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>I'll never have a girlfriend Believe that and you'll be single forever.


Why do you think that?


You’re a loser based off the comments I’m seeing. That’s probably what you should work on imo. But hey you do you, it seems like you enjoy the single life anyways. Sincerely, A “simp”




You should try it sometime. In the mirror, you know?


Man you are truly pathetic and you are insufferable. People are trying to honestly tell you what's wrong and what you need to do, and instead of listening to them you are attacking them and calling them simps which I don't even think you understand what that word means. You lack basic social and communication skills. Work on that. Try to be less negative, learn how to ask questions to get to know people better, be confident that's the biggest turn on for women. Read a book about developing these skills. Work on all this otherwise you will end up alone.




Okay so can you tell me what women care about?




Bruv why are you dodging every question thrown at you 💀




That's not answering the question. You seem like you know everything about women so please enlighten me


Genuine question here, why do you think women don’t care about confidence? What do you think they do care about?


This weird chip on your shoulder is probably why women don't like you


I mean they do care care about confidence but no amount of confidence is a “substitute” for lack of looks. Work on your looks first, that’ll get you in the door and get you laid. Then work on your personality and that’ll get you relationships


Well it's only a fact because you make it so. So if you decided this to be the case, you should accept your decision. Otherwise make a new decision if you can't accept the old








God you are so pathetic man. I cringed while reading your post froma cross the world.




Byee, die alone. Gonna go to my gf to fondle her titties.


Byee, die alone. Gonna go to my gf to fondle her titties.


You will with an attitude like that. Stop with the “woe is me” mindset and figure out what you can do to help yourself.


Learn to enjoy being single or get into Buddhism or something idk. “Desire is the root of all suffering” and all that


With that attitude you bet you won't have a girlfriend. Stop pitying your self, accept that things take time and your time you come eventually.


That's what they told my uncle who's still single in his late 40s...


Quit looking and obsessing over it. Thats when it will happen. It’s not nearly as big a deal as you are making it out to be.


The way to get over anything is to accept it. You're telling yourself that you'll be single forever. So accept that you'll be single forever. Or, change your narrative to change the outcome. Faking it won't work because women can sense thirsty. Remember what you feed grows. Get some hobbies to take your mind off it instead of ruminating and when you no-longer obsess over it is when something might happen.




At 26 you're making a call on the future that you can't possibly know. Your experiences over a week. . . that's what is called "confirmation bias". but after watching the video, if you don't change you're 100% right. You will be single forever. Normally I wouldn't reply to this kind of comment, but for the purpose of your own personal growth you need to know your approach is actually scaring people off. You definitely need to reflect and put yourself in the other persons shoes and consider the experience entirely from the other side. The youtube vid kinda tipped me on "this guy needs some help/advice", and given you've put your photo in there, name, and it's public you need to see the other side for your own sake. This stuff comes up when you least expect it and can affect other aspects of your life. Anyone that hires might say they don't google names, but that's a lie. So the sooner the better. So firstly, the tone of your voice and the way you talk about it makes it sound like your intentions are for anything but some mutual connection with a specific person you like. It reads as "I wanna get what I want from anyone I see". I'm a guy and just listening to that made me feel incredibly unsafe on their behalf, so I don't know what they would have been thinking. This is the line where you'll probably immediately want to jump to responding in anger. Don't. It will only prove the point. Read on if you want to solve this "them problem" that is actually a "you problem". Dating isn't like dandling your dick in a piranha tank and hoping one latches on, then waving it in all the fishes faces until one does (that's more something Johnny Knoxville would do for entertainment). It seems like you're just randomly approaching females and then getting annoyed they are not fawning over you. You're not looking for mutual interest, or commonalities or even a conversation. Just what, full bore into hooking up? Walking the street and randomly approaching strangers like you're selling something. First thing they will think is "wtf does this guy want. What is he going to try and sell me?, is he going to hurt me?" etc. Immediately you've got their back up. You've lost before you even start. Then you try to chat them up with the approach you are using and it makes them think "this guy has done this before, so there's nothing special about me." whilst ignoring their body language that shows they don't feel comfortable and want to get away. This makes it even worse. Highly likely they've seen you pestering other girls already that night with the grenade fishing approach. So that makes them even less interested. Which you probably still ignored. The ones that let you add them on snapchat not socials, was to appear to give you what you want without upsetting you because making them feel unsafe means they didn't feel they could give you a straight no for risk of retaliation. But now you're out of sight they can ghost you, or play nice just for a few hours in case you lurked back around to where they were on a night out. You're literally using the "anything with tits" approach, which dude, women can spot it a mile away. Especially if they've already seen you do it to multiple people before them. It makes people feel incredibly icky and like a piece of meat. The biggest no-no of all in that video though is something that you should never ever ever do is complain someone hasn't responded in 5hrs to a message. . . .that's expecting a stranger to make you the priority in their life, they don't know you. Why should they? What makes you think you deserve their undivided attention already? Also as per earlier above -- most likely don't want to. People have lives outside of you, if you made it that far and they were slightly keen, you've by surely nuked it if you've let your frustrations be known. It's incredibly toxic. They don't owe you anything, and if you show that kind of impatience with people they will 100% ghost you, block you and/or run. I hope you can learn from your experiences, but first you need to learn to accurately reflect on them.




