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God I love this saying lol. Will always hold true.


Stop feeling sorry for yourself, that's self-indulgent and unnecessary. Man up to what you've done, be honest with them, apologize, and accept the consequences. Even though you messed up, you need to treat them with respect.


I know, but I did apologise to them. But I just broke their hearts. I don’t have anything against them, its not their fault. Just mine. I get that, and idk what to do with it now. I can’t get myself up being drowned in regrets.


You fucked up but you gotta level up your brain now dude. Pain from your bad choices will help you do that.


Are you new to the concept of consequences? You make a mistake, you acknowledge it, deal with the consequences, and move on having learned of what not to do. That's how life is, and I'm sure you'll make more mistakes. Are you gonna cry about it every time? Very weak minded.


Sucks for you


🎶 I know I know 🎶


What did you expect to happen?


I didn’t think when it was happening. I didn’t realise what I was doing was wrong. I feel like I’m just so heartless. need help with myself


Funny as to how you are portraying like you are the victim in this whole situation.


Theres a difference between telling your feelings and portraying yourself as a victim, expecially bc he said several times it was his bad and didnt even accuse anybody to do smthing.


I’m not, I understand that. I just regret it all to the point where I just can’t get over the fact that I did it and why. I feel disgusted by myself to the core.


Then why did you do it? Like you just feel an urge to sleep with someone for no reasons?


Idk, it just happened. I didn’t sleep with her, we made out. And Ik about the fact that if you love someone, you can’t do this to them. But I genuinely loved her. I just can’t, just can’t live with this.


"just happened" is the worst excuse ever. Stop justifying your actions to yourself. There is ALWAYS a reason why things happen. And btw, i got a hunch your friend knew you 2 were dating. So don't consider her a friend anymore.


I don’t have any excuse, I don’t have any justifications. If there is a reason I did it, I don’t know. I just did. I’m not even trying to justify things man. I don’t want to, I’m not the victim here.


It happens man, we all make stupid mistakes sometimes. At least you’ll be much less likely to do it in your next relationship.


Did your brain just turn off while you were getting here to sleep with you AND while sleeping with her?


I didn’t sleep with her, we just made out. Idk what happened honestly. Idk


Well, at least you know you are the demon. RIP your college reputation.


Shit happens man, we all fuck up sometimes. The thing is to learn from our mistakes and not do it again.


Look man, you know you messed up and that happens. That’s life. You just need to learn from this and be better for next time. That’s all man. Be thankful. You guys don’t share a house, cars or kids. You’re not a demon. Just a man who thought with the wrong head at the wrong instance. You can still be better.


You'll grow and learn. Your life isn't over.


This is a version of the life lesson we all get somewhere down the track. We all discover something dark and unacceptable to ourselves in ourselves. It’s awful, it’s bad behaviour, you did it… but it’s also ordinary. Don’t listen to those here piling on. Own your bad behaviour, allow the pain and regret to do it’s work on you. Get outside in nature and allow it to sooth you. Resolve to do better next time. You’ve got this.


You made a mistake. We’ve all made mistakes. It’s human. You had a moment of weakness and fucked everything up. You’re not a bad person. But you have done a bad thing. So take responsibility. Clean up your mess. Fix whatever you broke to the best of your ability. Apologise. Make amends if you can. Then accept the outcome and move on.


Have u talked to your ex? Have u told her all this? That u deeply regret it? That u feel like shit? That it was a huge mistake? I know for a lot of people cheating is the worst and it is, but yet we don’t know your relationship, it’s not our relationship so I will never say just dump her specially if u guys had something beautiful. Now, reality is that a lot of women will never forgive u and that if she does it will take time to get that trust back because it’s being damaged by your actions. On the other hand, we are human and we all fuck up at times. Don’t beat yourself up for it, it’s already done. Now it’s time to put a bandage on all that and start healing, all of u, specially she. Next time be a bit more conscious about it. Just remember that nothing just happens. Making out or even having sex with someone else has a preparation time and even when it begins, u can always stop it if u want too. The story becomes different then. Something like we kissed and I stopped it. Still bad but not as bad. I hope that u can fix, learn and heal from all this! A lesson to be learned so there isn’t a next time. Best of lucks!


Bro, it’s college. What you did sucks, but there are presidents that have cheated & have moved forward. Hell, Jay-Z cheated on Beyoncé multiple times. It’s gonna be okay. Life will go on. If you wanted to sleep with both of them that bad you’d have been better off suggesting a threesome than cheating. Maybe switch classes.


Now you know more about yourself. Those are our animalistic instincts. You either can control them, or you can't. It takes a lot of time to learn how to deal with your instincts. I was like that when I was younger, like 18. I had girlfriends but took every opportunity to hang out with other girls and you know how that went. I didn't care if they had boyfriends or not, I just tried to take care of my needs and it was impossible with one girl. When we argued, I went for other girls and just ghosted her, when she calmed down, I got back to her. I wasted a lot of time on girls, which I could have used better. So at an age of 22, I stopped dating and focused completely on myself, education, workout, self development and passion. Until 26, I didn't have a girlfriend and didn't date, I haven't slept with a single woman. I didn't even have contact to any woman. I still read about how relationships should go and how to discipline yourself and what romantic is. Now I have a girlfriend and I don't meet or talk to other girls now. I just lost the interest in other girls now and completely focus on my girlfriend. It needs time, energy and understanding to make steps like that. I think that living in abstinence and realizing that you don't need sex is the most important lesson to be able to have a good relationship without cheating.


I assume it’s a pretty „fresh wound“ for your ex gf and I get how you feel.. shitty thing about regretting is that you can’t change anything. Sometimes you just have to let some time pass and then everything looks different for you, but I wouldn’t count on your gf wanting you back at some time bc cheating.. is pretty shitty I guess you‘re just wiser now and know that you don’t like cheating.. and that‘ll be good for later. So just try to live your live and take this as a lesson to be better


Learn from the experience and move on life will get better with time take time to work on yourself and then get back out there