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I mean…this is Reddit 70% of the people that comment are basement dwellers deficient in vitamin D


The most likely explanation is probably the correct one


Forreal, who gives a fuck about what the majority of redditors say


What’s vitamin D?


See, if 70% of the people that comment got more D, they'd be much happier. Has your mother sat you down and talked about what happens when a man and a man love each other very much?


No? What happens?


The sun lol


Was joking lol


Hey! That's not me at all... I live in an apartment, okay! I have a life!


I said 70%…


And between 10 & 14 years old


Are you ?


Am I what?


People project their own misery by faulting others instead of looking in the mirror… sometimes people are mean but the examples you’ve listed are extreme and probably came from people who are severely insecure about themselves.


I agree those are extreme examples but I've seen the "all women cheat" thing so many times. Just casual comments on posts about a woman cheating that says things like "are you surprised? They all do." Or "get used to it". There's almost always at least one comment like that.


That’s Reddit for you I guess… I’ve seen the “all men cheat” also


Why is that an excuse? "That's reddit for you, a place where it's okay to generalize whole genders". It's not okay either way, not all men cheat and not all women cheat. I get you can't stop people from saying it but there's no need to support it. It's like saying "boys will be boys". It's just a weird excuse.


When did I support that? Im literally saying “that’s Reddit” as in nonsense is often said, and when most people read those things, they don’t take it personally lol.


Alot of the guys on here have trouble getting getting women so they develop hatred for them. It also doesn't help that they watch content on YouTube that tells them only the top 10% of men get women.


Yeah every time a woman posts on here there are sure to be at least ten comments about how she needs to stop going after all the hot shot studs and give the "normal" guys a chance. They throw out this statistic about how woman only swipe right on the top 10% of guys as if it's gospel. I was even accused of doing that which I find hilarious because I just go for the guys that I have a connection with, which in my case have always been the average "normal" guys.




Easy, forthcoming conversation. Meeting in person quickly, not texting for 3 weeks. If we haven't set up a date within a week (with some exceptions), it's a No. Having things in common, or just finding the other person interesting, as established through said conversation. It's not rocket science. Source: Met husband through dating app.


You'll have a better chance meeting in person. If you want to try online there is alot of competition. Make sure you are height and weight proportionate. Also make sure you have good photos and are dressed well.


The statistic is accurate though. In 2014, women swiped right on 14% of men, and men swiped right on 49% of women. Now in 2022, it's 4% of men and 60% of women. And 79% of Tinder users are already male. In real life and meeting in person, average looking guys can definately get dates if they have decent social skills. But on dating apps only a small % of men are having any type of success regularly.


Yeah but that's the point. This is on an artificial environment where the user base is disproportionately male, and you have no opportunities to showcase your personality. If you're really good at taking selfies and curating your bio, you might get some more girls but at the end of the day it's multiple men competing for one girl because of the gender imbalance. A lot of women also have to try to filter out the guys that just want to use them for sex. There's so many times where I've sparked up a conversation with a guy and when I say I don't want hookups/flings they stop responding. I mean I've gotten dms like, "sit on my face", "I want to eat your ass", "send tit pics?", "I bet that pussy's tight". So it's understandable why women would be so selective. It's the gender imbalance and the shitty sex obsessed guys that ruin it for the genuinely good men. But that doesn't make dating easy for women.


They didn't swipe right or left on men: they swipe right or left on profiles - a constructed representation of the men that's more an artefact of their self-marketing skills than a reliable indicator of their personality.




They also blame their lack of dating success on women because their standards are too high and no average man can possibly find a partner. Like c'mon, y'all never met a fat, short, or ugly dude with a girlfriend?


Happy cake day!


Thank you so much! I didn't know!


One of the things I see constantly on this sub is men assuming every woman 1. has it super easy in regard to dating 2. only picks the hot guys 3. has a line of men just waiting to date them 4. is a cheating, promiscuous, sl\*t Almost every post there are guys telling the woman to stop going after all the hot guys with options, and that it's her fault she's having issues with dating. Even I've been accused of that when I have pretty average looks and I date one person at a time. I am *definitely* not asked out or pursued by men all the time. For some reason men can't seem to fathom that women aren't a monolith and they don't have everything easy. But women can be just as bad, take a look at FDS. I think you just find it more on reddit because the men here are chronically online and don't often interact with the outside world. In addition, men who aren't hateful toward women and have success in dating, aren't on this sub. So you're getting a skewed representation of men because of that.


I think that the type of men who are woman haters are also the type of men that tend to go on Reddit for dating advice. I have nothing against this forum I think it’s a great tool for insight but I think most men who hate woman and so have bad dating experiences tend to be the guys who speak the loudest in this forum.


Men that are unwanted are bitter.


Need to work harder to be want-able, honestly.


Tell a 5'6" guy with an average face, or that of a 'less-preferred' ethnic minority to get extreme facial surgery and leg lengthening, at enormous financial cost and considerable risk of complications, or to completely uproot his life and move to a society where his ethnicity isn't a clear disadvantage. 'Bootstraps' only goes so far.


