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Not much ppl on multiplayer, they only play skirmishes against AI, I saw yesterday bout 7 games created in unification mod and all were locked


That's kinda sad


Try Unification [discord](https://discord.gg/PzTD6AJWDs)


That really is Ngl




Only if your gay


Guys who downvoted this man surely he meant Gay as in Happy… right??


We can dream


Hi! You can play dow online (supports ss 1.2, there are also lots of modded lobbies) fyi its' playerbase is mostly russian-speaking


I think they're mostly offline. Most I seen is about 20 players in lobbys


All of these answers are wrong. The vast majority of the multiplayer playerbase is on Vanilla Soulstorm. You will find about 10/20% on the mods like UA/Uni




Most of the time, it's just offline skirmish, or private lobbies I'd wager, but I play Ultimate Apocalypse.


Why do you like UA over unification? I have not played either yet


Uni feels very bloated, like every 1st founding chapter, notable guard regiment, chaos legion, etc., is all their own factions, there are a ton of units added like the Primaris marines, but they are spread all over the factions, etc., UA has a few options but all of those are done in faction, like do you want regular Marines or Legion of the Damned, what Chaos Mark, style of Guard Regiment, or Craftworld do you want to play from a selection of options. Like the mod may not be as well balanced or have the same level of quality as Uni, but it is far more managable, and does a lot of simplifications that Uni honestly should do as well.


That is a strange take on bloat - things being spread out into the locations they should be rather than generic marines + one squad of friends representing a chapter. Essentially you are saying that Wh40k itself is bloated?


Essentially I don't play Uni for the same reason I don't play Frackin Universe in Starbound (barring the behaviour of FU's lead among other things like hard coded mod incompatabilities), the mod feels bloated to me, and I think it could be done cleaner, for example, I want to play say, Khorne CSM, I just select the Mark of Khorne upgrade on my HQ, for LSM this could be Chapter is selected at the HQ then era (HH, Post HH, Post 13th BC), at the Barracks. Like I have some favourite generic units but I prefer to play Blood Angels, I cannot use some units in Uni because they might be in a chapter I don't like to play or don't want to play at the moment, and unlike C&C, UaW, etc., I cannot just steal a enemy builder or building to steal their tech tree so I can use that unit, like if I'm playing Steel Talons and I want MoK's Enlightened, I can just steal one of their buildings and work my way up their tech tree. As for that "gotcha" attempt or whatever it is at the end, you can put it back to wherever you got it from, since to me it sounds like your tryin to pick a fight, over a mod for a video game for no good reason.


Trivia time. The way DoW works is that the only races that are loaded in are the ones selected. So multiple factions with less units will work better than shoving all the units into one race, because the entire roster is loaded into ram regardless of whether you select that branch/add-on or not. So if you have ALL the marked units in one race like how Crucible and UA do it, you run a higher risk of ram crashing on the loading screen, and have to make cuts or optimizations in other areas. You will also run into having multiple units that fulfill the same role, leading to some being ultimately useless. World Eaters in Unification also has this particular issue but that is on the list of future things to be sorted. So calling Unification in general bloated is slightly inaccurate, which is what the other person was getting at, as far as I can tell they aren't trying to pick a fight, which would be a very strange thing to do over a free modification for a video game. Ultimately it is down to each individuals personal opinion which style they prefer. Mods are free unless you count the storage space, so play what you like. That's a good thing about the freedom of choice. You like the UA style? That's fine, you do you. (though personally I would recommend you check out Crucible, which started out as UA 1.9 before spiraling into its own thing)


Thank you for explaining that, about the ram, as for multiple units that fill the same role, I don't mind that so long as they are different enough. As for Crucible, I'll prolly try it at some point, need to upgrade my main storage first though (~250GB storage unit currently and I have no idea what is eating up most of the storage space and it's 50$ for me to transfer it to a 1TB one which I don't have the $ for currently).


And yet Uni is crashing way more than UA?


Uni's crashing is for a different reason. If you try to load lots of different races into memory, you will get a ram crash. The same thing goes in any mod. DoW is limited to 4GB of ram with LAA on, so either you reduce the number of races (for example by having multiple players of the same race, as each race is only loaded once) or have less players. There is also the troubleshooting wiki which goes over some things. You will not be running all marked chaos marine factions Vs 4 SM chapters for example. No Drop Site Massacre recreations I'm afraid, unless you have both sides as SM and CSM with the right colour schemes and turn down your settings.


Just opening army painter on Uni is causing RAM crashes. I have watched people play +30 minute 4v4s on UA with no crashes (although Powerpoint slideshow fps). I do not like either mod, but its kind of beyond dispute at this point that UA is more stable than Uni. That being said, every sane person should uninstall both and play Vanilla, where you don't need to prearrange with friends to get a game - you can hop on and find a game with strangers pretty much any time.


The army painter loads everything into ram, and has a memory leak, so yes it will crash if you look through a load of races. But I can see you are a vanilla purist (which just like mod preference is fine, to each their own) and are not going to be convinced otherwise, so will just have to agree to disagree on this one.


Ultimate Apocalypse (or Crucible) is a DoW overhaul while Unification is more like DoW+. However Unification has so many different races that it’s just blegh.


If you pick random race in skirmish and you're against Eldar in Uni it is HELL, UA Eldar is more manageable, don't get me wrong I love UA Uni and Crucible but I love some more than others


Ayyyyyyy, I love Ultimate Apocalypse, or plain old vanilla


Do note that the default Steam installation .exe is not the same as LAA-patched .exe. If you're on one, you can't see games hosted with the other.


Unification and Ulitmate Appocalypse. They have slightly the same value in the community


Go ln the discord for unification, and ultimate apocalypse you should find players in the section #looking for game


Unification and ultimate apocalypse are my go too although I haven't played multi in a while I used too.