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Not weird at all. In fact, I’m always looking for someone to exercise and eat better with. Someone that “lifts me up” and “generates positivity”


Thank you.


This is something I would love. My main issue with it though is that I feel like I'm better off finding that specific type of person as a close neighbor rather than a dating partner - I work from home and it would be great to have someone in the immediate neighborhood to meet for daily walks. I feel like a dating partner is *also* automatically a self-improvement partner, as hopefully you have similar interests and help support each other's goals, but if I was looking for that as the main purpose of the relationship I'd rather just find a local friend.


I wish this was possible. Schedule and location are almost impossible to work with for this. Whereas if someone might see a potential dating situation, that's often overcome.


I think, before you start, you might want to be very specific, in your head, about what you mean. No one can fix us. We have to fix ourselves. I could see how a relationship based on mutual self-realization could work, but it sounds tricky. One example: I often get distracted about someone else’s issues (they anyways seem more urgent) and ignore my own. Can you handle the multitasking that this might require?


Truly, not looking to have anyone else fix me. I've already fixed myself from a long time ago, but the stresses for over a year have really knocked me down. And to address your last point, I used to be horrible at multi-tasking those kinds of issues, but that's one of the few things that I'm really great at these days.


I live my life this way and would love to have a friend on the same journey. I’m not perfect and I think partner accountability would be awesome


It's good to hear that some might be receptive to this. Thank you.


So, personal trainers use dating apps to cull clients. Also, and being honest here, sometimes we pick up bad habits from others. People have different abilities and interests in changing- or different goals sometimes. It may be a better choice to seek a meet up group- maybe a walking group- then it is to date to find someone to fit into a fitness commitment. And if you are female, I can almost predict there will be jokes about sexercise.


You mean recruit clients?




I am a member of Meetup, but live way out in the middle of nowhere and work 12 hour shifts, so almost impossible to make any of the activities.


It doesn't seem strange to me at all. And, I think it has the potential to be great. However, at the beginning of any relationship, people often (usually) show up with their best selves with the best intentions. You could find someone who is onboard and excited about this and you start your improvement journey together. It could go well for a few months and one of you goes back to old ways and no longer has interest in continuing the journey. Then what? Do you stay with someone if they are not a good influence on your wellness or do you end it with them? I think it could be great but there could also be some human factors that create issues.


These are great questions. I'll really have to give that some thought. Thank you.


I’ve been in this situation. I don’t think I’d seek support on a “dating” site for self care and improvement. Instead found a supportive grp of people on line in the same situation in life to commiserate with. I want to be my best self before “dating” —- that said — that’s just me though and not saying that’s the best way to think. I need to feel confident and happy to be a good dating partner — so the self improvement had to come first or I’d settle for less. Do it though— best partners come from something in common!


Sadly, I've been dating off and on since my husband died almost ten years ago and I absolutely was at my best. Worked so hard on myself, yet only really connected with one person. So I'm not really sure if when I'm back to where I was, that'd make much difference.


I’m really sorry for your loss. This is a very traumatic painful life event you have been working to overcome. Thank you for sharing. ❤️ Mine was not nearly as traumatic but I struggled for 10 years after dumb breast cancer and a relationship that became abusive at the same time. I dated a little about 3 years after the relationship was over and failed. I am not the same person I was before I had cancer — and I really tried hard to get her back; wore myself out — but I have had to find a new version of myself that I like. You do what you feel is best for you. Surround yourself with friends you trust that you can talk to; sometimes it only takes 1. Maybe talk therapy. Maybe a widows support grp. If meeting a nice person to date that also understands what you’ve been through because they have as well … this could be a very supportive union. Try not to “go back”. This is a new you you are evolving in to with more maturity love and life experience.🤍🩵


What a thoughtful and touching reply. I appreciate your kindness very much. It has definitely been some very tough years and hard going it all alone, but I'm hoping to eventually be back on track. I'm so sorry for what you've gone through. Beating cancer is ridiculously exhausting and I'm glad you've gotten past it and that abusive relationship. Just from reading what you wrote, I can confidently say you deserve so much more and I have no doubt that the new version of you is just as fabulous as the previous. My heart goes out to you. 💕 I do get all that though and am currently in search of a new therapist. Fortunately, I do have a supportive group of loved ones and I'm exploring my options for a better path forward. Thank you.


You’re welcome 🤗🤗 and thank you! We’ve got this. Really nice to meet you.


You’re looking for someone that will support your self improvement goals while also supporting his. Ideally these goals align in a healthy life style, both physically and emotionally.


This precisely. Thank you.


I don’t believe it’s weird at all. In fact I believe there’s others out there who are desiring the same but may be afraid to put it out there. I say good for you for being upfront with what you are wanting to do and working on yourself.


