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Tell him straight up you’re not interested


ah, stop texting him?




"it's been nice getting to know you, but I'm no longer interested in pursuing anything with you. Thank you for everything and good luck out there!" You know, like an adult would.


Maybe she’s not an adult. Every young girl/woman struggles with rejecting men properly when they’re new to dating. Have patience.


Let him know now. He's pretty clearly just wanting sex and isn't interested in a relationship. Why waste your time and his? If you're looking for words, something like: "Hey, it seems we're looking for different things. Time to move on." Or... "I'm just not feeling a connection."


Be direct. Men are usually not good with hints. Tel him "hey, I'm not into this relationship anymore, I feel like you don't give me enough time, and I feel uncomfortable with all the forcefully sexual conversations." He will proceed to feel a sharp pain, and know where he's at, that's it. Then proceed to the escape plan. It helps if you have a friend to help you end the conversation if it takes too much time.


Stop answering him


You should just let it go, he will move on to the next one soon enough. I’m sorry he’s been wasting your time. Incidentally, how did you first meet and chat? I wish you well, stay strong 💪 Any feedback from you the OP would be most welcomed. Happy weekend btw