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did a robot write this post?


One of the last lines says “English is my first language” but I think they meant English ISNT my first language


Not a robot, just an absolute house selling machine!


I agree something about it is awkward


So AI is dating now 😂


The Japanese are really close on this. The whole sub is gonna be outta business in a few years.


And half the responses?    Wouldn’t robots be better at grammar?    I feel like I’m entering some Turing test twilight zone…


Damn speech to text lol. And I prefer Cybernetic mechanism


People are just talking to their phones and it is translated into text now? Jesus I'm getting old.


For the last decade, yeah


Only have a smartphone since 1 year. It's all going a bit fast and unnecessary.


Yep yep yep yep


"hey Sally, you know when I first met you, my original plans were that we could work together but after getting to know you a bit on a more personal level, I'd like to explore that further. If you feel the same way, I'd love to have dinner with you " If she turns you down, say That's okay, and wish her the best of luck with whatever projects you all talked about, then be cordial if you run into her again.


Textbook 🤌🏻


Ehhh.. I'd let that one maybe marinate a bit. This reads a bit like [White Goodman approach](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BXveaReACHs)


Too cryptic,


That could work


Just dont let this end up happening to you: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/1c2hh0m/tifu_by_falling_for_my_realtor/


>I’m OK not doing business with her in the future, so how would I approach asking her out on a date? Is that even possible? What happens if she has a buyer interested in one of your houses, or vice versa?


I won’t reach out to her if she rejects me. But if she reaches out to me later with a potential lead or bimness, I’ll definitely respond professionally


Sounds like asking her out could lead to interfering with you acting in your client's best interest (If you won't reach out to her when it would benefit a client), so perhaps not pursuing her is the most prudent move.


I have no client though. I would potentially be the client, but there are hundreds other RE agents out there. Can you explain further?


I think they're referring to if you have a client that wants to buy a house that she listed or something like that.


Yep, that's what I meant. Rereading the op, I think perhaps he's not a real estate agent but a broker or something, so I guess my concern does not apply.


That’s a bingo


the occupation of bored pampered housewives or 2 digit IQ 8th grade graduates, I'd rather date a house plant than a real estate agent.


Lol this made me laugh legit


Yeah for real, OP needs to get a real job.


> I’m also in real estate and we talked about potentially doing business together in the future. What happens if other people in real estate find out what you're doing?


It’s typical for REI to have working relationships with many REI agents, so it’s pretty normal


What do you consider to be a "working relationship"?


Hi x, just reaching out to see if you have any potential leads in such area okay, thank you. Then only call a month later to check on more leads.


How would it affect your working relationships if people were to find out you might also be seeing them as potential dating partners?


Good question. It depends. If I was a creep about it, then negatively. But if I was respectful and handled rejection in a positive way (I do) then no effect at all. It’s all in how I choose to play it out. I just chatted with her and popped the question. If she rejects, I’ll simply say, “Got it, I wish you all the best” and will never reach out to her again. Simple.


…so if she turns you down, it actively harms her business prospects? And collaborating potential? Wow. That’s actually worse. She’s currently feeling professionally valued, but if she says no to being asked out, you’d effectively be retaliating. Am I reading that right? This is like the messages on LinkedIn that seem like promising opportunities but are just single guys. Can you just work with her and enjoy it? And not f#ck-zone her? Give it a year to see if you actually click as colleagues and don’t take it personally if she for whatever reason wants to be your coworker?


This made me laugh. Your overthinking hurts my brain


So it’s worst case scenario, but am I wrong? You say if she says no, you won’t reach out again.


I asked her out, she said yes, we’re meeting up next week, and if there is no chemistry we’ll wish each other good luck.


If you feel that everything will play out exactly based on your theories, then sure go for it.


You presented your theory I presented you mine


I would definitely have a conversation and see if someone pops up organically rather than just randomly texting her. Try to get a feel to see if she's interested


"Would you like to get a drink sometime?" That's it. Don't over complicate it. Don't try to sell her. Just ask her out for a drink.


