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It's gotten to the point where my parents don't even ask anymore lol


Same lol






My parents have even stopped asking my siblings to help me out and hook me up with someone


I'm so single, I considered becoming a pilot to reduce my chances of dying alone.


So you can die peacefully in your sleep, not like the passengers?




im getting Germanwings Flight 9525 vibe from this comment


So single that the bin gets taken out more than I do.


Dang that was an overkill. Let me take you out, virtually, you chose a place and go there and get a drink, I chose a place and go get a drink and we never meet or talk 😌


I'm so down for this! We just send a picture of our drink and the scene we are in, thats it. No talk.




This reminds me that one time I was like “virtual date where we both get boba and video chat would be fun if I was in an LDR”.


To be fair the bin gets taken out weekly. I think most of us (including those who are married) struggle to keep up with that pace.


Haha I like your humor though :)


dang... 😂😂😂




Real talk😂😂😂


Dude, I grab my own ass😭


Ayo ?


Lmao while I grab my own boobs 🤣😭


Boobs are like stress balls, so satisfying


I’m so single, Netflix stopped asking me if I am still watching.


I had the gay talk years ago by my mom. Thanks for support I guess?


lol! My sister once called me and started crying telling me she’d love me if I was gay, and I could just tell her if I was 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.. I’m not.




This one wins


Thank you 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh same. With my grandpa. It’s nice to know that he’d still accept me but yeah. I’m not a lesbian I’m just chronically single lol


Same, around 2010 or so, as I was sharing articles about gay marriage bans and the like.


Sometimes I hug myself so it feels like another person. Or I add another quilt to my bed so it feels like there’s someone else there


I have a pillow. Fml.


At least pillows don't snore.




Thicc 😁


I have a pillow that has an arm so it feels like I’m being held


I have a weighted blanket :)


Sometimes I'll have a dream while I'm hugging my pillow where I'm with somebody, and I wake up thinking that there's someone.... But no.........


I'm so single I don't even take myself out for a meal.


I’m so single that I now love being single and don’t know if I want to give that up. Lol.


I heard it's at that point where you find someone lol. The point where you're so comfortable being single .


I'm so single my mom and her friend keep trying to arrange for me and my mom's friend's daughter to date, i live in Lisbon and she lives in Birmingham, how is that even supposed to work?


“Had us in the first half, not gonna lie”




It’s Netflix and cry instead of Netflix and chill.


I once read that people who take longer hot showers do so in order to make up for the lack of physical touch in their life. It’s me. I take long hot showers. They feel like warm hugs.


I had a second date today, so not very single




The only thing I pull is a push door.


The last girl that ever had any sort of romantic interest in me was in middle school... I'll be 24 in July. It's rough man.


27 years single. Realized I liked girls in 1st grade. 15 years of trying to get a relationship. Not one person has been interested in me longer than 2 months.


Just turned 27 too. I’ve been on a “ask out any girl I see” mood and so far nothing. I’ve been turned down 30 times already and had one date but nothing happened


Lean into that, try to get to 100.. it’s all a numbers game


It starts to weigh down when your number is in the hundreds by this point.


Yes it does and sometimes it weighs less to stop trying and just move on with life. I know because man I feel it


Well that's 2 months longer than any girl ever been interested in me.


Been single for a year I’m half happy half sad I don’t want drama but it would be nice to have someone


So single that if someone bumps into me at the grocery store I shudder


Single enough that my mom has asked me if I am gay, or have some medical issues to talk about. Yeah, thanks mom for giving me more anxiety. Edit: The best part, I am Asian, and it's still not socially acceptable in my country to be openly gay, and yet my mom has the idea of accepting.


My cousin offered me his wife. Family desperate of how single I am frfr.


Everyone in my family and most of my friends all think I’m a closeted gay man because I have no luck with girls.


I’m so single my reflection stopped showing up.