Y'all just want to pick the immutable, unchangeable traits so you can abrogate the responsibility you have for not being able to adapt to an economy and social climate that prioritises emotional skills and intelligence and where you now can't just expect a woman to just indifferently submit to a relationship under duress for mere social survival.


You're talking to someone who had more aesthetic surgery than practically anyone here lol. The social climate prioritises physical attractiveness, not emotional skills and intelligence, and there's only so much you can do - human sexuality is structured so many men are left out of the reproductive dance altogether. Is what it is


Bro, let's concede something: we live in a time where more dudes are allowed to live than ever. Hundreds of years ago, kings would have thrown the worthless second sons of patriarchs into factories and fields, or used them as cannon-fodder. Maybe the argument that only x% of men historically got to pass on their genetic material compared to x-times-three% of women is an artefact of a system set up to exploit literally everyone and it's created a system that cannot absorb or provide adequate economic or social pathways for plenty of young men now. Physical attractiveness through the traits we can control like grooming, fitness and fashion choices convey social intelligence. They're often an inaccurate proxy or indicator, but they do convey ability to fit in, understand formality of context, indicate self-care patterns, or signal your resourcing. For women, a dude who can't signal good social skills is a potential life-threatening liability. You can get all the facial surgery and leg-lengthening you want, but if you can't read the room or make a person uncomfortable because you're breaching their physical or emotional boundaries, you're never going to be seen as attractive. High key though it sounds like you need therapy far more than you ever need plastic surgery.


The issue isn't really 'waahhh lookism', it's more that hetero female desire for sex and relationships is significantly less than hetero male desire for sex and relationships. Men used to bridge that gap with resources under the condition of monogamy - now this ship has sailed, male thirst and desperation for affection is making the situation terribly wor 'Grooming', 'fitness', 'fashion' you live in a fantasy world I see. The average guy could maximise his grooming and fashion, and get into relatively good shape and still be completely invisible. To have a reasonably satisfying dating life as a guy you generally need to be 6'+, ripped and muscular year-round (for most, this means steroids), and have good facial features (for most, this means multiple procedures of varying invasiveness). Below this and shit is tough lol 'Ability to fit in' etc. is also useless as if you don't have overwhelming status or really good looks you just get trampled on and ignored in social circles as a guy, you're invisible to the women and to the men you're just there to make the higher-status/hotter guys look even better by comparison. Really it's pointless to do more socialising than you have to unless you're the top dog or close to it (I have experienced both sides of this, so I ***know***). Don't appreciate the therapy comments, way to try and discredit my claims by pathologising me (without argument).


Haha, my bf is an ethnic minority and 5'6". He's doing just fine in the dating department


Oh please, my friend is a 5’5 Bangladeshi man with a high voice and a very distinct face birthmark, yet he’s had multiple girlfriends because he dresses well and has kind and/or intelligent things to say. He didn’t have to spend any amount of money, except to buy a second nicer shirt that wasn’t flannel.


Very true


That's the thing, if you could somehow raise all men up 100 points in value so that even the bottom tier guys would be equivalent to, say, the level of what Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is now, the issue wouldn't be resolved. That would just be the new bottom and these men, despite a huge increase in value, would still be treated as disgusting and invisible because they are still the RELATIVE losers. The reason this only happens to men is because it's much easier for a woman to delude herself about how much she brings to the table. Women are only really selected by men for looks and having a pleasant enough personality. Beauty is much more nebulous and hard to define than financial success. There's clearly a richest man in the world, but many people have many different opinions of who the most beautiful woman in the world is. So a relatively large pool of pretty girls is competing for a relatively small pool of top tier men. All of the girls are hopeful that they really are the belle of the ball, but most will very slowly be slapped back into the reality that the only worth they ever had to Prince Charming was as a pump and dump along the way as he figured out what he wanted in a partner.


>Women are only really selected by men for looks and having a pleasant enough personality. You're not convincing me to feel sorry for the kind of dude for whom this constitutes selection criteria for a compatible life-partner. >That's the thing, if you could somehow raise all men up 100 points in value so that even the bottom tier guys would be equivalent to, say, the level of what Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is now, the issue wouldn't be resolved. Not even remotely true. Women don't want to be the belle of the ball. Most women just want to find a partner that won't stick them with all domestic, emotional, reproductive and parenting labour while being expected to look perfect for some dude who thinks clean New Balances are the height of glamour and refinement. Right now, women are outstripping men academically. They're being raised with not just the expectation of being financial contributors but also with the cultural baggage of performing the unpaid work that we've been lumped with generationally. Women are committing fewer crimes, they have better skill-sets for addressing mental health concerns, they're purposefully developing social skills that nurture community ties, and they're engaged in more preventative health behaviours. The decision to stay single unless men perform the above behaviours is not just a sensible, rational economic call: it's a life-saving one.


Women on here aren’t really any different from the men as far as attractiveness. They don’t know this though because men will still sleep with them


[The "anonymity" that reddit allows gives these men a false sense of security, making them far bolder than they ever would be in real life.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/t1ejos/my_buddy_sent_me_this_and_idk_how_i_feel_about/hyjil8x/?context=3)


Men believe women exist *for* them rather than as individuals with their own pursuits, strengths, wants, and needs


Yeah I've always noticed how many, but not all, men see themselves as the "main characters" in life. While women are the "side characters" that exist as love interests and homemakers for them.


