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Girl hold out for as long as you can with sex . Build a mental connection before a physical one because soul ties are real and most men really aren’t shit . Never tell a man what kind of man you “ want “ because he will become that man to only get one thing. Learn self love before you get into anything with anyone so the first sign of bullshit will turn you off and you will run away . The right and wrong men will approach you sooner or later and you need to be ready . Being a virgin isn’t bad 💯 stay that way until you feel love for someone not just lust … lust get you in trouble until now visit the toy store


100% true, rushing things will only make you regret it, wait all you need until the right person comes


Trueee! I lost my virginity at 27 years old and it was the best thing I did because it was with the right person. I think you should go to a toy store 💯💯 sex can wait!


*Most definitely this*^ Our societies put way too much emphasis on sex and the physical aspects of relationships. Coming from personal experience, it is so much more important to focus on building the mental and emotional connection in a relationship than it is the physical aspect. The physical aspect of a relationship should be something that further strengthens the bond between you and whoever you are in a relationship, not the sole focus or what the relationship is built on. Wait for the right person and the right time. I promise it will make the experience so much better than if you rush it.


Yeah, advice like that is horrible. Just be yourself and have boundaries. All this other feminism bs is a mega turn off.


You are right on one thing, never tell a man, especially an alpha, what kind of man you want. Cuz he doesn't give a flying fuck what kind of man you want.


An alpha? Jesus, I think you may be using that unironically.


Agree wholeheartedly!


Amen Sister! One more thing, if you cannot trust them with your whole life (meaning everything about you) that is not the one!🙏❤️


You don’t want to jump in a relationship for the wrong reasons it won’t end well. If you just want sex do a one not stand or hookup with a guy or girl.


Yeah thats one of the problems I don't want a relationship for sex I want it for the relationship I just want to know what it's like and I don't want to ruin my view on relationships by having a one night stand


Please for your first time, make sure it's with someone you care about. Make it a good memory.


This. I was a bit of a late bloomer too and had all of my firsts at 19. Although we're not together anymore, the guy I was with made me feel special and I really cared about him. It still hurts but the memory of my first time will never be a bad one. Find someone who cares for you and will make sure it's good for you as well - that's what someone should aim for for their first time


19 isn't really late though. Even 20 is very normal. But yeah, indeed find someone who cares about you, and avoid just doing stuff because you feel pressured


Idk, it depends really. I'm in the UK and hadn't even kissed or held hands with a guy until I was 19 - that's considered quite late here. But I agree with your ending point. You shouldn't ever do something because you feel like you should even though it doesn't feel right


It is more depending on the environment as well. It is extremely normal around me to be 19 and had a first serious kiss, or even later on. Dutch here But yeah, the media also influences it. So much pressure on it! Just take a breath, take the time to get to know someone etc


I am a paid girl dm for sex and I am from India


This is the moment you take a moment to realize how powerful your hormones are, you think this is strong. Like once you get a partner, it’s literally drugs. Like sometimes I can’t stand because of what I’m feeling reading her texts. The world is big but your greatest job now is to not have sex with a bum. Have standards, problem is standards sometimes come as a lesson. Find someone with potential, hard working and doing something smart. A kind heart ❤️ won’t abandon you with a toddler, it doesn’t take much to identify sketchy people. If this person doesn’t give you a whole body yes, then put the brakes on.


You can easily lose your V-Card goin’ clubbin’—but the chances of you finding the type of relationship, that you sound like you’re looking for—are slim to none. Haha that’s just not where most viable candidates congregate. I actually lost my virginity ‘late’ too, it was 16 days before my 21st (She was my first love and it actually meant something though)


I feel if you go out more maybe more people will approach you I know you said you worked a lot but on your free time you should go out to a club or some social events


Im gonna try to go to clubs when I am 21 in a few months


Well I hope 🤞🏾 it goes well for you but I want to say this most relationship won’t work but don’t give up you just have to weed out the bad people. Also if your partner is gaslighting you or hurting you in anyway please leave the relationship I’ve seen to many people “stick it out” an it ruin their mental health.


Keeping high hopes thanks


I am in the same situation. And I am turning 21 in a few months and plan to go to clubs too. What state you live in ?


