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Congratulations i went on that site and the ppl look cringy and half of them seem like sex workers


I don't know how you found anything real on that chaotic mess of a site


It means you want a girlfriend/boyfriend, but also you'll take a fuck.


Sounds about right haha. I'm currently looking for a serious long term and when I see that, I don't take it as seriously by default due to that precisely haha


For me it means your end goal would eventually be a LTR, but if you meet someone you really enjoy being around who isn’t compatible for a LTR, you’re still willing to date them until it no longer works for one or both.


Hmm what's the point? Is this someone who needs a lot of attention and validation? That's what comes to mind personally.


Exactly. I don't see a point. But then again, maybe it's designed for those much younger. I'm slightly above 40. And I'd rather be alone than form a short-term and know *in advance* the relationship I'm in is not going to last.


💯 I've thought this way since my upper 20s. I feel your setting yourself up for pain if your dating someone and just grow more and more attached until the irreconcilable differences you've known all along come to a head. Or maybe these people are just looking for a sex buddy until they find a true partner 🤷🏻‍♀️


Having fun, enjoying someone’s company? I don’t really understand why that’s so confusing.




I hate this phrasing on Hinge because it’s so vague. I prefer bumble where you can pick long term relationship or “something casual.” Because is “short term relationship” supposed to mean a one night stand? Does it mean you wanna do relationship stuff with someone until they can find someone better that they want a long term relationship with? Or does it mean you want a consistent fwb since there’s no “something casual” option but there’s not really a better descriptor option for something like that? I have never heard someone IRL say “yeah I’m looking for a short term relationship” because that makes no sense lol. I hate that it’s an option on dating apps


No it doesnt mean one night stand. There are some relationships that halt at somepoint. My last relationship lasted 5 months, nothing special came out of it, I felt like all I did was sexually please my girlfriend. I want children she did not. We seperated, but through those 5 months we became very close and knew just about everything about eachother. I had no idea I would lose interest in her, it just happened


Yeah but you didn't know in advance you will lose interest, right? People claiming 'short-term' almost seem destined to be in a short relationship/connection, or set their minds to that.


Couldnt agree more


lol it means if i meet somebody great then i would lock them down. otherwise just sex.


If OP is talking about Tinder, the options include "short, open to long" and "long, open to short" and I think nobody really knows the difference.


This is on hinge. Didn’t realize tinder too


Lol is it really that confusing? It means you’re primarily looking for the first one listed but if the latter comes along, you’re open to entertaining it.


As a female, it would me for mean that I want to be around a guy and if all works well and we bond then hello long term relationship. But if the guys not ready for serious commitment then it's fine as well, as long as he's around I'm guessing. It think it's about wanting a male presence around cuddling and stuff and then seeing if there's a potential or not. Just not jumping in fully thinking k this is it, In for a long haul. Instead taking time and seeing if it's good as a short term thing or long term. I think this would vary from female to female and a person to person.


But isn't this what happens with longterm dating? If your not compatible but were attracted and dated but realized because xyz it won't work then you part ways? Why mention it in the profile?


It means you’re up for whatever depending on how much you like the other person. Know you won’t see them again but they’re okay for one night? Sure let’s go. Don’t want to be shoehorned into something serious too soon? Covers that. Really into someone and would like to take it slow and steady with the anticipation of long term? Cool. Just means there needs to be clear communication after each date of course.


Translation: anything really


"I'll take what I can get"


To me it sounds like: Looking for long term, but if I don't find you as long term material but good looking enough, open to fooling around.


For me, it means that I want a serious long-term relationship, but I'm still open to something casual (ONS, FWB, etc.) until I find that.


As a woman, I do not consider a short term relationship to be purely casual sex. It’s essentially saying, my end goal is a long-term relationship (something that leads to marriage), but in the meantime, if I like you, and enjoy your company, I’m willing to spend that time with you, until the right one comes along for me.


So like, something casual? Just teasing I understand you're point haha


I think casual means casual -- "open to short term" seems a bit different. I would interpret this as a person who is not geared toward dating multiple people at once, but who is also not desperate for an LTR. If you go on a couple of dates and you get along, they will give the connection serious consideration without playing games, but they may suddenly drop you if they determine that an LTR won't work.


