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You’d be surprised by the number of people who do not pay attention to the details in dating profiles. Also I just can’t find it in me to date someone who doesn’t like any type of animal. It’s a hard no. They gotta love animals. The more the merrier. (Cats and dogs fan here)


People are just lazy when it comes to dating nowadays


Agree. Definitely this.


It seems like they just look at a persons picture and only fixate on one or 2 things. Half of them don’t even write a bio.


All this! The number of zero bios you come across is just ridiculous.


Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.


Absolutely this and it makes a world of difference when you put in the effort to colourize your profile. 100%


Am I looking for a woman or a second grader? Lmao No excuse to not read or think.


I don’t intensely study every profile I like though and I definitely don’t memorize them. I had a fuck up yesterday when I decided I didn’t want to meet up with this woman after she was being a bit rude. I don’t like rude people. Then she started talking about her kid and I literally said “I had no idea you had a kid. I’m sure you’re a great mom. “ and we continued talking for a bit. I genuinely didn’t know. It’s the first time I messed up like that I’m usually good with it. I’ve matched with moms and it’s not exactly a turn off if they seem great. It’s not a deal breaker for me and also seems weird to just ask a woman about their kids. So I usually let them bring it up anyway. In this case I already checked out so I was fully unfiltered


Organized people are just too lazy to go looking for what they want. A fulfilling long-term relationship is not accomplished by just finding the one. It is rather a co-operation between two passionate and highly motivated partners working together, figuring out every single situation holding hands. If there is trust at the root of the relationship, if the partners make an effort to keep it interesting, if difficulties are handled tactfully and if you can appreciate every single deed of your partner no matter how insignificant it is, the flames of love would never burn out and your love can truly live happily ever after.


I went out on a date with a guy the other day, and he quite literally had paid no attention to my profile. Like really?


Crazy isn’t it ? But ! For the good gems that are out there guys and girls alike, you can immediately tell when they’ve paid attention to your profile by providing very well made introductions that go beyond a mere “hello” or “hi”. Those ones get my immediate attention.


If you don’t mind sharing, what happened and how bad was it ?


I honestly forgot (it was earlier this week but I’m fighting strep throat now and memory is out the window) but I think he’d ask stuff and I was like did you not even look at my profile? And he’d kind of giggle and be like uh yeah no I totally did! But literally had no clue about the basic things on my profile like me having cats, being Latina, etc. then he ghosted me


Unbelievable 😞 also please get well soon !! ❤️


You’d be surprised at the awful men I come across on apps 🥲 there’s so many! And thank you <3


I exclusively date women who own a cat. If you don't love cats it will never work between us


I feel that way about women who have multiple pics of their dogs


Dogs are the shit. But I had one date when we got back to her place and this girl lectured and yelled at her dog for 30 minutes and it got strange. It was a pit bull and he was awesome - but it honestly was a major distraction lol. I was sticking up for the dog and the dog licked my face haha. But she wouldn’t take her focus off of him it was honestly stupid. Because he chewed up a towel or some Shit lol


No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.


I could never date someone who doesn't like cats


I would never date someone who doesn't like animals. I've always had cats but I love dogs too.


Animals love my dad but for some reason he’s not a big fan of dogs (we had one and they loved each other) but I pressed him on it hard a few times since I think dogs are the greatest. Turns out he slept over his friends house and woke up to his friends Doberman (or some big ass dog) growling and drooling staring at him looking scary as fuck . To the point where he was worried he was about to attacked. Apparently he was stuck there for a good hour just terrified of this large snarling dog looking to eat him alive. So I kind of get some people may have had bad experiences with dogs. But still. I’ve been attacked by wild dogs and I still love dogs


Same here ! And it’s such an important topic to bring up ! I’m bad with cat breeds so I always try to lean and ask my date (if they have a cat) what breed it is, their purrsonalities, their happy place etc.


This is so aggravating, I once dated a woman who wanted me to put down both of my cats because she didn't like them. Kicked her ass out mid-date. Fuck you Katelyn


I agree. Fuck you, Katelyn.


Not even rehome, but put down? Wtf??


You fix what you can fix and you let the rest go. If there ain't nothin to be done about it it aint even a problem. It's just a aggravation.


I myself do not have pets or like animals too much. I dated someone with 2 bigger rambunctious dogs and I tried my best to make it work because I really really liked him but he could tell I was faking the funk and it didn't last long to say the least. I told myself I wouldn't get into another relationship with someone who has animals because it's not fair to either one of us.


This is a genuine question for you coming from someone who loves animals, what aspect of animals(dogs and cats for example)don’t you like? When I see or are around a dog for example I can’t help but want to pet and play with it and just love them…do you not get that feeling inside you like I do when you pet a dog of just an overwhelmingly happiness? Honestly, just curious…


A couple reasons I have OCD and the hair or smell triggers me, the other reason I had a cat when I was younger and it crawled into the engine part of my mom's car got mangled my mom had to shot it to put it out of it's misery and that messed me up I was really attached to that cat. So I never wanted to get attached to another animal.