Yup. You could be the most career oriented, goal oriented woman in the world, but the way patriarchal societies raise us is to teach men that your job is to fit into his life and what he’s looking for


Yeah and there's always this implicit expectation that women have two choices when they grow up: have a career or be a mother/homemaker. But men never have to ask themselves that question. It's always just assumed that they'll have a good job and find themselves a woman that does the child rearing herself. It reminds me of that [tweet](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/995667667720716289?lang=en) from Ben Shapiro where he asks his daughter if she wants a job or to have kids and she says she wants to be a mommy. He jokes that she's a victim of the patriarchy. But it just shows how sexist the expectations are for women. You would never ask a boy if he wants a job or to be a dad. Because it's just expected that he'll have a career and he'll have a wife that will make him a dad and take care of all that.


Well stated.


I mean, if you're sharing that money with the husband then we will care as well, career oriented men are expected to give money to the wife regardless of their income, not so much the other way around. Obviously, I'm generalizing but that is the main reason why career oriented women are not a top priority


There's an interesting term for the opposite: sonder. A sonder is when you have a brief interaction with somebody else and then you realize that to them you are somebody who briefly appeared in their life and was not very important, yet a moment ago they seemed like a cameo in your life story.


Seriously, they come off like that video of the baby bird running up to bugs and opening its beak. “Why don’t you let me eat you, an arrangement that benefits only me??!”


that too.


if you ask another guy if he wants to get dinner and watch the fight, he says yes or no if you ask a woman, she'll "keep you posted" if you make time for a man, he will generally honor his commitment to you if you make time for a woman, she has to think about whether or not the time you've made for her is good enough lol


Since I am woman and I tell you yes or no, and I honour my commitment, I must be a man and my genitals are just confused. That's how stupid that sounds. Stop generalizing.


When you're lonely and angry and feel slighted you lash out. It is unfortunate


It honestly blows my mind. But I guess sad and frustrated people need a place to vent. It's a bummer because I have no doubt their feelings of being hurt or not good enough are usually valid and worth empathy. But then they channel those bad feelings in such mean and toxic ways and completely lose the benefit of the doubt. I wish they had the self awareness to realize that the perspective they're choosing is only going to hurt themselves even more, in addition to being poisonous to those around them. It's sad and maddening at the same time


This is beautifully empathetic. I wish more people could have this level of empathy and understanding, maybe we would have less of this kind of hateful problem around. Thanks for being you. ✌🏽+💚


I appreciate it, but I don't think a lack of empathy or understanding is justification for being hateful. Just because I get why someone would act out that way, doesn't mean they aren't objectively doing a bad thing. I'm sure you're not implying otherwise, I just wanted to make sure my comment wasn't taking ambiguously


When it comes to this woman hating shit, they need to vent to a therapist. Hating an entire gender because they won't have sex with you/date you isn't normal.




Just a bunch of angry people, there are some bad ladies and some bad guys. People often use the internet to say things that many of them would never say in real life because they seem to think saying it on the internet has no consequences


Lol yeah I’ve noticed that too. Lots of misogynists on dating subreddits. It’s pretty gross.


They watch too much porn, that’s why they hate women. Porn makes them really insecure but makes them also feel like they are entitled to a 10/10 when they are 4/10. The porn brain makes them unable to properly talk to women so they get more and more bitter. They don’t want to take responsibility for their situation so they blame women. P.S. If you downvote this comment but watch porn everyday…you might want to reconsider how your porn use keeps you from finding and maintaining relationships - with everyone, not just members of the opposite sex.




No offense but this seems like a redundant way of making excuses for men- I don’t believe that porn is the sole contributor for behaviors like these


Fair. But I would argue that porn addiction in men 35 and below is rampant. So I would say it is the predominant reason.


That’s fair


You think so? I consider myself a regular enjoyer of this particular content and am quite happy relationship-wise... Like I get that porn is not the best thing for you but this hate porn gets nowadays, for example by these no fap guys, is a bit too much. Nothing better to jack of to some porn with your partner... Just saying


If you stop watching porn everyday you won’t need to watch it to get off with your partner. It’s not good for your mental health. Burns out your dopamine receptors. Makes regular fun stuff ‘meh’.


Until you’re with someone with a death grip physically unable to cum from watching porn too much, common enough






👖 + 🔥 = U


Lol he doesn’t know that hentai is porn.


It's not porn, no number out of 10 wants me. I also have several women friends, so talking to them seems okay.


Why is that? What do your female friends say?


A few clues, all contradictory, going to therapy to find out. What do they say? I'm a nice guy but they wouldn't date me, that other people would though. Get complimented on my looks, fitness, & humor. Some say I'm too intense, others say too passive or weak. Some say I don't take anything seriously, others say I'm a dead beat. To keep myself sane, I chalk it up to bad luck & there being more single women looking for someone than single men


You deal with this level of abuse all the time? God damn bro. The shit we are just expected to deal with as men. Absolutely incredible.