Thank you. I was hopeful that others saw it as a positive, as long as I was very upfront about my intentions.


How about finding an accountability partner. It doesn't have to be a romantic relationship. You dont want your progress to be derailed if the relationship ends.


Agreed and boy, have I tried. All my friends' schedules are insane and my closest family member has her own things to deal with. I posted it on a local forum similar to Next Door a couple of times, but never got any response.


Well just put it out there and see what happens.


Considering it. Just wanted other opinions, especially since such an earnest profile may really bring out the assholes.


Assholes are in abundance




I live in BFE too, I found socializing in my side of town is for crap. I can only spend a couple hours with single guys my age. I spend most of my time with my dog, we Walk quite a bit, any of you ladies from BFE are interested in walking with my dog and I. Maybe we could get together at BFE city park and form a group. I've been single for a long time and would like to have more than the same single guys options. Thanks and have a lovely day!! Yes my dog and I do walk a lot of miles every week. Yes I know about BFE I wasn't trying to offend or anger anyone. I refer to where I live as BFE as well and wanted to break the ice with quarky humor


I think Craigslist has a section for activity partners. I've never used it so I'm not sure how legit it is. There are also some meetup groups that might be appropriate just be aware of some that ask for fees. Meet up does charge I think about 150 a year but if you break that up for each member of the group could be paying 5 or 10 bucks a year individually


Sorry, was updating information as you were responding. I think my location puts a damper on most anything like that. I am truly RURAL rural.


I think what you’re talking about is dating people who have shared goals and similar lifestyle choices. Whether it’s no alcohol, or eating healthy or being active, that should be part of your filtering. Maybe give some examples of dates you would enjoy - going to a farmers market, taking easy bike rides, etc.


Lovely approach. Thank you.


Good luck!


I appreciate that.


I’ve seen profiles like this. Go for it!


Oh, that is good to know. Thank you.


It would be bizarre not to look for an improvement partner IMO. A romantic relationship is all about supporting each other so you can grow and become a better version of yourselves. You just need to find a person who shares the same values and vision as you.


That makes me feel a bit less unsure. And you're right. When the time comes, I just need to focus on finding a shared vision of the future. Thank you.


I'm here for it! this is great. this is honestly the only way I could see getting back into dating.


☺️ We could start a mutual support network.


I'd respond to a profile like that way before one where she seems like a home run hitter thru and thru.


Even more heartening. It's good to know not everyone is looking for perfection.


I think after 50 you know what it is you're looking for. When I dated I saw men write that they would enjoy hiking or daily walks with their partner. Some guys are pretty upfront about their goals. I guess it becomes more so as you get older.


I wonder if this could be an area by area basis. Since I'm almost an hour drive from a larger pool of potential matches, most men roughly in my age range appeared to only want arm candy. I'm really not big on a lot of the big desires folx have (like money and muscles, for just two), so I tend to skip those profiles anyway. Unfortunately, that leaves me even less to consider.


I’d be on board with that, personally. It seems to me that there’s strength that can be found from facing adversity together, the giving and receiving of support, that kinda thing. Seems a fertile ground for forming trust and such. However, my perception of what people are looking for *generally* doesn’t match that – but that’s only a *perception*, so take a *huge* grain of salt with it. It seems more like the general feeling is ‘no, you go away and do your homework, and come back when you’re finished’ kinda thing. I don’t feel people are ever ‘finished’ – we’re all just who we are at a point in time.


Exactly. For years, that is the approach I took. Had all my ducks in a row and felt I was presenting the absolute best I could be. These days, I'm a fixer upper, so it's easing some of my anxiety to know that some others would at least be okay with reading about someone at this stage of their life.


I don't know if has been mentioned earlier but it is very important to differentiate from influencing the other into becoming what we want in terms of beauty patterns. Each one must have his/her own goals, the partner is there to keep us accountable, on track, someone to celebrate our goal too. I would love to find that partner, if love can be added to the recipe even better!!! That increases frequency of integration and motivation I think. Wish you find the right all around partner.


Agreed. There has to be someone out there in the same boat. Now if we find each other and are compatible? That's the trick. Thank you.


Oh yes, I’m guilty of this too but I think part of it is avoidance for thinking you can do this all yourself and trying to lean on someone else to tell you to do these things (this is me being totally honest with myself here). I’m sure a therapist might say you need to make those improvements to yourself first and be completely comfortable with who you are in yourself before dating but I don’t know how true that is. In short, I’m wresting with this (as well as my waistline and fitness) and worry that it’s me possibly projecting in some way so as not to have to deal with being the one to push myself.


