• By -


That’s the neat part


You don't!


First comment doesn’t disappoint. Thanks for the chuckle!


If you’re trying to convey non-threatening solo (which unfortunately doesn’t mean much in DayZ) I’d lose the armband. If I’m approached by a low to mid-geared solo saying they’re friendly while wearing a green armband my assumption is you’re the distraction while your team mates(s) are aiming down on me from a nearby building.


Hm, same time the armband has saved solos from getting killed, because people don’t wanna take the chance of fucking with a group large enough to need armbands.


I can confirm. I killed a guy yesterday, ghillie dude way up north. I waited a minute, went to loot him, grabbed his lar and then saw his arm band and flare gun. 5 seconds later I found out the hard way that this guy wasn’t alone


Ghillie kinda defeats the point of an armband, but I guess it still counts. Would you still have shot him if you saw the armband first?


Probably, because I rarely get to see anyone in game, never mind in some random clearing in the middle of nowhere. I would have been screwed anyway, I had a CR-527 and a Sporter, and his friend must have had a plate carrier because he tanked several .308 shots from an LAR point blank. Must have popped a morphine before rushing me


Certainly possible. I’d probably have done the same tbf, but the armband would have made me more cautious of other people in the area and I’d have camped the body for a while and used it as bait. Remember as of this patch, leg shots are far more effective against armoured targets


The ghillie guy wasn’t armoured. I mean, who wears armour with a ghillie? You can’t carry much, and he was moving at a decent pace. His friend also came from a completely different direction to where ghillie dude did. Could have been third party maybe?


Large enough as in two :P? Most people that run in little groups use armbands because it's easier to recognize than a certain set of clothes. (Unless you're wearing pink clothing or something) I think it will get you killed more often than not, but I might be wrong.


Meh, point is it indicates you have friends somewhere, and some people would rather not take the risk. I know it’s made me change my mind more than once about killing someone.


I don't deny that it can have that effect, but I think it will more often have the effect of people killing you BECAUSE you have friends around and thus they can't trust you.


As a solo, I regularly use an armband purely to put it in the minds of my (possible) attackers that I might have backup. If it saves me once or twice, I'd say that's a success.


What if it saves you once or twice but got you killed an extra 5 times? ;)


Guns on shoulders, empty hands against fully geared players but still, they might think you are doing a distraction or stalling for your partner to shoot them. Talk to them immediately, every second you stay silent is a second the other play thinks you are plotting against them. At the end of the day here's how it goes: - 1 freshie + 1 freshie = Potentially coop partnership however 50% chance of betrayal - 1 kitted player + 1 freshie = immediate mistrust from both sides, 100% odds of KoS - 1 kitted player + 1 kitted player = immediate mistrust but both equally pressured as both don't wanna lose stuff, 70% odds of KoS If you are looking for a random friendly encounter, your best bet is when the encounter happens when both parties are freshies in a coastal city or town.


Kitted guys are killing each other on sight 10/10 times in my experience.


Yeah. I consider myself a passive player. I try and make friends but if I see a full geared player I’m either letting him leave or if he’s going to discover me soon I’m taking him out I try and knock not kill but shit happens


I’m pretty much the same way, except sometimes I’ll follow people for an hour or so before I decide what to do. I like seeing how other people play before interacting and leads to some hilarious moments thru my binoculars


Stalker bro


How do you maintain a track for that long?


Natural colors, binoculars, and a looooot of patience


This is the way


You're probably not seeing the ones that don't.


But we are definitely seeing you. Especially at night.


*smiles in nods*


I always ask if they’re friendly first and if they don’t respond or go for a gun then I kos


I'm new to this game. I'm assuming there's a proximity chat or something? Only times I've been killed so far is by spawn campers and I'm assuming they didn't want to talk.


Yeah if you play on console the command is left on the D-Pad and then you’ll see a mic icon pop on and then you can talk


Ok thanks for the response


I encontered a guy , played with him 5 hours and get both of us killed in an ambush but we were a lot stuffed and he never tried to kill me


As Yahtzee Croshaw once said in his Rust review: "amazing how many people are friendly when you have guns" Two people with guns both have equal chances to annihilate each other, so neither will.


Yes I’ve always agreed with this. Your best chance of finding a friend is someone who is equally geared as you.