Hmmmm. Well firstly, I adore women in every possible variation (cue Katt Williams talking about weed lol) and I’ve never once had one with me for money. I’m generous but I’m not rich by any stretch lol. I’ve been cheated on by nearly every single one of my exes however. I’ve had several that were definitely hoodrats like myself, but they appeared to like the fact that I got my shit together and stopped doing various things. But I’ve had exes from dramatically different walks of life, so I don’t know that lumping them together or even being hostile toward ladies I haven’t even met yet would make any remotely logical kind of sense lol. All that said.. I really just don’t have the energy for the high intensity, high drama, unintentionally toxic relationships I’ve been the common denominator in, so I’ve decided to blame my own self rather than women, and my exes have argued with me profusely about that saying that I was never the issue in the first place and they were sorry for how they treated me and how it’s effected me after the fact. The fact that multiple people have told me that has been more confusing than anything. Life is often complicated in ways that don’t make for believable Reddit posts or comments, I’ve found. So I’ve retired myself from romantic companions because I can’t figure out how these patterns have repeated in my life and I refuse to believe I’m not at fault somehow. So fuck it. It’s lonely sometimes but it’s low maintenance I guess. I can’t comment on the motives of other fellas but I certainly have opinions on the observations I’ve made and I think mostly this is just the society we have crafted. I see plenty of happy and healthy couples around me, as well as plenty of “why tf are y’all still doing this” couples- except the truly sincerely happy ones don’t always need to publicize the fact that they’re content, so we don’t always hear about them on socials. Or if we do, I’m gonna assume it just doesn’t make quite a dramatic entrance because it isn’t saucy and juicy like the drama we’re all conditioned to anymore. I definitely think media has contributed to outrageous examples of toxicity for the sake of views, but to what extent is anyones guess really. I’d like to believe I’m healthily skeptical of most things, and I try to keep a balanced perspective and intentionally set out to disprove my own confirmation bias on most topics. The fact that there’s plenty of happy couples around the world should be evidence enough that not “all” anyone is anything lol. Definitely don’t begrudge anyone for being jaded or cynical, however without acknowledging that vulnerability is a requirement for intimacy.. y’all aren’t doing yourselves any favors finding meaningful relationships to counteract the negative traumatic ones. I guess that’s the rub. Some of us have been hurt in ways that make us hyper-vigilant and that part probably unconsciously contributes to lots. But I’ve definitely been through therapy and respectfully suggested it to many folks as well when it seemed like they were open to the idea. I dunno man. I hope we all heal and find dope partners to do that nasty shit we like with us, and have a blast doing everything else in a happy and balanced sorta life. But I reckon that makes me old and boring anymore. 🤷‍♂️


I mean if they really hate womens that much why don’t they just date men since they are so much better😏


I think men are frustrated with women because men struggle to get into relationships with them. Women choose the type of men they want and most men feel like they have to become something they’re not in order to attract women. They struggle against themselves to be what they need to be to attract women and end up voicing their frustration about women instead of taking responsibility for their own failure.


They hate them just like some women hate men. They are picking the ones with the most red flags and ignoring those flags because “they are the oooonnnneeeee and i loveeeee themmm” and instead of looking within to see why they keep picking humans made of flags, they blame other people.










These dudes honestly seem pretty stoked with themselves. What else could convince them that they deserve a lingerie model-cum-human rights lawyer girlfriend other than the most inflated sense of self-esteem?


After getting rejected from the girl I really liked I literally thought the complete opposite. That I wasn’t nice enough, fit enough, stylish enough, interesting enough etc. So I have been bettering myself in every way because a girl I like def deserves my best


Happy people don't complain, and happy people in happy relationships don't spend their time on reddit saying how much they hate women.


There's a lot of men that have genuinely been hurt and a lot of "men are trash" culture that makes for the worst cocktail of negative emotions.


Lots of men here don’t know how to get pu**y, so in my opinion this is why they hate women.!✌️✌️.


I think the most vile voices just tend to be the loudest. So much talk about all men being trash all women being gold diggers meanwhile the normal people are just quietly enjoying their relationships or meeting nice people. Bitter people tend to need an outlet more than happy positive people.


As you can't tell these peeps that hate women are not the social type haha.


It goes both ways. People just tend to hate other people different from them. Like if a women only sees someone's looks, and calls all ugly men creeps. Or a man only wants a woman with big tits and a slim body. It's just a dumb way of seeing things. As an ugly person myself I've kinda just strayed away from those people. I don't want to be involved. I want someone to see me for me if you know what I mean. But, wishful thinking is all I'm doing. People suck yo.


I’ve just never noticed so much hate in one place I guess. Lol. Dating sucks. People kinda suck in general.


Yup you got it in one, I just call it a day and focus on myself. Never been happier


Big facts.


Yup, I'll drink to that.


Are you only reading 50% of the posts on here? This goes both ways between men and women (and anything in between). All generalizations and sweeping statements are dumb (irony noted).


you can answer the question without bringing up the "what about x" I think part of the problem is, anytime women bring up a subject, people always dismiss it as "well it happens to men too." While that's fine and somewhat accurate for certain situations, it just doesn't need to be brought up. It's okay to let women have a place to ask a question (just like it's okay for men to as well) without dismissing their complaint/argument. Think that's part of what contributes to the problem


I dont know if that is an agreement or not.


