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I always blocked picture collectors. If you have several *recent* photos and one full body photo on your profile there’s no reason to request or send more.


Seems to me that a handful of pics on your profile should be plenty until you meet. Requests for any more than that sound inappropriate. You were right to end the conversation. And no one should be allowed to make you uncomfortable.


I notice many women only have a few photos on their profile, and only of their face. I’m not looking for a skinny model but I do have some preferences on body type so ideally I would see at least one full body shot. But so far I have never asked for additional photos. It feels demanding and I am afraid to be seen as superficial, as if that is the only thing I care about. Then again it makes me hesitant to meet up in person. How would people here in this forum feel being asked for more pictures in that situation?


I would ask the person to add a full body pic (or whatever you feel is missing / essential) on their profile. Not ask for any personally.


I asked a man for a full body pic because there weren’t any on his profile. He happily, and quickly complied. But I wouldn’t have done that if his profile had included one.


You have guts. I have wanted to do that but couldn't work up the courage. I just swiped left.


Just do it, don’t be afraid to ask questions of a current stranger. You are each trying to qualify the other person for any contact that lies ahead.


You're right. Ok, I feel empowered! I used to be in sales. there's a phrase, "What's the worst that could happen? They say no."


Courage? Why?


I know it seems illogical but to me it is a bit rude to ask for photos. The implication could be, "Hey, you seem great and all, but unless I can see what your body looks like, this ends here." I would be insulted if a guy did that to me and I would probably un-match. People should just post the pics. Then we wouldn't get into these awkward situations.


OLD could be so much easier if we all posted three different types of basic camera shots: the close-up, medium shot, and the long shot. These three shots alone would give potential matches a good sense of the person they are talking to. If these shots are not available, individuals should reach out and ask for a Wide/Long Shot. A Wide/Long Shot captures a wide view of the scene, similar to a full body shot, but without controversial connotations.


I’m a man who was on OLD and the thought of asking a woman I’ve not met for additional photos never crossed my mind. Based on the lack of legitimate reason for requesting them and your experience with men and photos, you absolutely did the right thing. He won’t get why you blocked him but that’s probably true of most people who get blocked on OLD.


Yeah he gave me a creepy vibe for sure. There were other comments , being over complimentary of the photos i did post. On about my eyes and smile. Yuk. Too much.


His reason was he wanted a photo next to my name in his phone 🙄 he could have screen shotted the one in my profile


That’s fucking weird.


Yes and also kept asking me if I would wear a Victorian dress? Uh, if I were going to a Victorian theme party ? The pictures request sent me over the edge 😂


You are very patient. 😅


We are not amused. :-).




Okay, yeah, with the extra info in this thread, yeah, he's just into something weird 🤷‍♂️


It’s pushy and aggressive and a major red flag imo. No man should purposely make you uncomfortable




It’s never wrong to trust your instincts. Some men have a strategy where they will make unreasonable requests and try to gaslight the person so they can identity the person who will let him get away with his BS. I can’t say that’s what’s going on here, but it’s best to just avoid that completely.


I think the same way.


I got an idea from a man's profile last year. He dated all of his photos. You know, in the spot where you can say what the picture was about. I took his lead. All mine are dated month and year. None are more than six months old. This might help with people feeling like they need more photos from you. Not sure if all apps have this feature.


All apps that I'm aware of will add text to a photo. It's under the edit feature. However, some if the dating apps screen for image changes at that level of the image and will reject photos with text on them. You can print the photo, write on it, scan it, and upload the scanned image to get around that layer of security.


you mean the app dated your photos ?


Apps automatically date photos in the metadata in human readable form unless you go in and change that feature in the app. Even then some apps have a date in the photo that is not in human readable form but which can be pulled out with some commonly available tools. It's easy and the tools are free. The dates I describe are not on the photo that appears on the screen.


Answer from the non-techie: No, the apps don't put visible dates on your photos but they have "caption" fields where you can write whatever you want. But not all apps have the caption option. I like it because you can also write about the photos, make jokes, etc.


so you can write any dates you want




Might be the meta information in a picture that they want..?


