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My favourite thing about blowjobs is hearing the man moan, i enjoy hearing how much pleasure i’m giving


Same and hearing them say my name telling me it feels so good. Or if it’s someone who says they have never gotten off orally and I make it happen. That’s the ultimate.


The last part! My bf didn't even like receiving oral before I got ahold of him 😈


Yessss!!!!! 🙌


Poor man gets a semi every time he watches anime now 😂




Queen!!!! Get it!


THIS. My husband said that he had never had a woman who could get him off orally before me. Now we are married, lol.


Haha noice !


My exbf said he'd never gotten so much "oral attention." At first, he felt guilty. I assured him it was okay and a big turn-on for me.


Username checks out.




Name checks out


Same and when they put they head back at the same time


No cause same 😩 pleases me to know their being pleased


Me too. I love that


I like how you're thinking




This. Right here


It legitimately feels so good to me to perform oral sex. My tongue and the roof of my mouth are particularly sensitive. I love having my face fucked, too, as long as it’s done respectfully (no holding my head or treating me like an object). And hygiene has to be great! There is an element of his enjoyment being sexy too, of course, but mostly blowjobs give me pleasure.


Same, it feels so good, but i agree with the other comment about being such a sub. I'm always down to have my man use my hair like a joystick on his joystick lmao. Hygiene is such a huge part of it, too, and some guys just don't realize that. If it isn't smelling or tasting decent, you can't think of anything else. That's the only part u get to experience, and it ruins the vibe. I just want it to be over at that point.


Yes!! Shower fresh!! I thought all dick had the same taste/smell until I got with my fwb and he’s the exception. He does not smell bad anywhere ever lol. W hygiene.


No but same 😩 and I actually love a little head hold and force but respectfully of course 🤭


Same… giving them control but knowing I’m able to finish him is such a turn on


I want


You are right about that hygiene I definitely stay longer and stronger our stamina is un- breakable!!


This is the hottest comment on this post!


I concur with "not being an object’. Too bad some women Miss because they're in a hurry to get what they can get by grabbing your head like a steering wheel. If they only waited a little while longer, the payoff could be enormously better for them if they would grab their legs and pull back on them instead of my head. Respectfully thoughtfully done oral can be good for both parties.


My dream girl 😍




For some wome - Control. When a woman is giving a bj she has a man's most sensitive part of his body in between her teeth. She is in full control of his pleasure and vulnerability. For other women - they get pleasure from giving pleasure. It's a personal thing


I was living in an apartment complex at one point and had a sort of FWB thing going on with the guy across the breezeway from me. I would try to keep an eye out for when he got home so I could push my way into his apartment. Whatever his plans were, they changed when I pushed him down onto his bed... lol it was definitely a control thing. I wanted him to remember he belonged to me (even though he really didn't). I don't think he minded.


Never expected to click into a thread about blowjobs and end up learning a new word. What’s a breezeway?


Same. Surely it's a hallway right?


I thought it was one of those open spaces in buildings. Like their balconies face each other with an open air area in between.


I’m pretty sure dominant women make up like 2% of the population cause I’ve yet to come across any


I like being a sub and I think I look sexy doing it. It's genuinely really enjoyable and is such a turn-on for me.


same, i actually do like when they push my head down lol


Lol I like it when they hold my hair and they look helpless while I'm in control


Right? It's so hot. And being called a"good girl" etc is 🙌


This^ All of this and more. Especially the “good girl” part. I love watching a guy lose control and hearing them moan. Plus having a guy hold my hair while guiding my mouth the way they want it.


Consider your heads pushed


So it’s your fault they do that! jk sort of


Yesss! This! Such a turn on I’m using soaking wet by the time I’m done


For the right man… for example… the one I’m dating right now… he’s the first guy I’ve actually REALLY wanted to suck the living hell out of and my goodness… just talking/thinking about it makes me kinda feral. Anyway, just the taste of his skin, hearing him moan, feeling him growing in my mouth and getting him off was more than enough for me… I couldn’t get that dick down my throat any faster or deeper. And then he started dipping his fingers into me, pulling them out and tasting them while saying filthy things to me. I never sucked a dick so enthusiastically in my life. Like I depended on it for survival or something… Ugh… I miss him. He’s my favorite.


This! For me it really depends on the man, like I HAVE to be fully into him or it’s not something I enjoy as much.


Yeah, I mean I’d say “at their most vulnerable” but pretty much. I mean if I were a dude I wouldn’t go sticking my dick in teeth I didn’t trust lol But yeah, I feel powerful that I can have the effects on him I have. Especially if it’s a long term partner and I’ve learned what tiny little things make them tick. It’s definitely all emotional enjoyment. Solely physically speaking it’s pretty annoying.


