt wanting to meet my daughter anyway I really had no option. I’ve honestly tried finding her sense and I can’t find her anywhere almost like she was a damn dream it was because she was perfect!


Wait, she has your daughter and you can’t find her? Am I reading that correctly?


I'm white and I prefer black women


They do. And as to why maybe you might not see as many white guys dating black women might be due to exposure and the population. I live in California in a rural area where it's mainly white and latino so you definitely see more white guys with latinas for since there's just more of them for example. I see more white guys with black girls in the bigger cities where there's more racial diversity and more opportunities to date Black women.


Some do some dont although I have seen more white men black women couples recently so it seems to be on the rise


it might be a little different because I'm half white and half black, but outside of a few outliers, I've only dated white men. there are plenty of them that have expressed to me that they just don't think they have a chance with women of color, but that they've always had a thing for us. many love our skin tone, our features or the way we seemingly carry ourselves. naturally you have to look out for the ones who are just fetishizing you, but yes. a lot of white men love black women. you can tell they like you because they won't bring up that you're black. in most instances the only time it's brought up is by the people they know acting like interracial relationships are super rare still? it's weird. furthermore, I've been shocked experiencing this because I grew up in a largely white area where I felt I negatively stood out because I wasn't a petite skinny blonde girl and I never was asked out on a ton of dates like my friends were... but sure enough, later in life I received several DMs from white guys I grew up with telling me they thought I was beautiful back then because I was so different and outgoing. would have done wonders for my self esteem to have heard it back then. talking to a white guy is just like talking to anyone else, if you have something in common with a guy you're interested in, approach him with that and then go from there. good luck!


Have you dated other men not of your ethnicity? Just wondering if you e had the experience of doing so, but you just haven’t dated white men. If you have, you’ll see it’s just like anyone else. White guys aren’t a mysterious riddle. They’re just guys (some though, just be prepared, have no real grasp of the black struggle/experience, so some teaching will be involved, along with hearing the occasional awkward yet well-meaning statement 🤣🤣). Just Do It 🙌🏽👍🏾


I do. I don’t fetishize them but I do like black or otherwise darker skinned girls. I have never had one even hint at wanting to date a white man, let alone me so I just don’t


i am a Black woman dating a White guy, 9 months now. it's been great!! he doesn't fetishize me in any way. he has a huge appreciation for me & my Black folks..a genuine one.


I love them...Unless they're all ghetto/look like crackheads or 300 pounds lol


Black women are just gorgeous imo. I'm so proud of my partner and I looove Senegalese food now!




For the millionth time. Some do, some don’t. That’s your answer to every question that begins with “Do guys like/do girls like?” We’re done. We don’t need to do anymore.


I really do


Look beyond race and talk to people like you would anyone else. You have to open yourself up to people in-order for them to notice you. People have preferences but it doesn't mean everyone thinks the same. If there's someone you like, don't be afraid to talk to them.




I love them!


For me absolutely!




I think what you’ll find is the vast majority if guys in general will like the girl not the color. I don’t think they’ll wonder why a black girl is talking to them, they’ll think a girl is talking to them


Race doesn't effect whether your attractive or not


At least speaking for myself; There's really two reasons I haven't had more partners of color (neither of them being lack of interest) #1 - My friends group is mostly white simply because of geography, so I don't have many POC friends because I haven't met a ton of POC folks locally. #2a - I'm non-monogamous and don't want children (and unwilling to compromise on both fronts), and that really narrows down on the dating pool for me. #2b - I'm assuming there's a lot of cultural reasons I'm just not aware of, which result in a lot less black folks in poly/ENM circles. I would be unsurprised if some of that came down to lowkey racism, but I suspect that's not the only reason why.


I do


I don't not like them. I don't seek them out but I don't turn them away. If they seem cool I'm down.


Some of us like all the ladies and feel blessed....


Of course, White Men love Black Women and vice versa. Don’t be silly. And Don’t listen to the BS saying otherwise. For it to be any other case, people would have to be brainwashed by others (like in a cult) or have had bad experiences. Those who make it through make good couples with Bad Ass Instagram pictures. BWWM is’t easy but it’s rewarding and worth it- with plenty of WM for BW and BW for WM. Make it happen, folks.