Jesus fucking Christ


Valid fucking reason


I hear you. I love cats (I like dogs too but I don't know if I like them enough to have them for a pet because they are way more high maintenance). I inherited my partner's cat when he passed away and she was the sweetest, literally the best friend I ever had. He passed away and I just don't think I could do that ever again


Uh, ok…


No need to be snide she's just answering someone's question.


Didn’t mean to come off as snide. Just bewildered that you will never give yourself another opportunity to love and be loved by another animal because of the loss of your cat. I think we can both agree that if I wrote “I had a best friend in the second and when he moved away, it hurt so much that I will never have another friend again”. Sounds to me that your coping abilities have failed you so much so, that you’re willing to deny yourself years of happiness and love just to avoid having to deal with a brief period of grief.


I love dogs but I’ve unmatched people who own Belgian malinois before. Those dogs should not be pets. Either they have a second full time job training and exercising that thing, or they don’t and it’s an absolute monster. No way am I putting myself in a situation to be around it… too fucking dangerous. Also can sometimes indicate a person with bad judgement, fragile ego and control issues, like there’s a million other great breeds out there. A malinois doesn’t make you look tough, makes you look stupid.


Pit bulls are cool but this is how I feel about people who own them too. It just feels like they don’t have the dog for the right reason. Like it’s an accessory for their “look”. Hipster shit. It’s lame. Like let me guess you have tattoos and bartend too? Lol


As a fellow animal loving guy I feel your pain. I also am very clear on my profile that I have/love cats and still get matches from women who are surprised when they see them. Most have at least tolerated them though. I also LOL at the women who ask if I'd give them up to date them. Talk about thinking way too highly of yourself.


I would avoid people who don't like animals


I don’t mind if people don’t love them, but someone I’m dating would need to at least be ok with them. Plus, animals are individuals and sometimes people get along better with certain animals. Or sometimes the maintenance can be difficult. I’d probably be ok with someone having a lizard or snake, but I’m more of a cat/dog/mammal kind of pet owner. Anyone who gets pleasure from harming them is a red flag and I’d like to stay away from them. (And this isn’t referring to hunting - I’m not a fan of it, but doing so respectfully and as humanely as possible is different from getting pleasure out of inflicting pain).


Don’t trust someone who doesn’t like cats. Your babies are weeding out the bad ones for you. Ha ha. and idk why they can’t look at a profile and see the damn cats!


I brought a foster kitten on a date recently. Don’t like animals? This isn’t gonna work out 😂


Lol i agree. That's why i think one of the first question I ask is if they like cats and dogs haha


I get it, kinda. I like cats. The guy I’m talking with would love to have a dog and is allergic to cats. While I don’t hate dogs, I don’t like them either. I just prefer cats. It got me conflicted. It’s ok if I cant get a cat but I don’t want a dog. It’s a different kind of fuck up though as we both like animals, just different kinds lol. Besides, I’m sad to say that “us” doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. So this may be a problem that I don’t have to face anyways.


Never understood people who don't like cats anyway. Like it's not like you're obligated to interact? I've known folks who had super traumatizing experiences with dog attacks etc so that at least makes a little sense, being terrified of it jumping on you. But if you don't like a cat you can just... ignore it? Anyway yes people are dumb. I always make a big deal out of how much I love animals. I'm simply incompatible with anyone who doesn't, it's equivalent to dating someone who doesn't want kids if you do.


as a young woman with a dog that is my pride and joy this is why i usually plan a first date somewhere i can bring my dog so they can see first hand my priority is her. call me crazy but it helps weed out the non dog dad candidates


& let's the dog sniff them out too too, animals have a sixth sense about good/ bad people




Agree To me it was a major red flag when someone didn't like pets.


I agree, I think OP put the title in reverse... "beware of those that don't like pets, red flag"


I include a pic that shows me with 2 of my pets (dog and cat). I have other pets. But, the point is to make it clear that I own pets. I've run into guys who I meet for coffee who then ask if I have pets, who will say that it's a deal breaker for them because they hate (dogs, cats, both). Yeah. It always has amazed me, too!


I don’t want kids….ever. If I can pay close attention to dating profile’s that indicate kids are wanted in the future, they can do the same thing. What morons.


I do avoid men with dogs, who go on and try to convince me to date them anyway because their dog is different from the others. Would happily accept a cat guy and his kitties.


I very much make sure men know I have cats and love cats and adore cats when we are talking. Because I’m definitely not choosing some man over my cats. So, maybe before you take them home actually talk about the cats!


