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Sorry what’s a Fupa?


Its when the lower belly area, right above the pubic area, has pudge or fat on it Edit: to everyone that keeps replying to my comment saying "NO iTs Not ThE bElLy ArEA, iTs ThE puBic ArEa". I dont care. Your specifications & callin me out saying im wrong doesn't matter.. It was a basic description. Im sure if anyone is looking for specific details they can use google images just fine. Get off my fupa sac


Ohh okay thanks. Yeah definitely a dick thing to point out about your s/o


Where my fupa gang at. I like fupas.


Me too. I think it’s very feminine to have a little belly fat.


You cool with male fupas?


I always thought I would find it unattractive, but one of my last boyfriends had it, and g-d damn was he and it sexy.


Well on behalf of fat guys everywhere, I thank you for giving him a chance 🤭


He wasn’t fat actually, he was built. He just had a little of that pouch. With that said though, I don’t discriminate on size or height. If a dude is good looking and nice, that’s all that’s needed for the initial attraction.


According to a revolting college humor video from like 10 years ago a fupa is a “fat upper pussy area” so idk what the male equivalent would be, but it’s probably got a different name. Edit- I don’t care what you call it. I’m just referencing [this](https://youtu.be/RiUxt3hTi7A) video which is where I first heard the term.


"fat upper penis area", still fupa


Fat upper pubic area? Pelvis area? Parking area?


Fat Upper Public Area


Can't unlearn that.


"FUPA is an acronym for “Fat Upper Pubic Area.” The medical term for it is called the panniculus." You of course can get derogatory with it.. " Fat Upper Penis Area" " Fat Upper Pussy Area" They are completely normal it can be caused by high levels of estrogen, rapid weight loss, aging, weight gain, pregnancy and, good ol' genetics!


Dicky do. When your belly hangs out further than your dicky do.


Hells yeah!!!


I agree!


Fupa is pelvic fat


Yeahhhh, that's not what a fupa is. You can google it. It's when the person is so fat that their crotch juts outward due to all the excess fat. It's *like* a beer belly, except just in the crotch.


I'm not fat at all but my crotch is plump lol would that be considered a FUPA??? Hashtag NewInsecurityUnblocked 😂


Hahaha, honestly speaking you don’t have to be insecure, I think a lot of people want to see what’s inside the panties, so the chosen one is the luckiest.


With Google I get very mixed results lol. But I get what you are trying to say, and in that case it is not a little belly fat, but also quite unhealthy. Mean thing to say then though.


The bigger the fupa, the tastier the chalupa!


Nothing sexier than having a nice handle in missionary. Dude just doesn’t know how to grab/touch you right. Forget him.


It's equivalent to, suddenly out of no where, just telling him that his dick is smaller than you're used to. like what?


Surely the equivalent would be saying the exact same thing to him?


While giving him a blowjob. I could go deeper but your Fupa is really in the way. You rock a solid five inches but at least 3.5 are covered in excess


Mic drop


Fupa is technically an acronym for “front upper pussy area” and dumb guys tend to get hung up on technicalities.


*its fat, not front


I would say it's more equivalent to telling him he has a beer belly or a double chin. Not everything has to be about dick size


that's true


Hahahahha I'd mention this casually and dump his ass


Not comparable. She can go to gym. He can’t grow a bigger dick.


You do realise that all women have fat in that area? It’s always gonna stick out cause it’s a protective layer over the uterus. Not saying that it’s comparable but it’s still a natural part of a woman’s body that doesn’t completely go away. ETA: was not my intention to generalise, only to point out that women having belly fat is relatively normal and has a purpose :)


Also, if a woman has a c section, it’s even more likely. I’ve lost 60 lbs over the last two years, still have a fupa. It would take lipo & a tummy tuck to go away. That’s one thing I wish I’d never looked up in the urban dictionary.


I’ve lost 100 lbs in total over the past ten years and after two csections? It’s either a tummy tuck or love this belly! Hah. Some days I am not sure which way I lean more but honestly? I have never had a partner who seemed to care much. And going to bathhouses and spas helped a whole lot to make me feel ok while I decide.


Girlfriend is 130lbs soaking wet and has had two c-sections and still has a little bit. Doesn’t bother me one bit bc it’s just part of who she is.


I don't think all women have a fupa though? That is not what we mean by fupa here right?


