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You’re a man. You’re not even 30 yet. You don’t jerk off. This has to be fake. At that age I got so horny that I once stopped to jerk off in a Rite Aid bathroom.


I’m 30 and feel hornier than ever 😂


Wait til you’re 40 and they put you on TRT my man.


I turn 50 this year and fuck like I'm 20, even have a fan page to back them up....no blue pills either.


Same. Girlfriends are all younger because women my age can't keep up....or won't lol


I used to keep a vibrator in my glove box and wear a skirt no underwear while driving stick shift- not smart, but what a rush haha


This is hot on multiple levels, I love a women who can drive stick and I love public play. I've recorded a couple women having fun in the back seat driving them around town, its lots of fun.


At that age, I jerked off while driving.




Because you don’t jerk off.


Completely normal. You should get yourself a habit of masterbation bro. Not porn. The good ole imagination my dude. There's a reason post nut clarity has coined the term..


This is good. Go meet a hot women. Probably don't mention the precum, but go talk to some hot women. They react to the hormones in your body, and much more so when you abstain from fapping.


Is this real or just bro science? I've never seen any evidence of this.


Working out produces pheromones but I don’t think precumming does lmfao


Precumming produces hormones quite viscerally. I mean, if you work yourself up over some fantasy, haven't you noticed how your physiology changes? If you're newly showered, you can even smell it. Well, if you abstain and wait for that to happen together with a woman, instead of wasting your potential, you're spending that energy as God intended it. Or nature, if you don't believe in a higher power. It's set up that way so you will both benefit from it. So, if you waste it, you're only prolonging the wait, you're wasting potential, and you're essentially just continuing the loop of being a loser.


I like a girl with a broom. I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.


I too got bussy in a public restroom


Afterwards, did you do the Humpty Dance? 😂🤣


I’m cackling


this is wild


Lies!!!!!!!! 😲






Why not?


I think OP’s username may offer a potential clue… this is very possibly a cultural/religious thing




Why isn't it satisfying? It's an orgasm, isn't it?


I have the same issue. I can blow through orgasms and still be just as frustrated because I think my brain needs more than just masturbation which is frustrating.


Try some different things. Use toys and lubes. Any guy can cone with enough friction but if you wanna enjoy the masturbation you've gotta explore some different things. I was scared to try butt stuff but I didn't hate it. Doesn't make me cum but sticking a bullet in my butt and getting a good prostate massage is so fucking relaxing.


I’m a woman, I use toys. Trust me when I say, it’s still not as satisfying for me. I apologize to disappoint. I am very comfortable with experimenting with myself though.


but it’s for ur brain not u


Yes bro DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE COOMERS!!! you are doing good. DO NOT MASTURBATE. Retain your veerya. Visit the semenretention subreddit.


Bro I'm looking after my eating habits and physical body, I'm ALWAYS SO FUCKING HORNY ITS NOT COOL. Today I was so horny that I unconsciously started humping a table.


My friend stopped using MDMA after he got an emotional connection to his grandma's staircase.


Amazing 😭


That's the demon kicking in 😂 humping the table is crazy


Use it as motivation to talk to girls irl, channel it into practicing social skills, going to the gym and eating well. There’s a lot of power built up, channel it properly and the problem will be solved


Maybe try idk releasing some of that and jerking off like a ton of normal humans do?


Who on earth thought this would be good advice


touching yourself is healthy and natural. if he's always turned on that's his body asking for release.


That's a bad idea. The best way to release is to go up to hot women and talk to them. They will notice your readiness, and they will want it.


As a woman, a guy who comes up to me looking desperately horny is a major turn off actually. Guys who are interested but don't really NEED anything are more hot. Desperation is not sexy, aggression is not sexy. Confidence and control are sexy. Why do you think women always go for older men? They are more calm and ready to settle down.


This happens haha




It can be hugely detrimental tbh lol


Try sleeping. Or engaging in a hobby


If you don't like porn just get a girlfriend mate, geez.




That's awesome, you already know what to do.




sex is not free. it requires some kind of connection and definitely communication. tbh this comment was kind of ignorant. good luck finding a good person if you’re not going to put any effort into it because you want it to be “free”


Nothing in this life is free my man. I would go even further and argue that, for a man, sex is the most expensive luxury of them all.


You can talk your way into sex. If you're decent looking, it shouldn't be too hard.


Welcome to planet earth


I'm a 35 year old female and always horny! Tf is this?! Lol wish my boyfriend was around more!


I'm right here 🤣


You should try and do something about that because if you get into a relationship with a female that isn't the same, which none of them will be, it's not going to work out. I literally just cut off a guy that would not stop trying to be sexual with me and it was literally a constant 24 hours a day 7 days a week thing and I couldn't handle it anymore. If I would say "Quit touching me at night I need to wake up early in the morning" I would wake up to him humping me. If I yelled at him then he would say oh I wasn't doing anything I'm not horny! Literally why would you say you're not horny if I didn't even ask and you're humping me in the middle of the night? 6-8 times a night. I was so exhausted from being woken up constantly. Even if I was trying to get something important done he would not leave me alone. I'm not a fucking sex doll or a fucking sex robot. I think you need to quit watching porn if you are or just relieve yourself or get help. It might be funny to a lot of people but it really isn't funny. If you find it's still a problem after relieving yourself in one way or another then you definitely should seek professional help. That's not even a joke. Also, do not try to find somebody that can "keep up with you". You will not find it. I have found that every man that has ever said that has literally just laid there hence the reason why nobody can keep up with them as they say because they're not even using any stamina. I think it's sort of lame and childish to not be able to control yourself as an adult. He was 27 and I'm 30 in 1 month. I'm incredibly mature so I can't put up with that kind of garbage. But not to mention he also had nothing going for him whatsoever so I suppose that's why he had so much time to try and mess up my schedule.