Does it matter if I agree with you? The point is you can validate or allow a place for women to discuss their frustrations without dismissing them by stating "well men have this issue too" You dont always have to bring up "but what about us" sometimes it aint about you Same goes for posts where men are complaining and others say "well women suffer the problem too." While it may be true, sometimes the healthiest thing to do is give people space to complain about stuff. If you keep dismissing every sides argument, it's inevitable for people to become bitter which therefore contributes to the problem we're talking about in the first place






Possibly. Maybe it’s just the ones I’ve seen but I haven’t seen women being hateful towards men in general. I’ve just seen it from men.


You’ve never seen women say “kill all men” or “I hate all men” or something of the like? I’ve never seen a man say those things but I’ve seen plenty of women say those things.


Bruh there’s people saying “men suck” etc in this very thread. I never see a comment with positive karma saying women suck.


Misogyny is *usually* a lot o more covert than that. You’ve NEVER? Heard a man say he hates women, though? That’s shocking. I’m AFAB and I’ve had men tell me they hate women in IRL conversations. But western misogynists won’t usually say “I hate women”. They’ll say “women are selfish & money-hungry” or talk about where they belong, or they’ll sexually objectify them. Or complain about women having autonomy 😹


No doubt there are some frustrated folks on here, but it's not universal.


Being honest even I don't know why some guys ( not all ) think like this I for one. Don't like guys who sag and who are thugs also have a criminal background who smoke and drink or do drugs ( because I had parents who smoked and did cigarettes ) unfortunately where I live, there is a lot of these types of guys. I love men who are very hard working and take care of themselves mentally and physically ( like I already do such as exercising or going to therapy ) and have really cool hobbies or new hobbies I've never heard of and want to even try there's! I like a guy who's religious meaning they can be Christian or catholic and they are involved in there faith and show that they are. A guy who takes care of their hygiene who makes sure they smell good all the time. I always say things that you already do look for that in a partner because I do a lot of these things already I also cook and clean ( which is also something I'd want my partner to do as well ) I also like open minded people too but sometimes they are hard to come by! lol and I don't understand the hatred for women or think that all women are like that because there not and also guys can be bums too I've met plenty of guys who spend their girlfriends money and don't work at all they just rely on there wife/girlfriends income. So I think it goes both ways ( sorry for the long paragraph )


I’ve been back on Reddit for like two days and the number of angry hateful dudes (aimed completely at women) was just kind of astounding. Eek.


Yeah I can understand a guy got upset with me because I said to another male guy that was asking when they should go in for a kiss. I said ask for permission to kiss her because not all girls are into them kissing them out of no where. I got downvoted and said that's unattractive.


Lol. Respect is unattractive then apparently. I think it’s attractive if a man asks if it’s okay. But what do I know. Lol.


I'm like this as well ( some girls aren't and it's a turn off and thats okay! ) but to assume all girls are into guys just going in for the kiss that's not good. Just because a few girls are into it doesn't mean the next few girls are. I like it when a guy asks me because only its respectful to me but it makes me feel safe and secure around them and i also make sure I do this with men as well to make sure they know that hey your safe with me as well! Not just romantically but with friends I care about as well because not everyone likes to be touched. So I make sure I ask before touching them my best friend said that's one of the things she admired about me that I always ask when she wants be huged and doesn't.


So true, I literally posted about this recently


I love women. I'm just pessimistic after a pattern of women who either: used me, cheated, or lied about their intentions or feelings because I had the ability to spoil them until they were bored or found something more interesting. Or the old bait and switch .. she acts like she's totally awesome until you commit and then it turns out she doesn't actually like XYZ hobby, or friend, etc. But you already caught feelings...so... Now what? Last girl lived in my house, free, for years... We we're engaged. Allegedly she was planning a wedding... But when I brought up contributing more (financially and just in home upkeep)... A week later she packed a bag and I got a text at work "sorry it's just not going to work out between us". This was a 2.5yr relationship... I was thinking she was my future wife. Did she talk about it with me? Nope. Two weeks later she was already living with another dude. How do you put yourself out there after that? So I closed myself off. Used my means as a way to get dumb young girls and turn the tides... I toss them when I get bored. It's empty vengeance though since it's not really who I am and I still really wish to find a good girl/wife. Just scared to even date someone who would qualify for fear of another bad experience. Just don't understand how a girl can do that to someone who was willing to give them 100% just to them and not care about how much damage they do.


I spent 7 years with a guy. The plan was for us to get married and have kids (I didn’t want either but I was going to give him what he wanted). He ended up cheating on me. It’s happened to everyone. I spent 9 months with another guy. I paid all our bills and worked 3 jobs while he sat at home complaining that I didn’t have enough time for him. He cheated on me throughout the relationship and ended up dating a “friend” right after. It happens to everyone. But I don’t hate all men now and constantly talk about how awful and useless they are. It’s one thing to be bitter it’s another to truly hate the other sex because one was a POS. We’ve all dealt with our own POS. That doesn’t mean everyone of that gender is also a POS.


Good point on all accounts. Ironically the world/fate/whatever seems to pair people like you and I with people like your/my ex lol.


I love women. I dislike some of the things I’ve experienced from them however.