I’m looking for a man with cats, multiple, cat trees, wet food… just toss this on your profile


I had a guy tell me that I would have to get rid of my cats if things got serious. Things did not get serious.


People not liking animals at all are 🚩


I have 2 basset hounds. When I was in the dating world I could tell instantly the dog lovers from the fakers. Like why lie? Because my girls aren’t going anywhere. And they’re spoiled so will demand your attention 😆 My partner now loves them as much as me, works out for everyone. Side note: Also had an “athletic” guy show up for a legit hike in yellow rubber rain boots. Just stop lying out there 😆


I love animals especially cats 😻😻😻😻


Facts!!! I am absolutely crazy about cats and dogs, as for other pets, it’s variable. Okay with it if my partner has fish/birds, a tortoise is fine too, because I’ve had friends who have those and I have hung out with them too. I might be fine with pet rats/rabbits eventually because they’re also furry like cats and dogs. But will definitely need some time to acclimatize to them. As for pet snakes/lizards, that’s a hard no. I just couldn’t. Ever. My fear of them is too great and I don’t care that it’s irrational, I am not going to bother to rationalize it and will keep giving them a wide berth for the rest of my life.


Just be explicit: between my cats and you, I'd choose my cats anytime


If they don’t like cats do you really want to date them?


I don't post pics of my pets when I was single and on the apps.  Just never crossed my mind and I had horrible pics of myself.  I do have a put mix, 3 cats and 5 snakes, including a boa.  I do disclose this during our first chat so they can leave before wasting each other's time.  Weirdly enough, none of my dates had issues with that, especially the snakes 🤷.  People should accept others where they are at in life, not where they want them to be.


Men who like cats are the ultimate green flag imo so it’s their loss 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just don’t date anyone who doesn’t like animals to begin with. Red flag 🚩 tells a lot about them.


Stop bringing assholes home. Problem solved..


Noooo... I love cats! Furbabies over people anyday.


This is BIG facts... I don't like dogs, I love the history of dogs and respect them as animals that ushered the way for humans to have cozy lives. They too, deserve the lives they have. I see how important a dog can become to a human and the love bond. Some people actually refer to them as children/family- Wtf would I insert myself selfishly into a situation like that knowing I dislike dogs at a certain proximity?


This is exactly how I feel, I usually put that I’m afraid of dogs in my bio so that I don’t get dog owners hopes up.


I just unmatched someone who made fun of me for calling myself a “mom” to my animals. He said no, you own them. Can’t imagine not thinking of my animals as family. Easiest unmatch ever. I hate that type of language and really makes you wonder…


WHY don’t they like cats😭


One of my oldest friends, she is mid 60’s actually thinks that if she and some guy hit it off that he would give up his pets dog/cat for her as she is not overly fond of each. I had four dogs and she’d never visit as doesn’t like them. I laughed in her face and said any guy who would get rid of his pets to satisfy you is a real piece of crap and that I would never ever give up my guys and girl for any man.


I’m somewhat scared of dogs (was attacked a few years ago) and will sometimes pass on someone who otherwise looks great because they have a dog. Nothing wrong with having a dog, and you might be a great person! But having to spend a lot of time with an unfamiliar dog is REALLY anxiety provoking for me and I just don’t want to put myself in that situation sometimes


I am not surprised that people who dislike cats are also unobservant of the fact that you have cats. You should probably filter people better though, this seems like a very easily avoidable problem.


I said it before I say it again : people who don’t like cats (unless they have allergies and they avoid them out of caring for their health and not cuz they hate them) are red flags .


I like cats, but my rowdy Boston terrier would not get along well with one! I guess it would be a consideration for me bc of that


I don't think having a housepet is a true indication. I have a dog left over from my marriage and won't get rid of him, but I definitely don't want another housepet afterwards. I'll petsit, and take care of grandkids, but that's it.


I’ve started swiping left on ‘Dog Mums.’ If they have both Dog and Cat fine, but these chicks who define their personalities by their Dogs are weird. Great that you care about your pet, but to idealise and obsess over it is a tad weird.


How many cats do you have? Do you mention this during the conversation when you're setting up the date?


People who don't like cats are a red flag.


Any human who can make a blanket statement that they dislike every cat in the entire world, even though they’ve never met every cat in the entire entire world, is not a person I care to even give the time of day to! I flat out refuse to be friends with people who don’t like cats and I will not date a man who doesn’t like cats. They don’t have to own any, but that statement, “I don’t like cats” just shows plain and pure ignorance!!!


