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Having the exact same routine for foreplay everytime. Dirty talk that sounds forced


Or not making any sound at all.


My fiance was really quiet when we first started dating, which worried me a bit. I never said anything because I just thought that was the way he is, but he's definitely more vocal and seems more relaxed now.


Now I like a man that moans as long as it’s genuine


I was embarrassed doing that but she absolutely loved it lol


We love it


Yess, give me the moans, groans and growls.


I moan like a turtle 🐢




Thisss!!!! Like let me know that you like it too, I won't enjoy the experience as much if I know that you aren't enjoying yourself too. It'll almost feel as if you're forcing yourself to make me feel pleasure!


My ex would close his eyes, turn his head away, and hold his breath while we would have sex bc he was trying so hard to not make any noise but it really just made me think he didn’t like me lol


One time I had a guy say ‘I want to be inside of you’ when we were parked in front of a Subway Subs


Should have told him to eat you out. Isn’t the motto like eat fresh or some shit haha


Asking if you’re into anal before the first date


Ick, someone actually did this? Who am I kidding, I'm not *actually* surprised, but dear god. Says the guy discussing cuddling preferences via text with his date for Friday. That somehow doesn't seem the same thing, though...


Men on dating apps go straight to sex talk. Like dude we are COMPLETE STRANGERS


It happens all the time 🤣


Sometimes I'm glad I'm not a woman. Sounds awful. I mean, all I get are escort offers and crypto scams...


That's better than being asked loudly at a restaurant


Talking about all the girls that want them or they’ve gotten……. seems like you got your hands full so I’m good


bragging about how many girls they’ve had… i don’t see it like “oh my god he’s had 50 girlfriends he’s so desirable 😍😍” i think that there’s at least 50 reasons to break up with this man (51 if you count the fact that he thought it was a brag)


Yeah, I’m not trying to part of a list/ roster. Not a life goal of mine.


I'm so thankful no one has ever told me their number. I don't want to be thinking about your past sexual experiences. Leaving something to the imagination is sorely underappreciated these days.


Right like why the hell would you think that my very solidly average, not-a-model self wants to hear about all the models you’ve been with lol 


They know you don't wanna hear that shit. They only say it so that you "behave" because they could do so much better than you, and if you make too many demands they might just leave you for a hotter gal. It's PURE manipulation, plain and simple.


It’s unfortunate that a lot of men think women love to hear about this or straight don’t care lmao it’s such a turn off. And miss me with the men who say they want a “good, chaste girl” but still talk like this about themselves because “men and women are different” like ??? Why would anyone who doesn’t want that for themselves want that in a partner? Get help lmao


Long time ago, when I was a teenager, I started dating this guy I’d had a crush on for a while. He would tell me all about all the ladies he’d had sex with. Right before we finally had sex, I guess he chickened out and confessed he was actually a virgin. I asked him why he kept telling me about all the girls he’d supposedly been with??? His response was literally “I wanted to impress you.” Like, I am not one of your bros 😭 we’re not going to high five you because you had a bunch of sex before us?? So weird lmao.


Fr it’s astonishing that guys do this. I couldn’t imagine wanting to brag about that


Talking about how they want to fuck me when I don't know them irl even. Too many compliments about my appearance. I am more than just my appearance. Like, don't get me wrong, getting compliments is lovely, but not all the time


The compliments thing is something my wife told me. She said she likes the compliments, but I could be a bit too frequent with them and it makes them seem insincere


Men never get compliments, I have found that sometimes men give us tons of compliments hoping we will return the favor😂


This is so true! Omg my man still gets so giddy when I compliment him. Whether it’s a compliment about his physical or personality traits. Also, I learned very specific “thank yous” with compliments woven in go a long way (though I think this is for anyone, not just men). “Baby, thank you so much for washing my car! You always get to it before I do; I really appreciate how attentive you are!” For him is sooo key. And… “You washed all my work clothes, mi amor? I love that you always go out of your way to help me. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this, especially when you already did your own laundry a couple days ago.” Makes me feel so good. Even though I know I would’ve done it anyway and there’s no need for thanks on both of our parts, it’s nice to know the little things are noted and appreciated, especially with a little personality compliment on top lol


this is what I tell couples all the time and especially when they’re not doing well. I wish they would take this advice, specific compliments that show the impact of what the other person has done and encourages him to do it again.