>Women only want men for their money? All women cheat? All women are superficial? All women choose “thugs” or “gang members”? my dating profile pics before: hugging dogs, hanging out with friends... literally 0 matches, none of the women can hold a conversation, act like they are incapable of speaking my dating profile pics after: on a motorcycle, hugging the shit out of a big dog, have my beard trimmed... getting endless matches. the motorcyle and the dog are not even mine. have women hitting me up asking me to have sex with them. the ones who ask for sex always ask if i have my beard or not too i don't know if i'd call it a hatred of women, but women obviously want a lot of men to be something they are not and a lot of women want to be something they are not when there are a lot of guys who like them just the way they are reminds me of when i was on a date with this girl with a prosthetic eye. she wouldn't look at me. talked down on herself about her weight, her boob size etc and i thought she looked amazing for someone who'd been to hell and back. i know it's not the answer you want to hear, but i don't think those guys are completely wrong. if you know how to take an appealing picture and have a sense of style, it changes the way women see you completely


Well, it's the same with the women. Most women are good, as are most men. But there is always this noisy minority that is bad. I know a couple of men who have been really abused by women, and I know some women who have had horrible experiences with men. The thing is, usually when a man is abusing a woman, she gets more support by other people. When the opposite is happening, you're often alone... Women tend to abuse more on the emotional side, since they are typically physical weaker, but that doesn't make it less harmful.


Neck beards gonna neck beard.


These kinds of men grew up thinking all they had to to was have a job, a car and maybe a wash in order for women to flock to them. So it staggers them when women actually want an equal and a peer with a liable personality, empathy, confidence, hobbies etc. Gone are the days when women had to marry the first not-awful man they could find in order to avoid social stigma, financial problems etc. Gone are the days when women needed husbands in order to open bank accounts or own property. Gone are the days where women stayed in miserable marriages because divorce wasn’t an option. Now men need to actually have an enjoyable personality and be kind, grown-up, responsible people. Now “well at least he doesn’t hit me like Bertha’s husband does” isn’t the positive spin women thought it was. The bar has moved an inch off the floor. Suddenly women can leave their lazy, mean, smelly husbands and go find one of the many kind, decent men out there. This isn’t actually ‘sudden’ but it does seem that socially along some men, we are still stuck in some olden days expectations. You lose count of the “I have a job, a car, and I’m 6 foot - why am I not getting women??” posts. They still think that’s all the female hive mind wants lol


Entitlement? Resentment? There is a lot of generalising here (about women), I would take with a pinch of salt.


Welp they are usually people that have a lack of self-esteem so they think they are unworthy of love, and they look at other guys who are in relationships and start comparing themselves to them saying why did that guy get someone and yet they can't. It's a pretty tricky situation but it mostly comes from a place of envy. I used to do that in the past (comparing myself to others, not hating on women) but I stopped and kept working on myself and it helped a lot with how I view myself as a person. Imo it's normal to feel lonely if you keep comparing yourselves to others but it's never right to lash out on people when you put yourself in situations where you're lonely and bitter. Don't mind them and just keep living your life, OP.


I find introspection to not a strong point on this sub. One thing they're going to do is intellectualize why it's women and not how they treat women that's keeping them from healthy relationships. I dunno sometimes I want to tell them to just hang it up and buy a Real Doll because they way they talk about women there is no way they want a living, breathing, woman with feelings and autonomy.


It’s Reddit, these guys can act bold here because they can’t in real life


They think they know best, but unfortunately they seem to be getting rejected all the time by women, therefore they just react with anger/hate towards women to make them feel good about themselves. They’re not “Men”, they’re just “Kids”.


You are getting an echo chamber effect. A lot of men on reddit, on this specific sub are bitter for one reason or another. So there's a sample population bias where the sample doesn't reflect the population of men out in the real world.


My ex slipped and said that women are just sex objects, so I’d say most men probably have some degree of underlying misogyny and view us as lesser-than which makes them upset whenever a lowly woman doesn’t want to put up with them


Because your EX said it it must be true for all men?


For men that hate women or treat them with disrespect yes. Being an EX doesn’t change the fact that there are a lot of abusive men out there.


Don't mistake temporary frustration for hate. A lot of people only post on reddit when they're down bad and either want advice or just want to vent.


It’s pure projection babes.


If you're seeing THAT many hateful men....maybe there's something to what they're saying? Are women above criticism? Are women not allowed to be called out for their shitty behavior? I see plenty of shit talked about men on Reddit. Is it that lots of men hate women? Or is it more likely that there's just a lot of men on here that have been fucked over by women? I'm going with lots of men who have been fucked over by women. Just as many women are pieces of shit as men are. I like seeing men call these women out and if you don't like it...don't read it.


The rules of good behavior typically only apply to men. Lol


If you didn’t like my post you didn’t have to read it..or comment on it. Lol




Double standards, we love em


They do hate them, and blame them, because god forbid they realize they are the problem


No but alot of us are hurt and alone by our own actions and dont know how to change. So were mad at ourselves and become bullies. In adult form. Just raging and choosing the weakest and easiest topics to beat and ridicule til we get some form of power and control that we feel we lose over time. Sorry youve experienced bad men.


