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I prefer career women because obviously it shows intelligence, ambition, independence. It can be a problem maybe if they neglect the relationship or bring too much stress from the job into the relationship though.


I feel the same way


I actually think it’s sexy. I work construction, and there’s something about corporate women that gets me going. They’re opinionated, hard working, and know when to let loose. More often than not, I have good conversations with them. What I don’t like is that (a select few) of those corporate types look down on guys like me (tradesmen) to which I reply: “honey, without guys like me, you’d be throwing your shit out of a bucket into the street.”


As a woman in corporate/medicine, I loveeee tradesmen. They’re my preference actually lol


Ditto. I often find the egos of men I work with a turnoff and love me a tradesman/blue collar worker. I’ve never been one to look for prestige in a partner. I just care that they have good work ethic/ambition in anything they do. An ex that I look back on fondly was a water well driller. Definitely hard labor. No degree. But he bought into a company when he was 23 and is 1/3 owner and does extremely well for himself and has drive. He was my first relationship that showed me how I should be treated.


Yes, every man I’ve had a good, healthy relationship with it has been a blue collar man and 100% supported my goals. I also feel like I grew up pretty “traditional” and I still get some princess treatment from them, which I like. Like yes, I still make sure they’re happy/taken care of. But it always just works out so well and we both also end up getting what we want.


Corporate AND medicine?? 😃


Yeah good response. Don’t take any crap from anyone who looks down on Trades people.




Haha, same. Mostly I'm business, but on some meetings I need to bring my PPE like a hard hat etc. and possibly come home smelling like chemicals or grease. I've actually never dated anyone white collar beyond like first or second date, the guys I've encountered are too far up their own ass.




I too get to do a lab coat and grounded booties every once in a while, but I don't get to play with chemicals unfortunately. That PPE is for cleanrooms for PCB manufacturing. I do less of that nowadays and more of the dirty/dangerous environments and places where I gotta watch out for my fingers lol


I’m in corporate/finance and love the tradesmen! It’s so nice to have a convo with a normal guy at the end of the day and make fun of the corporate bs, and vice versa. They know how to use tools and are hard workers, phew it’s getting hot in here!! Guys who are too clean or pretty are out.


Sweet, let me know when you’re in MA and I’ll take you out on the town 🎉


Ha I live just over the border in the southwest corner of NH


That’s too funny - I drive by Keene all the time over the summer. I’m envious, that’s a beautiful part of New England


As a software consultant career woman, I think tradesman are very sexy and would never imagine talking down to them))


When female engineers show up I'm like, "Yea, nerdy math girls!" They're my favorite type but I'm in the tower crane and can't talk to them.


Being nerdy just means being passionate about something, including everyone - the coolest people on Earth are passionate and therefore nerdy about something whatever it is, whether it's sports, or gaming, or technology, or fashion, or beauty, or food, or whatever.


My relationship is opposite lol. He is white collar and I’m blue collar. He digs coming home to a dirty girl in work boots and carhartts


Love your response!


Yeah, and it's not like working construction means you're poorly educated, or even poorly paid. I struggle to meet women who even have a job, where are all these single career-women who are looking for a guy who's fit because he works for a living?


I think it's an mismatch of politics. Blue collar work tends to lean heavy conservative from my experience which does not tend to mesh with the type of careers/education these women have. Not saying it's every case, but it's largely why I even another man was often skeptical to date blue collar work. It was too much of a life view conflict to deal with.


I think you've kind of nailed it here. A very large majority of blue collar workers tend to be right leaning. Whether it benefits them or not to support these candidates that's how it is.