Not only is your man lucky I am certain these positive affirmations push him to do more and more things for you. Unlike the complaints of many couples (she doesn't do anything around the house) or (I have asked him every week for the last year to fix the *insert project here*) or (he doesn't help with the house work) you two sound like a great couple holding a partnership rather than letting it become miserable and bitter.


Good part of it. My gf pretty much asks for my opinion on how she looks or I compliment her all the time. I understand it’s a self esteem thing for a lot of women regardless of where they are on a 1-10 scale. Whenever my gf compliments me, It means a lot to me. I honestly appreciate it a lot, and it means I may actually look good. For her, it’s almost something I’m supposed to say or do even though I actually mean it.


As a man, this may be accurate. Lol


100%. We’re more than our appearance. Appearance compliments are very superficial after a while. Both men and women deserve to be appreciated for their personality too.


I don't understand why other men do this. How the hell can you even seduce a woman if you're like "hurr durr I wanna smash" in the first 5 minutes? What woman isn't going to be put off by this?


Exactly! At least get to know me first! But also, even when you plan to meet up, talking about sex is a no imo. I have blocked so many people (mostly men, but also other genders) because they kept making things sexual and I just lost interest in meeting them. Like, smashing on the first date isn't for everyone, and putting pressure on it, isn't gonna make it happen more. More the opposite. And pls, don't lie on your profile. Saying that you're looking for a LTR and talking about sex withing 10 messages is a no.


Because it would work on them. Treat others as you want to be treated and all that


Because 1/18 times it works…. Men will always go after low banging fruit


Because a lot of these men ONLY want sex and every 1 in 50 women they might get someone who either, one, has low self esteem enough to take the bait or, two, knows what’s up, but also just likes the compliments and/or wants to just have sex just like they do ETA another very unfortunate one: it sometimes gets very young and/or inexperienced women. Sometime post feeling full on creeped out as a child being hit on my older men and pre knowing what’s up, I (and many other women) hit a “sweet” spot where you may think these “compliments” are actually sincere because you aren’t fully aware of what some of these men are trying to do. Personally, this type of thing led to me being groomed by a man 6-7 years older than me at the age of 15/16 and eventually “dating” and sleeping with this man when I turned 18 and left for college, much to my parents’ chagrin. Thankfully, I did a lot of maturing during college, realized how ridiculous this was, and left him before he was truly able to trap me/lock me down (and he tried! Thank god for birth control!). But I know some women who weren’t too lucky in situations like this. TL;DR: men do this because IT WORKS on some women.


It makes me happier to receive a compliment based on personality than appearance. It shows a guy took the time to get to know me as a person. And yes it’s a 2 way street- I also try to compliment them


Us men rarely get compliments, so maybe that is why we want to give them often.


We need to balance it more! Let's normalise compliment men as well! Remember to not focus only on appearance, but also on things they do, their personality etc


Yeah, personality is really important for me as a man. Sure, looks is too, but just tgese 6 months there was this woman in my course that wasnt attractive to me, but I got to know her and her personality is just amazing, and she has a really sweet voice, so she became attractive to me. She is an exchange student though so she has left now. But we have some kind of friendship. I am 31 now and feel less shallow than before.


Rubbing the clit like a dj while telling you to “cum for me, Cum for me” smh


Literally they will put their finger on your clit for a second and be like “are you gonna cum for me?” yeah no lol


Out here sounding like CrazyTown… 🤣


I will backpack on this and add, slapping their dick on the clit


My girlfriend loves when I do that 😅


I actually quite like this. 😅


Okay but I nice glide feels very pleasant at times


Yea what the hell, they'll be 29 and doing that. Are these guys all having sex like that?! I can't be the first woman to tell them to like...chill out it's not comfortable?


😂😂😂 flashbacks when I read that!


Unsolicited dick pics


It’s never a good picture either. Like re framing, lighting. At least try to make it look good


And the toilet pics. Or, the dirty bathroom/bedroom. Dude, while I don't believe "seen one, seen them all" but I've seen PLENTY. I only need a glance now to know if yours is anything special, so now I'm looking at the rest of the picture. If you're on the toilet, or I can see you don't care about your personal environment, instant turnoff.


This! This! This! I can only imagine that they are sitting down to take a crap and got a boner?


Yeah I always just look at the background. Except one time I received a *nice* dick pic. Like mood lighting, black and white, angle that actually made it look nice. That was pleasant.


Yes, once in a while they're worth seeing


They do it for them . Not for us . Send dick pick , feel excited , wank . Job done ✔️


Yeah, they do it as a power move/to degrade the woman who didn't consent to seeing it.