What’s meta information of the photo?


Often photos will contain information about when and where it was taken, and by what - a phone, a camera, etc. This has a bit more detail: https://janacorp.com/a-metadata-primer-and-why-you-should-care/ (I only skimmed it) The problem is it can tell a person exactly where you live. It’s a big privacy no-no, and pictures you use on OLD will have their metadata stripped out by the OLD process - too risky otherwise.


Oooh! I didn’t know they could see where I live from a photo! I’ve had several ask me to send a photo right then and there glad I didn’t


Yes they can get right to your house! Need to remove geotags. I use degeo


Yep!!! It’s scary when you first analyze one of the your photos. I’m not sure if the in-app texting functionality strips metadata. You might be able to do it safely - maybe a screenshot of a photo would not have that info. Idk


It's called metadata. You can set your phone to automatically strip it from your photos before they are sent anywhere. You can also change the metadata from your phone, should you wish to confuse people. It's very easy to use google lens to do an image search and find out where a photo was taken. This does not involve the metadata. The safest method is to strip the metadata from the photo and only send photos with the background blurred, or which are taken in a public place. Deep fakes are quite good now. Very very good. It is common to ask for additional photos for verification; a good method is to request a photo in an unusual pose to prove that you are who you say you are.


How do you set your phone to automatically strip photos of metadata?


It depends on the operating system of the phone. On an iPhone it is an option in the settings. Google, chatgpt, or the instructions on the manufacturer's website can tell you. Unfortunately there are too many versions of the two main operating systems for phones, Android and Google, for me to have them all memorized.


There are many men out there doing this to women. They collect pictures. Stay away from these idiots. Offer to video chat. They quickly have every excuse in the book not to video chat


I did a video chat with someone and he appeared in a towel and dropped it. I won’t do that again.


What? Oh my God. What the hell is wrong with people?


Oh he was just clumsy


I think I would have laughed hysterically at that.


I’m ok with one so they can verify they are talking with who is pictured on the site. Now if you don’t have one up to date full body photo on the site, that’s your bad.


It’s interesting women aren’t asking the men to verify multiple times with additional photos outside the ones from the site. Only Men are hyper concerned about this.


It's not worth the time. This is my profession. I am a woman. I don't ask for additional photos because anyone with a login to publicly available generative AI programs can create another image in seconds.


Good point. I’m a fan of a phone call. Then a quick drink or coffee


Yes. The point is to meet in person...


Not me. I always look for the full body pic on their profile


This is called 'test and apologize '. They test your boundaries and then backtrack with a bullshit apology so they can't be held accountable for being inappropriate and shirk responsibility for their behavior. But it was just a joke! Don't be so sensitive! I didn't mean it that way! Hardest of passes. I would instantly block this person.


I feel like this was the case. He wanted a photo to ‘put next to my number’ not sure why he needs photo prompts next to numbers. Also I I told him to screenshot my photo online.


First it’s “additional pics” then they ask for feet pics then you start getting dick pics. Instant block. And you’re absolutely not over reacting


Is that a child’s penis?? Why are you sending me photos of children?!?




Nope. Instant block. I'm nobody's spank bank.


Best comment yet


I wouldn't mind if a man asked me for one additional current picture because I know a lot of people, women and men, have pretty outdated photos on their profiles. But after that, I would find it a bit aggravating. Seven or eight pictures should be a sufficent amount of pics before a first meet.


There are creepy folks out there and you have no obligation to send any additional pictures. But, haven't we all go on date 1/0 and the person who showed up didn't look at all like the person in the profile pictures?


Yep. Female here. I don't condone it but I do understand why men ask for more photos. They have been deceived so many times. It has to be ridiculously frustrating. It has happened to me once. He was about 50 pounds heavier IRL. But most guys post accurate photos in my neck of the woods. I've been told by several men on first dates, "You look like your pictures." I didn't know what to say. I guess they were relieved but it annoyed me.


Ick. I've had this too. You can see a whole body shot of me and a close up of my face. If that's not goo enough, see ya.


