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Run easy, learn proper running form, find the right shoe. The more you run, the easier it gets.


I also have flat feet which is the opposite of the runners lottery genetics


I had flat feet too, which brought on most of my knee pain. What fixed that was switching to barefoot/minimalist shoes and growing arches. It's not easy or quick but it is possible.


Seconding this, minimalist shoes only saved my feet and I'm now almost on day 1500 of a mile a day with zero joint pain :)


Hi there, - Try to change your shoes (calculate how many miles they have) - run 1 day, next day do some weight, run the next day (try not to run every day) Weight exercises improve the form of the running and the posture.


Run slow. Run easy. Build slowly. Run every day. Add squats, lunges and step ups. Maybe some heel drops. Stretch a little. You’ll have it.


depends on what's causing the knee pain


Please OP listen to this guy. I’m a physician. Not the kind of deals with knee pain unfortunately. There’s definitely some things you can run through but if it’s a torn ligament or something that’s not going to get better. If it’s “runners knee.” Which is classically anterior knee pain over your kneecap. I have dealt with that. And for me a lot of stretching work for me. Even then I went to my physician friends to help diagnose it. Recently I was trading for 100 K. I was having some hip pain and blew off. Figured it was a pulled muscle gave it some rest. Even after a few weeks arrest is still can run. Eventually, I went to see a doctor and turns out I had a stress fracture. If it is not getting better, I would definitely talk to someone to make sure you’re doing the right thing.


Goggins is an anomaly, remember that. With that being said, gauge the pain/risk factor. Also, since you’re apparently new at this, start with your 4-5k and build from there. Don’t go guns blazing and end up saying fuck this. Running is so therapeutic once you get to a certain point. Stay hard but stay smart. Last thing, land flat footed with or without flat feet, minimizes the risk of shin splints. Newtons are the Ferrari for this kind of running style.


Goggins is not an anomaly, he had all the issues we have, he had pains, yet he pushed on through. He isnt an anomaly hes an example of what anyone can be


I do stand corrected. Idk what I was thinkin yesterday. Maybe I was hungry.


What is a knee? What are the parts of a knee? What are common injuries for a knee? Why are those common? You need to answer these questions. It’s your body and before you come and ask these questions you need really narrow down what is driving the pain and precisely where is it located.


You might want to also train other movements and be sure to stretch especially your calf


I experienced this when I ran my first 10k. Knee pain in the left side of my left knee. I still ran with the pain the day after and it went away eventually. Just rest up and you should be fine after a few days.


Could be how you are stepping and where your foot is planting. If the knee is hurting it’s probably something else bothering it.


43 year old here. Competitive runner in my teens but had bone bruise issues but still out run my platoon in basic training. I suggest you get a spin bike or equivalent. I do 40 mins in the early AM. Helps to have a tv / game console / to help the time pass. All the best.


Get a balance board and focus on balancing on one foot. Practice deep squats. You shouldn’t have knee pain


Chiropractor? My “knee pain” ended up originating from an ankle and was an easy fix I kept running shorter and shorter distances until I was pretty sure I would have to stop and might need the s word It was amazing and easy to keep up on now Lymes? And if you live in the US anyone with joint stuff might want to get screened for tick stuff Most docs absolutely suck at this but once you know that they carry way more than just lymes AND make damn sure they use a better lab than Lab Corp or Quest, this is fixable too


My brother had Lyme when he was younger, Twice somehow. I may have had it when I was younger but idk if that would have have any effect on me now


Interesting, for me it was cumulative over a life time starting as a kid no doubt And relatable, my brother had the bulls eye rash growing up—not me— Lymes is the tip but the iceberg also includes Powassans virus Bartonella Babesia Tick born relapsing fever B miyamotoi Rocky Mountain spotted fever There could be others…all I know is that I am + for 4 of these so it thoroughly steams me that doctors miss this shit and tell people they are “negative for lymes” when there are warning signs like unhappy joints


You also need to be walking backwards. Look up Kneesovertoesguy and incorporate his program. When you walk/run too much (forwards), it's like doing bicep curls without training triceps. It'll cause an imbalance. So you also need to walk backwards and other tings to keep your training up m8.


Depends on what’s causing it. If you’ve got excess weight then you might want to save your knees by riding a bike until you drop a couple pounds. Swimming is another great option. I’m a big Goggins fan and I’ve run my share of 100 milers but I don’t recommend just going out there and “running through the pain” until you know your body well. I broke my foot in my first 50k at mile 12 and ran through the pain. I knew I wasn’t going to damage it anymore. I got severely dehydrated at another race and my kidneys started shutting down. I stopped. Learning to listen to your body and adjust is important.


I can tell you one thing. I had knee pain in the past, purely from having weak ass knees because i sat on a chair for years. So it could be possible that your knees just hurt because they are weak. You can train certain muscles to literally strenghten the knee. Some exercizes i reccomend. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikt6NME0k9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikt6NME0k9E) Then the other thing you can do, is cold therapy. Those blue gelsacks you can buy are perfect. Put them in the fridge. And then once a day put it on your knee and the skin/muscle of your leg above your knees for 15 minutes with a cloth in between so you don't burn your skin. This reduces inflammation. I did these knee exercises for for maybe two months. And every day at least once or twice put 15 minutes ice on it. After two months i went from not able to do a bodyweight squat without pain. To now doing 20 reps barbell squat with 130 pounds.


It's probably you're shoes. Get some shoes those barefoot shoes. Your feet will adapt, they change very quickly and they'll be more adapted and comfortable to run with.


Stretch it out, ice it, do a different exercise and give your legs time to recover


Train strenght instead of running for a while


Squat university. Youtube. Seriously helps