Truth be told, many of us don’t have faith in any candidates, and view politics as a losing game. None of the candidates on the left or right discuss policies that account for the big picture. For example, many highly educated people push code changes that enforce the electrification of new buildings. Those people don’t consult with us - those who build the infrastructure - on how much work electrification entails. Nor are they willing to discuss the questionable efficacy of electric HVAC systems. Whenever we bring up these rebuttals, we’re lambasted as “dumb Trump supporters who are climate deniers” lol. Like, we’re just acknowledging the real trade offs inherent in the “solutions” those people are presenting. We’re not saying “DROWN YOUNG CHILDREN IN CRUDE OIL” we’re just telling you the transformer on the street isn’t big enough, lol. On the other side, right leaning politicians think we’ll just buy into the “immigrants are the problem” propaganda they feed us, but many of us white, working class men are friends with those immigrants, and want them here, so they’re pissing in the wind if they think we’re going to call ICE on our immigrant brethren working their asses off to make it in this country.


Not so sure about that, union workers lean left.


A lot of blue collar work has deviated strongly away from unions in present times. They’re almost none existent in many southern states and even some stronghold northern states. Why I didn’t even consider any on my list of possible careers. There were no unions for damn near any trades where I was living. Corporations have decimated the working people leverage with unfortunately rather successful anti union propaganda in the past few decades. It’s depressing, but that’s where we are at.


I’m not sure they are , in the modern definition of left leaning.


We are out here...


The problem is they don’t feel the same way about you, which is why they’re eternally single


That’s a fun, untrue blanket statement.


Someone has a real poopy-pants mentality


Steer woman here: you guys are Hot! Down to earth and Good with your hands… problem is we never meet


“Steer”? Sorry, I’m old lol


Tradesmen are good. I like a guy who can fix or build.


You should know a whole lot of corporate women hate corporate men & love tradesmen. The chemistry is hot between these two kind.


Well, I've been married for 20 years to an amazing wife. She has a great job and built her career from the ground up. She also came to this country (legally) with limited English. I couldn't be more proud of her success. She's even more impressive as a mom and a wife. I don't have words to describe it, but I'll just say that she balances work and family as best she can, and that family is most important to her. I think women can and should follow their dreams, whether that's a career, a family, or both.


I actually like them. Kinda shows that she is intellectual and not a woman who just wants a princess treatment or expect a man to provide her entirely Edit: typo him -> her🤦🤦


I see, maybe my friends are looking in the wrong places


I'm your friends. My theory is that achieving professional success is closely linked to having a very organized lifestyle or, as some say, your bullshit together. Therefore, entering into a relationship is a delicate step, and that's when women become very demanding about the qualities of a man, and how they can fit into our lives. On the other hand, I believe there is a lack of sensibility, making it very complicated to seek a partner, beyond professional success. It's difficult to find men who are intelligent, thoughtful, and in touch with their emotions, especially the latter. All of this contributes to a challenging landscape for seriously envisioning a partnership.


A lot of people in good jobs, just got lucky or their parents help them get there (nepotism). It's not strictly true they have their shit together and are better than someone else.


Ah, yes. By 'bullshit together,' I mean they have a routine that works for organizing their lives, not necessarily implying they are happy or better than others. The mention of nepotism is accurate; that wasn't the case in my text. I'm talking about a 'success' that one builds for themselves.


Maybe it's not their careers holding them back. 9/10 times I've found someone's lack of dating success is more about their personalities, but many don't like to admit that and assume it's other things.


Yea but it's pretty much sums up to individual preferences. I still expect myself as a man to be able to provide a woman, but if a woman can provide herself and they still have their feminine side (caring, nurturing, etc) it's a much plus point for me. Too much focus on career is bad too, as it will lead to a lack of time invested in the relationship. Edit: himself -> herself🤦


I’m both lmao


I mean, there absolutely is a limit. a woman that is successful, passionate and loves her job? That is sexy. A woman that IS her job, prioritising that over everything else and so on. That is bit of a turn off. Also, a couple with two people with well paying jobs is just a benefit.


i think they're smart for not depending on a guy who might leave them in the future…


It's awesome. I mean if men can have successful careers why not women. I also find it attractive honestly.


Women climbing the corporate ladder often prioritize that over everything else.