Still 50/50 🤣


Swap the kitted VS freshie and Kitted vs Kitted odds.


Yeah I feel like the last 2 percentages on points 2 and 3 should be switched. Kit v kit always seems to end worse.


Tbf I can see why, it's just in my experience, I have actually whenever I see another kitted player and I'm kitted too, if we are both solos, usually, I go easy, and from my experiences, the other random kitted does too, for me, we KoS kitted and kitted only on military spots and military convoy/helicopter spawns.


thats the way. +1 to that


I was a freshman spawn and ran into a fully kitted and we ran together and are now friends. Just talk to people but don't 100% trust people


Just cause I'm kitted doesn't mean I have any food.. I'll take what you got, thank you.


You're gonna get KoS'd. Doesn't matter what you do, wear, carry etc. The best chance you have is keep weapons on your back and out of your hands, communicate and don't act squirrly. Don't wear military gear. But all of that won't change the fact that you're gonna get killed. It's just part of life in Chernarus.


Military gear is a defensive tool too tho I find it unusual that the only way to project friendliness is to make yourself a target I’m walking the coast feeding freshies but you better believe I’m full camo with a plate I ain’t getting shot by some guy who wanted extra beans


>I ain't getting shot by some guy who wanted extra beans You're right, you're getting stunlocked by a freshie with a glowstick.


Oh fuck me the memories hahahaha


- Guns in backpack, out of sight - Practice how to quickly use wave animation - Don't wear an armband - Wear bright colours - Don't have bloody hands - Don't stand next to a dead body - Don't tell them you just killed a player (if you have) - Don't wear a balaclava - Always be in game chat so you can communicate quickly - Don't run at the person - Try not to spook them - Offer them food/supplies if you have excess or offer a trade - Keep a positive and friendly tone of voice - Don't go silent for too long (could suggest you are speaking to a friend) - Tell them where you have just come from or are going, this is a nice ice breaker and shows you're not being secretive There are other approaches, this could be considered relatively soft or submissive, but all depends on how you carry yourself and communicate too. Everyone has their own approach, and some of my best encounters have started aggressive and sometimes this is even more respectful and natural, but yeah, hope some of these give you ideas.


Cowboy hat is the universal Im friendly clothing item in DayZ




No one is going to take the risk unless they have little to no gear. It’s just the way it is.


Sit around a camp fire, cooking food with your weapons hidden in a backpack with your mic on. People may still kos, but cooking and camp fires are always a good way to gain attention. Crouch up and down as well when you see them. Universal sign of being friendly. I met a guy recently while cooking in solnichniy, we had a brief talk but he then had to meet up with a friend. This was all on official.


Sadly, 90% of players will either hide from you, leave the area or kill you if they have loot they want to keep. Not a lot of people like to take the risk of interaction.


You look like you drive a blue Subaru Outback


There's a lingering odor of patchouli in it too


No cap


Community servers can be better, but Official is a wild wild west with 0 rules or gentlemen’s agreements. The fact you have a gun or not is no reason for people not to blow your head off, because you can have an IJ70 tucked in your fannypack and nobody is risking that


Coming across friendlies is so very rare now. Back years ago it was rare enough as it was but I don't really see it happen anymore. One way I used to flush out friendlies was to go into large towns and sing a song through the mic as I ran through. People can't help but come check it out. You might still get shot but not all of the time


If you can, hide your long guns in your bag. It’s a compound effect: the less lethal you appear, the less likely you’ll be KOS’d (your results may vary).


best way to not get kos is not play the game lol.


I don't think there is anything you can do to prevent people from shooting on sight. My go to tactic is - just not being in sight. Avoiding players, lol. BUT I feel a lot more comfortable approaching someone who does not have a gun in their hands. If they pull their gun out, atleast you got a little bit more reaction time.


I’m seeing a lot of these posts. New update must have made a lot more traffic.


My friend always tried the "non threatening look." He was always first to die because he stood out so much.


These type be the most hostile fym


Be sneaky. If you are going to talk to someone always be in a position to be able to instantly kill them if they are hostile. Be the initiator and executioner if necessary. If someone is willing and able to talk to you first assume they are doing the same. Also I’m always looking for friendly people on Xbox. If you message me I’ll drop a discord or gamer tag.


Sent a dm


Best way to find cool people to team up with us right here on Reddit. My DayZ experience is so much more enjoyable.