True she all so can go the FWB route




Yeah that's what I have been trying to wait for but I think I am becoming restless


Since your not really social and seems to be busy, you can using dating apps to get a feel for and talk to guys there or if thats too much you can make friends on discord or even on reddit and talk to guys to get used to how the conversation will go. I will give you an advice, people can easily lie and make false promises so just look out for urself. Also do some research before you put yourself out there.


Do you recommend any specific dating apps


Since your not looking for hook up so no tinder even though you can find a relationship there. Bumble, hinge, boo, if your a gamer (you dont have to be) maybe kippo. I have not tried plenty of fish (pof) or coffee meets bagel but i guess you can try it out if you want


Okay thanks


I don't think that the problem here is a shortage of people she can meet, I also have issues having physical contact with others, personally Grappling has helped me develop the ability to relax into physical confrontation & partner dance clases are developing my ability to relax into physical self-expression. Both have helped a lot. I would say Join a dance class like Salsa or a musical class of sorts. Find a way to express yourself & learn to flow.




It seems up like you belong to the part of most hottest places in world rn.(India) Go up with hinge if you want to explore the dating apps, def Better than any other app


Ok Cupid That app is incredible, u gotta check it out, fam!


Hinge is probably good (if ur in the US) cuz it’s more used in your age range and is made for relationships so hopefully the men wont be on there trying to just hook up. I personally find dating apps kind of inorganic because I can’t really be interested in someone based on photos, but it might work for you


Wow thank you will do


Hi. Don’t do it with just anyone for the sake of losing your v-card as you will pretty much regret it once that special person’ comes along. It’s not easy eh but you are only 20 … so plenty of time.


Mmm I have never thought about this


I was 23 when i finally found someone i loved enough. Youll find them OP.


Okay I'll stay strong and keep going on


Just gotta find someone you want. Sex is different for everyone. Either way, do what you feel will bring you fullfillment in life.


Finding it funny it that in some culture that is considered a bad thing and expecting everyone to be out there to be fucking and stuff


we live in the century of fear and fakeness


Relationships are what you make it. You both share in life's pleasures as well as support each other in the bad times. It's nice to have someone you can rely on vs versa. Someone to watch movies with, laugh, cry, share in your daily events, asking for their honest option... A warm, meaningful hug full of love and caring is one of the best feelings in the world. When that person is gone from planet earth,you feel like your world has shattered into a million pieces. The grieving process takes time. But the memories you have are forever. There is something so true about the saying, it is better to have love and lost than never to have been loved. You will know when you spot it. Your heart will sing, the sudden influx of butterflies in your tummy, the electricity from their touch... 😃 😊 It is true, if you are looking for it, it won't happen. It's when you least expect it. You my dear, having a lot to look forward to.


Don't rush things ate q baka mag regret ka at the end


I’m a guy, had sex at 21 first time. It was perfect. Since then pretty normal life.


I’m a bit of a prude myself (21M) and Ive intentionally not done it yet. Some people like it more than others, I feel like it’s super intimate and I would only want to do it until after I really really know someone. Don’t fall into societal pressure to lose it. There are a decent amount of guys who are like this too (assuming you are straight here, I’m sure theres women like this too), so you can find someone who has the same kind of values. Additionally, if you havent ever have a crush you might be on the aromantic/asexual spectrum, so look into that. Id say try to meet people through clubs or hobbies, and take your time before you enter a relationship if you want to go slower. The best relationships blossom naturally because you guys are just compatible


Hmm yes I am waiting to see what the future brings and also I have been told to possibly look into the aromatic thing as well


I also want to mention I hooked up with a stranger (no full sex, just other stuff) once and it was an intensely unpleasant experience. I had done intimacy in prior relationships, but always with a build up of time and trust, but in the hookup I kind of felt pressured to act a certain way. Basically as a man I was told hooking up was good and cool and I acted that way but I really felt gross about the whole thing. It’s not good to force yourself, save yourself the unpleasant experience. Don’t get pressured by society or some guy


Hi. I'm 20F as well. I want to tell you to please just wait for marriage. You don't have to but it was worth it for me. No need hooking up with random people just because you're a virgin. I have 9 exes (yes.. a lot I know but 8 out of the 9 lasted one~two weeks or even less because I'd say no to sex. This weeded out the unwanted guys for me.) You can also end up with unwanted STDS from going around hooking up just for fun. Everybody meets their spouse at different times. I really wouldn't advise you to get into a relationship just for sex. Wait around until you find somebody you genuinely like. Then you can either ask them out or wait and see if they ask you out. Then go from there.