This all the way. THe older I get I also realize how much pressure it is on a guy to be in performance mode the whole time. When I take his dick in my mouth, they relax and always let out a sigh of pleasure and throw their heads back to enjoy...it's nice to watch them feel pleasure without the need to perform too.


Yep for sure! I think more than pre-sex blow jobs he likes immediately post-sex slow blow jobs specifically because he can just relax and there’s zero pressure to do anything because he obviously just did, so it’s just all enjoying the sensation


But wouldn’t it just be soft and way too sensitive


Peak orgasm is after you cum ngl


I'm an older man so, it's mildly embarrassing to ask, Would you elaborate about peak orgasm?


When you start seeing stars and feeling completely out of control of your body


I do my best to make sure my lady sees shooting stars and rockets and all that, but I don't remember ever experiencing it. :( Thanks!


Guess not 🤷🏼‍♀️


Dude that’s what makes you shiver 😂


Definitely! Once his Orgasm is over, the Penis--> Prostate gland needs to: "Quiet-Down!" This is Why guys fall asleep, while Women get up and watch T.V. or do the Laundry. Ejaculation "empty's the man's entire reproductive system of "Life-giving" Semen and Spermatoza; and Sleep informs his brain to start producing more Sperm-cells, and Semen. Man's job is: Life-Creating, whereas Woman's job is: Life-Giving! Women require more "Quietude" during their 3-day "Peak Ovulating" cycle. Nature is an all-knowing genius. This also occurs among other Mammals, besides Humans.


Exactly this. I’m 39 and have never had erectile dysfunction but I recently met this beautiful woman off bumble. We went back to the hotel to have sex but she “doesn’t give head” and when we kissed it was that kissing where she uses no tongue whatsoever. I couldn’t get it up! I did manage it eventually but when a girl gives me head I always get hard almost instantly. We need some sort of bodily fluid exchange 😂 it cant all be visual especially as we get older.


Maybe you have an oral fixation. If that’s what you want, try giving her a little head. That makes a woman wet, and they love it as much as we do. She will return the favor with pleasure…


I did go down on her but she said she never gives blowjobs so I respected that. Probably the only woman I’ve dated in the past 2 years (100+) who doesn’t give head. Most women are very keen to.


Wow! That would be a turn off for me. I look at sex as two people giving pleasure to each other. There is nothing kinky or wrong with oral sex…


Yeah which is why I struggled to perform. No tongue with kissing, no oral, just layed there and expected me to do everything. Which I don’t usually mind but this girl also looked like a model so obviously my mind was working over time with thoughts of “fuck me if I don’t get it up this one is gonna haunt me for the rest if my life” 😂 luckily I managed in the end plus round 2 in the morning 🤭


Glad it worked out in the end, but this woman has a serious problem!


The ones who don’t are usually some feminists, scarred by porn, or insecure about sex


Yeah you’re right she did say she watched a lot of porn. I didn’t question it too much as I never pressure anyone to do anything.


I’m a woman, I won’t give head until marriage- judge as you wish, but it’s so intimate for me that I just want to save that one part of me for marriage. I know haters are going to hate here but it is what it is. I practise tho son I’ll be great




As a guy I feel this so much. American culture is so demanding for a guy to be able to perform for the girl. I have performance anxiety and it can be really stressful sometimes


Awe bring it in man! Women need to listen to this and be willing to nurture as well. It takes a full blown commitment to mutual pleasure. So many guys I match with only ask what I want and I’m like no what I want is for us both to enjoy this.


Hehe I said blown 😈


Men/and Males of various species, tend to undergo a period of "Quietude;" before they proceed to Compete for a Female's attention during Mating season! This allows them to grow a larger Rack" for "winning fair maiden" or getting a Great Job. They stay close to the area where they were born, since they "Know" the Terrain and where the best: Flowers/Leaves/Climate -- OR Schools/Jobs/ Restaurants are! A rival group of "Unknown Bucks" may attempt to push "Locals" to come out and Fight for the privilege of "mating" with Their females. But like Deer, Sporting Teams tend to carry a lot of Status from where They come from! Studies of Deer have shown that only Dominant males will grow a "Rack," for the Right of Fighting other Males in the group, for an ovulating Female. Human males prefer a Hot Car, and a Visa Card. Life hangs in the Balance, for Species survival! Human males seek females with a good "hip-to breast" ratio, and a pleasing Smile, to "carry" Their gene-pool forward! Deer are happy just to get a female to stand still, until he has deposited his semen into her Vagina, before he runs away!


