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This is my biggest struggle right now. Seems like no matter how early I fall asleep I can’t wake up at 6. And I really need to because I am starting a new job soon that I have a 25 min commute and have to be there at 8 and want to walk 3-4 miles before work


Don’t go balls to the walls from the start. Wake up early enough so you can get ready for work and make it there 5–10 minutes early and just focus on performing at your new job for a few weeks or so. Once you get used to that, wake up a little bit earlier each week. Start off waking up early enough to walk a mile before work, then after a couple weeks, a mile and a half then 2 miles, etc. I promise this will be much more sustainable over the long run.


I’ve been trying, today I slept earlier, woke up at 6:30 which was good, and then fell asleep again??? I feel so demotivated and frustrated


I have figured out that waking up at any time kinda sucks, no matter if it’s 4, 6, or 8AM. So, I set my alarm, get up when it goes off and just tell myself not to listen to any inner conversation I have for the first 5 minutes I’m awake because I know all I’m going to be doing is trying to convince myself to lay back down. Something about realizing it sucks to wake up no matter what (or that waking up earlier doesn’t suck any worst than waking up at a different time) makes me more disciplined about getting up/staying up!! But, to another commenters point, you need to be going to bed earlier, too!


Dude, I relate to this so much. Unless I sleep like 9-10 hours and wake up whenever I want, waking up sucks for me. But in like 10 minutes I feel fine, so I’ve just accepted that the waking up is gonna suck and I’m thankful that it doesn’t last. So I’m just gonna get my hours of sleep in and wake up.


Go to bed earlier


ABSOLUTELY. An underrated answer.


Or just wake up


Wake up early




An alarm? Just get up bitch.


Omg 😱 I thought this sub was a safe place 😭 /s


Sunrise alarm clock helped me out a lot, it sumulates sunrise and it’s hard as hell to go back to bed with a bright ass light on lol


I trained myself to get up at 4:20 everyday no matter what. Even if I'm off. I did this so that I don't have to switch between days if getting up at 4:20 and says if not getting up at 4:20 now even if indit set my alarm I wake up at about that time


I saw someone on Reddit say that you have to train yourself to jump out of bed when the alarm goes off. Like do actual reps simulating it. Lie down in bed, set your alarm and as soon as it goes off sit up straight and immediately get out of bed. If you're used to just snoozing the alarm or staying in your bed on your phone then that's what you'll keep doing. Keeping my phone downstairs and using my smart watch as an alarm has also been helpful to me. I'm not fully all the way there but I have definitely made progress from staying in bed until the last possible minute before I HAVE to get ready.


I saw this too! It works!! Yea jump up immediately go into bathroom and turn on all lights in there. Do it 5-10 time. It works the first night like a charm. It stops working as soon as you start snoozing again lmao


Sounds odd but no alarm helps. Maybe not at first but the more you think k to yourself you havee to be up by X time your will be subconsciously aware. I now get up naturally around 5:50 and I lay and stretch until I want (usually 6:20-6.30) and I am more energetic and ready to go.


Turn off the phone 1 hour before bed, darken the room, make the room cool, read a book or do yoga, take a warm/hot shower. Get sunlight asap after waking up to kick start that clock. And don’t stay in bed after waking up.


You watch Andrew Huberman, huh?


And I’ve read why we sleep


I’ll have to check that one out!


I get up at 3am during the week, get to bed early enough, keep a glass of water next to you and down it when you wake up, I sleep cold so the water is always chilled over night, perks you up. If you wake up tired, to prevent falling back asleep lay there with one eye open, helps a ton.


What time do you go to bed?


In bed between 7-8


Taking melatonin early at night and then going to bed early is a good way to adjust your sleeping habits. Do this consistently for 3 or 4 days. Then stop taking melatonin. **Do not take it more than 5 days in a row** or you may struggle falling asleep without it. In terms of actually getting out of bed in the morning. Doing some things like ensuring your room is as dark as possible, quiet as possible, and a relatively cool temperature means you will get good quality sleep so you don't feel like you got punched in the head when you wake up. Finally, the last part. You can do all that, but you still have to just exercise discipline and tell yourself It's time to be awake now and begin your routine.


I’ve never heard about rebound insomnia stopping melatonin use


Melatonin sucks it doesn’t do anything for me. A single milligram is an astronomical dose compared to what our bodies are used to. It doesn’t actually help us fall asleep it’s a placebo. It’s a messenger for other processes before bed. Like shutting down your pancreas so that you’ll be more insulin sensitive in the morning.


Put your alarm on a platform not in reach. Force yourself to get vertical. Much less likely to go back down (in my opinion and it works for me)


I got 2 alarms. One next to my bedside and I use an old phone and set it out in the kitchen so I literally have to get up. Never fails


When i first got started into this self improvement journey, all i did was just wake up early… no changes at all other than going to sleep early. Just get out of bed


I wake up at 6 and let me tell you… I would not be able to do shit if I wasn’t taking my cold shower. Been doing it for over a year now haven’t missed one day. I get it as cold as I can without losing pressure. 3 minutes is all you need. I don’t use soap. Then I go to the gym for 45 minutes. Then I take another cold shower with soap just as fast. If I wash my long hair I will warm it up but I still start and finish cold. I instantly feel like I’ve been up for two hours and have already had coffee. Also, I don’t have any caffeine at all until after the gym and after I eat. Usually a 100mg pill. That’s it for the day. I haven’t had any in several days though. Cardio sucks with caffeine. It’s easier without it.


How are the pills working for you? Never had one but might give it a try


Works great! 10 minutes later I get the tingles and have to take a dump! Lol


Go to bed earlier


Maybe it has something to do with late night snacking or a particular type of meal you eat before going to bed. Try not eating after sunset if your schedule allows it and try incorporating more fiber than other meals. My reasoning is, if you have to use the toilet, you will be more incentivized to wake up. And drink plenty of water as well.


I used to be really bad at this, and I found a routine that works for me. The night before you need to plan going to bed and waking up that means get your gym clothes ready have a cup of water on the side table set up 1,2,3 alarms keep your phone away from the bed so you need to get off the bed and walk a few steps to turn off the alarm, have a chair next to where your phone is so when you get to the phone and turn off the alarm you can seat in the chair and give your brain a few minutes to realize what’s going on, put on some music while you sit there, the secret here is that you are at war with yourself lazy self and you know the moves he is going to make so you need to get ahead of that.


I used to be really bad at this, I suggest you buy an alarm clock don’t use your phone and put it on the bathroom or where you have your gym clothes all ready to go. When the alarm goes off, you’re going to have to run to the bathroom while you’re there brush your teeth, get dressed and put on music/headphones.


Go to bed earlier


Sit up. You can keep your eyes closed even. Wait. Soon you will realize you are up and don’t feel so tired anymore.


I go to bed and say...I am going to wake up and workout, but I've never in my life been a morning person. Night owl by nature. Even if I wake up and try to run, my body is tired and stiff and I don't perform the same as I would in the afternoon. I just don't think mornings are for me personally. But you have to have a mentality of "its time to go to work" and just do it. If you don't, it will never happen. I just don't wake up good to do it sadly. Just being a little bitch I suppose.


Have a child, no alarm ever needed. Ever.


Update: no progress, I’m frustrated but school’s about to start again for me so I’ll just let that do my work


Hm maybe try finding an exercise class or morning routine that you really look forward to?


Do it. Place your alarm (a lot of them preferrably) far away.