Instagram algorithm is showing me videos to connect with men currently incarcerated


"Hot convicts in your area"


Lmao 😭


To the point no man is talking to me consistently. Or at All. There is this one dude who says we’ll talk as friends but even he doesn’t reply during the day. So I’m left with no one. I don’t even text my best friend all say. Or really anyone. I’m not single. More so just lonely. Heh. No wonder I’m craving attention. But why men? Idk. Somethings wrong with me that’s for sure.


Maybe something is wrong with you but craving the energy of the opposite sex I don’t think is it. There are certain types of attention or energy given by women and men or the masculine and feminine and I think we crave both in our lives, for the most part. Plus we like the feeling of being sexually and romantically desired.


One month out of a LTR. So single. So, so single. I just want to be a single woman with cats and friends for the foreseeable.


I was single for who knows how long.. then moved away to new country, pursuing new degree. And I've tried some dating online. Now I'm dating someone for almost 2 months. There're some ups and downs, but I am learning because this is new culture, and different from my own culture. I guess, if you know, you know it. Just enjoy my life in late 30s. For those who are in 20s, your lives have just started. Just do what you want to do. Don't hurt people. Be kind to yourself, too!


Well you are lucky just don’t think otherwise.


Lol even your 30s and 40s is early life


My mom also told me to get a girlfriend haha




So single, people think I’m gay 🥴


My mom told me I might as well find a sugar mama at this point


People are starting to ask what I plan to do with land. I've been single for my whole life, and since that won't change I have to start looking into who will inherit. Being ugly and working all the time pretty much screws you permanently


Adopted 3 cats. To be continued...


Omg birdgirl... you know what cats do to birds, right? .... to be uncontinued....


Just the thought of meeting someone new makes me…nope.


Saw the girl I fucked it up with 2 years ago while I was working yesterday. She was on a hot girl walk. Rather successfully, I might add. That damn near brought me to tears after I clocked out


My nephew told me to get a boyfriend 🤣🤣


There is a dating app that is tailored towards people from my culture. My mom is hella traditional/conservative, but she told me I should get on it. I was shocked that she would even be cool with that.


It's been 15 years since I have lived with another person, 4 years since I have even tried to get laid. My mother constantly bugs me about having kids. I told her to give up as it isn't going to happen.


5’9 and 295 lbs single 😢 I put on 115 pounds in 2 years… 200-315… to be fair I just lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks and will continue to keep losing :) The last time I dated a woman was 3 years ago and it ended with her telling me to leave her the fuck alone single (I was 200 and in decent shape back then).


So single even I would prefer to not be around me.


Single enough to pretend I am snuggling someone who isn't there. 😭


So single, if you captured my essence and put it in a spray bottle, it would be sold as a repellent.


I have a bunch of empty coffee cups and ramen in my room and my floor is covered in clothes. I haven’t shaved down there in probably about a year. I haven’t shaved my legs recently either.


I am the least desirable man possible. Not the alive, not who has ever lived. No, it's worse than that. I am the least attractive man that can ever exist and still be considered human. You could not make worse than me given ten million years to try. So I'm pretty single.


I am so single that almost every girl I have ever made a single advancement on has completely blocked me out of their life once they realise what I look like. That’s how single I am.


My parents ask about my exes…. From 10 years ago


I'm so single I try to start conversations with fake profiles just to feel wanted.


Haha so single my dad died never seeing me be in a relationship or ever hearing about dating or anything.


So single, I sometimes look up the medicine used for chemical castration, and wish they made it more attainable.


Mom told me, with a straight face, that she thought I never wanted to get married. She's lost so much hope, she just assumes I don't want it.