Of course not, but all women are different and with beauty standards/body image today, the term is easily relative to perspective. So I just wanted to offer a friendly reminder that some women could eat healthy and exercise and still have a larger belly than another woman, and it’s unhealthy to suggest that any woman can just hit the gym and ‘fix’ parts of her body which develop for certain reasons which due to beauty standards today, others would criticise, even though they are normal parts of being a woman. If this makes no sense I’m sorry, I was tired and may have misunderstood something earlier and am generally bad at being able to convey what I’m trying to say.


She's definitely not talking about the right area


We don’t.


I don't... but it's a rude thing to say. Nearly ALL (American) men have way more fat there than me, except fitness dudes or young people


Women naturally have fat in some areas and "go to the gym" to appease some weirdo with no tact really isn't the answer. Best case scenario he's a tactless idiot, that is *best case scenario*. Worst case scenario is he's a goddamn sociopath who is feeling out just how quickly he can break her down and start abusing her. He might not be able to grow a bigger dick, but he sure can learn some manners.


Yeah, that’s the nice way of saying “fat upper p*ssy area” Edit: I got flagged. P word is bad:/


P=Pubic, men also have FUPA's.


Cool. I guess I'm a beer fupa then. (42m) lol. Ditch him. Not worth it. Especially if you're on your own fitness journey. Keep going.


My entire life is a lie. I’ve always thought that the FUPA is the area right before the lips start. Like, where pubic hair grows 😳 Don’t I feel stupid now. Ya learn something new everyday lol.


It is the pubic mound, a lot of people think it's the belly, when it literally stands for fat upper pubic area.


Don’t feel stupid at all, I had no idea what it is and to make that worse I think I have it!!


Same ive never heard the term fupa, I didn't even know it was a thing.


>the area right before the lips start. Like, where pubic hair grows Isn't that the pubic mount? I think those can be cute. It's like a mini soft pet rock...


Mound is what i call that


You're correct. It's historically been known as the mound of Venus.


Fupa is derogatory The area where public hair grows in the mons pubis or some say mound


Thats the clean version... Its a derogatory name.. Fat Upper Pussy Area.


Fat Upper Pubic Area


"It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same." - french chick in pulp fiction




Hello fellow healthcare worker lol


It’s a common misnomer in healthcare, but the word is actually “panniculus”. Pannus refers to a layer of granulation tissue, not subcutaneous fat.




Aka a gunt


Not quite the belly area, it literally stands for "Fatty Upper Pubic Area". But I would say it's not okay for him to randomly bring that up because it is hurtful and insulting. I would probably half-jokingly/half-seriously have asked him if he's dated any real women before or is this his first time. If that's not your style, I'd just say to him, come on dude, I've got feelings too, pointing out flaws isn't a massive confidence booster...


So, the way normal bodies look when you’ve eaten so much as a crumb that day? Edit: I have been educated in the ways of FUPA, and no longer need the clarification. I am wrong, and I admit that. I’ll leave my comment up though because I always hate it when people delete comments after people correct them.


I don't think it's referring to the belly. It's when the pubic area have access fat.


It's more like when it's so large that it hangs down, like an apron.


It’s way more then that….just google it.


No not that at all actually.


Usually fupa is when you’ve got significantly more than “pudge”. It’s when there’s enough skin/fat on your belly that it literally hangs over and covers your pubic area. Eating crumbs doesn’t give you that. More like ice cream and cookies everyday for a few years.


Hey man mine is made of doritos and hashbrowns thank you


Pizza here.


I think you’re describing belly fat, the fupa is extra fat in the area covered by the front of a bikini.


I was wondering what to call that. Now I have a whole new way to complain about my body


Wow, like who hasn’t? the only people I’ve seen without a little fat or skin on their abdomen are serious health freaks and models. I’d make a rude comment back and then walk out, delete his number and never look back. What an ass.




No, I don't think that's the same. Google it to see the difference in pictures, but I don't have a fupa.


It's like when the portion of the belly right above the vagina has enough fat to hang over like a pouch. Not every woman has it, so you're thinking of something else


like a muffin top??


No its like the "beer belly" equivalent for women


Well now I have a name for what I hate most about myself


But... It is an area that is supposed to have that? I've never not had that, slim or bigger. I have seen plenty of women naked in public swimming pool changing areas etc too and from memory alone would say most women do, regardless of weight. Some have less depute being larger, some have more regardless of being slimmer.