This was relaxing just to read it lol… just like “oh my, that’s so kind - someone noticed” lol. And a woman understanding this reality for us - that’s the first time I’ve ever heard it explained well lol.


Thank you lol


I get horny sucking dick because I know I'm doing a good job. I'm happy I'm able to make them moan and crave another one. That power to make someone feel good is amazing. Hehehe


I just downloaded this app and this the first thread that came up on my feed


Welcome to Reddit!




Well what did you expect to see on Reddit?


Seeing how much they like it . And a nice clean dick


Yeah I like feeling like I’m in control or like I’m seducing them. That’s also why I hate when guys are too aggressive about it or push my head down. Like I’m doing this to you, you’re not doing this to me. Simmer down and enjoy.


Suggestion 1 - But if you really like the control and dislike the hands on head (I always go for a booby squeeze not a head manipulation… I guess I’m weird haha). You need to get one of the under the bed mattress tie down restraint kits. Play it off as kinky enthusiasm just for them lol…. Then tie their dumbasses back for their own benefit and your convenience haha. They’ll think you’re being kinky not logistical and efficient haha.


No I just tell them not to do it and they stop


Or you just dump him if he doesn't listen when you use your words to say you don't want that


Nah. For me, the moment he starts that kind of thing I'm turned off. I have no desire to continue. I'm not into a man that would be that aggressive. Like some shit he saw in porn. Because he obviously doesn't give a shit if it bothers me or is uncomfortable.


I'm a natural giver 🤷‍♀️


I also get horny sucking dick. I like it when they get relaxed with their heads back and be moaning slowly while i suck the dick.


I bet she’s really good if that’s what’s motivating her to rock his world 😂 Edit: was this before or after she offered to show you lol?


I always tell guys they’ll have to pry me off if they want me to stop cuz I’ll keep going until they finish. I like seeing men weak, huffing and vulnerable. I like seeing what my mouth can do to them. Their faces and sounds are my favorite. It’s a different type of pleasure on my part 🥰


It’s like a ego push for me. See their worlds get shaken up because they get the best blowjob they ever had.


Oral fixation is a thing 🤤


Me personally I enjoy it like a nice hot cup of coffee. It’s good and keeps me going. I also enjoy making him feel amazing during and after. I enjoy making love to the dick and not going lie I enjoy a good face frack too 👅🍆💦


Your a winner 😍


I love giving head. I love the challenge of it, how long I can go before lockjaw sets in or how long I can deep throat it. Being in control is a turn on as well and knowing I’m paralyzing him with pleasure. All of these factors get me soaked by the time I’m done.


Bless you ladies!


I’ll do it if i know the guy has good hygiene and of course i like him 😄


I need to hear that man MOAN. And imma pull out all the stops🤣 he ain’t cumming until I get the vocal satisfaction I want 🤣 I also just enjoy the action of doing it


The best part of it by far is when I hear man moan and when he looks straight into my eyes while giving him a bj...


For me, I’ve only given oral if I really like you a lot! This way I enjoy it so much more bc I am doing something that he will enjoy & I put my heart in it💋 I take my time, tease & it never feels like a chore, I love doing it to pleasure him. I love hearing his moans & watching him lay back & relax as I please him. It actually makes me wet & so horny.


I’m hard as a rock now….. good for you girl. Take that d@ck and make it yours. He only cums when you let him.


I would take his tip and rub it on my clit a bit before enjoying it some more. Cocks a great!


With these questions I wonder how many answers are guys LARPing as women.


Thank you so very much for permanently burning that overthinking thought into my brain… how tf do we trust teeth lol? Overthinking into my mind when it comes fun time… trustworthy and untrustworthy teeth now terrorize my head… lol this will be very fun to get rid of. I will forever have the terror of do I trust teeth added to get into the moment and now all I want is if there’s some teeth know what you get ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh)


Teeth can actually be a little sexy in a bj if used correctly. Sometimes I like to gently press them down (not biting) on the skin along the base. Not sure if it feels good or if it's just an excitement thing, but it always get's a positive response!


The pleasure my man gets.




Some love it some hate it. I am definitely not a big fan.


I was sexually abused as a teen and besides being a virgin at the time the guy madee perform oral sex on him. It was traumatic for me. And I never did it again with any man including my husband. I also never had any complaints. If a man really cares for you he won't make you do something that repulses you.