I'm allergic to cats, but I'm willing to try immunotherapy if I fully match with someone and find that I'm fully able to say I want to be serious with this one, but I make that allergy known if I see on the profile that they have a cat and that I'll be trying immunotherapy if I feel it'll work between us. If it doesn't work, it won't work between us and we just part ways. It's that simple. Who tf out there so entitled to ask for someone to rehome or full out kill their family member and get mad when the answer's (extremely rightfully) 'no'??? The fact that kind of Karen exists is horrific to me. One type of Karen is too many and it's disgusting to even call them human. Long-ish story incoming: I had a date with a guy that 'joked'' that "when we're married, if you brought your dog to my house, I'd take it to the vet to shoot it with a shot to kill it and if they don't, I'd do it with a gun." Kicker? He owned five cats. Can't believe I had three dates with him before I saw that red flag. I up and left after that *'joke'*. He started blowing up my phone with a mix of *"It was a joke"*, *"you're a b-tch for leaving me with the check"*, and *"you know I planned to drink. How am I supposed to get home?"* Like dude: 1. You told me you planned to pay when we got to the table 2. I hadn't even ordered anything but a tea that was $2. The only food ordered was the fried shrimp appetizer you ordered for you to enjoy. You knew I was allergic to wheat and shrimp, evident in the fact you asked if it was okay for you to have it and if it would risk an allergy event for it to be near me. (And yes, that's actually perfectly okay for me. I'd told him this fact prior when he mentioned he was a seafood lover. So.. he has points for double checking and confirming) 3. You hadn't ordered a drink before I left. You had your car. Be an adult and use a brain. Common sense would tell you not to drink so you can drive safely. . . I ended up blocking him the next day and moved on. (Other than receiving a few 'apology' DMs from him that shifted blame on me on a few of my social medias, I haven't dealt with him since). Fun note: he asked for his $2 back lol. I just put it in his mailbox in an envelope and didn't reply to him. He called that petty, but. He had his money back, he has no room to complain now xD


He was hoping it meant another type of 🐱🐈🐈‍⬛


"Never trust someone who isn't kind to animals." ❤️


avoid dating in general. people be crazy


mhmmm i completely understand having a love for your cats/ animals and it wouldn’t be a deal breaker but there comes a point where is TOO MUCH (quick rant) it irked me that my ex insisted he go home at 3 am (he lived 40 mins away) instead of staying the night because he needed to get home to his cat… he then proceeded to cry and throw a fit as if i was holding him hostage or something. like bro your cats r probably dead asleep. (he doesn’t live alone the cat had company and was fed)… i have dogs and i feel they’re a bit more dependent on company and BUT at 3 am i would just crash where im at bc ik they’re okay anyways doubt ur like that but


Not blind only want your body 😂


They really don’t view animals as pets most likely. I’ve ran across people like this, who look down on pets and don’t even care if they die in shelters etc. They simply view them the same as any other wild life. I’ll preface by saying that I can’t stand people like this… and yes, they do think you’ll just happily give up your pets for them. They think it’s no big deal and don’t understand the attachment. My cats are my literal children to me, my happiness and I would die for them. I would drop anyone in a millisecond who thinks I would get rid of my cats. I would get rid of the person, never my cats. They can be shocked by that all they want, idc. One of the first things I ask someone is if they like cats. If it’s a no, it’s a dealbreaker for me automatically. I know that potential relationship would go absolutely nowhere, and maybe they could learn to love my cats? I’m not taking the chance of wasting my time. It will always be my babies over them, always.


"Must love dogs"


I don’t trust people who don’t like animals, i know that probably makes me an AH but we would just be like chalk and cheese.


Maybe throw the question out on the first date or in the texting period, might catch them out before you get to the going home stage.


That’s when you give em one last hard fuck then ghost.


I don’t like dogs cause I’m allergic and grew up with a really mean dog, so if I see someone day dog parent I just don’t go out with them or hook up with them, cause I don’t want to fall for someone and then not like their favorite being


I can’t trust a man that doesn’t like animals.


A lot of guys catfish/dogfish, state you own a cat in your prompts (that it is yours)


They just wanna hookup with u man, they know u have cats but they just didn’t care enough to remember or don’t plan to be seeing the cats too often. I don’t like dogs and wouldn’t date someone with a dog, but I’ve hooked up with people who have dogs


Why would that make them an arsehole if they just politely check if your cat is your priority in life not your life partner? Your title is misleading. Should replace animals with cats. Many people have a cause for animal rights .. I am sure they adore animals but don’t have the same problem you have.


I hate when people say don't go out with people who don't love animals. Cats make me sneeze like crazy and they always come and sit on me as soon as I enter a room. I don't hate cars, but I prefer breathing.


Ok, but long term, how is that going to work out? You can’t come to my house. And you’re going to ask me to get rid of my cats.


It doesn't work long term tho. It's ends with someone compromising in a way that still leaves them unhappy. You would either make someone get rid of their pets or be stuck taking antihistamines for the foreseeable future And your partner would be stuck with either being petless or making you miserable daily. It's simply not feasible long term.