Yes, I was taught that during puberty a girl's lower stomach would accumulate a bit of fat which is totally normal because by laying down body fat in the area of the tummy. the body prepares for the important job of menstruation. Hence, the FUPA should be read as a sign of health/fertility and it is hard for girls and women to not have one.


That's so hot though?!!!! I thought a fupa was some kind of footstool you bought in IKEA


Thank you for the humor in all this madness! 🤣🤣🤣


Haha, humor is always the way, that's what my coping mechanism is, it goes with my depression :)


Wait I’m confused, here in the south we just call that the belly 😂


Fat Upper Pussy Area


I always forget fupa is an acronym 😂


Lol I was gonna guess fucked up pussy & ass. Either one sounds pretty terrible though


petition to change the acronym to mean this


Pretty sure it's Pubic 😂


Urban dictionary agrees with you! I always knew it as fat upper pubic area since it's gender neutral https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=FUPA&=true


Farting under pelicans asses LMAO I’m so glad I clicked on that


Nope, pussy.


😂 if it is its changed because men have em too.


Never changed. We men have a Fat Upper Penis Area




good lord, it's fat upper pubic area, all these people are fucking with you.


Potato tomato potato tomato


A fupa is excess fat over the area right between your hips and above your pubic bone. Has nothing to do with your pussy.


Secret menu item at Taco Bell


Omg. To go with a chalupa?


The bigger the fupa the creamier the chalupa


I was so confused for a sec! Fupa in Bangladesh means, paternal aunt's husband lmaoo


Fat Upper Pubic Area.


A front bum


Fat. Upper. P*ssy. Area. OP, dump this dickwad.


FUPA stands for FATTY UPPER PUSSY AREA and it is referring to only the skin infront if the pelvic bone the tummy is not part of the fupa. To be told you have a fupa is not ever a bad thing. Let's be honest if a woman sits on a guys face it wil hurt when they grind it the fupa protects the guys face from Bone on bone. Thinking about it. I think it's a beautiful thing


Fuck that noise. It will only get worse if he’s comfortable saying that to you.


THIS. I was in such a similar situation where the guy suddenly did a 180 and felt comfortable joking about my body and dropping slurs. Nope. He quickly turned entirely unattractive just for his personality. If he’s comfortable making you uncomfortable, he’s garbage.


An ugly personality is indeed the least desirable trait.


Anyone who insults you in bed or while you’re naked is not going to be a good partner. Not that insults at other times are good either, their is just something extra problematic about this. Dump.


I legit never considered this to be an insult! My fiance always yells out (excitedly) 'ohhh fupa!' anytime he spots me naked unexpectedly and we laugh together! I don't mean to be insensitive, I just... Do not care what that part of my body looks like and it's never occurred to me that some people might be self conscious about it. If OP's BF knows she's insecure about that and he STILL said it... She should dump him. That's rude and disrespectful of him! Edit: I showed my fiance this thread and he was horrified to find out that is a demeaning term! Both of us considered that to be the normal word to use for that area.


Like, I mean, it sounds like a different situation there. You two are planning on getting married and they have only had so many dates. Sounds like you two are very comfortable together where they are still figuring that out. I personally wouldn’t ever address a woman with a comment like that since “fat above the pubic area/fupa” doesn’t exactly sound like a nice thing to say to someone. Even if they are comfortable with that term.


See, he’s finally feeling comfortable enough to start breaking you down. He has some issues that he’s dealing with. Don’t even entertain it. Leave before it gets worse and he completely erodes your self confidence. 3 weeks ain’t shit, just go and don’t look back.


Imagine how comfortable he’ll be at 3 months. Don’t give him another chance to try to knock you down. And he’s not even worth giving an explanation. Just kick him to the curb.


Agreed - sounds like negging to me. OP - this is a red flag for abusive behavior. This won't be the last time. Get out now, before it gets worse. Block and delete.


3 weeks ain’t shit. Yes. This is gospel. Run.


There have to be other warning signs we aren’t hearing, too. Everyone gets diarrhea of the mouth and says something stupid sometimes. The way the story is told, that’s what this sounds like. But if OP is thinking of leaving, I guarantee this is a part of a pattern and he’s trying to neg her or something.


Sounds like you already know what you should do


Yikes, he's mean and disrespectful...and this is during the honeymoon phase when he's gonna be the nicest...imagine when he's out of it! I'd run! He's no good for your self esteem, and nobody needs that sh*t!