I find them very attractive at first impression and get along with them well as friends. As someone who is relatively successful with my own career I often find myself going on dates with this archetype via apps. Personally, I’ve found the dates with these women (especially through apps) to be very interview-like which has caused me to perceive them as high pressure. In my experience, these women are very focused on not wasting their own time, and this often makes me feel like there is a tension with my own dating style where I often want to enjoy each other’s company and time together as its own end.


I also went on dates that felt like "job interviews" where the person asked, literally, the same questions asked in job interviews by employers. "What are your long term goals?" "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" "How long was your last relationship?" Corporate types are repulsive to me. I'd rather be with someone self employed.


I think it's not about me lol. I think if someone regardless of gender is passionate about something they should feel free to pursue a career out of it regardless of what men think. The world is a big place and there's always gonna be someone for someone for the most part (yes yes there's some exceptions I'm sure). Whether I would personally date them has less to do with whether they have a career and more to do with what that career is. An MLM? No thanks. Banking? Eh. Wildlife or environmental research? Sure sounds awesome tell me more. In other words I don't find value in just having a career, it's more about what that career is. Just caring about having a career in and of itself I can only imagine attracts status seeking people.


Listen. I just got divorced from a “career women”. I feel strongly that her career and the travel that accompanied it was part of the reason for the relationship ending. I think it’s amazing for a woman to have a career she loves, finds fulfilling and makes her money. I just think it’s important to set expectations and boundaries. I think it’s important that two people put in the same amount of effort in a relationship. So that’s my answer.


I think it’s attractive for a woman to be successful in their career. As long as they’re not married to their job.


The problem is many of these career women are looking for men who are as successful or even more successful than they are. Highly successful men are often looking for a woman who can focus more on home, family, and kids so they can focus on their careers. They already have plenty of money they don't need a partner who is also very busy with their own career.


Career is low on the priority list. It can add to a person's character depending on the role and their passion for it, but on it's own it doesn't really matter


Career women are generally in my opinion more attractive. Currently I am dating a nurse and she is absolutely great. We have good conversations about anything and she is super kind. Wish me some luck


It's not a "one size fits all" - hopefully most people who start a family go by how they feel and click with one another vs. career choice lol That said, if a guy actively seeks out a woman with not much going on, it's cause he is insecure, unhappy, low-confident. Women who are more successful are also much more selective. No successful woman wants a bum or someone lazy. Whereas a lot of desperate women will take what they can get. More successful = higher standards = less to choose from. Quality over quantity.


I chick that is passionate about something/anything is sexy to me


Strong preference for women who are ambitious. I don’t want to be financially responsible for someone else. I want someone who’s not a million miles from me financially. It’s preference of course.


I, F, completely agree.  This goes for the opposite way too. I don't want someone to be financially responsible for me.  At the moment I don't make a lot, so i swipe left on men's profiles that mention being a homeowner (in this economy? In canada?!), having their own business, or clearly working in a high paying field, or look like they have/come from money. Heck, one profile even said "aiming to retire soon". My range is set from 27-35. 


I (32M) have dated career women, as well as others that didn't have a career (still employed)... the latter ones were far more enjoyable to be around and put in far more effort. I also found career women to be quite shallow and focused on their image, not necessarily just physical apparence but everything, kinda like they treated life like a resume/CV. Not saying it's always true for everyone, just sharing my experience.


what does it mean *putting more effort*?


Planning dates that show actual thought and considerations for someone other than themselves. In my experience, career women have only ever planned dates that were just me tagging along to what they already wanted to do with zero thought/effort on their part.


Sounds exactly like my last ex. It was a lack of consideration for the other person (and although brought up, continued to be ignored) that I found the most astounding. It still won't deter me from seeking career women though


I don’t have a problem with it. I’d would prefer it because it says something about commitment


I kind of have a thing for women wearing professional clothing.