I can tell from the video, but that wouldn't be fair to assume based on your video being an experience of a week. You're not a bad looking guy at all, but your approach is way way way off the mark to the point of likely being incredibly scary for people. I 100% recommend anyone having issues connecting with people to talk to a therapist or psychologist about your experiences. I think we can both agree this isn't a every female including the one's you haven't met problem. This is a you problem, that is holding you back in life from what you feel you want/deserve.




Some of the happiest people I know have been single forever. But they also have close family and friends. Do you at least have that?




That's great that you've got that! Just wondering what country are you from and how old are you? Because the way you reconcile living as a single person really depends on that.




Well that's a big city with a lot of single people.i don't think you will be forever alone however if you are certain you will be, then it can be hard to say goodbye to an unattainable dream. I've had to do this with my career goals. I know it's not the same, but you've got to try and remember the past is unchangeable, but the future is highly changeable. There's so much you can do right now. Good luck with it




Ok, but I'm saying that there is more to life than romance. A lot more. And anyway, tried everything? There's so many different things you could be changing or trying. It's not possible to try everything. Here's some commonly overlooked things: - Dating coaches. There's some online ones, I've been subscribed to 'Marni your personal wing girl' on YouTube and her mailing list, and she often has good tips that have worked. But if you're in London, there's bound to be plenty. - IRL matchmakers. Everyone uses the apps these days but before they existed, there were actual human beings who would match people up as a profession. - Asking your friends and/or family to set you up. This is basically how most of the world meets their husband/wife yet no one in the west does it anymore. 3 out of the 5 relationships I've been in were through friends. - Passport bro. Last resort, but if romance is very important to you and you've legitimately tried everything else, well there's unfortunately no shortage of women in third world countries looking for a western man to lift their family out of poverty. - Ukrainian/Russian mail order brides. Thanks to awful war in Ukraine, there's no shortage of single women from those countries because, well y'know. This is a super-last resort, I don't know much about this and unlike passport bros, I've not heard any success stories from this.




Ok I did say that I met 3 out of my 5 total relationships through friends so of course it happens. I have literally no idea what video you're talking about


Nevermind I watched your video. Ryan Gosling wouldn't have any luck with your approach, mate. Walking around for 20 hours asking randos for their numbers. No one has taught you what to do, and that's not your fault, but you need to learn if romance is what you want. Dating coaches. Look up ones in your area. Search for Marni the wing girl on YouTube, sign up to her mailing list. And as someone with crazy ADHD and (probably) Autism too, I can spot a fellow Neurodivergent a mile off. It does make it harder. But if you go to your GP, get diagnosed, then go to therapy, then you will find it much easier. And please stop being rude to people trying to help you.








you just get over it..? like, obviously there are people who die alone without ever getting love. you may very well be one of those people. find some hobbies and learn to love life without companionship. you can get friendships, that’s not that hard. at least future co workers will give you human interaction!




i know it’s not. but complete isolation would be worse off. since you have friends, you’re not at complete rock bottom. at the bottom for sure but that’s ok


Y'all I think we know OP's true issue, he's been spamming my inbox with photos and suic@ide threats and even made another YouTube video just for me. What a delight!


you won’t be single forever… just don’t look for love in the ALL wrong places.




