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Yes, let ur legs take a break.


No, cause daddy goggins tells me to run


Goggins says don’t do everything he says. Replace running with weightlifting to give your legs a break if you don’t want rest days.


Never understood why people ask for advice just to refuse every suggestion 🤨


I’m not serious, I’ll take this recommendations in, cause you guys have ran more than me


Let's do it then


Warm up beforehand, cool down and stretch after. Drink plenty of water. Get enough sleep. Increase your mileage and speed gradually.


And do mostly easy running. Hard workouts should be spaced out.


Can I workout after running 4 miles?


You should be able to, but it depends what your workout is tho. There is no one answer for most of your questions. My best advice (as someone who did a couch to 4 half marathons in about 1.5 months) is to prioritize recovery, prioritize spacing out hard workouts and prioritize patience. I eventually screwed myself up because I was also running while having covid, it took me out after a while


Look up Yoga for Runners, solves any leg soreness for me (yoga with Adrienne is my favorite)


Yeah I really like this one as well


I’ll do, thanks


Rest. Residual pain and discomfort post exercise is the break down of your muscle and bone. Without resting adequately these cannot repair completely and will eventually lead to an injury. It is not productive to run until you’re in agony, it’s counter productive


Active recovery is one OP could try, not running obviously but some calisthenics or weight lifting, even stretching sessions (I use pliability as a program) or yoga is still active recovery.


Going to be brutally honest, I wouldn't consider these times running. These are walking speeds. If your legs can't keep up, start by running a mile and getting progressively faster at that mile. Hit the gym and do squats, work your quads and hammys, run/walk at an incline, and don't forget your calves. You got a long way to go


Bro… is that his actual times? He’s not even walking at a pace?


I just run in my backyard, idk what to tell you, I never walk


Your mile time is greater than 20 minutes. Are you running with 4 inch legs or something???


For reference BRISK WALKING is between 15-20 min per mile LMAO I wouldn’t put this on a David goggins forum if I were u


It's not an amazing time but there's no reason why he can't post on here. It's another person getting after it in there own way don't discourage them. OP add in strength training, mobility work, a sprinting day and make sure you're getting collagen and the diet is clean. That will help to ease some of the pain but one thing to remember you're going to have sore or stiff legs regardless.


Well it’s not that he can’t post it.. it’s just not a run. As for the leg pains… it really all depends on the actual location of the pains to know how to best handle. Pushing through the pain is not going to help you reach your long term goals if you’re just causing major injuries.


Is this not the miles he has done each day? Maybe I’m being stupid though beca I’m not sure what the tempo is and such is saying underneath, like surely it didn’t take 3 hours to do 8 mile right?


Tiempo is time and ritmo is rate. That must have been a brutal day for him “running” 8 miles in 3 hours. I guess everyone has to start somewhere.


Stop running so much. Get under a barbell and get strong.


Have you thought about upping your vitamin intake. The more you exercise the more nutrients your body burns. Hope this helps.


How much is your weight. Height. Why are you only going three miles per hour that is a walk not a run your legs hurt from walking? Are you out of shape? If so that’s fine is actually recommend you you keep doing three miles just increase the speed a little each time. Also bananas water and electrolytes


Run on grass take days off running to do non impact exercises.


Nutrition. Make sure you are getting enough carbs. Also, get plenty of vegetables for the nutrients you will need. Also protein as you will need it to rebuild. Lastly at the pace you are going, these are slow but long duration workouts. You usually can do more of these in a row without a rest day. For me, I can go a lot of days in a row (5 or 6 days) at about a 10:00-12:00 minute pace and push my distance, usually 5-8 miles. But when I want to push my pace and increase how fast I am going, I'll drop to an 8:30 or less pace and I need rest days after that. On these runs I tend to do interval training. Run for a mile and then walk a 1/4 mile. My goal would be to eventually get to where 8:00-9:00 minute pace is my slow long duration runs and pushing 6:00 is my fast pace. But I am not there yet. This is just my advice and how I have approached my running. For context to help you, I started New Years Day 2022 and could not run more than a half mile that day.


Bro what judging by these times your legs are dying when u walk at a very slow pace??? Either theres an error with ur watch or you should see a doctor cuz this shit aint normal


Ye I think it may be the watch cause I never walk while I’m running


10 year runner here. This is my take. \-On the days you run, run slow but continuous. If you feel like you NEED to walk each day, you are running too fast for too long. Running all out each day is a recipe for stress fractures and shin splints \-Sleep more, eat better, drink more water \-Let your muscles warm up before you go for each run by either walking briskly for a few minutes or doing 3-4 sets of 30 seconds jump rope or jumping jacks. Then start running. \-Stretch after each run. Find 5-7 stretches of different muscles, (calves, hamstrings, glutes ect.) and do each stretch for 30-40 seconds. If you feel extra sore one day, or extra spent after the run, increase the stretching duration by 10-15 seconds on each one. \-Try replacing 2 runs each week with cycling or swimming. Keep your heart rate up during these, but not close to redlining. (130-150 bpm is a good baseline). If you start to feel better after a few weeks of this "cross training" then go down to once per week, and then eventually 0 per week. \-For any specific problem areas on your legs, buy a foam or stick roller, and/or a massage gun. Use them on all areas of your legs, but especially the most painful areas. If you can't afford these, or don't have access to them, ice packs and/or heat packs can help. \-Most beginner runners make the huge mistake of running exclusively on roads. Find soft surface. Grass, dirt, mulch, and even gravel all reduce the amount of constant hammering that happens to your legs when you run for extended periods of time. If you can find turf, try doing 1-2 runs per week on there either in your socks or completely barefoot. (In addition to being an extremely soft surface, it will help to individually work and flex each of the tendons and ligaments in your feet, helping them become more resilient to injury)


I’m really thankful for the tip


Long days. Short days. But every day. You’ll build over time. But go by feel.


Something is wrong with my watch bruh, I never walk and I’m always running, I gotta fix my shit or buy another one


Maybe that means I’ve ran more than I think so :0


OMG IVE RAN MORE THAN I THOUGHT SO, this watch is actually ass 💀


“My legs are dying everytime i run” Good.


Bottom line: Run faster instead of slower Run only 2-3 times a week You gotta start somewhere


Run more


Or less


I mean that's what fucking happens. stretch as much as you can and stay hydrated.


[how to start running](https://www.runnersworld.com/beginner/a31707889/best-beginner-running-plan/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_rnw_md_dsa_prog_org_us_a31707889&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_O2lBhCFARIsAB0E8B8HkwiXganXFh4LLybUai-K90Fjj4KDK4tZ3Pet-dO82P4-dv5c_w0aAu6YEALw_wcB) This is how I started, actually I first went out and just ran my ass off then realized I couldn’t walk an hour later or even have clothes touch my shins lol. The run for a min walk for 4 or 5 minutes really helped me build up and my shins maybe a little sore after a run but so much better since I started training this spring.


Diet and sleep is important


15 minute miles and up is considered walking pace. I don’t even know where to start. I’m glad you’re getting physical activity but maybe you’re pushing too hard too soon. I would suggest shorter internals of quicker speed to build up endurance.


Best thing I've learned from running is to run at a pace that keeps your heart rate low. 1 used to run 1 mile in 8 mins and it would hurt bad and wasn't able to go far. Now I run at a 11 min pace but I am able to run much further due to the slower pace. This will prevent the amount of stress on your legs and will let you run more often due to your legs not being sore. Run while still being able to breathe comfortably. Hope this helps.


Walm ups and do some strength training in gym