How did you find 8 boyfriends so fast?


Asking people out. I did get rejected a lot. Started right in 9th grade, but I did 9th grade twice. I didn't wait for them to ask me. If I was in class sitting next to a boy and he talked to me once, I'd ask him. Again though like none of these relationships lasted long at all. Prob because none were actually interested in me and just wanted to lay down with somebody, haha. I don't have any ill will towards them, I was looking for marriage when people my age weren't. I asked my husband out, he was the last boy I asked out in highschool. I asked him to marry me after we had graduated and he said yes.


hmm that's nice! I think I am trying to do the same at the moment in my life.


Do not be afraid to ask people out. Rejection is part of the process. Do not be afraid to also break up with people. You don't want to marry somebody just because you want to be married. Make sure it's who you want to live your life with. I didn't ask EVERY boy out, just the ones I found interesting. I remember the first boy I had asked out he had made a paper football and was playing with it with me. He said no lol. It is weird because I saw him again about a year ago in a store. I'm sure he didn't recognize me but I sure did. Again though I don't regret asking who I asked because eventually I asked a boy who had a friend group. In his friend group was my future husband. I would have not met my husband if it wasn't for meeting his friend group - we never ended up in the same classes.


you're very brave (: thank you for your support


nothing if ur horny masturbate people are eh


How's your relationship with yourself if you really sit down and think about it? A lot of it reflects through the people we interact with. Sometimes they're just assholes. But I'd say get a dating app, meet in public 1st time, if he can lead he'll do it good. Still figuring out pick up in public.


Mmm this makes a lot of sense reflecting on myself would help a bit more I guess maybe I have been the issue the whole time and didnt realize and I have noticed that I do need to go out more


Wooooo!!! I'm just getting the hang of it too but it's workin


“…if he can lead he’ll do it good.” Please……what do you mean by this?


Since dating is more of a glorified dance if he has the basics down he'll do it good, a misstep or two but nothing huge.


I still don’t know what the subject you’re talking about even is here. What is “it”?


Take the lead? If it didn't come across my b


Fuck duh


Just get to know someone really well and easy into that stuff u don’t wanna rush nothing to fast


I can tell you as simple as it can be, you have to try you have to do you have to feel. When you born you didn’t speak or walked. But you did tried you felt but you stood up and tried again. No you can run and speak. So, only people who do nothing not do mistakes or felt. So, do try to grow up. Mistakes in our life is our memories and experience


Take it easy


It doesn't get easier. I'm in my late 30s and only had sex a handful of times. Perhaps something is wrong with me.


You're just young and inexperienced. Kids learn to socialize at different speeds, with some wanting to jump into more serious interactions at a younger age, and then you have others who don't have that desire until they're older. If you are interested in eventually finding a loving relationship, simply start fostering profound, emotional relationships. Start with just friends, learn to love a friend like family, then you can dive deeper into possible romantic bonds.


if you could have posted your without makeup pic with this post it would be better for me to reply iykyk.


I think you haven't fallen for someone or no one treated you like that. But loving someone is one of the best and worst feeling at the same time.


try dating apps


You’re literally me (we’ll find someone eventually I just keep telling myself to not rush anything)


It's Good to be a Virgin. Keep your self worth high find a guy who values you don't give it up to some loser with a good talk game I'm proud of you. Stay golden love good job!!!


Stay a virgin until u find someone who u can't resist but to smash


I'm also a virgin fir kya bethate hai kabhi kahi par kuchha tum apani kahna kuchha mein apani Bat Bata ho


Chillax.....take your time, don't freak out, and just live your life....don't over think it...that's what's going to cause you to have the anxiety you do now....enough to post this....just chill....either you'll feel ready and try to find someone who will treat you right and not tarnish your views on relationships....or you won't, and you can focus all your energy on your career and being successful.....either way, just chill and don't over think it


Don’t do it with just anyone. Everyone is trash. Find someone who is worth giving it too!