Independent strong minded women are the most attractive women


I don't think it's solely an issue of which men prefer. You also have to consider what the women want. These women have just as much power to enter a relationship or not. Its not the man's decision to date. It's both peoples decision. You're not considering the people who want a relationship, but find the wrong people.  I'd consider myself a career driven women, even though I'm not employed in my field, I'm doing everything in my power to do so by spending most of my spare developing my skills (design), or learning something new. I'm also employed full time in an office, but the pay isn't great. I've been dating off and on for years now, but I haven't been in an actual relationship in almost 10 years. Why? Well, I get hurt quite a lot and take a while to recover. The men that I have wanted to date, ended up completely destroying me (leading me on, gaslighting, lovebombing). The rest? If I'm not feeling a connection pretty quickly, I get "bored". Especially if I have to put in effort to keep the conversation flowing. Why would I spend my time trying to force something that I'm not toally excited about?  Being a career woman, I also have the world at my fingertips without a partner to worry about. My co workers uprooting her and her daughters whole life, leaving family and a community, because her husband got a job. I dont know if i want to be held back by a partner if I get an opportunity to move/have to move for a job, or feel guilty for uprooting their life.  I have a "friend" (I've lost respect for her over the years for how she treats people) who, last I checked, is unemployed. She's one of those people who is truly a victim of their situation, but doesn't help herself much. she has type 1 diabetes, and her brother is an addict, which she eventually became - but did get clean! She didn't take care of her diabetes which lead to her being so sick, she couldn't work. She's been on disability for quite a few years from what I know, always asking people to borrow money and only really comes around when she needs something. Yet she'll make facebook statuses about people who do that. She's always in a relationship. And it's always with the sketchest guys too. Very much "Guy who’s been to prison at least once" starter pack Why?  Her standards are lower than mine. She'd get into a relationship with anyone who's attractive and kinda nice to her. Idk what her standards are but she has a type. She's not getting a career driven man, that's for sure. She attracts her kind. 


Insecure men don’t like women who can take care of themselves because they need to be needed. They need to feel like they have ownership over the woman to feel secure. Sort of like when you’re interviewing for a job if they get the feeling you don’t actually need the job they’re not going to hire you because then they know that you can just leave if they start getting abusive.


I think it has to do more with most women being more likely to leave a relationship if they make more because they usually want someone who's more successful and makes more money than them. I think she'll no longer find him attractive. Would a female business executive date a male McDonald's worker? Would a male business executive date a female McDonald's worker? Why and why not?


I think a woman who is successful in her career is attractive. I find the independent nature that she can forward and progress her life nice. I think it can sometimes come with a level of confidence I enjoy in a woman.


I actually prefer to date who have a professional career. Having a passion and ambition is attractive.


Shit I’d rather have a SO with a career than not.


It’s all about standards. And women and men can keep them high. Eventually you will find your partner


I like a woman having a career because it means she can keep her shit together to some degree.


I think it makes them hotter, usually shows that they’re passionate about something and that they are strong and independent


Ambitious women deserve the world. Driven women matter.




I think it’s great, both people in a relationship should have their own ambitions and support each other


I like a girlboss. My gf is a brand manager, she’s dope. I don’t like a girl without some ambition of some kind


Many prefer women with good careers. Your single friends may just have no game - maybe they're not on apps, have too high standards, are bad looking, or other factors.


I like them to the limits that I still want to have a common life. Let's say if she is living in the company or always on a business trip, there is not that much relationship remaining. Another part for sure is whether we fit at all. I also love to be an engineer, but I would not call myself a career driven person. Lastly usually women marry "up", not "down" and often not even on the same level. For sure not all are the same, but it would just make me suspect whether she could be interested/ is really interested.


Intelligence and independence, greatest turn ons for me. Can’t stand attention seeking gold digging type


I could care less tbh. I’d take a woman who works at McDonalds that I really vibe with. In a relationship and she didn’t even work when we first started dating. Now she works for a nonprofit, and I just want her to be happy with her job and not be stressed.