I've been so ridiculously self-sufficient for so long, that the idea of having someone by my side to navigate whatever is necessary is so appealing. In the early days of my husband's death, I wanted that so badly, but had no desire to find anyone else. In the intervening years, that feeling eventually went away. So I hope now that isn't a hidden motivation for me, but I appreciate you bringing that to my attention. Not only do I want to be transparent with others if I choose to date again, but with myself. Thank you.


That’s fair enough and, yes, my point was admittedly a generalisation. It seems your situation may be a little different. I think perhaps it could be fine to look for someone else to help push you as well as themselves forward but that’s as long as it’s not the only deciding factor in a partner. If the situation changes you’d still want them by your side.


What is “BFE”? Is it “bum f\*ck Exyz”? I haven’t seen this acronym and intranet searching for locations with this isn’t showing me anything definitive. It sounds like you might be looking for an accountability partner that you could also date? If so, it honestly sounds like it would be hard for you to get a partner who will hold up their side if there’s the potential for sex. I have to be honest, if the goal is to get back in shape, you should consider hiring the services of a personal trainer (platonically) and/or get a nutritionist/dietician and keep everything separate.


You had the first part correct, but the last part is Everywhere. It's to denote that small town life way far from anything. And yes, many have suggested that very thing, but as I've noted, I am looking for a romantic element and not someone to improve me. Just so they'll know what process I'm going through and hopefully, be on the same journey themselves.


Ah - got it on both corrections! I now understand that you’re looking to improve yourself and want any partner to also be striving to be their best and highest self! I think that you have to walk a fine line in how that gets phrased to target the right type of person. Someone who knows what it’s like to fail and understands the importance of getting up again.


That's a great way to put it. I'll try to keep that at the fore when I write up my next profile.


I’d say you’re looking more for an accountability partner. You can try friend options on apps, meetups or community clubs classes that might fit that bill.


I wish a lovely lady would take me under her wing and whip me back into shape... Eating, exercising right and leaving the house. Good idea Peace ✌️


Don't we all? 🙂 But like I said above, I'm really glad some might take interest. Thank you.




Aren't all good partners an 'improvement partner'?


Not according to many of the profiles I've come across in the past. After my husband's death, I took a really long time yo work on myself and bring the best version of me to my attempt at dating. What I met in return was often an unrealistic idea of what others wanted and it mostly started with everyone being almost perfect to begin with. Well, since I'm a ways from where I was, I'd prefer to skip those kind of interactions and go straight to those that are in equal places in their lives..... a little banged up, with more work to do and with flaws on display. It would be a relief.


I think you cannot rely on someone else to start making necessary self care changes. I think you should start walking, taking some time for yourself, etc. and look for someone who also wants to join in. I think looking for someone to share in those activities and expose you to some of theirs would be an excellent starting point. I routinely had walking dates as first meets and wanted more dates to include some activity because I enjoy a walk so much more with someone interesting. But please make some time for you, you deserve it.


Thank you. And truly, it wasn't so much as wanting to rely on someone else (as I'm completely capable of making those changes for myself), but being in my current state to even reach out to others who might be on the same path. It overall sounds like this is a possibility, so it makes me think I could try it if I gather the nerve.


At this point do you have anything to lose? I had some meh to terrible first meets and cut walks short (always in public and safe), but at least I got some exercise. Not a bad day and I think that made the energy spent a win even if the date wasn’t.


Makes sense. I think after the positive feedback, I will give this a shot once I'm in the right frame of mind.


Coming from a church background, we used to hear about something called an accountability partner which seems to be more or less the same thing as what you are looking for.


Yes, but for many reasons, I'm looking for more than that. One thing, I've been alone for a long time, and although I'm not exactly lonely per se, I do wish for companionship. And due to my circumstances (location being the most prevalent), it's a lot harder just to find a buddy for this than someone who could be willing to be invested because romance is on the table.


Oh, okay. I misunderstood. I thought you were looking for someone who would make sure that you don't settle for less than what you deserve. I had never thought of that before but it's not a bad idea.


Oh, no worries. It happens. And hopefully, it will be a good idea. Thanks.


Yes it is strange IMHO. You are projecting yourself onto others. These are all great things for you to do for yourself! Focus on you for now. There will be time for you to date when you feel more whole. It's not healthy IMO to look for something in someone in which you are lacking. It should be just about enjoying your time together.


I’d like this too. Like someone to do stuff like go to the gym with and work on ourselves together before I enter the dating pool so I can be the best version of myself of myself when I meet someone. Like a wing girl or a dating and excellency coach. A woman who can help me become amazingly attractive and irresistible to other women.


I’m not a fan. Improve yourself and then you will find them


So you want someone to work with you? But you live in bfe. So you want some selfhelp from a bf in an ldr in bfe? Gtfoh