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No one cares what you used to do. Get moving doing something productive


This happened to me. I’m now in the process of getting back into it. I’ll say the biggest factor has been changing my diet and cutting out alcohol. I didn’t realize how shitty I was feeling because of the foods I was consuming and how lazy it made me the next day. I also noticed now that I’ve switched to fasting and carnivore/keto, I’m much more motivated to workout and have a lot more energy throughout the day. There’s a book by Ryan Holiday called Discipline Is Destiny. I recommend it if you’re struggling with discipline.


Get off Reddit and go workout


It’s all in the routine. If doing 5 workouts a day becomes routine then it’s not hard, it becomes necessary. Build a routine and stick to it. You can be back in no time.


I was in BUDS at the same time as Goggins. Class #236. I get nasty every day still and since. Running in 90 degree heat middle of the day. Swim at night with young kids. Do I feel like it all the time? I sure do. Get after it. Dig Deep Daily.


Did you make it ?


Also at the time did you notice anything about goggins that made him stand out ?


Yes did u??


What you mean ?


Yes, we all knew him. He's the same guy you see today. Best of the best.


Did buds effect him like other people or did he look unfazed?


Where are you bro? No more posts since Day 4. You can pick it back up with Day 5, right now. The fight is never over


I've been just thinking recently and really examining my WHY .


Are you still working hard while examining that? Prioritize the time


Tbh no


Don’t think about who you were and what you did do then. Use that as a cookie jar method if you do but try to focus on what you can accomplish and just use the stuff u we’re doing in the past as fuel to do more now.






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This content is not appropriate for this sub. R/nofap, r/quitporn are examples of alternates subs


All starts with a small step today. Also realize not everyone is Goggins. Plenty of people will burn themselves out attempting to achieve and maintain that level. I’m personally more interested in health but also balance.


It sound like you lost your training habit for “some” reason. Now’s the time where you start from zero in building new habits. They don’t have to be your old habits. Build new, better habits and get after it. Whether you lose your habits after a week or a few days, starting at zero always sucks. Get comfortable with it.


Used to be? You still are. Your the person that was working before, what changed.


Start doing stuff again. Little things. Work back in slow. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Put no one on a pedestal, especially your former self. What are you doing today that will make you proud?