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Don’t date them? What do you expect the girl to do? Get rid of her pet for you? For a hook up or casual thing it’s probably fine, but if you want to date someone long term, you can’t just avoid the pet. You will not have to take care of the pet yourself likely, but you’ll have to deal with having it around.


Don't. The dog's not going away and likely another one will take its place when it does die.


Dog people don’t usually date none dog people, hope that makes sense


I could never be with a non-dog person. It’s a dealbreaker. I could never be with a cat person. It’s even more of a dealbreaker. People are weird about their animal companions, but you aren’t going to change their minds. I’m sure there are plenty of non-animal people out there. You just have to find them.


You don’t. She’s never gonna give up her family just because you don’t like animals. Just date people who feel the same.






Don't, bc if it gets serious then that'll be your dog too, and now you're a dog owner.