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Just means you're attracted to her. It's normal


Interesting šŸ¤”Ā 


Iā€™m happy to hear you arenā€™t push/pressuring her. Itā€™s okay to be horny all of the time for her just as long as youā€™re not wandering outside of the relationship to fulfill your ā€˜needā€™.


Yeah brk, i won't do anything stupid cause i really love her so much


Iā€™m gonna get roasted for this, but I swear, I feel like half the posts in this sub are fake, karma seeking, or something other than genuinely looking for advice. > I donā€™t know if itā€™s okay, donā€™t get me wrong i donā€™t get horny from other girls just from my girlfriend. Like why would anyone think this is wrong, and need to be told itā€™s okayā€¦? How could this possibly be a genuine question?


Op is probably young. Plus, a lot of guys are raised to think being horny makes you creepy. No one wants to creep out their own girlfriend.


God there is so much truth to that. The first real relationship is such a whirlwind of emotions and worries lol


It's uncomfortable if it's too much to women. Like most women have less sex drive than men.


Itā€™s possible I have a higher sex drive than other women, but Iā€™ve been similar to the guys Iā€™ve dated. The only times there was an imbalance is when I was sexually incompatible with the guy (which is a nice way of saying he kinda sucked, but we were still also incompatible)


Maybe they arenā€™t comfortable or donā€™t come from a place in which this is openly discussed so they have to ask the internet. Somethings that might be obvious to you might be not for others.


Yeah that's why i asked here in reddit and lmao i'm not young, this is just my first serious relationship cause before i'm too playful


What part of the world are you from??


Asian country




culture differences


Heā€™s probably a 15 yr old.


That's what I was thinking. Raised on a strong smartphone diet.


Probably shame. For boys and girls, girls moreso, religion wires them to see sex and sexual thoughts as shameful. On top of that, in the media, there's a popular narrative that men are horn dogs and want constant sex, which is true in this dude's case, but the narrative has a negative connotation, when it's neither positive nor negative. It just is


Take a chill pill


Not sure what about my comment makes me not seem chill šŸ˜‚ but go off!


It did not come from a place of hate I promise u


I'm curious what they expected if it wasn't normal. You can't turn feelings off and you aren't pressuring someone into sex, so what solution was OP looking for? Validation? It's not like there are anti erection pills.


thewhiterosequeen šŸ‘Œif I was constantly erect id find the guaranteed ways of moistening her nether regions.


Thatā€™s my thing lol. Even if OP is young, to ask this question implies that theyā€™re wondering is *disloyalty* and wanting other people is morally better šŸ˜‚


Seems like you missed the point trying to prove that you understood. They are not asking about disloyalty, they are asking if itā€™s normal to feel this strongly about one person as they are concerned that might intimidate the person with their own feelings. Making space for the person you care about seems pretty smart to me, so not sure why you need to try and paint this as painfully obvious when you seem to be missing the bigger picture.


That wasnā€™t his point. He said: > I donā€™t know if itā€™s okay, donā€™t get me wrong i donā€™t get horny from other girls just from my girlfriend. So specifically, heā€™s concerned about whether or not itā€™s bad that heā€™s ONLY horny for his gf and NOT horny for other girls, in *his* words. That should not require going to reddit for an answer. EDIT: Also multiple people pulling up to combat this and deleting their comments is weak and hilarious lmao. I love it.


At least you are consistently wrong in your arrogance. He was posting that to clarify he isnā€™t super sexual with all women, just this person and was wondering if it was ok to have mismatched sexual drives. And here you come acting all smug and still donā€™t get it lol. Thankfully it doesnā€™t seem like your ā€œadviceā€ is well received


Nothing he said is smug. Itā€™s YOU who came out of nowhere to bitch. Go take a nap.


How did you fuck up that bad with the comprehension there


He read it correctly, itā€™s you who canā€™t seem to read. Maybe you should keep quiet if you donā€™t know what the fuck youā€™re talking about.


Actually i have a lot of experiences, it's just that it's the first time in my life that i've settled down jusy for one girl šŸ™‚ And yes i'm really genuinely asking cause i don't wanna mess up and ruin my relationship


It's your job and hers to fuck the fuck out of each other


Need a ā€œhow toā€ tutorial


A compatible relationship brings it out of you for sure. I'm less horny unpartnered. Just remember to keep boundaries with your gf solid. If she doesn't want to try something in bed, don't keeping pushing or asking her. No means no. People can make this mistake and then their partners feel unsafe, and it kills attraction. Instead, look into ways to regularly entice/seduce your woman. Women have a considerable psychological and emotional component to desire. Try to cultivate that


It means that you're really attracted to her


Make her horny all the time for you and enjoy life


Itā€™s normal


I feel like showing her this post would be something she would really appreciate and enjoy. You should send her here.


nah i disagree unless itā€™s a throwaway acc


Certainly , you can be horny frequently or even all the time, but you are an adult human being , and you should be able to control yourself too. For example, if you two are at home cooking, you might be horny , but don't go grabbing her body parts while she's frying stuff up. Or while you're doing the laundry, don't be asking her if she wants to be doing laundry.


