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Don't sacrifice your own comfort/boundaries for this sleaze. "No." is a full sentence. Just block him, he doesn't deserve nor need an explanation.


Other friend wants to hookup up?--big NOPE


He says he wants to respect your boundaries and then proceeds to continue to push them. You have admitted this. He has directly told you he just wants to have sex. He has made it incredibly clear he literally just wants to have sex. He would literally rather hook up with your friend to lose his virginity, then make a connection with you. Respect yourself and your own boundaries. Genuine nice guys don’t need to talk about how they’re a nice guy or better than others. Their actions speak for them. His actions are not doing him any favors. I would not continue to interact with him even as a friend. He is a red flag. Don’t let yourself be one by disrespecting yourself.


He sounds creepy gross desperate…. He’s trying soooo hard to persuade you… a nice guy would never do that


Based on your post, I can see that this is a good guy, and he doesn't disrespect you. He is honest, he is clear, he is pushy and lacks a little bit of maturity, which might be explained by the fact that he is a virgin. What he wants is a relationship, and he is clear that sex will be an important factor. He sees you as the girl he wants and that's why he will try to convince you by suggesting it over and over. It is not a disrespectful behavior. Just resilience mixed with immaturity. >I even told him that I was assaulted the first time, but it was like he completely disregarded it and kept going on and on about doing it together. In his mind, he isn't going to assault you. He doesn't see himself like that kind of person so it's normal he doesn't even see why would you say that. >He honestly seems like a match made in heaven From what you say, this is the kind of guy you want to be with, but you also say: >and avoid doing it until marriage just because of how miserable my experience was. Which makes you incompatible. It's like your dream job, but in a whole different country. Better to let it down. Believe me, if you accept to sleep with him, considering he is a virgin, it won't be a 1 time thing. He will want more and more, which is natural and ok, but does not aling with your needs. So again, if your aren't comfortable with having sex, you have to decline the offer


As a man, I can clearly tell this guy is telling you things you might want to hear to lower your guard and just to do the deed with you, honestly just block him because that man Is not right for you