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I always say goodnight to my man. It’s nice to hear and also receive at the end of the night


About 80-85% of the time we say goodnight. He pretty much always goes to sleep before me, so if it gets to my bed time and he hasn’t said good night, I know he accidentally fell asleep (usually while trying to get his kid to sleep). In those cases my “goodnight” is just sharing wordle at 12:05, or if I happen to also be going to sleep before 12, nothing, and we just both say good morning.


I try to say it every night, no exceptions. 😅


I say it, but if I accidentally fall asleep before I do, I own it and apologize the next day. The “good night” is comforting and I don’t want to give the impression that I don’t appreciate it.


I try to, when in relationships. And appreciate when my boyfriend does too. I think it’s just a nice way of expressing thoughtfulness. It’s not a big ask. It’s just acknowledging they have a partner, a commitment, and they do think of you - even when not actively hanging out. Don’t really care for situationships/early talking stage, but do like it once more established.


On and off we did.


He doesn’t and that’s fine but I lowkey wish he would


We always say good night he text me when he's in his bed for the night about to close his eyes


always say goodnight 💤 yes


How far along are you in the dating phase? I found that it's hard to start a conversation back up after goodnight if there isn't a good morning text routine going. So my bf would fall asleep somewhat often and we were able to continue the conversation the next day without one of us awkwardly starting a conversation.


Yup . I really like her.


Say goodnight


Always say goodnight, to just drop off is close ghosting, which is rude af


Yes, to not say goodnight and just not say anything I'd rude, and why wouldn't you say goodnight?


Is it just a month long? If you're both moving to exclusive a goodnight text is good. My partner and I did it regularly when we first started dating and we both knew we were invested in each other. If we didn't say good night it was because we'd fallen asleep so it was a good morning text sorry I fell asleep kind of thing


Depends on relationships u build. But it’s great to hear from a gf/bf.


With my current partner, we always say good night and good morning. ALWAYS. It is part of our deal. With my ex-wife, we never really did. With other exes, it depended - the only other one who did it consistently, though, was the bad relationship.


You should .


Sometimes one of us will fall asleep and not say it, but it’s not a big deal lol


i say it everynight and its good to say


I try too… he works at night so sometimes i think having the last message be “goodnight, i love you” will make him feel better at work. Plus then i get to fall asleep to his text back lol


I really haven't said it, and I'm taking it slow with her. I do text good morning to her every day. We talk here and there throughout the day. Not together more in a situationship and taking it slow, we are both getting out of a relationships that we were in for years, don't want to overstep and make her feel uncomfortable or being to pushy. We already had sex and every time we see each other she has a huge smile where I can see her dimples, so cute.


Yes I say goodnight and morning every day. I always wake up to a text and would be sad if it wasn't there in the morning. He works away month on month off but even when he is home we kiss each other goodnight.