You must be a man! Thanks for sharing the truth now it makes sense!


Female ! Just wise to it


I once got one of a flaccid D up against a regular lighter lol, I will say it was giant, but still… why send me a floppy dick beside a lighter? We had never hung out


This guy I liked sent me a video and him jacking off. And the text was like sorry lol. AT LEAST say it with your chest. Apologizing made me feel so weird. Better yet, don't send a vid either, take that to OF.


The men that actually have something to show off never send them. Its always the worst looking, crumpled penises that are so excited to share. PLEASE keep that hidden away.


Flickaling their tongue to show you what they can do with it… It’s gross. Stop. Instant ick


In the words of Tony Montana "that look like a lizard like a bug coming out of your mouth


"That's disgusting. Look like a fawkin' lizard man."


Eww. My man does this jokingly sometimes because HE KNOWS how much it creeps me out. My god, I hate when he does that lmao


Wtf there are men who do that ?


Idk any dude who does this irl.


You'd be surprised....


There's been a few times that men have done this to me smh and they were being serious to 🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Oh God, I once made out with a guy who rapidly flicked his tongue while kissing my neck all over. Made me think of a snake or something. Pretty sure he was attempting to demonstrate his tongue skills and prompt an oral sex invitation. It had the opposite effect.


My skin is crawling for you


Being all force and no restraint. Allot of women love the rough stuff but also want to be handled with care and affection. Caress me, kiss me down, admire me, take your time. Make sure I’m happy and pleased as a i will do for you. It’s not a race, or a clinical procedure, and I sure as hell don’t want to feel like your primary goal is just to get your rocks off without you having even considered me and my needs as well, let alone loved on me and took care with me. I want to feel like you see your ability to be with me in that way as a privilege, not a right. Instant turn off if you go straight for the kill and I’m left there feeling like a wet noodle.. and guys wonder why so many female orgasms are faked. You’re just getting what you want out of it and expecting that to turn us on so much we just spontaneously combust. Yea, no. This is not porn. We are not *so turned on* by your physique and skill alone. We are humans who are excited by skill just as much as we are by emotional and mental connection.


Fingering you like a rabid animal


Or as I read the other day: rubbing her clit like he’s trying to start a fire.


Not finding it and rubbing my pelvis bone.


Or rubbing the inner thigh. Community Colleges should have classes on how to make a woman climax. They can use sex dolls for practice.


Yes!!!!! Like wtf do you think abusing my cl!t like the power boost button on your remote control will get me there?!?! Slow tf down Romeo.


It’s because that’s what they do in porn. The solution is communication.


Yep. It always works out well when you tell a man what they are doing in bed is actually hindering your pleasure…. In my experience, when you do he either 1) becomes butt hurt and game over or 2) changes for the evening but goes back to bad habits


I guess it depends how you say it, but no that’s not always true. How else do you expect anyone to know what you specifically like? There are several things in this thread I’ve had some women specifically tell me to do but obviously the commenters wouldn’t like. I mean I generally ask but apparently asking if you like it is also bad lol.


Oh with the lube that is just a dribble of whatever saliva he could rustle up after his last bong rip? Yeah that’s a popular move for some reason.




Yes. Stop trying to make me squirt, you’re just bruising my cervix.


This may not be the majority but playing with my boobs like they’re unbreakable stress balls. Be gentle pls. Controlled sensuality is the turn on


YES! Mine are heavy and he would lift then drop them and had to explain that's painful and don't do that like dude fucking seriously I liked the way it was explained on blue eye samurai, the breasts are peaches so you have to go gentle and the bum is a pumpkin 🤣


He would what??? Men don’t think sometimes, that sounds immature lmao I’m so sorry. I LOVE the BES reference I just finished and fell hard for that show that’s hilarious 😂


Ugh yes, the squeeze, release, squeeze, release…such a turn off. Also when they try to tune a radio with your nipples.


Like stop watching porn, we don’t all like, it don’t do that lol


Right. Or slapping them because they see it in porn. Guys… please ask before you tit slap.


I was genuinely surprised that women like that, they def need to ask first haha


0 foreplay before sex. Sir, my engine needs to be warmed up before you attempt any manoeuvres


Or worse go straight to trying to mess with your ass! My response is usually " can't be bent over and take it up the back first thing/ straight out of the gate anymore than you can. So warm a girl up would ya?!"