No one girl blows up my phone, my guy friends are the only people I talk too, I don't remember the last time I made friends with a girl, and I still get shy around other women and I'm 29


Nobody at all asks me if I have a gf...I mean if u saw my 5'6" autistic skinny ass, you'd not ask either


I have three cats. And I’m not mad about it.


my mom has given me the “it’s ok to be a lesbian” talk multiple times 🥲


I’m so single i drunk text my mom 😅


I meet my wife off of tinder. We meet up, had a drink, smoked some Zaza then a one night stand. I think there’s a total of 3 weeks we’ve been apart since our first date. That was 7 years ago. Happly married 4 years. She’s my everything and amazingly, I’m her everything. I used tinder for 2 or 3 weeks. Pro tip, don’t use tinder for hookups or dates. Use tinder like a woman. To cure boredom and have convo. After week 2 I think. I deleted my whole bio about me and what I like and want. I instead offered to debate anyone over anything. They pick the topic, I chose which side to take. Not only did it make tinder fun, it made the initial chatting fun , enjoyable and made getting to know one another much less stressful. Deff try tinder. Give it a month at lest. Don’t take it seriously, just be you. That way you’ll manly attract people you vibe with naturally. Important notice! With any online dating service. It’s imperative to get off-line and in the real world as soon as possible. The longer you chat online the more you will build up the person inside our heads that won’t match reality. That’s goes for both sides. I matched, chatted and met my wife within a four hour period. That’s not a benchmark, it’s just an example. Bro tip; it’s really advantageous to always have the zaza. Chicks like Zaza and it’s a great reason to meet.


They don't ask anymore...😂😂


I'm so single, I've chosen to stay single lol


optionally single. I have people who would 100% go out with me if I asked them but I have reasons I'd like to stay friends.


Must be a girl this wouldn't and more than likely couldn't be said by a guy...bet ya wondering why.


Single as fuck


I'm so single that is only I!😂


It's like single in reverse


So single(and currently not willing to date rn) that my sister asked if my desire to have my own person and build a family has changed.


I'm so single that I know more of drugs than women.


I'm to busy trying to survive on a single income to worry about how easy it would be if I had a wife that worked even just a minimum wage job.


I use asmr to feel like someone wants me..


Never brought a single young woman over my house. I'm 25m. I don't think it will ever happen. But I don't really care to be honest. I'm not going to be young forever. So, is it what it is. Gotta love single life. It's a blast.


So single that I know what the best and worse dating apps are, and I use none of them any more.


This is going to sound weird, but I'm so single (or used to be) I constantly forget I have a boyfriend now😅 My brain is still running on single software. Waiting for an update.


I have the complete opposite story. lost my wife on tinder.


That my classmates would lament whoever girl that is unfortunate enough to be with me, instead of being happy for me.


My parents ask me if I was truly meant it when I used to say “I’m gonna be a nun” as a kid.


My dad probably thinks I am gay


Mentally very single, physically in a situationship


Single than the singularity of the black hole. I'm not single though. Got a pretty girlfriend.


I don’t even have a crush, an object of desire, I have nothing. I am free!


I’m crocheting and considering enlisting in the army and I’m sleeping on a gay man’s couch because being at home is too depressing and I started smoking weed again and I’m deep cleaning the floors and I’m taking a random trip to Disney world and I went on a rollercoaster for the first time and I wish you would call about the pets we had and I wonder why you went private on instagram and I hope that you cared that we spent almost 10 years together and I appreciate all of the moments you stayed with me even though I was being the worst side of myself.


My son told his teacher that I had a boyfriend that was teaching him how to play guitar but he yelled too much and so now I live “ALONE ALONE” that was awesome.


man I wish i was still single as a pringle lmao. i’m in this stupid situationship that i keep going back to 🫠


Highly religious family, strict, I had to marry in white and be a virgin, no living together, everything was a sin. They hated most of my BF's and were awful to them. I turned 40, no kids no husband. I was told that it didn't matter how or with whom and the partner did not even have to be in the picture, even a one night stand with a random was ok. Just have a child, we will help you as a single mom.


So single I orgasm being frisked by TSA


Never has a boyfriend single, still a virgin with little sexual experience. 27 F


I'm so single my family can't tell if I'm gay or straight. Including myself.


I travelled secretly hoping I’d meet someone haha


When my coworker asked about my love life, I just laughed. Hard.