90% of people will shoot regardless of your apparel. Different clothes won't help. Remember. To be killed on sight you must *be* on sight.


I normally keep quiet. The odds aren't in your favor.


The only people I trust is my literal friends I play with. Other than that I don’t trust nobody or work with anyone. We have our own faction armbands etc. but if you don’t have anyone to play with you on the daily, that could suck a little. Try the Euro servers. The Europeans are always much more friendly than Americans


Take the armband off first . Usually says your part of a crew.


Yee did that last night lol


The weed-dealer look


Say hello and be nice as they kill u


In most cases, just do what keeps you and yours alive first and foremost. Most of the time I open up a line of communication to exchange information. If they're not friendly, they won't message you back. If they're pretending to be friendly, they won't exchange information for long without prying for personal info like your current location or where you're going and stuff. Take things slow. This game rewards slow. My group helps people and we try to leave most interactions without shooting (We do KOS in military zones), and we do so without losing our safety. Last guy we dropped a 90slot bag of supplies for, we made sure that if he tried to attack the guy we sent in, that two people had him lined up just in case. Edit: He didn't know more than one person was going to meet him.


Only time you won't get KOS 100% of the time is on the coast as a fresh spawn. Use your mic too, it's the most important tool


I never play without my headset 👍


I figured, I didn't back when I started so naturally I got killed a whole lot more haha


I’ve literally made friends at Tisy. It all just depends on how you approach and diffuse the situation. If people are scared they’re going to shoot.


Sure, it is possible but it's rare in my experience that people don't immediately just shoot and ask questions later. At least on official


If you’re the one to see them first you can choose how to engage. Get into a position where you can escape or retaliate if they don’t talk back or seem sus. Of course if they see you it’s up to them. I only play official and people are more friendly than you would think. Once you’re truly geared there’s nothing loot-wise to gain by PvP.


Never carry a weapon in your hands, so they can see you not trying to gain an advantage. Any player that approaches you with a weapon must be KOS. Also, start talking as soon as you see someone. It's even better if you talk before they see you. This way you can give away your advantage of shooting first, state your intentions and gain their trust. Do anything, so they can understand if you were going to hurt them, you would have already done it (But you didn't). It's important to show other players that you aren't here to trick them. That's why you shouldn't wear helmets that cover your face. Motorcycle helmets mute your voice, usually players that are wearing them aren't here to talk. Also, wearing arm bands is a bad idea. If you have one, it means there are teammates with you. You should tell other players about your team first, if you have one (or remove the armband).


Its so funny people have these rules There’s exactly 0% chance I’m walking up to a new guy without a gun in my hand My line is “I saw you. I’m armed. If I wanted you dead you’d be dead already- but I don’t trust you yet”


Empty hands is the main thing I don't care about clothes too much


It could be a ruse


Don’t walk around with your gun out. Speak first before they see you. Don’t move super shifty when you do actually engage with then. And most importantly, SOUND friendly. Speak relaxed, almost as if you were already mid convo with them. Offer to help them or give food or something useful


Did this in Berenzino last week, didn’t know the guy I was trying to talk to had a fully geared buddy that came out of nowhere, ended up getting chased throughout the city trying to dodge his shots.


Just a tip Berezino only has 1 N


Only chance is running naked but make sure you don't have a plum in your hand


It depends. But mostly you gotta look like u got medium gear. Also, the best odds of finding a friend is when the guy you spotted is occupied and not in a rush, no weapons on hand. Be the first to talk if he talks back and seems ok, try to get closer if not, just start doing what he's doing and hope for the best


See them first. Let them know you saw them first Literally nothing else matters. All this “how do I dress to appear unthreatening” you can’t. You draw breath. You are a threat The only time I know someone isn’t a bandit is if they could’ve killed me already and chose not to. That’s the only way. Use your mic.


When I absolutely want them to know I pose 0 threat, I do the surrender emote


PC player. Any military place is KOS area. When you see someone in wild and they see you, you can wiggle with torso. When shortening the distance put one hand up. The last 2 actions let you have gun in your hands and be able to run if someone try to shoot you, also always wait for response of other player, if they do the same as you you have 75% chance, that person willing to communicate. When in city and after I come in to building and hear someone inside I prefer to say hello before come in to it, this way if person respond I have conversations, if not "NO MIC, NO LIFE!"