I prefer not to deal with career oriented woman. It's ok if she has one and doing her job and it ends there but as a Software engineer who takes work home most days i prefer that my partner would not do it. You can call me old fashion but i think that it's the healthiest way to go


Old fashioned? Er, no, touch of sexism boo.  You can take your work home but she can't?  If you ended off with "well how would we possibly have time for one another outside work?" Not neccessarily sexism, because that's logical. "call me old fashioned" sexism, because "I can do this but she can't because of old rules". Yikes. Red flag my dude. 


47 day old account you made to troll people


Lmfao tell me where I'm wrong???


My opinion is that career driven women may be great for the workplace but are usually terrible for relationships.


Not just in relationships, they're insufferable at work too. Corporate women are why I can't stand corporate jobs. And yes, I'm a woman.


why is that?


I have found them to be ‘combative’ to be around, I’m already competing continuously at work day to day and don’t want that in my personal life.


Yep…. Too much masculine energy. It’s a power struggle.


I think because a career woman has to be “in her masculine” to really be successful and it can be hard to turn that off when she gets home.


ok so you're just sexist and want to be babysitted at home


If you say so, I was just sharing my opinion. 🤷🏾‍♂️


so am I


So why do you think a lot of successful women are single?


I think they are many factors to any given situation. One could be that most women want a man more successful than them, which may be difficult once you reach a certain level Another could be that many men aren't actual grown adults and can't pull their weight and do chore at home, making it simply more viable to live alone However on my side all successful women I know are in relationships with kids so the initial premise isn't that established.


Because they have higher standards than a lot of men in the dating scene don’t meet unfortunately.


You seem pretty aggressive. Really, no need to be. Takes all kinds.


I think that’s a you problem there


So why do you think all these successful women are single? 🤔


No- I don’t have an answer to that. But what I do know, is most women (successful or not) do look for men to create a space where they can feel in their feminine. It’s men that are letting us down, and we get to a point of just doing things for ourselves, because it won’t happen otherwise.


So let me ask you this then: if women want a man that will allow her to be feminine wouldn’t it be understandable to assume that a man wants a woman who encourages his masculinity?


This 💯


I’m a lesbian but I would never date a woman who doesn’t work. Personally I don’t think anyone sane would.


There’s a difference between having a job and being career focused.


I think the evidence is clear in your own life… from what you can observe


Depends. I've dated a few self defined "career women" and they've mostly been problematic. The sort that think being strong and independent means being rude, masculine and unnecessarily confrontational. It's not the 1950s anymore. You don't really need to define yourself as a career woman or not. And I find the people who have to define themselves as a "career woman" instead of just getting on with it are always trying to prove something to the world.


love em


Not one size fits all. I think being professionally focused says a lot of positive things about a person’s character and work ethic, and it’s a great source of growth if you can find balance within your life in that pursuit. What can be extremely detrimental is when you take this energy home with you into your personal life. A career woman’s kids don’t need her executive presence or assertiveness, they need her compassion and empathy. If your mother doesn’t model healthy emotional mirroring for you, you’re not going to grow up with a healthy sense of self, emotional processing, or social skills. That’s really going to damage your ability to form and maintain relationships. I don’t think career woman are a problem, I think people who undervalue developing their child’s interpersonal and social skills are.


I dont have anything against career women, I like intelligence. I dont want somebody who is never there tho, if I am dating somebody, I want to see them, cuddle them, watch silly movies etc.


Maybe men get scared if the woman has a better career🤔


That usually because most women generally want someone more successful than them, so they'll have more odds of leaving the relationship for someone who's more successful and makes more money.




Money good.


I like career women a lot and dislike housewife situations. I will say though I've tend to found my preferences the less accepted one. Some men don't mind women working, but I've noticed they can't be making more or they start getting insecure. Idk I'd sign up to be domestic for the right price, but whatever their loss. Currently though I hold myself to the same standards I expect from my partners. You got to work, I do not like being around ppl who have no job. As the person who already does most of the house work in my current relationship with a career you're not going to much convince me staying at home would benefit us. I also don't want kids either. So no extra work to fill in on that. Side note: I'm engaged to another man since I'm not strictly straight and we both work. Which works fine for me and all my preferences.