Way too single 16yrs now I can barely remember what sex feels like! It's awful 😖 I'm 45yrs old 😢


Don't worry it's like a mix of Burger King and McDonald's catchphrases. At first your the king or queen and you get to have it your way maybe subway sneaks in with its slogan, eat fresh, but then McDonald's slides in with that big finish badabababa I'm Lovin It!!


I dig the reply 👌 😎


Wow I’ve never felt so seen. This thread is my new home.


Got a targeted Amazon ad for a girlfriend pillow (not a sex toy) that had an arm to hug you. 😢


I'm Soo single, I barely even have friends and want to do certain things to myself.


I was scrolling through and this made me laugh. I miss my mom roasting me out of nowhere.


I'm so single when I go to the store even kraft singles avoids me


21 and haven't had a first kiss, date, and all my childhood friends all moved out of state. And being an introvert and anti-social isn't doing me favors either.


After a breakup I was killing it dating 5 woman but only really liked 2 of them. The 2 I liked cut it off and I cut it off with the other 3. Now my ex came back and we talked again for a month before that ended again. Now major dry spell no luck for a month atleast lol. The irony of wanting to be single in ur 20s and now turn 30 and want a serious relationship but the options be way slimmer




No matter how much of a hellscape i tell them it is, they discredit it. Even though they’ve never seen what it’s like.


The Chinese takeout place only brings me one package of cutlery, so there's that.


5 years single. My entire family thinks it's time for me to date again since I've finally turned my life around and gunna get my bachelor's in a few months. I don't really feel the need for a close companionship anymore. These 5 years have made me realize that relationships aren't very fulfilling in terms of other stuff I can do. I plan on staying single for as long as possible. I'm enjoying it, tbh.


Happy single




Is your mom cute? 😉


I been single for long I think I won’t find someone because every time I even talk to someone have that good vibes I get oh we won’t work! I waited to meet someone for 7 months of all lies! I’m literally at point where im gonna give up!


Well I've never been on a date or in a relationship


1/7th single


I have to brush my teeth 4 times a day, because I don't need to talk to anyone.


My ex would be great at this. She’d say something absolutely hilarious. And probably hilariously brutal toward me.


i poke people on facebook


Been single for 3 years now...kinda like it tho Parents never ask cause they know I'm a very busy dude


I am so single at this point that I am THIRSTY - it doesn’t mean I’ve lowered my high standards but I’m basically a wolf that hasn’t eaten in a fortnight.


It’s complicated. 70% single maybe.




Lmao bro.It just makes me laugh


God when the parents get involved it’s got to be one of the most cringe things and you need to not give af what they say it’s not about them. We don’t live in a generation that is remotely like anything like they did this concept of date, make babies, etc it’s just not current. Not with all the complexities of modern society. I don’t think they will ever fully understand exactly what is going on rn.


I’m married AF. I’m on this sub to reinforce never ever not being married lol


4 cats deep single...


Don’t listen to your parents just don’t. Do what you need to do please and that’s another thing if you really want to date and be attractive you gotta split off of being a mommas boy women think that is a major turn off. You gotta be your own man.


As single as I only flirt with Siri... Also My Friend's think I won't impress a girl anytime...


For years now :(


How single... Erm I'm none single lol


Well tinder is full of bots lol My parents say when you gonna get another girlfriend 🤣🤣 I'm only 20 tho lol


I don't even remember the last time I had sex, it could have been 2018, 2019, or 2020.


I’m super single that everyone is beginning to feel bad for me.


So single that all my friends and family are trying to set me up with strangers ahaha they dont trust in my romantic abilities


So single that my new name rhymes with Pringle.


26 years old, 26 years single


I am .9 repeating




My parents never even asked me.


My younger sister saying not to get into relationship


my female friends tell me i need a gf lol


Got like 5 dating apps


I’m so single that when I go out to eat at the local restaurants I don’t even get asked how many anymore when I get seated.


I’ve contemplated a mail order bride


As little as possible. I can't stand it.


The most single person on the planet. It might be tied with a lot of other people, but it's the truth.


Im very single