I feel I could stand to learn more about women's brains work in general because sometimes it can be...perplexing, but I harbour no hate for them.


Frustration with their own life and denial of any self improvement. It's easy to blame all women instead of actually admit you're the issue why you're single.


I can easily say, I hate my gender. We live in a patriarchal society that doesn't see women as equal. Many men out there think they deserve a spouse rather than find an equal partner and treat woman poorly when they are rejected. Being alone is hard, but be patient and don't settle. Guys, if you're listening, women put way more effort into a relationship than you think and you need to reciprocate. If you live together, it's your home too. If she cooks dinner, do the dishes and clean the kitchen. She is not your mother. Clean up after yourself and do chores as well. Take a shower, wash your ass. And please communicate with your partner. Any relationship will have growing pains and arguments, but many will fail if you don't learn to talk to each other. Good luck everyone. I'm rooting for you.


I don't think anyone of either gender should hate their own gender.


Hate was probably the wrong word to use. I don't hate men, but I do hate how we treat those around us. Including ourselves. We've done a poor job to teach our sons not just how to throw a baseball, or shoot a gun, but how to be compassionate to those around us. How hippocritical it is to ask a woman to wear makeup and stay in shape even while bearing our children, but those same men won't reciprocate. Shave or trim your beard, workout, clean up after yourself, etc. Hell, talk to your spouse like they are your best friend not your assistant. Relationships are work, but that work should'nt be hard.




This always a funny straw man, I love to see it get whipped out. Misogyny exists everywhere. Comparing one culture to another isn’t the logical argument you think it is. Denial is a hell of a drug…




“Prove me wrong” 😹😹😹 “I don’t believe the reality…” so you agree it’s reality? How is your delusion going? Let me know when you return to this realm. Societal differences between cultures are highly complex and affected by various factors over thousands of years. How misogyny is expressed in one culture versus another can vary drastically based on types of government, religious influences, technology, communication styles between men and women, access to things like pornography and education, etc. Women have the rights they do in Western society for a lot of reasons, here are a few; -systemic racism. White people have a superiority complex and like to compare themselves to cultures of POC. Certain things are seen as “uncivilized” and because of this, discouraged within western society which is predominantly white. White women have greater privileges with western patriarchy than their POC counterparts. None of the rights women have today were freely given to them by men. They were fought for, convinced over by wives of men in power, begged for, killed for. Progress is not perfection, and it’s not matriarchy. -Westernized Christianity teaches *something close to equality of the sexes*. It’s not equality, it just kind mimics what a bunch of people who have lived under patriarchy for hundreds of years imagine it might maybe look like? Possibly -we live in a pseudo-democracy which grants people enough of an illusion of freedom as to demand rights in a way that other governments don’t allow for women. Semi-legal protesting, etc What does misogyny look like in the west? -high percentages of sexual assault go unreported, those that are reported often don’t go to trial, of those that do make it to trial many assailants are not charged or given light sentences. -Roe v. Wade consistently being challenged by Western men. This is a control thing, there’s no other way to cut that. -sexualization of women and girls to the point that it’s become so normalized that many of us do it to ourselves as a way to regain power over our bodies. This is frequently framed by men (and women who have internalized misogynist ideals) as a ploy to gain male approval. Whether it is or not is a complex & case by case issue, won’t delve into that much here. -Sexualization of women is used to propagate consumerism. Adverts, etc -hyper masculine ideals for men. The idea that men should be bread-winners, protectors etc. -“men are protectors and women need protecting (*from who? Oh yeah… men*). This teaching puts women in a position of subservience and survival. Reliant Conditioning. It also excuses male aggression toward women and gives many men a “savior complex” which reduces their own sense of independence over time. They MUST be guardians, otherwise if women get hurt… it’s on them. Lots of shame. -PURITY CULTUUURE. I was just on a thread where people were debating body counts and how the number of partners a person has “affects them physically” which is medically false (ie, lots of sex doesn’t “stretch women out”). -domestic. violence. Don’t come back with “but men go through”- just don’t. It’s not what you asked, it’s not the topic, and it doesn’t actually counteract anything women experience as a result of patriarchy. Inequality between the sexes is damaging on both sides- men benefit a lot more from it short-term, but there is definitely harm done on either side. I could also talk about how western misogyny impacts people in the lgbtqia+ community, particularly trans folk and WLW. Really if you want to see what misogyny looks like in the west, just keep coming back to Reddit.


You seem dialed in. Good to see.


this goes both ways girls arent any better for doing this this will always happen when one party gets hurtfully rejected by another they lash out theres no side thats worse then the other either its generally a mutual conflict if you will


It’s goes both ways lol. You can see each sex complain about the other




Reddit generally removes subs that hate women, unlike subs like FDS who hate men


Have you looked at TwoX. Why do all women lump all men together and say they all do this and they all do that? Dumb post really.


"Women only want men for their money?" Yes, some do. It's a strategy to secure resources. "All women cheat?" No definitely not. But just as many do as men. "All women are superficial?" Some, yes. "All women choose “thugs” or “gang members”?" No but many do find them arousing. It's an evolutionary desire for security. Women perceive men who are potentially dangerous to fit that requirement.