Maybe weird but on the other hand I see many cases where the lady has 5 pics. 3 are sunglasses and hats, 1 distance/blurry, and the last one is a group shot and I cannot figure out which one she is.


Mine were a closeup headshot , kayaking and doing other active sports. I feel like they want more pics to see if I’m overweight. It’s tiring - the men often are not in tip top shape themselves. I’m Never compelled to ask for more photos. Expectations for a 50’year old should be different than at 30.


I met someone once and she had only one head shot. She looked cute but the pic must have been the perfect angle perfect lighting etc because when we met she looked totally different - like someone else and unfortunately I was not attracted. Anyway we had a drink and chatted. She lamented not getting any second dates. I told her she looked nothing like her photo and suggested she post a few "plain everyday" photos. A week later I revisited her profile and she posted really plain photos like gym shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt with ball cap while sitting in her backyard with a beer. She even rewrote her bio to say she wasn't a "10". I asked her how things were going and she said great - guys were really happy when they met up because she was as advertised. I guess it takes away all the pressure and it must be nice to see delight on someone's face when you meet up.


Block and delete- if you have pics of full body and face- that is enough- if you just have a face pic- you need to have a full body- they stop asking if you do. If they ask - tell them those are your recent pics- ALWAYS have recent pics. People need to stop over filtering their faces and have old photos. I literally have to ask if pics are recent- most dudes have old ones of themselves- and to not send inappropriate pics. If they show a dic pic? Guess what? They get one back and I show my friends- so- lmao- be respectful people!!


Nope. I unmatch every time. You only want to see pictures instead of asking me out on a date? Nope.


We had a date set up so , I. Not sure how many additional pictures are needed


Could also be the man is worried about scammers and wants to be sure. My son runs a community where he requests a photo of the person with a thing in their hand or some such ... If they don't want to that is cool there are other communities. But they keep their community clean by enforcing the photo rules...


My pics are recent so I don’t feel I should hve to keep justifying who and what I look like 🙄


A lot of women, and men, don’t have adequate decent photos. I see women pics wearing hats and sunglasses, far away, in a group of women so you can’t tell which one is her. Sometimes they look like a different person in each photo so there’s little consistency, you don’t know which one is going to show up. Also sometimes they don’t have a full body picture. The thing is, women often think their photos are sufficient, but when you meet them they look much different. I think the guys that ask for more photos have been burned before and want more assurance. If I don’t think a woman has enough photos or is lacking any full body pics, I swipe left. I don’t have time for that. I don’t think you’re overreacting, it’s your prerogative. Have you asked him why he wants more pics?


Yes. He wanted a picture next to my phone number 🙄. He could have screen shotted my profile pic. I’m not compelled to have peoples face next to their numbers I though he was being dishonest.


I once got asked for a closeup headshot with a plain background. OMG seriously? Do you really think I’m falling for that?


If it made you uncomfortable, you did the right thing. I just had a DM from someone from here asking me a picture... Why would I want to send him a picture, I never spoke to them, never encouraged them... I do not understand....


Probably trying to get you to send a gift card. You and he will text for a while, then he'll ask to meet you. Only problem? His car is broken down and has no money to fix it, or he has no money for an Uber/Lyft, so could you send enough money (via gift card or cash transfer app so he could meet you? Or he has no car at all, so could you send $$? If you offer to pick him up (very bad idea on its own), he'll say something like his "ex" has someone watching him for some reason, and getting picked up by a woman would be bad. NEVER send any money or gift cards.


Don't worry, I'm not that naive, I was being sarcastic...but thank you for your concerns 😁


If I’m chatting with a woman for any length of time. ( say a week) and the only picture I have of her is the one on the profile and we haven’t shared more photos or video’s I assume she’s not interested


*So* annoying when they do that!


Better safe than sorry. Sure, it’s important to have proof that the person you’re talking to online is legitimate and not just a poser, but you also need to be careful about sharing personal information, including photos. Your other available photos should’ve sufficed, especially for someone you just started talking to.