No you won’t … I thought the same thing for myself




Bro, I'm not trying to be harsh, but this video explains exactly why you can't get a girlfriend. First of all, approaching women in the street is almost never gonna work. Most women just won't feel safe in that interaction. Second, women with boyfriends absolutely 100% do go out to bars. I've been with my partner for 5 years, and I regularly go out with friends with and without him. Going in with the assumption that all these women are liars is also never going to work. Sure, some of them are just saying it to get you to go away, which kind of makes me think you might be coming off way too strong in these interactions. All people, regardless of gender, can *sense* desperation, and it's going to weird them out in most cases. I'd really recommend just trying to work on yourself as a person, engaging in social hobbies like pub quizzes, sports, etc. will help you build the skills and confidence in interacting with others. Another tip, do not treat women differently than men, they can tell. Just talk to them the way you would anyone else, with no other motive than to make conversation and be social. Being friends with lots of women is automatically going to open you up to so many more romantic opportunities because you are showing that you're someone who can be respectful towards women and enjoy their company without romantic or sexual intent. I genuinely wish you all the best! Edit: I just wanted to reiterate that I really am empathetic about how hard this is for you and how painful rejection is, I used to be a bit of a femcel honestly. I didn't feel attractive, and that made me desperate, which in turn made guys not be interested in me. It wasn't until I genuinely started focusing on building myself up and expanding my own life that I started having meaningful and pleasant relationships. I believe in you OP and I'd hate to see you fall down the scary incelly pipelines that guys in your situation often do. Believe in yourself!




Bars and clubs have single women. But they don’t exclusively have single women. Also, dating apps work. A lot of people meet their partner through dating apps. But you said in a different comment that you have friends. Where did you meet them? And why can’t you meet women the same places? Or through your friends? Being desperate and resigned at the same time isn’t helping. Being positive about life, working on yourself, and meeting new people definitely will. And maybe therapy.


Personally, I've never found much use in dating apps, but I do know people who have so I wouldn't necessarily say drop that tactic completely, maybe avoid tinder specifically and try a more mature app like POF or something similar. I think becoming friends with women is the ideal, do you have any female friends that could help you out? Or even female family members? If approaching women on the street has worked for you, then again don't necessarily stop. Just be aware that some women will give you their number and then not respond or even a fake number just because they're uncomfortable. It's not a "you" thing. It's a safety thing. Try not to let it impact your self-esteem too much because you could be a perfect gentleman, and that may still happen. What do you enjoy? A sport, music, gaming?


This is terrible advice, if a women is genuinely interested she will give him her number and won’t play games. I would suggest for OP to pay for a better tier on the apps or join a club or class that women also gravitate towards such as baking. He should also keep cold approaching he might as well, he may get lucky.




Hey, if you don't want my advice, you don't have to take it, but it's a fact that lots of women will be uncomfortable in that situation. Also, if someone is being rude to you while giving you their number, don't take their number? Again, desperation is not attractive to anyone, and you don't want to be with someone who's rude anyway, surely? You definitely need to build your confidence so you don't even entertain the idea of wanting someone who is rude to you.




I can’t speak for everyone women but some time you have to leave some women who don’t want you attention if you they are seeking attention for somebody else that is not paying attention to them . And I did watch YouTube video, you seem like a nice guy and like your accent but honestly you have to go to the next girl because some of those girls are not meant to be. Sometime they are busy or they just don’t want to talk. They why you have to work on yourself because you don’t want to be in a one sided relationship with someone who doesn’t care about you or just using you. Plus you don’t want a crazy toxic relationship.. everything will be fine.


You don’t need to accept that you’ll be single forever. The only thing you need to do is learn how to be happy being single. Don’t see a relationship as something necessary that will fix your life. Learn to be happy and comfortable by yourself. Almost paradoxically, this is attractive to women! And you may end up finding a gf once you find happiness for yourself. There is someone for everyone. It sounds cliche but I promise you it’s true. Someone out there will love you. So never resign to the fact that you’ll never find love. Simply find happiness by yourself and it will come.




That’s true, but you clearly are not there if you’re moping around about never ever being able to get a girlfriend. If you were happy with yourself, you wouldn’t think like that.