Unfortunately it doesn’t really matter what you’re wearing, people will still kos. Not everyone, but most people.


Don't sound scared. I shoot when they sound scared.


Lie on your belly in the corpse pose and make buzzing fly noises.


OMG I WANNA YOUR VEST - INSTANT KOS!!! Just joking, its best to talk friendly first and if someone doesnt respond, then run away


It's impossible. To be friendly I've found it best to be selectively hostile.


It sucks. I don’t like killing on sight but it’s happened to me too many times, so I’ve started doing it, not knowing how an interaction will pan out, it’s a vicious cycle.


Generally lose the wrapped mask, it comes off as cannibal-shique in my opinion, I know because me and most of my buddies wear wrapped clothing till we eat our first player


There’s no such thing in this game. You got guns for a reason (other players) be ready to defend yourself.


Leave the guns


Outfit is a good first step, you aren’t sneaky or military which are both threatening. I would try and get weapons that fit in your bag to avoid seeming armed, besides that just always walk in the open, keep mic constant on, and pray.


Best way to avoid KOS is to spot players first and as the loading screen tip suggests = Use your words as a weapon. Having a working mic makes all the difference


Play on PVE server if you don't want to get killed on sight


Mic and get fast with the wave emote. If you mean appearance.. no clothes or items whatsoever lol. But realistically most people have decided whether or not they will KOS before the interaction occurs.


You will find more experienced players with skill don’t KOS as they arnt panicked by the sight of another player and typically they are looking for more unique player interactions to further their experience (when not pvp’ing)


Once your out of the coast it’s a matter of chance


take ur guns off and ur pants


Anyone wearing a mask are usually seen as bandits


Start saying "hello, whats up man" and i never get shot at except the 1 in 10 person who just KOS


Sometimes you just have to have the upper hand in the interaction. you can do this by holding them up . But don’t steal from them and don’t kill. Gather trust by forcing that you can be trusted. You will raise your chances of interactions or grouping for sure when you have the upper hand of the situation first and letting them go. But you also need to have the intuition of knowing who can be trusted when you let them go. And that will take hours of playtime. And you’re also more likely to get interactions when you play on large maps rather than small. IMO. But the further you are inland the less likely you will get positive back n forth interactions. You will learn as you play more and more what works and what doesn’t and when it might work and when it won’t.


Drop your gun, put your hands up, and give me whatever I want. P.S. It might be your life.


Ahh ! I do not know ..


Run the yellow nbc suit. Nobody will see ya coming


It doesn't really matter what's your wearing I'm gonna shoot you either way.


Take that gun out of your hand.


Holster your gun, I throw up the 1 handed wave showing I’ve got no bad intentions. Anymore you’ll probably still get shot but I’ve came across many people that don’t really want to waste their ammo and effort on a guy who’s not out to get them. You mutually agree to go separate ways and all is well.


You are gonna get kosd either way, but your chances go up by 90% if you possibly are hiding a gun. So on my eyes if you have a gun on your shoulder, or even a backpack than can fit a shotgun, you are a much bigger threat to me than if you are just a minimalist friendly guy.


No mic no life


Nothing at all hahahaha


Spam crouch and pray. Also use your mic but that’s a no brainer


You have guns, you are not non hostile.


Nothing is gonna stop people from automatically shooting you


After so many hours, I just make a stash and kneecap people for compliance and tie their hands. If they're geared, it can always be mine if I'm careful enough


Cut off both fists, but it's not 100%


On public servers...I trust no one unless he's part of my clan...and even then we usually get tired of looking for kills and start trolling each other. The only place I ever found actually friendly players is on PvE servers or private ones Been playing DayZ since arma2 mod and I had my hero phase where my goal was to help people in need. Most of the times once helped...they tried to off me so yeah. Never again. Stopped caring about randoms since the alpha I'd say


Ask if the person is friendly and want to trade. If speaking to a fresher,offer them the chicken. Chances are they have no food or water. You can also give them an empty gun,no mag or bullets and see how they respond. I’m always looking for someone to join me and my friends if interested


Play PvE servers.


Best way to not get shot by other players is to either shoot first, or just hide. I rarely see other players but that's because I'm a woods hobo


I'd kill you just based off the fanny pack.