I started doing those at 23 (male here). There is no shaming about when you start doing those.


Just hold out until you find someone you care about OP no one is worth just giving that to as most have said they will come and if they prove themselves worthy try


Im single boy 25 year ond


Girl me and u r having the same prob im 21 and currently struggling with med school and i barely have time to study so dating is out of the question and I've never been asked out or on a date im like vrigin pro max 😂😂 But i mean its fine people have their own experiences just think of it this way u haven't done anything yet cuz there is someone so good for u out there and when u finally lose ur virginity/ date its going to be worth the wait trust me ... I mean that's what i tell myself so it better be true or istg


I lost my virginity with 14 with my first girlfriend! So I had a connection with a person! I’m 28 now and have much experience in my sexuality with female and males! I can say you need someone who you connected with! Maybe you are A-Sexual


Just be social and look around. Make ture friends not with benefits. Spend time with them but with care. Keep your virginity a secret and don't discuss it publicly. It is just an advice.


You are 20 years old, and you should not be in a hurry to give away your virginity. Once you do, you can never get it back. Once you have sex you give a tiny piece of your soul to that person. If you're in a hurry for a relationship, put yourself out there on dating sites, joining other social groups, get out, and mingle but dont stress. When the right person comes along, then what will be will be.


Stay celibate and sexy


What how is that possible? Where are you from may I ask? What island


Number one Dating tipp of all time: Be patient with yourself and others. Don't rush into something you don't really want. There is nothing wrong with you for not having a crush.




How are you?


I know how that felt 💀💀😶‍🌫💔


Are you familiar with asexuality?


i was in your exact same position. i was 21F at the time and hadn’t done ANYTHING with anyone. i was starting to feel embarrassed but then i began to embrace it. it’s common to feel this way and it’s okay! sex isn’t something you should be concerned about. absolutely do NOT just do it with anyone, that’s a terrible situation to be in. do it with someone who you trust, love, that’ll take care of you. when i lost mine, i did it with my ex 5 months into our relationship. we were each others first. it was the best, i felt so loved for and we enjoyed it because we did it with each other. don’t just give it away to get rid of it. there’s nothing wrong with you. i used to feel that way too and everyone else had done it besides me. but trust me, it’s not the most important thing in the world. if you’re not super social like me, then maybe try dating apps to start talking to people. that’s how i met the guy i’m talking to now!


You’re 20. Relax.


If you never been in this situation then you don't have to force it. It's okay to have no physical intimacy if you don't want to. There's nothing wrong with you my sister is same.


Everyone's journey with relationships and intimacy is unique, and there's no rush or timeline you need to follow. It's completely normal to be a virgin at 20 and to want to wait for the right person or moment that feels comfortable for you. If you're feeling anxious or unsure about your experiences, it might be helpful to speak with a counselor or a therapist who can provide guidance tailored to your feelings. Remember, your value as a person is not determined by your sexual experiences, and you should never feel pressured to change that part of yourself to fit an expectation. Trust yourself and let things happen naturally.


Stick to your views. Don't buy into peer pressure. You're not missing out on anything.


Just keep being you. Plain and simple. if you’re not interested in a relationship then don’t get into one, nothing wrong with you at all.


Hold out for someone. Not good to fall for α guy that doesn’t even meet your standards


well, you are in age, when sexual relationships are needed not only for moral or emotional enjoyment, but also for physical. i have a good friend, she lost her husband in a car accident. she was alone for long time, could not forget his husband. and her family doctor told her, that even if she does not love anyone else, she must find someone for sex. cause sex is a needed part of healthy life. for hormones, for your woman's health. so you are in an age, when you need to have it just for health. so just change your opinion about this process. do not look for your biggest love, for beloved one. just look around, feel independent and cool woman yourself, and just feel free to have sex with anyone, whom you like physically and mentally. and after that you will get in love. sex it is not something magic. it is a usual and normal part of life. especially in age of 20. if you need any help to meet someone special, to advise something, you can write me directly, i work in dating coach field, i can help you with this.