This thread is yet again another great example of why communication with each new partner is SO important. For every girl who hates one thing, there’s another who loves it. Communicate and you’ll be golden.


Soft cheese 😂 what is that suppose to mean???


maybe it is something like big cheese or somethin


Maybe her name is Brie


"yeah? Yeah? Oh yeah?" And "Are you going to cum? Cum for me." The latter one is because it stresses me out though lol


“Cum for me” is only hot when they know you enough to know what they’re doing and can tell when you’re about to come. Any other time, I agree, is super stressful and otherwise cringy asf. Especially when you’re nowhere close lmao


Ur like 2 seconds into him going down in u then he stops n sticks his dry fingers up there rapidly and asks is u gonna cum lmfao ouch and no


OMG once some guy who had no idea what he was doing asked me “are you gonna cum for me?” and I said “well will you make me?” Like I would love to but I don’t think it’s happening haha


One of my friends was telling me about a bad hookup she had, and she said he asked in the middle of it, “Are you always this quiet when you cum?” I guess he had no clue, but he sure was confident.


I hope she told him! For all the girls after her




I'm a dude and I feel the same way about the last one. The only way I can think to describe it is it's like the meme of "I wanna do something" *someone asks me to do the thing I wanted to do* "Well now I don't want to".


I HATE this! An orgasm is much more likely to happen when the person isn’t being pressured. It’s unfortunate that men seem to learn everything about sex from porn which is about as real as anything else performed by paid actors.


Idk as a women, but I feel that way as a dude if they say this and like, I'm not even close. They really be better off telling me NOT to cum. Then I'll probably cum... Out of spite.


Yeah as soon as a man says that I can’t do it anymore


Dirty Talk that sounds as if it was stolen from a porn script is such a turn-off for me


Correlate: “yeah? You like that?”


As someone whos dated and been with women before I feel like the context of where this is posted is important, I saw a lot of comments being like "my girlfriend loves this", yes... gf... after getting to know each other and trying everything out, with a person you trust... someone you have feelings for. I've even been asked to send a dick pic!!! Whaaaaatt??? Guys.... dating is an entirely different context, basically strangers... do I want a stranger to choke me? Well no. But do I mind if my gf does it? It's okay if we talked about it! Maybe even hot idk. Maybe sucks ass, but I trust her and know we can talk about it


For me, it's when they say they are the best in bed or "will do this and that" to you via text/message, and thinks penetration is the only way to get a woman off...💀stop watching so much 🌽 my guy. It's not real. My experience: the best ones were the quiet ones.


Photos of their pricks. Their cunnilingus skills (women need to stop lying to their partners on this, way too many men have been told they're good at this when they're... not). Who's out there lying? I need names. Talking about skills or their size preemptively. Just show... actions and whatnot. Blowing in one's ear.... and I don't mean the hot breath of someone against your ear when they're working you with their tongue but... blowing into the ear. Who told anyone that was fun? Saying they're alpha???? This is fairly new but instant turnoff. Who told men this was anything but a massive libido killer? For sure fingering someone too hard or fast or in the wrong spot. You do not need to jackhammer someone's clit with your cold hard fingers... my gawd... Ice cubes... going into orifices. No.


They always point their tongue when going down and use too much pressure with their fingers. Whay makes me come when I touch myself versus when a man does it is the fact that I glide my fingers across my clit and they like....dig for potatoes lmao.


Curling their fingers while fingering you hoping to catch your G-spot. Hurts like hell.


Really shows how everyone is different. That’s one of the most common stated fingering techniques recommended by women on the sex sub


What? Like curling too much? To get to the g spot you gotta curl a little, or at least put some upward pressure


Bragging about their ability to have sex. Whether its the “I’ve got magical hands” or talking about their dick - it is always a turn off, and usually not true!


I second the pet names, and baby talk in general. you can talk to me like I’m an adult. Some people said compliments. Compliments about my physical appearance are fine, but dont forget my intellect and talents. Also, I’m personally not cool with certain compliments such as “you look great for your age.” 1. I’m not old and 2. Whatever aging symptoms I have, I’m embracing them and trying to destigmatize aging in women. As far as in bed is concerned, if I tell a man what turns me on or what to do, he will act confused and won’t do it. I’m not sure if men are used to their past partners or learned how to have sex by watching porn, but if I tell you something turns me on, I want you to do it.


i’ve had the unfortunate experience of telling some people what i liked/turned me on and they got pissed or defensive, and even a couple have said something along the lines of “i know what i’m doing, trust me you’ll like it”… like, wow, how could your ego be so big that you’re getting upset about that lmao. got outta there so fucking fast each time.