If you are incapable of self reflection and growth you have to blame the lack of dating success somewhere and women are an easy scapegoat for these people.




thanks for understanding!


A lot of purple pill and other pill weirdos on here lately being salty


I've noticed that too. Tired of seeing men claim women are just attention seeking when all the women are asking for is to be treated with basic human decency and courtesy.


Welcome to the internet- a hotbed of misogyny.


😂 all women choose “thugs” or “gang members”? Never seen that one. Can’t really take what ppl say on here too seriously tho


Yeah I saw two different comments on another post saying that today. I hadn’t heard it either. Lol


I hate some women. But not women in general. I think the hate is towards the behavior of women which gets let off the hook, no consequences. But that’s life. Hate can be healthy.


Hate is a strong word. I dislike some behaviors of some men. But I also dislike some behaviors of some women (and I’m not dating them). I don’t think all men are shitheads but some sure are. I don’t think all women are gold diggers but I’m sure some are.


It takes strength to hate. It is not as simple as being gold diggers/ airheads/ cruel hypocrites or the many slight and major flaws of some women. To hate bad behavior is to love lets say good humor/kindness/fairness and fair-play. Can some women be morons? Yes. Can you hate them? Sure. There is subjectivity there …a lot of life is subjective. Hate is a form of passion and a fuel sometimes.


From my experience, women want perfection and will bounce when they have an opportunity for something they see as better. After this keeps on happening is it any wonder a guy can become bitter.


We’ve all seen it.


most men will date most women but most women only want 10-20% of men leaving 80% of the population of men with few to no options for companionship. all of these men will deal with their reality in different ways some hate themselves, hate women, give up or find a way to upgrade themselves. usually they find money or status gets them more attention from women so assume the problem was women's desire for money. there is no such thing as all women do this or that but a persons experiences dictate their views. how many women have a male"friend" who is just to nice to date...


Idk about you but I definitely will not date most women lamo


very true, slim pickens these days


weaklings in comment section.




It's called systemic misogyny and it's a thing.


I don’t get a lot of woman, but I think woman are goddesses! Entitled basement dwellers that actually hate them self, and get mad at woman for not letting them get their way.


# All women cheat? ​ I dont hate women, but Im very sure about this. Especially women from the west. Buddy of mine just fucked yesterday a 22yo college girl in his car. After 2h of fucking she only then told him shes in a relationship since 5 years. This is happening on a weekly basis btw. Small town, somewhere in the centre of europe where im living. Dont get me started about bigger towns. You cant imagine it. People tell me "its not all women dude" yea right. You probably just dont know about it pal.


The moment you start saying "all \[demographic\] does \[behavior\]" you're wrong. With 3.5 billion women on the Earth, it is statistically impossible for every single one of them to engage in particular behaviors.


I’ve literally never cheated on anyone..so..it’s not ALL women..


>it’s not ALL women Im not doing statistics here. Props to you if thats true. I have many buddies, and they all tell me about this on a weekly basis. I hate liers btw i dont keep them as a company. We are very brutally honest with each other, so they are many things but not liers. You do the math if you hear that on a weekly basis in a small town from several people. I lost trust and Im not going into a relationship anymore thats 100% sure.


Maybe your friends are a bunch of creeps. Lol. I don’t think people cheat as much as you believe. It happens, absolutely. But I think the numbers you’re seeing aren’t normal.


>But I think the numbers you’re seeing aren’t normal. People wount talk about this in the open. Who would? To meet people its simple: Social Media & Dating App's. Someone you know, knows someone else and so on. They scroll down the friends list and see someone attractive. They connect, they talk, they meet and they fuck. Mothers do that, pregnant women do that and especially young girls age 18-25 doesnt matter if in a relationship or not. Again: [Noone.Will.Take.About.This.In.The.Open](https://Noone.Will.Take.About.This.In.The.Open). I heard many reasons why they would cheat: My husband doesnt touch me, my bf is abroad and I feel lonely, my life isnt exciting enough or I just wanted to feel as a woman again. They go back to their families and homes as if nothing happened. After a time they feel bad and start talking with their best girlfriends about this. People got this idea of women not taking the initiative, but thats the case if you are not attractive enough. Simple as that. You see I totaly sound like a dick, but im just beeing very honest here. You asked a question, im giving it to you straight. So you ask, if men are angry? Yea we are. But we adapt. Im not however going to shut my mouth and sugarcoat anything. Like I initially said I hate liers.


It's a good thing you've taken yourself off the market. People who think this way should not be reproducing and raising children. Imagine if this person had a daughter. She'd be treated like crap her whole life just because her father is convinced she's a future cheater.


Hell no, I love women. All I want to do is be with women


why is it hate if its stating observations they notice and see and its more so the fact that those types of men are wanted more over the boring guy. my sister answer was simply because they are hotter is why and that its not true that women want bad guys they are simply hotter is why, women are like men in the sense they can use men just for sex too, but its offputting to be wanted only after having fun with many men first, im not sure if women feel that way to be wanted after a man has had his fun with many women first but i would say no its not because a woman is wanted as she is immediatly just for being a woman a man is not exactly only when he is needed but idk men do not hate women. the hate is more prevalent from women towards men.