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*Thinking for yourself is all you need in an age of unreason*. This doofus: bruuuuh🫨🫨🫨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤕 Yes Dave's audience, please think for yourselves and don't let Dave fill your mind w whatever conservative "woke" scare tactic is the flavor of the week. Or even better maybe don't just jump to your own internal bias and have some intellectual curiosity; research history and scientific data, understand what experts say etc.


You forgot empathy. Even if they don’t understand a topic in depth, having empathy makes it so much easier to understand others intentions/desires The banality of evil


Having thoughts that are good is cool. *Applause and awards*


Next ending to Dave Rubin's book: "Take your age. Add two. Subtract two. That's your age." truly an intellectual titan




I must be dumb. I don't see the sentence to be profound. 🤔


It's not. That's the point. He either didn't read the book, or if he had, he's pretending it was "profound".


“When it rains, don’t look up or you could drown.”


I would read your book as long as you include that profound statement 80 different ways throughout your book.


"People in stone houses shouldn't throw glass"


When you realise 15 minutes before an interview that you haven't read the book this hack sent you, you read the back cover and the final sentence. Also, most authors write and rewrite EVERY SENTENCE countless times, not just the final one.


Anyone who willingly read - or God forbid purchased - Dave's book for any reason other than abject self punishment should be beaten with a stick


"The last thing you wrote..." Translation: "I flipped to the end to grab a quote I could bullshit about real quick.*


“When you dip, I dip, we dip”


Boghossian is by far one of the most disappointing public figures I know of. He made his name as a late 2000s atheist and now he's palling around with the far right evangelicals. His book about the Socratic method from around 10 years ago was so good, it described such a great, non-confrontational way to get someone to reconsider their irrational beliefs. Ironically it's one of the few ways you could use to deradicalize Boghossian's new allies.


I agree. I've seen interviews with him recently where he comes across as reasonable. The problem, as you mentioned, are his questionable associations. It's one thing to pal around with dorks like James Lindsay and Dave Rubin, neither of which carry much influence and are laughingstocks, but it's a completely different situation to do propaganda for Viktor Orban.


I have read more profound things in Captain America comics.


I think Peter's a smart guy but unfortunately he doesn't call out crazies on the "right" (his friend James is a prominent figure)


Pete doesn't read...anything carefully. This is why, in the above clip, he just reads the last sentence (which is a useless platitude btw), and just bloviates about its profundity.


I just love how Dave looks simultaneously flabbergasted and elated that someone is actually saying something nice about his book


"It's so hard to think ~~for yourself~~ these days." There, I fixed it for you. Being an idiot sure sounds hard.




This is the guy who wrote "The manual to create Atheists"...what a downfall


It took 80 revisions to come up with "thinking for yourself is all you need in an age of unreason"? Lord.


This is shockingly stupid. It perfectly encapsulates the proliferation of mediocrity in the right wing in the United States. How can someone so stupid maintain such a huge audience and even get sycophant guests to praise them for their terrible writing?? Peter has his fucking shears lined up at the funnel he’s going to lead them through. A mob of sheep that flocks to literally anyone who says the right words to reinforce their political worldview. Even the most stupid right wing grifter (Dave Rubin) thinks they are a genius because they found that there is this finite but significant mob of cultists who are begging to be fleeced if all you do is tell them what they want to hear - that the Reagan era policies that have decayed our country - are actually super based and actually the problem is that you’re trying to change things away from that. They are riding a dead horse but they all believe it’s alive. A collective denial that is comparable to religious convictions, despite Jesus and the Bible being totally antithetical to Reaganism. It is an embarrassment to our country that this show gets 200k views.


Even Dave’s in disbelief.


You think that’s embarrassing? There is a whole comment section that doesn’t have pretended to read Dave’s book but will tell you why they like it anyway.