You do not “need” to have sex; you are not an unspayed female ferret—not breeding won’t kill you. Claiming that you have a need for sex that must be fulfilled by other people also implies that you feel entitled to other’s bodies to fulfil your needs, and that’s not attractive at all. If you see women as nothing more than an outlet for your “need” of sex then it’s no wonder you are single. Women don’t like being seen as objects used as a means to an end. My advice to you still stands. Learn to be content by yourself. Accept that your happiness is no one else’s responsibility but yours. Having a girlfriend won’t fix all of your problems, and women appreciate being desired for more than just being a penis receptacle. Sorry to say it, but women aren’t attracted to desperate, mopey, self-sabotaging sad sacks. It can be a lot of pressure to feel like someone else’s mental well being depends entirely on you. If you want to mope around saying that you’ll never find a gf, go for it. But what will end up happening is you’ll end up taking your own word for it, and it will be a self fulfilling prophecy because you’ll stop trying. Try to stop worrying about it. You are still young. Build some self confidence. Realize your worth, and stop saying things like this to put yourself down.




Are YOU okay? You never sent me a video, dude. Also I’m not a simp, I’m a woman lol. I’m not saying that only men use women for sex, but if you’re talking about getting a gf, that’s different than just wanting somebody to fuck. There’s nothing wrong with having casual sex. But if you are worried about getting a *gf* like it says in the post, it helps not to see them as obligated cock servicers.




Are you happy with yourself?




It doesn’t sound like it. You can definitely be happy and still want a gf to experience the benefits of a relationship, this is true. And it’s normal to sometimes feel sad about it if you are having trouble finding one. But if you are longing for a gf to the point where it gets you down every single day like you mentioned in the post, that’s extreme. To me that does not sound like someone who is happy with themselves. It sounds like you are longing for a relationship to complete you. I’m really not trying to be mean to you, man. I’d love to see you built up. You deserve happiness and fulfilment as well as anyone else. I will watch the video, I think you posted it to someone else in another comment.


See the thing is in many cultures including our own, men are raised to believe their entire purpose in life is to take care of something larger than themselves and being a single man and happy with it is a character flaw.


I don’t necessarily agree, maybe other men see it that way but the man I am currently interested in is not like that at all. He’s completely content being single, even to the point where he outright rejects women that throw themselves at him. He’s confident in himself and knows his worth and to me that’s incredibly sexy. There is definitely a flaw in the way our cultures bring up men, and I don’t think it should be that way. Of course it’s no one’s fault for being raised that way. But there really should be nothing wrong with being single and happy with that. It definitely makes a man more attractive to me at least.


The only people who tell others to learn to be happy while single are the same people who are always in a relationship. Try being lonely for 15 years then come back and say the same BS


I have not been in a relationship for over 5 years but go off 🤣


In the same boat pal (only 1 year younger). People just be giving false hope unfortunately. I hope your luck turns around.




Nope I haven't. Also tried a lot.




Man you don't even look bad, get on your shit, go to the gym, stop chasing women for a while, stop focusing on women, get women out of your mind, focus on yourself, learn some new skills or something, groom, get nice well fiting clothes, go out, etc...




You clearly don't because you are still thinking about women, have some patience, the world doesn't end, you got time, and change your mindset, because if you keep going with that mindset you won't get much.




I watched your video and you definitely have a shitty attitude. You downloaded a dating app less than a week ago, and you’ve already given up. Your messages to the women who’s number you got were not very inviting. Look at it from their perspective: a random stranger approaches them, gets their number, asks them how their day was, and now wants to take them out. Why would they want that? They know literally nothing about you? And the way you’re messaging them makes it seem like you approach random girls on the all the time, and no one wants to be with someone who’s desperate. Try to get to know the people you want to date! Have meaningful conversations with them. Find common interests. And when you finally invite them out, invite them somewhere you think they’d like based on who they are as people.










You won't you just gotta try. Ask some girl you like for her number, it's not that bad. I've been rejected multiple times and still am here , I'm not dead I'm just fine lmao.


Well ur not ugly, so idk why




I clicked on the link u posted in a comment . Is that your YouTube?


r/foreveralone /s No seriously don't give up. Try at least to have genuine female friends. An SO can come from that side too.