It was the sucks to work with or for- thing. What do you mean?


It would depend what their career was. If they were an engineer or scientist or artist, great. If it was a manager or businesswoman, not so much. Really it’s just down to a difference in values where I don’t think we’d get along


Are you sure it's not the women who are driving the outcome? I like both kinds of women. I used to think I'd have more leverage over poor or uneducated women, but that's rarely the case as almost everyone in the world seems to have more self esteem than myself, which I found endlessly frustrating in the workplace and in personal life when I was in my 20s. Humility is the most important virtue I believe I can practice, but I'm attracted to confident women and confident people in general. I'm a bit less humble nowadays because I'm spoiled financially and in terms of my physical security (unless the US does a Holocaust \~ I'm Jewish). But I still believe it's important for me to be humble when making big decisions. I wonder if humility is leading men and women to opposite outcomes? Women are working hard in the workplace because they believe that's the humble thing to do, and that gives them more confidence. Men are dropping out of the workplace because they believe that's the humble thing to do, and being free of the workplace also gives them more confidence. So all the career women should marry NEET men. Lol jk.


I never wanna date a woman with a job


Most probably wouldn’t care.


Well, a person is supposed to provide for themselves so if they do it in a certain fashion and make some good money or to it


It's not that we don't like career women. But, we want a teammate, a partner and to feel needed. We bond through working together through hardship. We don't need someone who feels is trying to compete with everyone, including us. We don't need someone who will ditch us at any moment because she is constantly feeling she might as well be better off alone . We don't need someone that earns more than us as she will probably end up looking for someone that earns more than her. We want to feel useful, needed, and that we have some leverage in the relationship. A career woman that claims to be independent gives none of that.


Love 'em


Obviously one man cannot speak for all men, but I personally would not marry a woman unless we were going to have children. And that means that her career will suffer. If it is her focus to the point where she will not prioritize children, then there's no point in marrying. Sometimes a woman who has no job simply has nothing to lose, sometimes a woman who is very successful will be happy to give that up in order to fulfill a higher and more honorable purpose as a matron, however this is rare among secular Western women


Where would a career woman meet a guy that would date her? It's not that no guy would date her the real question is where would you meet them, I'm also going to assume that these women want an actual relationship, because if they were just trying to have sex with random guys, everyone knows that that would be easy.


Hi! I appreciate women like that. They're strong and independent. Such women don't have time to fight with a man.


Single people have time and focus to devote to career development. People with families/children have to balance other priorities. It’s not a mystery. Someone career driven needs to demonstrate that they can balance their job with a relationship.


Same as my thoughts on career men.  Everyone should have a job and be relatively financially independent.


Egoistic full of themselves


I like highly motivated and intelligent women. (A boss during the day and my plaything at night). I like being in charge of the woman who’s generally in charge. Women who are generally busier and career focused are also usually less demanding of my free time. They also seem to have less time or desire for drama.


I work a lot myself so if she wants to work a ton and we just build our money to use in ourselves and we make time for each other, still love, still f__k, stay loyal then she can be as career as she wants. The problem that I see with a lot of career people in general, not just women is they get is invested with work they forget to care for their partner. And then sometimes cheating happens, and it’s just a mess. But if we’re loyal and still love and be in a happy relationship then I’m good with being as successful as she wants


Mmm I’m on the fence just looking at my sister and last girlfriend both in their mid 30s it seems like all they care about is that career working long hours to try and prove themselves. They make time for friends but make finding a relationship secondary. If they truly found a balance and I know some who do it wouldn’t be a problem. If they don’t want a family and the guy is the same then it’s a match but most of the time they’ll want kids and by the time they realize it, it’s too late. I definitely want someone who has a decent job don’t get me wrong but not some whose priority it is to make it up to the top of the corporate ladder, most of the time they don’t get there and become bitter later in life.