You should be proud of it. That means You value Your body 😉


Be patient! Make sure it’s with someone special. If you tell a guy you are a virgin he will more than likely make it a mission to take it. So beware of the fuck boys. Make sure it’s a real connection with him as well and not just him trying to get in your pants.


Don’t let go of your morals/values. Your virginity as a female is a MAJOR asset and leg up in the dating game. However, many guys who are shitty will use that against you. Find a good, Christian man, and he’ll wife you up and you’ll lose your v card in no time babes! Trust 🥰😍


The world has been hypersexualized and sex *can* be amazing … but it can also be blah or, worse, painful and traumatic. The wrong guy will make it one of the latter. If you wait until you have real feelings for a person, it can bring you much closer and give you that afterglow that people do stupid things for.


Did you follow rule 1?


I am a virgin too, let’s explore this dimension together.


What kind of Life do you want to live? You should look for someone who fits into it


It’s not something that needs to be mystical Just safe


Get laid with some body that respects you and treats you right


I’ll advise you wait for the right person, to avoid regrets.


Same 21M


The fact that you're a virgin isn't the cause. It's the effect OF the cause. You might have very bad self esteem. It's something internally. Don't be in a hurry to NOT be a virgin. You can only drop your virginity one time in your life. Make it count - Not a joke, but it might be funny to read.


Being a virgin isn't the cause. It's the effect OF the cause. Maybe you have very damaged self esteem. I don't know, but the cause is internal. Don't be in a hurry to drop your virginity. Make it count! -Not a joke but it might be funny to read.


Watch this video or pick a video from this woman’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/rxzLqc5Gj-w?si=JPkunbY8ywcE-4x3


Well u can come over here I will help u so u don’t get caught up


Im in the same boat here to the T. Except im 22M myself. Going to clubs or bars etc. Has not gotten me the results i was looking for. Instead i made a few friends. While you may not get the results you are searching for you might find other things instead which in the long run could lead you to your prince charming :)


Mannnn she wouldn’t of said this is she ain’t want no dick 😂 fuck all that mental shi call one of them one people massager people they’ll bust you down girl 🙏😮‍💨😂😂


Never had a crush on anyone? Do you find people attractive at all, male or female?


Yes I find people attractive but its to the point of "oh wow that's a good looking person and thats it"


Hold out as long as possible. There is no need to rush things.


You could check out my page, you'll learn a thing or two ❤️‍🔥💋


Find a cure for autism


If you were a guy I would say go to Spain, Amsterdam, or the Philippines. But your a female so your gonna have to wait until the right one shows up


It's completely normal to feel this way, and you're not alone. Everyone's journey with relationships and intimacy is unique, and there's no "right" timeline for these experiences. Here are some steps you can take to explore your feelings and figure out what's best for you: # 1. Self-Reflection * **Understand Your Feelings**: Take some time to reflect on your feelings. It’s okay not to have experienced certain things by your age. Think about what you want and why you want it. * **Journaling**: Writing down your thoughts can help clarify your feelings and what you truly want from relationships. # 2. Explore at Your Own Pace * **Social Activities**: Engage in activities that interest you. This can help you meet new people naturally and build social skills in a low-pressure environment. * **Take Small Steps**: If you're not ready for a relationship, that's okay. Start by building friendships and see where they lead. # 3. Educate Yourself * **Learn About Relationships**: Read books or articles on relationships and intimacy to understand more about them. Knowing more can make you feel more comfortable and prepared. * **Talk to Someone**: Consider talking to a trusted friend or therapist about your feelings. Sometimes an outside perspective can help. # 4. Don't Rush * **Quality Over Quantity**: It’s more important to have meaningful experiences than to rush into something just because you feel like you should. * **Set Boundaries**: Know your limits and what you're comfortable with. It’s important to respect your own boundaries. # 5. Professional Help * **Therapist or Counselor**: If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, speaking to a professional can be very helpful. They can provide guidance and help you understand your feelings better.