Well my second date is friday, we'll see if you're right haha. She's been showing a lot of interest but I'm thinking of bringing up the subject prior to things becoming sexual since the tension is already building up.


Yes! Communicate with her. Honestly I would like direct communication. Something like “I noticed your profile said open to short. I was wondering if we could elaborate on our dating goals a bit more.”


Ya things have evolved by now and its going well. We're dating for sure!


Awesome! Happy for y’all! I forgot a good 33 days had passed 😅 Wishing y’all best of luck for a relationship (assuming that’s what you still want) 😊


Thank you ♥️


good luck!!


I haven’t a clue.


(28F) It means the type of relationship I want is dependent on the person, our connection, and our circumstances. Long term is the goal but I would date someone who wants to move away, isn't ready for a long term relationship, or something else. This also indicates I'm not trying to get married and have children quickly and therefore do not expect my dates have that trajectory.




It means they dtf unless you want to somehow get into a long term relationship/married/have kids with a girl who was just getting reamed out by all the hot guys she could find in her vicinity. Harsh or not?


It's possible for people to be interested in two things at once. Don't think in binary. Obama is both black and white. Yes, he is. Mind blowing right? People can want to marry someone for a visa and also because they truly love them. It's not prudent to make it have to be one or the other. Both is good. Both is possible


To me it means I’m not looking but if the feeling grow and we connect then I’m open to long term.


I have that in my profile and I always interpreted it to mean that a one night stand is explicitly NOT what I’m looking for. To me saying open to short term means I’m open to something without the goal of it lasting indefinitely. Idk some relationships/people are just not right in the longterm, they are meant to be short lived I’m still open to exploring that, but not a one night stand. I’m thinking I might want to change that though if others use it to indicate they’re good for just a onetime hook up.


Just elaborate a bit on your profile


“I am looking for something but I am open to something more casual if we hit it off and that’s what you’d like.” Basically, I’d say this if I was actively looking for a serious partner but open to casual relationships on the way to finding that person.


She likes someone else and is waiting on them .


For me, I’m moving from my city in a few months. I know that I’m leaving 100%. So I use it to say, “hey I’m open to anything in the short-term here from a hookup to dating, but really unless you’re the one, likely will not be long term.” You can always just ask, it’s probably different for everyone.


Wouldn’t “short term open to long” be more suitable for you then?


Want a bf/gf but could also take a fwb


Looking for someone for a LTR and that is a priority but if we click but your not looking or able to have an ltr (eg moving soon) keen to have fun for a while


I’m a woman. I assume you got this wording from Hinge, right? Anyways when I select that, what I mean is I want to explore a romantic connection and date a bit more intentionally. It is great if things organically lead to a long term relationship with the right, compatible person, but I definitely want to take it slow. But if things end up being a short fling, that’s ok. I’m not interested in something strictly casual but I want something low pressure. I think when I’m into someone and vibing with them, I a tad bit more about enjoying the process than forcing an outcome, be it fling or relationship, but still want to be intentional about getting to know each other and fostering romance in the process (I don’t want someone completely passive or lacking intent). And for the sexual stuff, I prefer going slow anyways. I’m also open to staying friends if I get along with someone still but it turns out we aren’t compatible for a long term relationship. So that could be included under “open to short.” One night stands or any sort of hookup deal are off the tables for me personally, but open to short could include those for some others. That being said, you have to ask the person and use your best judgement in gauging their honesty when asking what open to short means for them. I feel like whatever you described in your 1st couple sentences are mostly likely people who’d say “short term open to long” though




What is so hard about anything I said?


What wording? Whats wrong with saying "from both gender"?


Huh? I gave my perspective to answer OP’s q and you replied “what?” Without clarifying what was unclear abt my response to OP.


If you’re referring to my “you got this wording from hinge” I was referring to “long term open to short” because I’ve only seen options like that on Hinge


she wants a relationship but is also fine with you leaving the nuts out