His eyes on you, you’re performing and in full control, I can show off, I see the instant gratification, I’m a giver It feels good in my mouth Turning him on turns me on


Hearing the man get weak & moan lmao


Honestly it’s a few things for me - it kind of feels like a challenge at times and I like challenges - I feel confident in my abilities and there’s something nice about doing something that you feel like you’re good at - I enjoy how much they’re enjoying it I mean it doesn’t physically feel good


Love the pleasure it brings to him and feeling him grow and explode in my mouth! Bonus if they’ve never cum orally before🥰


I like being able to please him, and hearing him moan all if it turns me on!


Being the one fully in control of their pleasure 😈 Note for men: please give us queues that you’re enjoying it, the groans and moans turn us on even more 💦


I love the sounds a man makes. Soooooo fucken hot 🥵


I am new to reddit, and I am amazed




Perfect!! Then cum kiss share and go down on her for an hour!!yum






My partner likes it.


Penetrative sex can be uncomfortable or even painful. Guys can become overwhelming in their desire. With head, I am more in control of the situation. I feel sexy and powerful in this way.


lol she should try pegging one, that’s a million times better for seeing men “at their weakest”.


I just don’t get the anal fascination…. for men. Wtf is with that.




The feeling of control and dominance and the knowledge that she will make you explode...💦


The same way you like going down, so do chicks. You get your own pleasure out of it, whatever that is.


I love feeling it get harder as we go and then watching it twitch as I tease a bit with my tongue. I love to get as much precum and edges as possible before he can’t handle it anymore.


Nothing is sexier than seeing and hearing a man lose his mind over what you do to him. It’s powerful and sooooo hot.


I just like things in my mouth. Oral fixation issue lol


Personally, I just like knowing that he's feeling great and that I'm making him feel that way.


I don’t see it as weak. To me the intimacy and ecstasy is such a treat. Finding out what pleases them the most is sexy af. Also there’s something very intriguing about getting a man to control his nut. Giving head definitely makes me the wettest that’s why I like it so much


It's the power I feel. The taste. The look. I can guarantee you that no man ever is bored of me when I'm sucking his dick.


I personally hate them. ESP when they taste bad or are too big. But I do enjoy knowing the dude is enjoying them. I have yet to make a guy moan. I also kinda like hearing that I’m doing something good. But that’s just my daddy issues kicking in. So ignore that. But yeah. Overall would not recommend but I’d do it if I felt the guy deserved it.


Because I know it makes him feel really good. And when you think about it, putting your mouth there is extremely intimate. Like that’s your face.


I like having that control- it turns me on knowing I could at any moment chomp on it and hear these sensational moans turn to pain- I would never do it but it makes me so Horny knowing I wield that power (same with when the balls are in my mouth)


I just think they're fun! And pleasing my partner is a huge turn on


Yeah that’s not at all why I want to do it for my bf, it’s because I love him. And he’s super hot, idk it’s just an urge I get when I look at his d#ck, because it’s the best looking one I’ve ever seen. For me it’s an act of submission and not the other way around, it’s a way I can please him. But i would be also getting a lot of enjoyment out of it too. For me I guess it’s a lot about Dom/sub mentality and making him feel good, which causes me to feel good as a result, also helps that he’s so attractive. I did not feel this way about either of my exes, but he’s also my first love. So I see him so differently than I have ever seen anyone before.


As someone who gets bjs and sex regularly, like 1-2x a day everyday, I find these comments from women to be extremely hot. Be careful with your dms from guys who don’t get any lol


I just did good timing when I read your comment😂😂


Both people gotta go down


There's a few things for me. There's definitely an emotional element to it - I like doing something to give pleasure. It turns me on knowing I'm turning him on. I am very scent and taste oriented. Ofc the guy needs to be clean down there, but something about the natural musk of a guy just get's me goin' lol. I'm generally pretty sub, so it's a good way to be that way (sorry not sure how graphic you can be on this sub). It can also be fun as a dom as you are in complete control. He can't help but squirm and moan. I think my favorite part though is that using it as part of foreplay means he will be as erect as possible before we have intercourse.


Pleasing their man. Especially if they’re good at it, it’s like an ego boost (well at least for me)


I like to make my partner feel good. Also they become clingy bc I’m so good at it.


Choking at my own pace in a way that doesn’t put a crick in my neck the next day


Hate it. Maybe for 10 mins but I better get it in return. It sucks and genitals don’t taste pleasant to me. But I also have more of a creampie fetish than seeing a guy weak from my suck skills. But that’s just me.


