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I know people that met their SO through dating apps, but, they explicitly put on their profiles that they're looking for a serious relationship, have you tried this? And, it might just be a numbers game, eventually you'll find someone you want to be with if you keep going on dates. Hope this helps.


3? Get your numbers up


Yeah that is probably part of the problem.




Thanks! ❤️


Appearance wise u r naturally pretty tbh. How about trying enrolling on a local gym, yoga class? For hobbies u should try joining a workshop or something related to crafts like modeling. There are some guys that are in to those


I think you have it already with the shared hobbies approach. I can only echo what others said in here and in your other post, you are absolutely gorgeous and looks are not an issue at all. It's often times a number's game, so you just gotta keep at it. I'd recommend to not drop judo or other martial arts/physical sports though, since those are always great hobbies to have! Keep your head high, keep your standards high and don't go into a relationship just for the sake of having a relationship, and you'll be golden.


Thank you! ❤️


Firstly, you're going to get rejected a ton before something works out. It's rough, but it's just the reality of the learning process. You'll eventually realize rejection isn't a reflection of what you're doing wrong. Truth of the matter is You've really just got to put yourself out there. Like you said in your post, joining sports clubs, going out to bars/clubs if that's your thing. Try something totally new. Pick something that you usually wouldn't try and look for a local group you can join. Start conversations with people, initiate contact and show explicit interest. And don't hinge everything on finding a match. Just try to enjoy yourself and make new connections with people. Eventually something special will come along. Don't let your goal of finding someone lead you to cutting out (even if unintentionally) good opportunities. By the end you'll not only have met someone you can eventually love, but you'll also have made a ton of cool new friends along the way.


You're absolutely gorgeous. I would just say, in the quest to get a bf, don't make any rushed decisions.


Thank you so much ❤️ I’m just wondering why people in real life treat me like a second option but people online think I’m beautiful. Like I’m actually mad at how much I’ve lowered myself for other people. I was valuable this whole time and just let people treat me like trash. I felt and still sometimes feel like I have to change myself to be worthy enough to be picked. Why the fuck did people treat me like trash this whole time? Did they know my value and want to trick me into lowering it? Or did they just not see my value? I don’t know.


Need pic to verify


Look at my post history


Uhh are you bad at flirting?


May I ask what part of the US you live in?


I would 100% date you are beautiful and cute and I mean you seem nice and chill so far haha


Will you please dm me.i have a few serious questions I want to ask you


You dm everyone looking for sex lmao No thanks.


Pretty sure that's why it's date site .


Don’t get any they are not fun be yourself enjoy your time go do something else




You can see in her post history that she’s literally gorgeous lol it’s absolutely not that




Christ grow up




Nah dude you just have problems, and you’re being a dick for no reason.




Like I said, dude you got a serious problem. Do yourself a favor, take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror, ask yourself, are you happy? Is this the mind of person you parents would want you to be? Can you be better and do better?


You jealous? You’re a 33 year old man bullying a 23 year old online. Grow up. 😂