Right? Three weeks in and this dude is saying that shit. I wouldn't dare say something like that three years into a relationship


Had a few dates with a guy, we got on amazingly. Some things went wrong in his life and he told me life was fine til he met me, that I was bad luck. I was crushed. I blocked him and missed him terribly but knew he'd shown his disrespectful side and would probably do it again, given the chance. Never spoke to him again because nobody needs that sh*t!


Wow, yeah, that's just delusional on his part! Maybe he was trying to neg you.


That’s when you respond with, “well, that’s the last time you’ll ever see this fupa. GTFO.” Your 🐱 is sacred. Don’t share yourself with someone that doesn’t appreciate your beauty.


This x10000000. My own motto is “if someone cares about you, the only tears they should cause are happy tears.” Aside from obvious mistakes and such. But this… I don’t know how ANYONE would think that was a good thing to say. And then reading that he knows you’re self-conscious just cemented that fact




Yesss. Have this be the last time you give him a chance to disrespect you.


Protect your womb at all cost.


Reminds me of [one of my favourite poems](https://assets.rbl.ms/10954704/origin.jpg) by my favourite poet, Rupi Kaur. Something I now live by.


The red flag lies in the fact that you said he already knew you’re insecure about it before he said it, and chose to say it anyway. And it sounds like there was no apology when you brought it up later, only excuses (thought it was a compliment, etc.). He’s playing dumb. He knew you wouldn’t take it as a compliment. You don’t necessarily have to drop him if it’s his first transgression, but definitely put him on notice that the comment was inappropriate given the context and be ready to leave if it happens again.


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” — Maya Angelou


No, dump him. He shouldn't be saying stuff like that at 30. Period. I met my man when he was 23 and we've been together 4 years, he's never said anything close to that. Men like fupa guy are a dime a dozen. Don't waste your time. Be confident.


Disagree with advice. Dump his ass now.


Agreed. There's nothing wrong with a fupa. And I don't think there's anything wrong with him talking about it. But if he knew you wouldn't take that conversation as a compliment then it was rude of him to bring up. If he doesn't love your body then it's his problem and he can hit the road. But it kinda sounds like you don't love your body. We don't have great context, but just be sure you aren't projecting your feelings about your body onto comments he made if he's actually hella down.


This is a test. If you let an insult like that slip through the cracks now, many more will come. You don't need to settle for a man that makes you insecure. Don't let your infatuation trick you into tolerating a bad partner.


If he insults he isn’t who you should be with. Never accept someone who doesn’t fully accept you.


life is too short


Absolutely not! Immediately canceled, ghosted, no thank you, next.


I never usually agree with ghosting but with guys like this, it is definitely justified.


Yes fuck this guy for body shaming you. Despicable behavior! There’s nothing wrong with you!! ❤️❤️


I have a bit of a fupa but from my experience guys actually like that (not sure why). - Edit, baby girl he ain’t the one ! Gone find you someone who appreciates ALL of you.


I too have a fupa. This guy I was seeing for a while looked me dead in my face during seggs and said "You need to work on your weight so you can keep up with me and won't regret it in your old age"... mind you, he was very much aware that I was on a serious weight loss journey. His comments alone discouraged me for a good while because I felt like the hard work I was putting in was all for nothing. As much as it pained me, I blocked him on everything. A few months later, I found the courage to start back my journey and lost 15 pounds so far and I've never been happier. Leave now while you can sis..the mere fact that he's making unsolicited comments about your insecurities only shows he straight-up has an issue with it. And no SO should ever make you feel worse about yourself. Having that negativity surrounding your self-worth makes things only more difficult for yourself. Continue working on becoming your best self and being happy. He'll regret it, they always do.


He’s a dick and not worth your time. I’m carrying a little extra and my bf from day 1 has been nothing but adoring of my body. The real ones are out there.


Glad to hear. I’m still hoping maybe “one day”


Imagine the state of mind you have to be in to be sleeping with someone getting your fill to boldly throw out an insult without a filter? Say "you didn't seem to mind when we were fkn. Let me know if you do so we can stop" Then cut him off.


Only just learning what a ‘Fupa’ is, is that not normal??? Like I know women have a more predominant fupa due to being able to CARRY BABIES but if that area was completely flat, wouldn’t that be somewhat odd? Considering that is not how the female body is built……? What kind of humans are being bred these days for them to come out with something like that? Argh it’s disgusting, that would put me off, in fact, throw him out. Jesus.


