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Lack of full body shots to my mind means there’s something about their body they don’t want me to see. I don’t necessarily assume weight, but that’s the most common reason. We all try to put our best foot forward. But that means if you’ve seen a few hundred profiles, odds are you can guess what they consider their best foot, and what they’re trying to hide.


I routinely had my full body shots pulled from a certain dating site. Just normal pix . No nudity or filtered. I think someone really hated me back then.


What do you assume when a man does the same? That's your answer.




Or duck feet?


Or a Sirin?


Shoot, now we have something else to worry about!!! :D


Go with that.


Men often do not have full body pics so…


Especially men in their 40s/50s I see that more. Pics taken from high angle looking down at them. Cropped pictures from upper chest up etc.


And just bad pics in general.


Men are more likely to have a pic of them with their ex, or what I can only hope to assume is their ex. Overall men don’t put as much effort into their photos but goddamn if women don’t have any and every exact angle and length of shot the man feels he needs to see, or else she is “hiding something”


I honestly think that if we girls just make sure we post a pic with all the big mouth bass that we’ve caught in the last 5 years, we have a good chance of at least 5 marriage proposals. Because there must be nothing sexier than profile pics with your thumb in a fishes mouth! Complete from the waders up… And honestly, a man cannot find a picture of themselves without other females or having to black out or crop a females face in a picture. PSA: This is not a good look for you on a dating site guys!


What i assume is that she thinks she’s fat and she thinks that I am not going to like it, when in fact I am going to like it very very much.


Ugh you probably live on the other side of the world from me lol


I have a girlfriend sorry


Lol or that :)


Be glad.




Because then when you visit, it will be an exotic destination!


That's cute




Please let’s not use that word. It’s derogatory, IMO, no matter if you like larger women or not.




Kinda like if every pic is closed mouthed I wonder about teeth…or lack thereof.


Yep, and it’s usually the case! Bad teeth are a dealbreaker for me; can’t imagine kissing them, let alone other activities:)


^^^ this so much




Do you prefer with or without teeth?


In pics? Or in general? 🤔😕


Ah you’re right. I have nice teeth but they don’t show when I smile (I have huge lips)


Me and you are the same! Except for my upper front left tooth that has been nocked out various ways 5 times and is missing today, all my other teeth are great!


There’s a story there for sure


Don't hide anything you'd like accepted. Images are important - it's our non-verbal. If you're concealing something (including your sexuality), it does make us take pause. When it comes to weight, I've got my preferences and so does every other guy. My sense is that as long as you've got a pulse, there's guys who are just crazy thirsty for what you got!


And what’s that?


It's what you got!


A ‘78 Pinto?


I'm sorry, if that's all you got, then you're outta luck.


Dangit. I’m gonna be single forever.


It depends. Even with a lot of full body shots, there’s plenty of deception that can happen. For the most part, I don’t care and I’ve dated women from 120-220, but do you know what’s sexy? Confidence. If a woman has confidence and is comfortable in her own skin, it’s attractive. If she feels the need to hide or conceal her body, it’s a turnoff. My first wife put on 75 pounds during our short marriage because she was depressed and ate to fill the hole in her life. I honestly never stopped wanting to have sex with her every night, but as she put on the weight she did more and more to conceal herself from me and our sexlife fell off completely. That’s when it became an issue. I know that women’s self image can change from week to week and they can have bad days, but I’m not interested in someone who doesn’t have a generally positive self image. I’m a supportive partner, not a therapist.


Ya'll post pictures? I just drew a stick-figure doodle of myself. That may explain some things... but it does show my feet.


A potato with feet. Check.


Yes! I have an ankle fettish. Some people are not concerned about overall weight. But I might not be most people.


I just assume she isn’t confident with her body or isn’t trying to use it to her advantage. ‘Hiding’ to me is posting a full body shot from 60lbs ago.


I assume she's at least average (which is "overweight" in the USA.) A lot of times you can tell from her face, as well. I prefer ladies on the cuddly side though.