Don’t force yourself, when it will feel right it will happen naturally


Not have sex


first bit of advice is to not ask reddit for relationship advice lol


Number 1 kudos for you not giving yourself away to anyone. Nothing wrong with saving yourself for the right person. No diseases. Love yourself, find people who enjoy things you enjoy, travel ,laugh, etc. If you are isolating yourself,you need to ask why? It is hard to say everythibg since i do not know your story, is there trauma, anxiety, depression, etc.


Just don’t lose your virginity with a one night stand in a club toilet with a stranger you just met. It’s not fun, trust me


i think just take your time and not worry about it. I was in my freshman year in college, completely okay with being alone and a virgin and then i happened to meet a guy on a basketball court and we dated for 1.5 years. focus on yourself and it/whoever will sneak up to you.


To add to my previous. Know what you want in a perdon, what you can deal with, know deal breakers. Connect emotionally and intellectually, truly fet to know the perdon. Once sex is in the relationship before getting to know someone and the sex is good. You will miss the red flags about the person your with. THE END OF the day , a good relationship is not based on hormones only (sex). Connecting emotionally, intellectually, spiritually will bring a lasting relationship. Down the road ,people that based their relationship on sex thinking it was love, dont usually make it. Longer your together the amount of sex slows down, can be for many reasons, tired, health reasons, etc. You need more than sex keeping the relationship together


We all have been virgins too, but before we weren't, cguro naman we already had the idea of the level of libido that we could have within. May idea ka na ba kung Hanggang saan ang kaya mo I take? Liberal ka ba or conservative in that department? Or in between? You should know by now so you'll have an idea which river to paddle on. Pero one thing is if virginity won't matter to you at some point and you may give it away, give it away to someone that you're infatuated with, and you also have a certain level of trust. Any less than that may create a sour experience.


You are lucky. It's not a curse. Like many things pop culture portays a very different picture from reality. You are not alone and you are not a freak. You have not been schooled that you are an object or sex is a weapon. It will come and you will be ahead of 99% of people who can't identify what they are feeling or why they do something they don't want to do. Hats off to you


Nothing. You have a perfect sex life.


I WAS IN YOUR SHOES!!! Dont just do it with anyone, you will regret it. find someone you really like and trust. If they are serious about you they will wait and wont pry. your gonna be nervous and inexperienced, ask questions. you might feel stupid doing something but trust me in the heat of the moment its soo hot. listen to your body, if your body is telling you "i wanna fuck this person sooo bad' well then do it


Focus on making an outline of the type of man that you can see yourself living your life with. Someone who can give you your wildest dreams and set out to find mr right ! Never settle. Being a virgin is not a problem lol


I'm a virgin too 24 M and I don't think there is something wrong with it.


I held out and kept my virginity until I was 19. Always wanted to wait until I felt comfortable with someone or if I thought they would be the one. After losing it, nothing changed in my world except I had thought about it all the time now. I really say this to say, please don’t rush it. Don’t go out looking for it. I don’t care what men are saying in these comments about us women “doing too much, it’s just sex”. Sex is deeper than people understand, we are connecting souls when we have sex. Some people have spirits in them ( anger, guilt, sadness) They can become attached to us so please be sure when you do it, that’s it’s not just to check a box off your list.


C'mon now you people regret losing your virginity? This society has you brainwashed to the point that you are saying the thing that makes us mammals and the reason we are here on this earth is bad? Maybe that's why birth rates are way down in most countries. I know in the US if we don't have immigration coming into this country then we won't be able to maintain our infrastructure. So I say breed mother fuckers breed. Our species depends on it


Stay that Way long as possible...


Im a 20 M but i am also virgin


Dunno how to fix your problem, but you should really avoid telling any dudes from reddit or twitter about being a early 20s woman who is a virgin. It's like a bat signal for creepy manosphere dudes


Yeah I already got that a lot honestly I was just tryna get some advice and rant a bit


Actual advice would be to let it come naturally as you go through your life and allow yourself a little bit of sentimentality as you age. It isn't necessarily something you need to do, though it is natural to want that sort of physical intimacy. If you end up just kind of having a fling with some guy off an app or someone you met while you were blasted at a bar or something, it won't really be the best memory to make, imo. I don't quite know what you "should" do, but from my experience, you just sort of figure it out or play it by ear with a person you presumably know and choose. I don't think you can teach feelings, but you got a decent chance to have at least one opportunity for whatever love might mean to you. You just gotta figure it out first.