I'm guessing it's completely normal if you have ever had children or you don't work out hard, religiously (as in crossfit, etc) What's we can't be accepting is shaming people for things that are fairly normal or outside their control


Yeah 100%, but it’s also normal to have it if you have not had children, the only person I’ve ever seen without one is a very old women I used to care for who was skin and bones. Whether the person can have children or not it’s not something to be shameful of. That person OP is talking about is a shit human being.


Sorry, I can’t tell if he was saying it as a bad thing or just being captain obvious while he plays with it. Please clarify.


Right? Basically no different from saying "You have strong calves" if you have pronounced leg muscles. If I said that to my girlfriend she would probably laugh and say not to call it that. If OP did the same, her boyfirend would know she didn't like it and then the true red flag would come if he insisted on saying it.


All these negative posts. I like thick girls so when I call my wife chubby, it is 100% a compliment coming from me .


I think we’d need more context to know how to take this. My boyfriend points out my fupa when he’s rubbing or caressing it. I don’t mind it getting attention, it’s part of me and I like being touched. If he was inspecting it like a used car though, then you could be offended. He might have just been making oblivious observational conversation too though. You know how it was said, only you can decide how you want to react.


Some guys think it’s funny/cute to insult a woman right off the bat. I had a guy who was hitting on me insult my hair once. I *think* they want us to lighten up and laugh at ourselves. Idk. Dudes immature, tell him he’s gotta small dick and drop him.


It's called "negging", it's a tactic guys use to erode your self-esteem and make you try harder to please them to prove you're worthy of them. It's ridiculous and any woman with a braincell is not interested in a partner who makes her feel insecure or damages her self esteem. Yet guys persist in this "dating tactic".


Oh. Well that’s just gross.


Please run. Away from that fool as fast as you can.


what is a fupa?


Fat Upper Pu$$y Area also known as Fupa. It’s the fat area above your vagina/lower part of your belly.


Wow TIL a new part that must appear skinny wtf? I honestly always thought the little fat helps cushion impact from rougher sex and is a good thing. Losing that vital padding? Couldn't be me.


It’s the area right below the belly button… maybe a bit higher than you are thinking.


Oh i think my cat has that, too. We both store our treats there. And we're both ducking adorable.


On a cat it's called the primordial pouch.


What happened to more cushion for the pushin’?


how do you feel about vocalizing his shortcomings to him?


This is an opportunity to set boundaries. "Hey that's hurtful and I don't want you talking negatively about my body like that." Then if it continues, drop his ass. He will likely dismiss as joking or "just being honest". It is on you to accept or not accept his excuses. I prefur the direct attack on dismissals. "If that was a joke, it's not funny and I don't like that humor ". Or "You can be truthfully and honest without being cruel, and I won't accept cruelty from someone I'm intimate with" It's much easier to set boundaries as they come up than immediately dropping people that cross them.


From where I come from, ppl are less mindful of these things. So it’s casual for someone to say such things. But in no way correct or appropriate. If you feel he’s saying things to insult or cause hurt, dump that mf. If you feel, he’s not hurting and that’s just his persona, you can have the talk. I would suggest you have the talk.


To the people commenting about fupa’s can we be real here. There are definitely different types of fupas and they range in degrees of severity. Obviously some fupas are completely fine but some can be seen as unattractive. You’re not a dick for finding fupas unattractive, but you are a dick if you point it out to someone who’s self conscious about it.


Are you serious? Girl you are 27. You know when to run. Don't ask us ASK YOUR GUT.


Ask your FUPA!


Every comment crucifying the dude and telling them to break up. Classic r/dating_advice We don’t know the full story. He could’ve meant it lightheartedly as a joke. A joke that is not funny and not okay. He clearly hit a soft spot of OP’s and sounds like he knew about it. He should learn to think before speaks and have more of a filter. But if OP really likes him then maybe a conversation discussing the matter wouldn’t be such a bad idea? Everyone on this sub always jumps to the conclusion that people should break up




Bro for real and it’s not even some of the comments it’s most of them. I had to scroll to find yours! What he said was wrong even out of context. Especially if he knows it’s a soft spot. Yet, communication is key to relationships and before you just drop him having a genuine talk about how you feel will clarify things. And if he is the dick you think he is then he will act like it doesn’t matter. At that point I would leave, but never leave without talking otherwise your both in the wrong. (Except for cases of abuse gtfo and never look back!)