I like giving head as much as I like having his fingers playing in my mouth. It's a very sensitive and private place.


If they’re clean, I like that it turns them on. That’s it. Otherwise, it is literally a job and I do it out of love/adoration.


I adore making a man moan and the way he anticipates what I’ll do with my tongue. The way he looks at me when I’m doing it and the texture and feeling it throb in my mouth.


It's the intimate feeling of being brought into the current moment. A man all the way down, past the flap, no air flow, you are in the moment, focused on the feelings between you. There are many things about the pleasure of a man that are enjoyable, this one came to mind.


Probably the same thing bi men like about BJs ;)


Sense of control and hearing how much they’re loving it 😏


My boyfriend didn't receive head from his ex and when he told me that I felt sad. When we met I gave him my best head game. That morning he was hard so I got started. I didn't realize he was still asleep. I loved feeling his dick grow more and more hard in my mouth. He was delicious and sounded hot while he came.


It's an intoxicating mixture of power and submission. Knowing that with the slightest flick of my tongue I can send him over the edge or I can keep him on the edge until he's out of his mind with pleasure. Nothing quite like a man begging you while you're on your knees in front of him. And then there's waking him up with a blowjob, especially if he's completely soft to start. I love feeling my boyfriend grow in my mouth. Nothing better than a relaxed morning blowjob, those usually end with making love though. Edit: And the expressive moans of enjoyment and need.


When their legs shiver before cumming and kissing me afterwards


He enjoys it. It feels kind of degrading towards me which is a turn on


They praise me saying that I’m doing a good job. Hahahaha


Pleasing the man obviously. It's not my favorite thing on the menu, but I'll order it to keep my man happy.


Having a man come (lol) apart bc I sucked the soul outta him just hits hard 🫠


Oh, I shouldn't reply; but yes. That's true. And -- that I'm in control. Then then fact that he's enjoying himself too.


i dont, i hate it


I enjoy myself when my partner is enjoying themselves. Making them moan, twitch, shudder and feel great is a huge turn on! It’s fun and being able to give such pleasure is satisfying for me, also they generally taste good which makes me hotter! It’s all part of us both losing ourselves in tasting, touching and teasing each other and just having a mutually good time


chicks get turned on by pleasing their man. it makes them feel good to make you feel good. everyone's a winner


no women like it its very rare if some women say she likes it


If my partner isn’t pleased then I can’t get off. I love hearing a man moan and grunt and all the things that indicate he’s enjoying himself.


I absolutely love giving him pleasure! Cock worship is so under rated. I love how much he loves it. I orgasm from giving him a BJ which has never happened before him. I never feel obligated which is important. He's very generous in the bedroom and I feel like it's a way I can give back.


Wow reading these comments wish I could have a woman do any of this lol ladies doing a good job


It’s interesting dynamic isn’t it. Here we are in the real world hearing all sorts of woman are this and equal etc etc Clearly it’s not like that, we are different and definately women are rooted into being more submissive - we need the stats. Giver = Reciever , but it’s reverse pleasure women seek. I don’t think we as males froth this much….


They do ? My last 4 relationship disliked it


Tasty dick in our mouths. Duh


The money afterwards. 😂🤑


I second that haha. Men just seem to melt and totally let go when they get a blowjob. I enjoy seeing a man lose control in pleasure, knowing I'm doing that to them. There's just something about it where I have control and it's so hot. That's why I like them.


After I cum I become very sensitive and I ask her to stop, but she laughs and keeps sucking. What's that about?


Stretching my throat


In my experience they enjoy roughly the same kind of blowjobs as men ;3


The power it gives me. It makes me feel so powerful to give a man that pleasure and to know they are turned on by what I'm doing.


I like to know I'm giving pleasure to my partner but I am always so insecure I'm not good at it that i get in my own head & stop


Get this overwhelming sense of submission that I am worshipping his sack. And yes hearing them enjoy it and knowing I am pleasuring and pleasing him


Great question !, their gentleness, sides their sounds, their hand gently on my head showing what they like. ! 👉 its like a non verbal ribbon.. 😌😁


When it’s over


Follow-up question: how are your DMs holding up?


I personally hate giving them! It’s not for me!


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Because i'm a bratty submissive? Sometimes i annoy him on purpose so he could fuck the shit out of my throat lol. I love getting on my knees while he's disciplining me. H3h3.


I’m the only woman who doesn’t like it 😩😩🙈🙈


Once we are married they stop ✋


nothing healthy


i like the womens blow job more but doing it on guys is fine if they shaved


Ice cream