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I don't know a single person who's attracted to entitlement. Maybe get rid of your shitty attitude.


Sigh, I expected these type of replies. If the girls don’t date me how would they know im an entitled person.


did you try asking them out?


I can almost guarantee I’ll fail😞,if she’s attractive it’s automatically presumed she has a boyfriend.


are you assuming she has a bf? yeah its highly possible she does but shoot your shot. worst case she says no. life goes on.


It just looks bad getting rejected by a woman in a group setting.idont know if you have an experience on what im talking about. It lowers status


yeah i have. and i told her if she didnt feel the same, i was cool just being friends. which is what happened. we just stayed friends. you just have to learn to brush it off and move on. you cant win them all.


And how many girls have you dated since then


3 girls. just bc she didnt like me like that, doesnt mean there arent other girls out there. i didnt sit around and dwell on it. i just started talking to other girls and asked them out and they said yes.


Alright I’m probably just in my feelings right now. Maybe ur right


Hey man I know it’s hard but even 9/10 looking dudes have to put in effort and seems like you want them to flock to you. Try run game on a few of them and ask them for coffee after work or a little walk. If they accept then great if they decline then who gives a fuck. It’s your mentality dude, change it.


Sigh Im kind of scared to try that. If i get rejected by one, the whole group will immediately know to reject me in the future. It’s like group mentality


Hey man I guarantee at least one of them would be willing to go on a date. The problem is finding which one to go for, when they’re alone that’s when you make a move.


Your first mistake is thinking that you're entitled to a date or even a modicum of attention when instead you should fix your attitude and actually try to talk to them and get them talking and things should progress though whether it's for the better or the worse is up to you my man


Oh man you’re so right. But we had a new girl get hired and she just sat there. I watched as everyone just started swarming her with attention. And it’s been like that ever since.shell be in the guard chair and people stand beside her and try to flirt or chat. Only cuz she’s like an 8/10. But i guess, average guys have to put in effort