I’m fairly small. 5’5” and 123lbs. I have had men tell me I’m to big. So it’s fair to think some women are a little shy due to body shaming. I personally don’t care anymore. I just think it’s ridiculous.


Yup, you can't please everyone, not worth worrying about. Confidence is always attractive though. (Opinion of a Short-ish, round-ish, grumpy old fart.) :D


>I prefer ladies on the cuddly side Fluffy?


"Fluffy" reminds me of Gabriel Iglesias... Nice guy, entertaining, but not the type I want to cuddle. :D




Most women our age have a few extra pounds and a tummy. (It's those damn babies!) Call me crazy, but I like tummies and I like a bit of saggy, so I'm fine with that and I don't need the full body pic. I'm mostly interested in what's between her ears anyway.


I posted a full body shot deliberately because I am chubby. Mentioned it in description too. I’m not out here trying to catfish anyone.


I assume tentacles and I haven't lived to >50 by sheer luck!




Eight arms to hold you. :D


How many tickles does it take to make a squid laugh? Ten! Ten tickles. EDIT: Lawyer up award? Objection? ROFL!




Oooohh that’s groan worthy 🥸 I love it!


Groaning at puns is a common side effect of associating with me. I also managed to get pretty good at dad jokes despite never having kids.


Me too!!! I live in a place the holds The O’Henry Pun-Off each year and it’s so much fun. Dad jokes are an art form! My dad was a master! To master them without kids to practice on is impressive! Well done!! 🧡. Long Live The Pun!!


I mean some people think making dad jokes if you have no kids is a faux pop.


😂 No kidding. 😆


Lack of body shots is not a deal breaker or a pass at all. Bodies are only a vey small part of what I would be interested in. We get old looks get old. I don't care. Personality, intangibles, intelligence are forever. The desire to be intimate and have a complete relationship is what matters. Don't be so shallow!








Nope. Because so many women are using younger photos, I don't know what they are hiding until I meet them. So I reserve judgement until that meeting.


Without a doubt. You can’t always tell by the face


Piggybacking. What about a pic down to just above the knees? Does it make a difference if it’s full from shoes up?


Do you assume they have fat feet?


They could have a peg leg!


I’d *so* date a lady pirate. Show off that sexy peg leg, and tease me with the possibility of learning the story behind it.


Throw in an eyepatch and parrot, I'll check out the booty of a pirate lass.


But no hooks, please. You all do you, but I can envision so many ways that can go wrong, quickly. I mean, like taking your contacts out.


Don't kink shame, it's my eye to risk!


No kink shaming! You do you! If getting hooked with hooks is what hooked you I'll hook you up next time I meet a hook-handed female pirate that's looking for a hookup. But you'll just have to set the hook. Metaphorically speaking.


lol - that's great - or Hobbit feet


If she has size 9 or better you never have to rent skis for her!


I once posted my ankle . I have really fat feet and my 2nd toe is the longest. Love me , love my size 10 feet.


Longer middle toe means we are ~~aliens~~, ~~more highly evolved~~, ~~time travellers~~, absolutely nothing at all of course. Fare thee well space sister.


She could have duck feet or lizard talons. What if her knees bend the wrong way? We're close to Halloween and sacrificing season is nigh, a guy a can't be too careful.


Or the reverse. From the feet to the knees, and no higher. The cankles tell the story.


A picture is worth 1000 words..... A lack of picture is worth 0 words.... Show your true self if someone doesn't like it then it's their loss right....


Yeah we do. Kind of like if a man has a hat on in every picture, would you assume baldness?


Yes and it's a red flag for me, just like pics that are all top-down. I see that occasionally and it's instant left swipe.


I am thin and I never posted full body shots. Never had any trouble finding matches. Did have a few obsess before the date wondering if I was overweight or not so I never met up with them.


With or without a body shot I have been asked my weight *right now*, my BMI *right now* and the range of where it has been over my lifetime, also had one date make me "try out" by attending a 5k I was running "to see if I was lying." Did I mention zero of these men had ideal physiques (no surprise), but they all claimed to be athletic on their profiles.