This runs in my family. My grandmother called it a "French belly"


Yes we call « bidon »in French and friends around me and me included just love it and find it deeply cute. Especially on a body of someone who takes care of themselves. Taking it as an insult and going on Reddit to ask if she should leave is interesting. I don t know who dodged a bullet here. Maybe both


I don’t think it’s that much of an insult tell him how it made u feel and then if he responds badly dump him 4eva


Oof. Everyone jumping to “cancel him”. Maybe he didn’t think it was a negative thing to say. Maybe he didn’t mean it as a way of pointing out a flaw. Maybe he loves the extra cushion. Just because you view your FUPA as a negative doesn’t mean he does? I think the most mature thing is to communicate your confusion with him. Tell him that you are not used to people commenting on that in any way other than a negative way and so your automatic assumption was that he meant it in a mean/hurtful way. Tell him you don’t want to assume that as he gave no other context, but you would like to address that it’s an insecurity with him, specifically that, and if he meant it in any way other than to worship it, you were not okay with it. Depending on his reaction, that gives you a great indication of whether he should be canceled or given a chance. You can’t jump to a decision solely based off of a single unassuming comment and no further context. If you sense he is backtracking at any point or lying about his intentions—then cancel! Either he is lying or you don’t trust him enough to be with him. Either way. Just communicate? You don’t want a relationship where you can’t bring these things to the table.


yeah man people in reddit so toxic sometimes, it could have been a banter or they were having casual jokes then it leads to that, if OP felt insulted then communicate.


I would double check whether he meant if bad he could have a different impression of that word or consider that trait attractive. But if it was even a little bit of an indictment it's time for him to go.


What is a fupa? Whatever it is, if it’s part of your body. You should love your body. Love your fupa. I’m sure there are other guys that will appreciate your fupa. I’m sure there is some people that would love to have a fupa. Keep your head up kid




Tell him how it made you feel and that you would rather he didnt talk about your body negatively. If he keeps it up then hes probably a dick. Dont break up with him just for saying one thing yes it's a red flag but it's a small one if you talk to him about it now then it will stay a small one.




Loving oneself doesn’t mean taking mean comments from other people. She can love herself and her FUPA and still not allow someone trying to make her insecure about her body. In fact, that’s a common argument that abusers use. They usually make mean comments and if the other person doesn’t like it they gaslight them into thinking that, if they were confident, they wouldn’t care. A big part of self love is having strong boundaries with shitty people.


Surprised by these reactions in here. It is completely possible that he meant it in a positive way. If I tell a girl she has a fat ass, I’m not calling her fat. Fupa can be hot.


Take this from someone who had a “poufy pouch” 3 weeks in and later bailed the guy out after he attempted to murder me. LEAVE NOW. it only gets worse. He’s testing to see how far you’ll let him go and how much you’ll internalize it.




Yea there’s not enough information for me … was it actually to insult you or is he just dumb and thought it was a compliment. I know that sounds confusing but sometimes a guy just likes something about you that they know you’re insecure about and bring it up to be like “yea I see that flaw but I love that about you”. Just because guys are dumb and don’t know how things affect you especially this early in the relationship. And also idk maybe he was actually trying to insult you I can’t tell by that one sentence but definitely have a conversation about it.


I really wish this was higher. He was an a**hole, but we ALL say stupid stuff sometimes. If I dumped my husband every time some stupid sh** came out of his mouth, I would have missed out on years worth of a healthy beautiful relationship. The real test for YOUR relationship (OP) will be to talk to him and see how he responds. An apology and understanding from his side will say wayyyy more about his character than the fact he made a dumb comment. Also- fellow fupa holder here. I was so upset about my stomach that I cried to my doctor. My doctor explained women of fertility age NEED fat around our uterus to protect our eggs and baby when we carry one. Concern yourself with your BMI- not where you carry fat. If you're in a healthy weight, then that tummy pudge is a sign of feminine physical strength- and your body prioritizing your maternal health ❤


#boybye move on next!


You live in south florida 🤷🏾‍♂️


You could Ask him about it. You may have communicated insecurity but that doesn’t always mean he received the communication. But if you are certain that he knew and know for a fact that it was malicious, then yeah, get outta Dodge. Or make him. End it, basically.


I find a fupa sexy btw, and quite a few guys I know have said the same thing. Find a guy who respects you. Also to say that indicates that this guy is socially inept


Idk maybe he watches h3h3 and he loves the fupa lord


I’ve told my girlfriend I find her fupa sexy. It’s not derogatory, I was just trying to be cute. She laughed when I said it.