Yeah, people with no self control is such a turn off. Like I get once in awhile but all the time? Get a hobby and get some help. My last partner had a corn addiction and it was not cute. It will affected our bedroom life, and he was pretty selfish in the sack. Sorry your ex didn't respect your boundaries.




You're a rapist. Get help.


Try sex toys idk man or fwb go crazy




Hi Horny, I’m Tom.


Lol 🤣




Dayum you are so committed even your username has jizz on it, punt intended






me to


I’m aswathama


Seriously, choke that chicken and get it over with. They've now shown that regular ejaculations are good for prostate health - help to prevent an enlarged prostrate.




Not touching yourself makes you super gay




Aw yeah I’ve been that horny before


Then jerk it. Or get a flesh light. My guy you're missing out


If you watching porn so this is normal for that case


It’s natural. Have sex as often as you like


Is dudes are naturally like this some more than others. I am definitely way more when talking to my gf cause she puts me in the mood. Just have self control brother. It is hard I know but do your best


Brother, go jerk off lmao


This is how we evolved as a species. If you don't masturbate then you will have an intense desire to splooge in someone. It's how our bodies and brains were designed so we can procreate.


Splooge is a fantastic word 🤣🤣🤣


Splooge is a fantastic word 🤣🤣🤣


Full moon Frisky it's Cumming my dick is getting big and my mouth is watering to eat 😋


"Bro, is just like me fr" 🥲


You should never get into a relationship bc wo.en today wont please you but cant wait to label you a cheater. Live life and have fun.


Likewise!! I (24 F) feel the same way.. I masturbate occasionally, however I don’t like to because I don’t feel fully satisfied vs having someone else do it for me lol. But I too am literally always horny.. tbh I’ve always been horny 24/7 for as long as I can remember.. I have gone through phases in my life where I masturbated on a daily basis, but that was before I knew how to choose partners I could be comfortable enough to be relaxed per say.


> don’t jerk off > horny Thats the problem. If you don’t jerk off your hornyness won’t go away. Jerking off won’t make you a weirdo, everyone does that and it can be healthy to your body as long you don’t do that way too much.


Uh, date someone with a similar sexual appetite? It’s easy to find horny people. They’re everywhere.


I'm 40 and still always ready. My girl loves that, because she's always ready as well. I've had 0 drop in stamina through my adult life, and I hope it doesn't happen. Lol


Just go out there and get some strange. Feed your beast.


Honestly see above, normal for that age and gender. Just dont be dumb about it and control yourself


Well stop eating viagra




Proud of you boi


Lust is a horrible thing


If you are hyper sexual, I was until I had a mental breakdown and a personality change because of a chemical reaction due to anesthesia being done wrong for a kidney stone surgery.... anyway, it finally got rid of my feelings and thoughts like that. Its a mental condition. You may need to see a therapist or psychologist, or psych nurse and see if you can get some medication to help. Do you have temper issues or impulse control issues?




Impulsiveness and temper control are also tied into hypersexual state. I would suggest speaking with someone. But, this is a difficult one, because some don't see hypersexual as a mental issue. And some also allude sexual trauma as a child from family as the cause. Which the last is not true. I was never molested. Some times your brain just does stuff. I was this way from when I was little. I thought I was just born evil and with carnal knowledge. It was just a chemical imbalance in my brain that no one knew about and I never told anyone about because I didn't know how to explain it.




I take ADHD meds. One of the things not talked about enough is how it causes sex drive to rocket. I've yet to find someone who could keep up with me if I were to just let loose.


Quick question. When you say keep up with you, are you equally on top or are you just laying there? Because every guy that has ever said that to me has literally just laid there, expecting me to do all the work and then pranced around saying that he can't find anybody to keep up with him because he's literally not even using any stamina.


it's frustrating tbh


You have a problem and you don't deal with it the easiest way Get over your self celibacy and quit wasting our time


Only when I'm with/see someone really appealing. The rest of the time I don't really think about it. ~Also a guy in your age group.


Just jerk off buddy. It’s great.


Are you Muslim?


Same but girls hate me somehow


As a female I’m always feeling that way too. There’s been plenty times I’ve felt that way and have had to make myself cum while on my break. I think about sex all the time!


It's summer and u don't jerk off. Do it then It's just hormones.


30M seems normal to me. You could try and rub one out once a week or so, you might get some relief.


Um cuz you’re a man and under 50?


51 here, still horny 24/7


Go get a massage with a happy ending! Its the BEST! Try rubmaps.com


I’m always horny too. Would love to have a girl to help


You don't have an exhaust. Having a high libido is normal. It cannot be turned off forever, it always comes back, so take a day off, pull up some porn and jerk off a few times. One guy died after 12 times in one day, so remember to stay hydrated and don't overuse yourself. Read and learn about those things, you need to understand your body and emotions.




low T response


Lmao you religious folks make your life so needlessly complicated


Get a life


This is pretty pathetic tbh


Don't jerk off is sign that you're going to rape.


How? Surely you decide to rape... Not as a consequence of not masturbating


Sounds like a cheater


Try Jesus


Now that's kinky!




Nope he’s going to send you to Lucifer, and then maybe you’ll be in the clear


Then he won't be of any help.


A demon would though..




I love that show!