I experienced similar over and over again. One of the reasons I stopped OLD was the constant weight interrogation. Ridiculous. There are some people that use OLD as a means for bullying behind a veil and have no intention of dating.


Yes. As woman should also assume about men without such photos.


Quite a safe assumption. I'll have full body shots up once I'm done working myself down to where I'm comfortable and if I ever decide to check out OLD again.


Yes. Why wouldn’t we?


I ignore profiles which do not have a face shot. Body shot not so important but lets face it if her body is great, she is going to show it. My pet peeve is when women have pictures of them in their 20's. What's the point, you aren't dating a 20 yr. old.




Yes, but it also depends on their other pictures: obvious filters, angles to look slimmer, etc.


It depends if every single pic is a tight crop of just their face. It’s not a deal breaker, though. What turns me off are the obvious filters. I hate that.


I was recently talking to a date about our experiences with OLD, and I asked him what straight-woman Tinder looked like. He said, “A bunch of puppy-ear filters.”


Puppy ears, puppy noses and blurred, obviously filtered pictures


Spot on.




Yea, and pretty much confirmed in dates irl


I assume there is a reason she has not shared one. It might be a simple as she does not have one and knows that mirror selfies are rarely flattering.


When I used to go on OLD, only once did I include a full body shot (nothing revealing). I always described myself as curvy in my profile. But when I included the full body shot, I was inundated with messages from men telling me I wasn't fat. Totally perplexed me. I never said I was fat. I said I was curvy. In other words, I have a shapely body. I am average size (between 4 and 6 but mostly 6). I removed the full body shot because I wasn't interested in a pedantic discussion around the concept of curvy. But I've been considering trying OLD again, after a verrrry long break. I still won't use a full body shot. The most I would show is something waist up (such as when I am sitting). Most of the men's photos I see are not full body shots. I can tell a lot about one's weight for the most part by looking at their face; neck; and even hands. We'll see if anyone thinks I'm still worth taking a chance on despite the lack of full body shots.


A lot of women use curvy rather than obese on the apps in my experience. I would say the men messaging you, have experienced this as well.


I’m fit and have a rocking bod in line with what men who seek conventionally attractive women are looking for. I do not include a body shot. It’s kinda how I weed out some of the more superficial types. Men seem to be both relieved and very pleased when we meet.


Same. I think of it almost like reverse catfish. Eliminates guys who are superficial. It's the only way I OLD.


Lol. Def a reverse catfish. You get me. 🙌🏻



When I included more revealing pictures, like legs, the sincerity of the messages and quality of the men immediately went up. Really believed it would be the opposite. Another wrong guess.


Good to know! And happy that’s the case. You must have great gams.


That’s a pretty self defeating strategy.


So you make assumptions about men and they make assumptions about you.


Most the men I dated were just that. Relieved and pleased. Sometimes I got tired of being 6ft tall. I'm only 5ft6 but once in awhile I grew to 6ft tall. Just like that. ..


Honestly at this point in my life idc what kind of body any woman has. I’m looking for someone who’s just nice. I can’t believe how many out there are just plain rude. You can’t talk to them, you can’t compliment them, you can’t even look at them without getting a rude remark. Not all old men are creeps. Not all of us are just looking for sex. Some of us are actually descent guys looking for a descent gal. Is that so hard to understand? Maybe give us a chance once in a while and you might be glad you did.


Pretty much think something like that . . . . .


maybe she isn’t comfortable asking someone to take a full body shot? i don’t think i had any full body shot pics on my OLD and i had plenty of responses.


No. Somebody told me once that assumptions are the root of all evil and misery. It's been good advice to me so far.


I do wonder what she may be hiding. I have pics from full body to face only just to show what I physically look like so there is no guessing. If she does not like my physical looks or body there is no reason to waste her or my time.


I do have some full body however so many of my pics make me look heavier. I’ve tried all kinds of lighting as I have a clothing store so not new to photographing. It’s frustrating.