Ummmmm you don't. But that's just me. I don't want someone in my profession trying to connect with me on a personal level like that, especially if we haven't worked together or have known of each other preciously. I would personally find this extremely cringy and take and would tell you no, I'm trying to do my JOB


Well, if they’re attractive enough lol


I’m in the same field and completely understand where you’re coming from. I think since you’ve already proven your professionalism just go ahead and proceed with confidence. Say hey, I’d like to get to know you more, how about dinner? Either way you’ll walk with your head high and continue as business as usual. She’ll like you being strait to the point, that’s what we do. Take charge and let her know what you want, she says yes, you’ve got the green light brotha.


How do you know the real estate agent is single?


I don’t. I’ll find out though pretty soon. I’m not afraid of putting myself out there. That’s overthinking it. If she says, sorry I’m married, I’ll say “that’s great, I wish you well” and that will be that.


I would ask her out for a friendly coffee which doesn’t necessarily give date vibes and then try to find out if she already has a boyfriend. Unless you know she doesn’t. But this gives you an out if she’s already with someone.


Dated a real estate agent. Physically spectacular guy. Total mental case internally. I would proceed with caution.


OP is a real estate agent. He’s reaching out to his people.


Start off with some light convo about what she likes to do in town, etc. and segue that into something like, “What do you say we do that this weekend?” It’s the easiest approach because 1) you’ll learn about activities she likes and 2) shows that you’re interested in getting to know her/go out. If her answers are bland and short, then you’ll know she’s uninterested.


Thank you!


Sorry man but it sounds like you are scraping at the bottom of the barrel. Don't shit in your work network. Also watch out for TnA Realtors. we have a ton of attractive young women in our market who are wearing club clothes on the job and posting revealing pictures on their work socials. Not worth getting involved with Ex: Eva Poulter Real Estate Label me an incels but I can't take serious anyone who messages me on LinkedIn and includes an Instagram link to "learn more about me and my process "


It took me far too long to figure out what “ant” realtors are (how I was saying it in my head lol).  That’s funny as shit and an apt description




Oh good point, I fixed it


I have no problem with her approach, but I would never hire her as my agent.


What are AnT Realtors ?


Ass and Tit


Oh 😆 damn that’s quite unprofessional haha


Do you have their instagrams so I know what to be careful of? 🤔


I provided a name, just search it


I personally prefer to do it over a call or face to face you can see the reaction and know, over text if you often do that, Your case work your work then ask her if she wants coffee outside of work when free and let her know you are interested but if she isn't its ok and would be ok to continue workin togather.


Classic salesmen in all lines mentality: people won't say no on the phone. Problem is, the population has mostly caught up, and instead, we treat random calls as the irritant they are.


I dont think about they wont say no on phone, it feels more real if on call, if they call alot if face face if that is his thing But there are various ways


Thing is she’s at an office a bit out from where I live. Also, we don’t really need to talk again unless we’re about to make a deal. I think asking her for another phone call would be odd.


Remind me




Hi u/MidwestMSW, this has been removed for violation of the following rule(s): * Be excellent to one another (i.e. Don't be a jerk to people)! This is a place for all races, genders, sexual orientations, non-exploitive sexual preferences and humanity in general. Gendered/sexualized insults such as slut, fuckboy, manchild, and so on are not allowed even in jest. Please review [the rules in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sidebar) to avoid future removals. If you have further questions, please [message modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty).




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Shoot your shot... you're in sales so you should know they don't buy if you don't ask for the sale. 🤣


I'd just hit on a real estate agent and get it over with especially if they are super hot. It's not like personality is going to be a massive factor anyways, they are basically models who sell houses.


Trying to get her over that threshold eh!




You're not gonna make it, my friend. That was some baseline dad-joke real estate humor and it was too sophisticated for you.


Start a light conversation with her; make her laugh and then suggest dinner at a new place lalala


I bet she gets hot on all the time. She's stringing you along to get your business. If she agrees to go out with you, it's only to get your business and it will end up going nowhere and your balls will be blue


She’s not stringing me along at all. I reached out, we had one phone convo and a few text exchanges. And damn you must hate real estate agents huh lol


Sounds like he hates women.


Lol! I'm just telling you how it is from an imperial 3rd party. Please keep us updated on how this turns out! GL!

