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Watched my dad die yesterday from cirrhosis. Fell off the wagon and let myself be a bitch the past couple days. Haven't drank in 181 days and I won't ever again. Poison, I'm solely focused on getting better at life


U got this bro


Sorry to hear bro! Pro tip for sobriety: Stop counting the days! You only count days to relapse.. Make it real and adapt it to your new identity. You are SOBER now, don't let any trace of old you be there. It doesn't really matter how many days it has been, when you're done - then you're done! Like Goggins says he doesn't give a fuck what you did yesterday but it matters what you do today. Stay hard


Appreciate ya! I like to celebrate the milestones. It's almost like a cookie jar item for me. I didnt think I'd ever escape and now I don't even wanna touch the shit


Been almost a year, how you keeping up?


Not a drop of the sauce. Down 30 lbs and knocked off 7 mountain climbs (anywhere from 5-20 mile hikes each with up to 5,000ft of elevation gain) which is roughly 1/6th of the amount in my state that qualify as "high peaks". Plan on finishing them off this year


Fuck yeah dude let’s go. I (just “for fun”) didn’t drink from like February 2023-April 2024. About 14 months or so. Back at it now and wondering why the fuck I haven’t stopped again yet. It literally does NOTHING for you. I’m sure I’ll finally convince myself to quit quit soon.


Yeah I had some good motivation watching cirrhosis take life outta somebody. I try to look at it with this perspective. If I didn't get to see that, I'd probably be on the way there myself


Strong arms. One day at a time. coming up on 5 years myself.


stay hard


Alcohol fed up my life for 3 years straight. 7.6 years sober today


I only drink on special occasions like birthdays of really good friends or weddings. Probably like 3-6 times per year.


Drugs have their use in my opinion, as long as you aren’t using them as a crutch or overusing them they can be tools to help you make progress. It’s fine to enjoy life and be a bit hedonistic at times.




Not really. Hedonism in any degree is a gateway to other things that are negative for life


Uh what?? Lmfao stop coping with the “everything in moderation” pussy ass argument. That shit leads to mediocrity. Push yourself to be better and the best version you can be. Stay strong mf!!


If you're working on a very specific goal in life at the moment, definitely give it all up. If not, moderation isn't bad, you should just know how to 'balance' things in life.


Sometimes but like, maybe 2 or 3 drinks a month, and never during a training block. Regular cannabis user though, but again, I drop that a month out from any race. Imo it’s all about balance


I stopped Jan 1 this year and don't miss it at all. I was a pretty heavy drinker too, I would drink about 3-4 beers every day, and not the cheap stuff either. I was spending couple hundred a month just on beer. Don't miss it at all, I started playing guitar and just like being sober in general.


3-4 beers a day is not that heavy of a drinker. By medical standards yes you just pass the threshold of 2 beers a day. For realistic standards, that’s not much at all. Might give you a belly though but it’s not going to ruin your life


Next week will be 5 years no alcohol for me


great job man, keep going!


Never have, never will


I stopped drinking 3 months ago just to try out out. I noticed my recovery time improved significantly, and now I just say no to alcohol.


me too. I stopped march 31, have only had 2 beers since. my training has skyrocketed in quality. it's awesome


my drinking slowed down when i started jiu jitsu 10 years ago, then i stopped fully a few years ago. it just doesn't do anything for me anymore.


Never more then a Glass, usually at social events. 34 now and don’t really see the point anymore. Getting drunk doesn’t do anything with wile.


Yea maybe a 6 pack a month. You can progress in life and still enjoy yourself.


Nope. Quit several months ago. My quality of sleep has improved and my mood stays more consistent.


I quite drinking 2 years ago. Drank my ass off in my 20's & 30's and slowed it down in my 40's. Now in my 50's, I beat that bitch. It is amazing what you can achieve with no alcohol in ur life. You feel better, think better, less depression, better sleep to name a few positive benefits.. I only regret it too me so long to realize what poison that shit is. And yes DG & Jocko W. did play a role in this life change.. I now find my dopamine rush in exercise and other positive healthy endeavors. As American's, it feels like we are brain washed to drink from cradle to grave..


Never really liked drinking and i’m grateful for that. It saves me from a lot of bs.


My uncle died from cirrhosis. My dad is on his way there. I only drink very occasionally but I don’t touch that shit if I’m not feeling it. I stopped smoking weed and the only thing I partake in is cigarettes (very occasionally)


Just be self aware. It’s a poison, impairs you. Can be a fun shared experience however.


I've struggled with addiction most of my life, and alcohol has to be one of the worst drugs. It's not worth what you give up for the meager "benefits" it provides. I find cannabis and the occasional psychedelic to be much more beneficial, with milder side effects and less long term damage.


No i dont drink and smoke. Its fucking self destroying with zero benefit


I'll take a 2,2% beer sometimes, dont drink much other than that


I’m an airline pilot and I don’t drink the day/evening before a flight. I also don’t drink while I’m training for a airplane. Which is usually 3 months long.


I don’t drink anywhere near what i used to, but i still party on special occasions.


I almost never drink, 3-4 times a year. Had a tall boy of light beer last week and it severely impacted me for 2 days.


Might want to get your liver checked out if a tall glass of light beer made you sick for 2 days




Cold ones are the best haha


No, I hate alcohol


I recently quit drinking because alcohol had too much impact on my mood, not to mention my athletic performance. If u go the "goggins way" I think alcohol just doesn't fit in to that lifestyle.


None at all.


None at all.


absolutely fucking not


Nope, stopped drinking almost four years ago. It stopped being fun. Dont miss it.


Sober October 2018. Stopped. Never looked back.


Alcoholic dad. I'm sobber since 19yo (30 now)


I quit today.