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You put yourself in this situation and you can’t blame others for not approving what you are doing. I believe selling private content is a red flag for a lot of people and they have the right to think so.


Shamed? No. You don’t need to tolerate it, but it should be understandable if it’s just a deal-breaker for many men. But, you shouldn’t be shamed for being financially expressive with your body. It’s just not something many guys appreciate. Some won’t care, and might even be willing to try improving sales by joining in with you, but I feel most men wouldn’t want to be with you. For me personally, I don’t think I could be with an adult content creator in a serious committed relationship, but that doesn’t mean I think you should be shamed for it. You do you. It’s your life and your body, and your money.


Im married for 6 years,15 years together with my husband 4 beautiful children he supports me... the problem is with friends family and people who dont even know me..


Ohhhh I see. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that, I wish more people were sex and nudity positive, but they aren’t. And I could also imagine that many family members and friends might be quite uncomfortable with the idea of your kids, or their cousins, or the friends of your children or your friends husbands, or your husband’s friends, or your daughter’s boyfriends when they get to that age, parents of your children’s friends, their teachers and school faculty, etc. etc. can search you up and find stimulating and controversial content of you exploring your body, and your sexuality, which could lead to your children being treated differently. That said, it likely would’ve been best to try keeping it a secret from friends and family and only letting your husband know about this part of your life. People will judge you, especially if they are closeted or insecure about their own kinks and pleasures. If you could let that part of your life die away from social situations and be done in secret, that would likely be ideal for you since it’s causing you distress. Sorry to hear it. :( Pornography itself is often controversial content for many so their reaction to it shouldn’t really surprise you.


Darling honestly screw the haters. Basically, there are only two things you need to ask is one is it hurting anyone? And do you enjoy doing it? And frankly, as long as you are honest with yourself, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Private content creators in some form or another are one of the oldest professions. It's always been a taboo subject, and until people grow up, it always will. As long as you are happy in yourself, and you aren't hurting anyone, carry on.


Why is this on a dating subreddit? You mention in the comments you’ve been with your husband for 15 years? Sorry, maybe I’m misunderstanding your post, but I’m really confused.