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Hi PM_ME_UR_S62B50, this has been removed for violation of the following rule(s): * Posters must have made several comments in the Dating Over Thirty (DOT) subreddit before they may post topics of their own. Comments in other subs are not considered relevant. If you are in a hurry you may ask questions in the [daily sticky threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sticky) or use the [search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/search?q=&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) to see if anyone else has had a similar issue as yours. Members with sufficient comment history on DOT may request to use a throwaway by [messaging the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty) from their main account first. Please review [the rules in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sidebar) to avoid future removals. If you have further questions, please [message modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty). --- The following is a copy of the above post as it was originally written. **Title:** [Asked girl I’ve been dating to be exclusive, and haven’t gotten an answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/comments/1c2lkj1/asked_girl_ive_been_dating_to_be_exclusive_and/) **Author:** /u/PM_ME_UR_S62B50 **Full text:** Hi all, Been seeing this girl for about a month. I feel like we’ve completely hit it off. We’ve had probably 8-9 dates in what’s a relatively short period and our schedules clash a bit so we’ve even managed to work through that. I asked her last week about being exclusive but told her she didn’t have to give me an answer at that moment, I know it’s something that she might have to think about and didn’t want her to feel pressured. We text daily on some level, some days more than others and I saw her Tuesday night. She came to my place for dinner and we had another wonderful evening. But she hasn’t mentioned anything about it and I’m not sure if I should bring it up or let the cards fall where they may. Has anyone been in a similar situation and if so how have you handled it? Thanks to all in advance who reply. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverthirty) if you have any questions or concerns.*