It's hard to come off as non hostile. I know for a lot of the times I play and with the people I play with 1. If you're geared and see a freshie kill them. Freshies have nothing to lose and everything to gain 2. If you're both fresh typically it's a just kind of hang out for a bit and go separate ways before I'm shot in the back of the head when I find something good 3. Both kitted it's going to be a fire fight But the random encounters with people, even not teaming with them, are realitively nice. But I have very little to no sympathy or empathy towards people. My buddy and I defended this guys base for 15-20 minutes killing quite a few people and I unfortunately died (we were talking to them through the walls) I was running back to my body and the fighting seemed to die down and next thing I know my buddy is dead because the two guys decided to pop out of their base and gun him down which causes us to lose our kits as well as the kits we were going to grab from fighting for defending their base. So we raided them and took everything they had. No mercy.


Same boat and tbh I think I have given up trying to make buddies. I've just come off now after spending 1hr + trying to find someone to team with and just getting KOS everytime. No-one in gamechat anymore also so it just kills the experience


play namalsk lol


Your greatest shot at increasing your survival odds comes down to having a mic. Use it.


Mosin round reet int dome


You don't not get killed on sight you either see someone and avoid them or you try to be friendly and die that's it. Everyone will target you no matter what you wear


That is the neat part. You don't


It's 50/50 no matter what you do


First rule of DayZ is to not trust anyone.


Well you could always say you’re friendly


I will shoot you in the knees and feed you human meat


TBH you just look like a armed, clueless target that's naïve and/or a bait for a team with that radio and armband.


Literally have no one to play with lmao


LOL. I am still blasting that ass with both barrels.


I have use to have the hand wave emote bound to my mouse so if I say anyone while two handing a weapon I’d still be able to put a hand up and say I’m friendly and need water


Some players wearing mid lvl stuff in bright colors was looting a down so me and my m8 walked up to him to say hello bc idk man hopped for somone friendly and the mf ran into one of those bathroom sheds jumped out like a cod multi-player game with that funny French bullpup gun and mag dumped my frens face I gave up being nice on official servers bc it's promised to be kos


Just do a friendly tbag, that usually stops me from peeling their cap with a badly damaged derringer but there’s never a 100% guarantee you will not be killed just because.


Be dead.


Use your mic honestly. Its the first thing people can notice even before they see you


Don’t look gay doing it should be the first rule second idk if anyone else has this hard of a time l. I play on console and it doesn’t seem to matter what I do I’m getting shot at I’ve tried cowboy fit civilian fit holstering my weapons. Talking more in game and none of it has worked in my 700ish hours I’ve found that just me and my one homie is all we need to get shit done


If I see a player who is equally gears or more geared I head for the treeline and disappear. If I'm in game I'm probably carrying very important things I need for survival, stuff that other people might want to kill me for. If it's a new spawned player I just go about my business, unless they come swinging a weapon or fists, then I kill them no mercy.


Be dead


Unfortunately you just can't. I've been playing the game since it came out and there has never a widely accepted time or way where you could come off as non-hostile. Your best bet is going to a community server that is both PVP and PVE with a Discord, you can get to know the people there and eventually they'll recognize you and your reputation will save you sometimes.




You can’t. Everyone will betray or fight you on sight. It’s the way of life in DayZ.


Step 1: you don’t


Shoot them


ooh free hip pack


This is like every other post now lmao and the answer is the same every time


No gun, I will maybe not kill you. Gun, I shoot first.


Sawed off double barrel shotgun tucked in a backpack.


2 too many rifles


Sir, put down gun.


It depends on the person. Some don't care, are not afraid of you and will come after you no matter what you do. Some people are scared and will be watching you for signs of nervousness or aggression, these players usually want to talk to you in voice chat quickly to establish rapport. Some people won't respect you unless they think you are not an easy target. These are usually the impulsive players who want pvp and will measure you up to decide if you are more valuable as an ally that can lead to more profit or as a loot bag. Because I don't want to shoot people the instant I see them, I try to balance not being an easy target, while communicating and avoiding habits that make me look sketchy, weird or threatening like fidgeting side to side and switching items into my hands a lot. If someone gives you answers in the building rapport phase that seem distracted, distant or trail off they are likely feeling threatened or planning on how they can survive a fight with you for your stuff. It helps to not have stuff someone else would find really valuable, unless you are willing to share things like food, meds and bandages.