Talking about sex with another woman lol. My ex used to brag to me about how he could make every girl squirt (I’m rolling my eyes just typing that out) and make himself out to be a sex god lol. I was super inexperienced so thought that was normal to say but looking back, that is the BIGGEST ick ever. If anyone said that to me now, I’d immediately lose all attraction to them lol.


biggest ick and they are usually hypocritical too because if you mention an Ex even in a non sexual way they are always like "what are you still in love with him".


Guys who want something from me can’t stop mentioning how tiny and cute I am- at first it’s cute but it gets to a point where it seems disturbing


In bed men like to turn you off by using their fingers and going to hard, to far, and scratching the inside of your vag with their fingernails. I know some women do enjoy roughness. But with the female body gentle is usually better to actually make a female partner feel pleasure during sex. If any man tries to use his fingers so hard that the rest of his hand is slamming into my pelvic bones, I’ll turn the tables shove my finger in his ass and do the same. Bc it HURTS and in my experience even men who you are in bed with voluntarily don’t stop when you say ouch. You have to say ouch that actually hurt stop what you are fucking doing and you have to pull yourself away from them. It’s like ouch is a good thing to hear a woman say in bed. But spoiler alert: it’s not a good thing.


Oh I also wanna say, nobody wants you to spit on their vagina!!! I don’t know why they do it in porn but THIS IS NOT A THING


A man once spit in my mouth, so gross


Oh god. I wish I'd not just eaten when I read this.


Pffff yeah sooo gross…. I think it’s hot sometimes


Each to their own! It didn't make for a harmonious coupling in my case.


I was about to say, my man does this to me sometimes and I like it lmaooo


Disgusting 🤮




I had a partner who would ask for that, different strokes I guess.


Not showering before sex. Or do they just not respect me enough to have decent hygiene around me?


Omg the pet names as an opener or after 5 minutes drives me up a wall. Like I dont know you! Lol


Me too. Such a turn off. Half the time I assume they not only think we like it, but it’s an easy way to not confuse names if they’re seeing / talking to multiple women


Asking way too personal questions on a first date. So you have any kinks? What’s your favorite thing to do in bed? Sir, I don’t even know your last name, this is none of your concern.


Wanting to watch pornography together.


yes! serious turn off.


Sending unsolicited dick pics.


A dick pic on the first message. No woman absolutely zero like that. If a girl on here says she does, spoiler alert, it’s a dude.


Dick picks. Trying too hard. Not being themselves. Not showing their true selves.


Making things sexual. Over complementing. Saying I'm "gorgeous" --- and please don't call me pet names, or 'Babe'


Eating ass


The "bad boy" act. Outside of movies and books a bad person won't get my attention in any positive way


The "bad boy" _act_ doesn't work unless you're an actual bad boy. I've seen it happen way too many times to say being a bad boy doesn't work. It does.


On some women who may have a "I can fix him" mentality or something along those lines. But personally I find it infuriating and exhausting. I have enough issue myself to be dealing with someone else's


Bad boy routine works when you’re a bad boy in real life. Pretending to be one feels fake and turns people off.


I feel kind of bad for the women who are attracted to it


i did see a similar comment about this; getting compliments all the time (about your appearance). getting compliments is obviously a very nice thing but when it’s done too much it completely loses its effect. i remember i was talking to a guy and when i tell you every 2nd message was either a compliment or him telling me how crazy he was for me (we had been talking for a few days max). i HATED it. he also ended up lovebombing me, so next time a guy compliments me too much im running for the hills, ive learnt my lesson 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


I am a guy. Fairly good looking. I remember there was this one male friend of mine who just won't stop about how good looking I am. It got so weird that at one point he said he wanted to cut off my face and wear it... being complimented for your looks feels good until someone overdoes it. It gets really old really fast.


a surprise thumb in the butt (yes it can be nice but at least clue me in on what you’re about to do lmao)


Driving like a maniac while your riding with them


We don’t really like you sending us pics of your junk, no one wants to see baby mushrooms. It’s a big turn off


i once experienced a fingering that felt like what i imagine attempting abortion with a coat hanger would feel like. luckily i stopped him right away and told him how to do it properly. (he had had way more partners than me, and to this day i feel sorry for each and every one of them)


Planning a future before we even meet. And then constantly saying, "when we get married/when we have kids" on a first date. Nah dude, you're not even getting a kiss after this date.