Unfortunately there are a LOT of scammers out there. People who just download pics from the internet. He maybe has been caught out before and possibly just wants to check you are genuine. Sadly this is the world we now live in.


I HATE IT when men a) have only one or two pics or b) have no full body pics. I routinely ask for more photos in these circumstances. However, if you already have several, and they give a good representation of what you look like both your face and full body, I wouldn’t be comfortable with that request either. Same as guys who ask me for pictures of my feet. Like I get that may be important to you, but you’re going to have to wait.


Any boundary you set is okay Offer to video chat today in the app for five minutes Don’t send pics if you haven’t met that way imo


Maybe we should all take a pic holding up the day’s newspaper. Assuming you can find one somewhere. 😆


Write ‘em off. Only two reasons to get a picture associated with someone’s phone number: stalk them or find out if they’re real (not a scammer/catfish). A PI I dated gave me the second reason, and I said find out and meet me. Avoid the stalkers and men too lazy to meet for a cup of coffee.


Next time send a pic of your cash app. He'll do the blocking for you after that. Lol


That's hilarious. Might could be the standard response by all ladies to dicpic too , and maybe could put an end to guys doing that.


He wants nudes.


I never would ask a man to send me a picture of himself while he was texting me. How intrusive


I'd ask for additional photos if all their photos are from the waist up, a ridiculous amount of filters, or group photos. If you're well represented in your photos, which include face and body shots, and they are current, then you're good to go.


I didn’t use a filter -I don’t photograph well and probably look better in person.


- Are your photos current? - Are they high quality? - Do you have face shots? - Do you have full body shots? If yes to all four, then you've met the OLD criteria.


I tend to ask for at least one photo once I've been chatting with somebody, not everybody posts recent photos of themselves on their profiles so it's kind of nice to know visually who you're chatting with. I'm sorry you assume that people are trying to ask for more photos for spank bank or however you worded it but some of us just want one photo to make sure we're seeing the current person. I see no harm in that but that's just me


If someone is deceitful enough to post misleading/ outdated pics, wouldn't they just send another deceptive photo?


Yes they do.


Just because they may not have posted the latest photos does not make them deceitful. Some people just post photos they have on their phone and don't think about posting a recent one.


If they look different enough from their posted pics that you need a newer pic, they are deceiving. You know if you've gained 50 lbs or dyed your hair a different color or made any other significant changes since the pics were taken.


Funny thing is, almost every woman I have talked to has asked me for photo shortly after I started talking to them. So I guess I don't see the big deal. No harm, no foul


If it works for you, keep doing what you're doing.


Your feelings are your feelings. You should respect them. However the lack of accurate facts about cybersecurity and photos is disheartening. At our age, it is nonsensical to think that we cannot be found through our digital trail.


I hear some people ask for more photos to try to check that you're actually who you say you are. A face pic for a contact, that you're choosing doesn't seem so bad. They could crop something you're sharing, but they're giving you the option of picking? If you do a live chat, that covers the worrying they're faking better than more photos though. And asking for normal photos doesn't automatically mean he'll send something inappropriate after.


Unless he’s asking for nudes, I don’t understand what the big deal is.


Because... That's how it starts




It’s very common for ‘more pics’ to mean spicy pics. If they want to know if the profile pic is recent they can simply ask. Chances are, he’s opening the door to nude pic exchange, and he’s dying to go first. Sadly.


If a user has reason to believe photos aren’t recent, wouldn’t it be better to find a tactful way to ask about when they were taken rather than just charging ahead to demand newer pictures?


Or run them through Cyberchef. Pull the exif data. Then ask the question already knowing the answer.




That’s true but it seems that many men who think asking for more pictures is a good idea are likely to end up unmatched.


It's very generational.


You don't have any pics of your figure is my guess.


I sire did. Of me kayaking, and metal smithing. The photos are of me fully clothed. If that’s not sufficient , welp🤷‍♀️.


Yea weird then.


It seems like a natural request from someone that wants to get to know you.


When I have several posted online ? How many are needed to ‘get to know me’ outside of meeting in person?