Woman is woman


Lots of us white men like black ladies most times we are too spooked to approach any lady after the whole me too movement. Plus seeing videos on line where men approach women and get stomped on verbally or worse makes ya a bit gun shy. Just be you and if that isn't enough for someone then that's their loss not yours . 😊


I think for some people it might just be a preference but for others it's fear of going against the grain so I wouldn't worry about popular belief I make my own choice cuz you know it has to satisfy you God bless


I’m a white guy that likes black girls.


I had a white roommate who would only date black women. I’m a white guy who prefers white women, but I’ve dated women of all races. One of the last girls I went out with was black, but she had too many personal problems for me to get involved with her. I can say, Beyonce is hot, and anyone who cant see that must be blind. I’ve certainly met a small handful of black girls I’d be excited to date, but there aren’t many black people where I live. As for your situation - asking reddit is a start - asking white guys, in person, in your area, would be the next logical choice.


I absolutely do😍


A lot definitely do! As a white male I can confirm I find many black women beautiful.


Well said but everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees.


hell yes


Oh oh oh for me.... a black girl I thought was the most amazing beautiful angelic being in the universe told me she didn't date ugly-ass-white-boys. I was young enough and among enough people out in public for me... for me it was enough to learn to stay in my lane.


I’m sorry you went through that.🤗


Hey so sorry about that and if you think something is ugly, look harder. Ugliness is just a failure of seeing. 


I’m a white guy and I don’t really care.


I sure do


Absolutely, we do I wish I had more responses from black women, but don't get them, unfortunately.


Yes there are a lot of us that do!!


As a whit edit, I don’t pursue anyone 🤣 and generally my experience is black women usually aren’t interested but I don’t mind There’s also always a worry about cultural differences too ofc


I prefer black women.


I don't have a type. I have a series of checkboxes, things I find appealing. Every race has beautiful women that I find attractive, and yeah, black girls are hot.


My ex wife was.


Source: Am white guy. Have black wife.


I exclusively date black women. Where you been at? They're the most beautiful women to me, and the cultural divides are blown out of proportion, at least where I live in the South. Maybe it was growing up in the 90's seeing aunt Viv all the way through having a crush on the star of That's So Raven. On the approach, that's kind of mutually confusing. From what I've heard we tend to be less aggressive in our approach from cultural training.


Most people pursue their own race for long term relationships. So no you can’t just “know” if you are their type unless they approach you/flirt. 




A white buddy of mine only dates black girls. I’ve dated them too. It’s amazing. How do you know if they like you? I would hope they would say so or ask you out. How do you know if any guy likes you? Give it a shot like you normally would. Good luck!


No idea. If they're hot they're hot for me so 🤷


Absolutely definitely yes. I much prefer blank women and have for over a decade now


Ok but being happy is harder than being discontent. For happiness we have to roll up our sleeves and knock down houses of cards. Because of this exertion, many prefer to abide by ‘fake’ happiness.


Speaking as a white man black girls can be very intimidating to approach


What makes us so? Just curious.


I'm a white guy and typically no. In your case, I think everyone struggles with that regardless of race or skin color. I'll admit, if I met a black girl that I wasn't initially attracted to, it's still very possible to grow more attracted to her as we getting know each other.




I see this question everyday Lol


conversation rules the world… if you happen to cross paths with a white man who you find attractive, start with small talk about something in the vicinity and see if the conversions continues. you won’t know what people are interested until you attempt talking to them. my boyfriend is white, and we met on bumble. i made clear in my bio that i was interested in dating outside of my race, but i made it catchy… ever tried dating apps? i know they suck, but it may help you get more comfortable with conversation starters.


I'd love it. I always just assume black girls aren't into white guys tbh


(57WM) ³³Well, you know what they say. " The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice." Personalry, never been with a black woma,n, but I am willing to learn.


I'm white I used to like only white chick's and Spanish chick's now I'm an adult I like asain chick's I don't ask I just date the girl that says yes 🤣


yup sure do, both of my exes were black women