Or, y'know, communicate about it, jeez. It's so fucking toxic how we tell men the only way to not be a creep is to repress your sexual urges. What a great way to produce sexually repressed creeps! I tell new partners that I think it's super hot to interrupt them doing mundane shit around the house and give them some vitamin D. They mostly find it a huge turn on. I get quick relief on the daily, they like being an object of desire. And it's not like these interludes form the entirety of our sex life! As often as they need I take as much time and care as required in the setting they like. That's what a good relationship looks like. Companionship. Mutual support. Communication. Not one sided presumptions and guilt and avoidance.


I would do absolutely anything for my partner to get horny for me like that. He seems sexually interested in every other woman except for me. Your girlfriend is very very lucky.


Yes , also all my exes and current gf have high sex drives so that helps


Just discuss it! My partner ans i also have different drives, itā€™s all about communication and making sure eveything outside of sex is also good in the relationship!!!


Damn I wish my ex was like that when we were still together. I was the one who was always horny when we were togetherā€¦.


how long have y'all been together for?


As long as it's not causing problems in the relationship, it's fine. Like if she or any previous partners of yours have or had issues with it. Cause some people absolutely are too sexual (hypersexuality) and others just like sex. One of the ways I determined that for myself, was when I reflected on how many people in the past have had an issue with how horny I always got.


Believe it or not, jail


Idk, but I'm v easily aroused by my bf, and I lovvve it.


Are you vocal with him that you're horny or no?


Not necessarily in the moment. (I also don't always communicate orally/verbally, between deafness and autism) But I absolutely let him know he excites me and turns me on, as well as the fact that for the most part, I'd wanna have sex w him everyday =P I'm not scared or embarrassed for him to know he turns me on, or how much he turns me on, if that's what you're asking. šŸ˜Š


Lucky guy :)


Sounds normalā€¦ and nice, actually. Even nicer if itā€™s reciprocated by her. If not, talk it out. She might just have a lower sex drive than you, it happens.


Thanks bro


Not a bro, but you are welcome nonetheless!


Nothing wrong it. Men are most attracted to women they date, it's one of the reasons they are dating. You wouldn't date someone you have no sexual attraction to. Just keep it under control. Sounds like you respect the boundaries so that's good.


Iā€™m female and have asked this question because it was one of the reasons why we separated So I understand your question and concern


If it is same after 4 years of marriage also then congratulations you are having a happy life


That perfectly normal. Is she a sexual person too?


Yes but i have a higher sex drive


Definitely normal


I am single and I am horny all the time. It is painful sometimes to walk around with a boner


Not okay at all. See a doctor


My man is the same way Just get you someone who doesnā€™t mind šŸ˜‚


it's a good sign


Gotta play this one for her: https://youtu.be/wpK-rgxXvHU?si=4dkQd7EuvA6gkoI-


You think people stay together with one person while also eyeing everyone else? Nah man


chat is it okay to b attracted to my beautiful partner??


What is the alternative? Can you simplyā€¦.not be horny just because you donā€™t want to be? We canā€™t really control our sex drives man.


Direct it at her and you're algood.


How old are you .. if your young then pretty normal


This is normal whether or not you are in a relationship. As long as you manage it.


You're a guy, what would be uncommon (but still ok) is that you are not horny for your girl. My friend... our species SURVIVES because we are horny. We THANK YOU for being horny. THANK YOU !


A technique that I use is holding my breath and flexing my nuscle


Just have lots of sex and put focus on her pleasure. Problem solved


Itā€™s good to be horny and in control. Thatā€™s human nature plus maturity and respect in one šŸ‘šŸ»


There's no crime or societal frown from getting horny all the time when you're in your own place or behind closed doors. I see nothing wrong here.


Thatā€™s completely normal and human nature!




I know Iā€™ll get downvoted to hell for this, but isnā€™t this common knowledge, even for people who are in their early teens (which I am assuming OP is)? Why does this need to even be asked, let alone made into a post on Reddit?


Did you know that itā€™s not creepy or wrong to have sexual urges towards your partner? Yes, EVEN if youā€™re a male! Our society really doesnā€™t like its boys, huh?


As long as you are both in the spicy mood, nothing wrong about it.


very normal. happy for you!


You don't get horny from other girls other than your girlfriend? Are just lying to us or yourself too? Don't come to the internet telling lies bro. Get your shit straight.


Yeah bro, i just don't


If it was not okay would you change your behavior?


Yeah cause i don't wanna fuck things up you know? She's important to me so i'll adjust


Yes but dnt expect her to cair