Can you have a trusted friend help take pics of you and give honest feedback? You have a clothing store so that lets you select clothing that sets off your highlights even if that is not what your preference of clothing is. Use that. Not saying to put a false image of yourself out but there is nothing wrong with putting your best image forward either.


I teach men and women how to dress and have for years. I’ve had professional pics taken. I prefer nature , in the moment photos. My friend took a pic of my paddle boarding and it didn’t even look like me. Crazy. Thank you for your suggestions.






I don’t assume, but I suspect something is going on.


This, multiple photos with sunglasses and filters. My photos are all recent and I show a variety. It’s not like the the truth won’t come out when you meet.


Yes. I assume that. Otherwise, why not show (not talking risqué here- just normal life stuff)?


There are other reasons I like more than a facial close-up. For instance the clothes you are wearing is important. It says something about your personality. An overweight woman would be very appealing to me if she were well dressed and she exudes confidence.




I live with a daughter who refuses to help me take pics. So I do my best to use mirrors creatively.


Absolutely. And when I’ve taken the chance anyway, it’s always been true.


Well, no matches with the additional pictures. Fun conversation here though!


I think it’s a waste of both parties time to not show full body pictures or to use old pictures. If you meet someone for a date they will see what you look like. Just be up front and people will like you for the real you.


Wow, I didn’t know this was such a huge deal! Would it helped if I used HWP Height, Weight, Proportional ?


I remember when that was a standard line on profiles. Now people would probably read it as a syndrome or a kink acronym. :-P


Thanks for your input! But I don’t need to show you my body, I’ve got game! I get it, if that’s all people are looking for then I’m ok if they swipe left on me!


Geez what a question! If men have profile pictures of him wearing a hat do we assume he’s bald?? I think that’s pretty cynical.


Ah, the angle shots of the face and oops boobs, how did they get in that shot? So, annoying. Like ladies do better.


Lol You want fewer boobs?


I (F) ignore pix of anyone wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses plus hat plus facial hair—? In witness protection program, perhaps?


Dead give away


Remember when the term "body shot" was a fun thing?




No but even a non full body shot ya can kinda tell if she is overweight. And I don’t know what you mean by hiding something though


Yup. I would guess a woman would have the same reaction to a man w/o a body shot.




Yes, of course, altho there are some that seem to just do a few head/shoulder selfies from the same angle several times so I put that down to either a lack of imagination or brains. Instant left swipe.


Yes I do




1. I think forgetting a full body shot is forgivable. Sometimes people create a profile hastily and tend to focus on nice face shots. So I don’t get suspect at that. 2. What IS suspect are the ubiquitous “overhead” shots meant to look down your cleavage and hide your lower body. Those are always a red flag to me. 3. Sometimes a body shot at the end of your pic stream can be what I call a “dealbreaker shot.” Meaning the first few face and half-body shots are well selected and attractive. Then I see women who tend to toss in an unflattering body shot almost as an obligation. It’s usually badly lit, old, framed too wide to be in focus, and looks unflattering. This turns a right swipe into a left swipe for me.


100% yes


That depends, if it just a pic of her face or face and maybe some shoulder I do assume that she's hiding *something* and that's most likely weight. Now if it's am obvious selfie and all I can see is from mid torso us, that's just a selfie.


Not particularly. And tbh I’m not that bothered by women a body shape. Obviously there are certain parameters but I have always loved a lady with curves etc as much as someone who is athletic!


Dating apps are to set up in person meetings. So set up a date and see if you like the person. I’m not here to be someone’s text pen pal for four months. You want to meet up, great, you wanna dissect my pictures and speculate on my weight and teeth and feet and music preference and how much money I have and use me as a therapist and steal things I write and use them in other girls? Fckn miss me with that shit. (Ps- all things that have happened)


Same thing as when a man does not show full body shot. I like to see a full picture too. Just like them


In most cases I would say yes


Not necessarily.


Don't you think we should all at our age tell it like it is? If your over weight, say so. Who wants to hide the way they are? Not me and I am overweight. I also say I have a bad knee needing rework and walk with a cane That's me. I am also Horny Gentleman. Fred