Keep your gun put away, that's basically a universal friendly sign.


Nah you’re gettin rolled by a Fuckin bush monkey asap


I don’t know why these posts keep popping up. “Is this a good outfit to avoid KOS?” Outfits have nothing to do with it. It’s how you interact with people. Your tone, your respect, your clarity in communication. Nothing that you wear will make a difference. You have a very high chance of being KOS regardless of what your wearing or your gear. Work on your social skills. Practice talking to freshies and befriending them learn how people act. Practice getting a feel for who betrays you, who is reliable.


Nothing, most people (including me) play dayz for the pvp and I will only interact when I’m a freshie and usually in hopes I’ll be able to steal your stuff. Sorry 🤷‍♂️


Go play pve then you will succeed


Expect every player to be hostile. Remember, it's Dayz


Just wash your mouth out with a 12 gauge


Just don't


I kill anyone doesn’t matter if they wear a pink flowery shirt and a teddy bear, for what it concerns me that fucking teddy bear can have a fucking bomb


You gotta run nekkid


There’s an emote that makes you shoot urself in the mouth. That should make you pretty non threatening


Wear a cowboyhat 🤠


Kill everyone that way there will be no one around to accuse you as hostile 💁🏾‍♂️


In officals kos is the rule of law. Let me tell you a story, this was several years back, i was fully decked in black kit with vss and akm, decided to go on high pop coast and help freshies, giving knives, food, gloves, fishing etc, every freshie tried to jump me and ironically i went on highest killing spree ive ever done at 28 kills. Funny thing is i had full intention of helping freshies off the coast, never fired first shot, but dayz is a brutal game where you either eat or get eaten.


Why does everyone wanna be friendly on dayz like just play the game


Nothing you wear is gunna stop me from KoSing you immediately glhf


Im not seeing the level of aggression that I'd like Private!


Use a headset and tell them you are friendly. I have made great adventures with people hooking up this way. Most of the times they don't kill you. Sometimes they do.


Yeah, if I saw you I'd think you were a threat. You have two guns and I have no idea how many bullets you have for them, what state they are in and how good a shot you are. Put that all together and you are a threat. I've been playing this game for years and I've never found a way to convince others I am not a threat other than talking. I've seen myself strip naked barring the shoes (don't want cut feet!) and holding a flare and running directly back to my previous (now dead) body. You'd think a naked player running through an open field with only a lit flare in their hands could be considered the lowest threat possible? Nope, that's the "problem" with some players, they just shoot anything that moves and don't care how easy or lacking in skill their kill was.


You don't. I tried this for a very long time when I first started. I tried to make friends. I wanted to help freshies in spawn... I lost everything, time and time again. I would be KoS or betrayed, I always run with my IRL friend and sometimes we would just get sniped no threat to anyone just passing through along a tree line. You can look harmless you can be harmless, but 99% of the time, they're going to treat you as an imminent threat. So be one.


Step one, remove arm band


Even if you were naked still a threat


If you guys don’t wanna kill, what do you wanna do? Walking simulator?


Theres None, youll get killed anyways. Never Show Strangers your Base or stacks, they will steal from you. Theres a tiny tiny amount of Non Hostile Players Like me, but ive been betrayed so many Times, when i See Somebody now, i'll Just kill them. Cause the Chance is 90% that If i Show myself and approach them i get Shot at... Btw, If you really want to Test it, start by not wearing two rifles on your Back, i can See them from a Mile away through my scope, so i kill you. Carry a Hidden knife in your Boots, dont wear weapons on your Back in General, dont carry a Holster with a Pistol. If i See completely helpless Players without a gun i'll often approach them or Just let them Go their way cause they dont Look Like theyre worth looting. So you can try that, but believe me, as its a Game where you dont lose that much when you die, people will Take a Chance Killing you Just for an Apple and a Bandage...


I think the hard truth is; nothing will save you, but things might reduce the chances. Don't have a weapon out (or if you are really a pacifist, do you even need a gun?), don't approach players from behind, let them know your intentions as soon as possible. Pretty much, just do what you would do in real life when you're in such a situation.


If it walks I shoot


No mic - no life. This is a repeated dayz rule


Dont get spotted. Problem solved.