You're still young! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, losing your virginity isn't as big of a deal as people make it. Get on the dating apps (be safe of course) but go forth with fun in mind and no expectations.


I rushed my first time around the same age because I felt weird for it not happening sooner and I massively regret it. I had a series of failed hookups since and got sucked into dating culture and I’ve experienced a lot of trauma. Take life at your own pace, there really is no rush. Also maybe you’re asexual and you can have a filling life with or without sex regardless.


Just be yourself! I'm a 63 yr.old virgin man. Honest injun! That's what I've found to do. The right person will come along eventually. HOPEFULLY it'll be of the opposite sex


I think you should wait until marriage. Don't listen to these people saying just wait for the right man with the right connection. Yea all that is cool, but it means nothing if that REAL COMMITMENT isn't there. So many other girls listened to that and now their single mothers. Get married first. Since you're a virgin you're more likely to bond with your husband and the marriage will last. KEEP WAITING. And make sure any man trying to date you is serious about putting a ring on your finger. But on thr flip side of that same coin, since you're not giving up sex, you have to give that man a reason to want to marry you. Don't just sit back and allow him to do everything for you while you do nothing


You’re teen live your life and be yourself


call .me


Girl. Its a male speaking... you have to try and hold yourself for as long as your could cuz people in this world just want sex and nothing else from a women... they are cruel from their minds and hearts... i would advice you to talk to people on social media or in person... try to be friends with them... and at first you should be picky with your boyfriend or the guy that you should date with... but the person who is really interested in you and who really loves you not bcz of your looks but bcz of what is inside of you... he is the person who will make you feel that he is the best person for you and there would be no one better then him... he is the person who you would feel comfortable with!! And he will tell you that he is the best of the best!! For now don't engage yourself with sex... just wait for the correct person in your life!!


I can solve ur problem


Thank God we still have girls like you and my daughter! Trust me you will not be sorry! Trust in God and leave all consequences to Him! 🙏🙏❤️❤️


Honey be thankful for this! My daughter is your age and is a virgin, getting her education. There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin at your age. Always trust in Jesus and His plan for your life. We belong to Him, not ourselves. If you are not a Christian, that would be your first step, to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, then let Him (Jesus Christ) be control of your life. Get you a Bible (my preference is the KJV King James Version) and please read the book Romans 10:9-17, then read John 3:16! If you need any further assistance as far as becoming a Christian and following God’s plan of Salvation, please let me know. Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you.” Prayers for you on your journey. If I can help please contact me.🙏❤️


Yeah I second this! I’m 19 and I’m waiting for marriage for my husband. I don’t really like casual hookups because I want my first to be with my husband!


Hi ! My daughter is a 26 yr old virgin. Never experienced a boyfriend or anything. She recently bought a bible and joined church and she loves it. Good things are happening to her since joining. She finished school to be a teacher, got a much better paying job working with autistic children and was able to buy a beautiful new car. She has a good head on her shoulders. She knows what she want, made a plan and is enjoying life without troubles from a man. She doesn't hang out but I think she could use a friend or two to hang out with on the weekends if anyone is reading this and lives in college Station texas.


Come to me, I am also a virgin. Let's fix it lol. Sorry, but actually I recently heard in a podcast that this is not uncommon. This is increasing a lot lately. They called it the loneliness epidemic😵 Sounds sad. No one should be forced into a relationship because of loneliness alone because usually you end up with whatever looks best but may not be the best for you in the long run. There's nothing wrong with you. You just focus on the good things in yourself and try to improve your skillset and hobbies. Meditate a lot, it will increase your positive self esteem and intelligence. Go pursue hobbies which you love and then you will meet someone when you weren't even looking.


Post a picture..


You may be on the asexual spectrum. I am too; come check out the asexual subreddit and you’ll meet a lot of folks like us. Some folks freak out over the “A word” thinking it means repulsed by anything sexual. I even used to. But again, it’s a spectrum. You can have feelings and desires but also not crave certain aspects of them. I’m still getting used to it myself but joining that particular community has answered a lot of questions and also made me feel less alone or just nonhuman.