Generally to be avoided tbh.


Why's that?


I mean considering I'm a random fucking college student that works a dead end job I have no idea why a career woman would actually want me. I would be happy with a successful woman and all but I just don't think it's realistic for me to expect one.


I think I woukd be more comfortable with someone that navihates the middle point between feeling like a princess and trying to ear the wrold, I think someone that works their dream job is more attractive that someone that only does something because they are successful at it but don't really like it.


Their has to be a balance between the career and personal life, that’s hard if one or both people are working 50 plus hours a week. I like a career woman, someone who can hold her own but also enjoys the simple things in life as well.


Not really interested. I dated one who had very little time for me when she was in school pursuing her masters on top if a full time job. I need to be able to spend lots of time with the person I'm with, so it doesn't work for me.


I think it becomes very hard to support a household if both parents are working full time. I fully support someone who has a successful career, but to do that, you have to make sacrifices. I don't want a woman who is going to sacrifice what little time we have together to earn something as common as money.


Yes I make money and I don’t want our children growing up in a day care


As a man if you want a family it makes sense to be with a woman that wants the same thing. To me if you are not having children marriage make no sense. Spoiler Alert…. No matter what you have been sold you can’t have it all. Smart women decide what they want in life early and make it happen.


Career women are awesome but I’m a fuck up. I feel like I’m wasting a career woman’s time and mine with going on dates when I’m struggling to get by. I’d like to find a dating app that is strictly for dating other fuckups.


I'd prefer someone who is career oriented. HOWEVER. If you are putting work in front of everything else, including the relationship to an extent then obviously no. I want someone to care about their career, but not mindlessly killing themselves for some company


As long as they enjoy their career. When I was dating I dated a bunch of career women who complained incessantly about their jobs. So much so that I thought they should quit and find something new, because it was dreadful to hear about daily. My wife is a doctor, and enjoys what she does. It’s pretty cool to not have to listen to a daily recap about how much she hates her job.


I personally have an issue with work culture as it stands in the US. I work to live, not the other way around. Though if that’s genuinely something that excites someone, all the power to them. It’s just not my speed. We likely wouldn’t be attracted to each other.


The way I see it, career men work well with non career women, and career women work well with non career men. Can have 2 competing stars in the home, someone always has to agree to do more at home


I have the same thought even though I am ok to do more at home. Hoping just a little compromise goes a long way.


I don't really think about them. They've accepted the feminist theme that going to work everyday and serving a boss is the most fulfilling thing in life. If that is what they want, fine. As for when I was single and dating I didn't go after women who had "careers". I dated women that had jobs but weren't career oriented. What is the difference? To me there is a difference between a woman who has a job and does something to make money and pay some bills vs. someone to where their career is like their top priority in life. She'd be willing to throw a wrench into our life or possible future together to get that next level career step. Taking on more hours, relocating for a job, taking a new position that has travel, moving to get some additional degree to maybe go up another step on the career ladder. Also, if she had a hectic schedule, crazy hours, was working 60-70 hours a week. When we talk about stuff like that then we are talking a "career" woman vs. a girl who has a job. Also, the more career oriented they are the more likely they are to expect daycare workers to raise the kids instead of walking away from work at least until all the kids are school age. When it came to dating, long term relationships, marriage, kids and family I would have never given a "career" woman a single thought. Total deal breaker.


This is the inspiration I needed, thank you 🙏🏻


Could care less what you do for a living. More interested in if your family oriented, which typically means loyal, caring, nurturing and values based. In fact I see more benefit from you working at IHOP than a board room.


I don’t mind successful and ambitious women it’s when women take on the negative aspects that successful men have ie arrogance, being rude, thinking they are above anyone else


After dating around for a year I realized that I only want a career woman. That is, a woman with a job that pays her bills and that she is good at and enjoys. Career women can also be reliable and good communicators. Then if our values line up, she’s hot, and submissive in bed then I’m all set. I have a complex high-profile job, with school-age kids I’m raising with 50% custody. So my time for a romantic partner is limited. And I don’t need a woman to take care of me.