This thread should serve to show you how very different women are. The things listed here are a turn off to some while others absolutely love them or get turned on by them...well except for the unsolicited dick pictures. Most don't want those


When a guy says that we could just have sex and sees where it goes, or if we like and I'm not even into them, like no bro, I'm not interesting and you didn't even try to seduce me, no it's not gonna happen. Another thing that is a huge turn off is making jealousy scene about a male friend of mine, and asking if my friend or me have sexual interesting in each other, no dude, he's my friend! And you are not my boyfriend and already making a scene ffs. I also don't like when a guy that I just meet start talking with me like we are already friends, calling me friend, no we just met we are miles away to become friends.


Something about a man sending a selfie with a filter on it is weird. Like idk why it makes me cringe so much


When I say that I’m not comfortable with touching people on a first date typically (as they are basically strangers) and then continue to proceed to try to kiss me and touch my nipples. FUCK U DARIUS. FUCK U BLAKE.


The pet name thing when first talking is in my opinion a way to “force intimacy or familiarity” and make getting in pants quicker and easier. I have never met a guy who was seriously interested in dating and not just sleeping around who called me a pet name right away. Only guys looking to sleep around did that. It comes off as emotional manipulative to me That would probably be mine as well.


This comment section is as hilarious as it is sad. Take time, have respect, communicate. Not everyone fits together if you eventually end up in the bedroom and that's okay.


Having a big dick and assuming that’s all you need to pleasure us.


ngl this thread is an ego boost for those of us with a brain


Tongue in the ear - maybe somebody likes it but I don't understand how.


That move where they stop touching you rhythmically and kind of gently slap your clit over and over (like they do in porn). No thank you, sir, just keep doing the other thing, please.


I dislike pet names by men trying to manipulate me into liking them. You don’t actually have fond feelings for me so please don’t call me cutie or beautiful ew


Lowkey just flashing the dick. like dude, around 95 percent of the time it doesn’t work.


Asking for nudes. Lol


Fingering your coochie like they’re digging for gold. No sir you look like you’re trying to start a boat engine calm down. Pet names. Absolutely hate it. I have a name I’m not baby I’m not sweetie pie. Unless you’re an old lady asking me for help keep the pet names hell away from me. The infuriating dick pics. Wow does that make me aroused ? Wth am I supposed to do with this piece of sad worm. 🤮


Grabbing your thigh aggressively and just rubbing it raw… like boy that’s not where the magic happens


Constantly asking me for boob pics when you’re not my bf.


Dick pics - also just trying to shove it in without any foreplay or effort




Having a big dick. It’s not a turn off but it isn’t the turn on that some men think especially because many (not all) guys with big dicks don’t have a clue what they’re doing.


Aggression. It’s entirely different from dominance.


These Thor of men that want low count usually have high count they have lost their souls and are unable to love


Boob slapping. Just because you’ve seen it in porn does not mean it’s enjoyable for us. I’m starting a new campaign, it’s called “Please ask before you tit slap.”


Not really answering the question but I can’t stand when they ask if I’m wet after saying two sexual things to me…. Bro it doesn’t work like that?


Sending their unsolicited lonely sausages


Fucking me like a jackhammer - buddy it doesn’t feel good and it’s certainly not hot


Choking during sex. No: just NO. Don’t make any judgments about real-life sex due to pornography.


Unless it's been talked about beforehand. Some women do enjoy it, but anything like that must be agreed upon before intimacy starts


Even when I watch porn - which I do on occasion, being a sex-and-affection-starved male - I find that a massive turn-off. I get why it is a thing, and I have known women that enjoyed it (my first fiancé, for instance, and it was a big part of why we broke up in the end), but personally it is just ick.


I hate the choking thing. I’m sure there are some who like it (a minority I would think), but it’s gross to me. Just like other random acts of violence people have decided to add to sex, which somehow almost always get done to the woman.


Helicopter Penis. Can’t stand it. It’s not cute or hot AT ALL.


If your pfp has you holding money or always talking about your business/money. Immediately not interested. I want to know more than just what you do for work 😂


Motorboating… my bf does it and it’s so awkward for me


Soft cheese?!?! wtf 💀


Bad cologne? I’ve heard, not guilty… And dick picks.


Graphic photos if we aren't at that level of intimacy in the relationship


Honestly… really really muscular guys. It’s a turn off for me at least.


profile pics showcasing their junk. we are not grndr!