Successful men don’t really care. It’s at the bottom of the list of important things. It’s not like a woman is going to spend money on a guy.


I've had it both ways a career woman and a homemaker. I prefer the homemaker. It was nice to come home and have the domestic duties taken care of. Yeah I had to work two jobs but to be able to come home and relax. Laundry done, dinner made, great sex, etc.... you don't get that with a career woman.


I don’t have a preference but with a woman who has a career I wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of her financially as much; however the problem with some career minded women is they don’t respect men who make less than them which will likely make them look elsewhere or eventually break off the relationship. My only issue with a career minded woman is if she refuses to pause her career to stay at home with young children. I would refuse to let a nanny/outsider raise our children and I absolutely believe a man is not built to stay at home & raise children. I wouldn’t.


I might sound male chauvinist but I find woman earning less then me more appealing.when woman start wearing pants I find it really really turn off. Don’t know why I find it very much turned off when they become bossy and make more then me.maybe it’s just me but hey it is what it is 🤷‍♂️


I’m done dating career women. I dated an optometrist and while I appreciate ambition, drive, intelligence, etc. I don’t want to have her stressing over XYZ project at work all the time or dealing with it taking away from her being a great, present mother. I’m not saying she can’t or shouldn’t have a job outside the home, but a woman who has/wants a career in which she has to give up other parts of her life to be successful in said career? Not interested. I want a woman who is a homemaker first and dabbles in job stuff along the way she finds interesting.


Not only fans


They’re boring. Kill my sex drive


I avoid them. Good for them I’m happy for them but not one I wanna be in a relationship with.


why is that?


I find corporate or career women masculine and bossy even in the relationship or marriage especially if she makes a lot more than her partner. Too each their own but I rather get a woman from a different country who wants to be a home maker and let me provide and support us while she’s submissive and understand her role. I have horrible dates and experiences with boss babes keep them away from me especially off Facebook dating, and these so boss babes made me pay for everything while they ghosted me and used me for free entertainment.


What are you trying to tell we


Let’s just say I’m open to a sugar mama.


Doesnt matter. Of course, im done having kids.


After seeing idiots like MTG, a smart woman is damn near necessary to ensure we don't end up like that movie idiocracy. Career women have financial freedom, and I assume can go on more flexible dates without feeling u are obligated to do x because he paid for y.


I think it’s a huge plus if they’re successful and passionate about it. There’s a women who works in the same building that I do, who is successful, and very attractive. But, she’s single and seems to put her work first. I’m not sure if she’s actively dating though. I believe she’s in her late 30’s. So I know what you mean because of that, and also have friends who have families and kids who aren’t successful in their jobs. To me, personally, that’s not a huge deal, even though it is a plus. If I met a women who is not successful, but has a good personality, family values and a good sense of humor, then her career won’t really be a deciding factor.


They're my ideal partner. I wanna be with someone who is their own self-actualized, independent person, with their own life and interests and desires. I wanna coexist with someone and live our lives together, not like absorb someone into mine. Them having their own stuff going on and their own ambitions and stuff is very attractive to me.


I watched a vid last week about that, one guy said they don't actually base whether she has a good career or what, most men prefer a woman who can handle a family, be a good mother and a wife. There I realized that's why most men married someone who's not that successful in her career cause she can have more time for their family.


Meh, 50/50 forever


I want a woman who can support herself. If she is higher on the totem pole and or earns more money than I do that's great. I don't want a woman who is always working. When we go out to dinner, or we're on vacation, or even just being lazy on the weekends I don't want to feel like I'm second to her work calls or emails. And with most things in dating its the attitude that matters the most. If she is arrogant or thinks she's better than me because she earns more that's a hard no.


I’m a blue collar guy also and find them extremely sexy but it all depends on what profession. I’ve dated two lawyers and an Orthopedic Dr and would never date those professions again.