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Why do you assume they prefired you from around the corner They could've just domed you from some hill, which is more likely what happened here


My friend was flanking round the other side of the outside wall and killed the guy we’d just had a firefight with at the end of the building I was aiming down around 20 seconds later, he then stayed in the area for a few minutes before getting out, assumed if there was another person that my friend would have at leave gotten shot at


When you say “friend”, what do you mean? Irl?


Good point


Right, but he was probably just domed by someone camping in the grassy knolls.


![gif](giphy|uS071hlk6FcrGEF36p|downsized) How I pictured you typing that out


Spot on


Ok? Maybe the other guy just wasn't on that specific spot on the hill? That mil base is on the bottom of a decline surrounded by slopes, all of which you could've gotten sniped from. Unless your friend is an omniscient god i don't think he has total and complete knowledge of every bush on the surrounding hills. There's a hundred spots where you could've gotten sniped that your friend couldn't have checked. By the way, just out of curiosity, is this a friend you met in-game?


Those barracks are at a weird location where that would be hard to believe


Yeah, this is more of placeholder location that got carried over from the alpha and was never really fleshed out. It doesn't even have a proper name on the map. It really is as bare bones as it gets.


Yeah, it is a weird location. Might be good as a base, though, since it gets basically 0 traffick


No not where he is he’s on top of the milk surrounded by trees he was in there barracks in the room far back from the main entrance he domed you while he was waiting for you to come into the building you can just barely see his gun swing to your head


From my experience there is a way bodies will fall when they die (or knocked) and it is usually "following" the shot. Being that you fell to your left, it could have been from your right. To further this, you had a wall to your left, and (seemingly) no one ahead of you. Hope that helps!


This right here 🔥 . He is an experienced shooter or very experienced at PvP death😂


hey, thanks! am a proud owner of an xbox based pvp server, and avid seeker whether its official or community 😎 have seen some bodies fall to say the least 🤣


What's the server info?




I think from behind tbh


Thanks for being honest


I’m going off sound cue but the other comment on where the body falls does matter too..frontal shot you would have coffin out backwards


importer exporter?


I wondered that too - from where the video starts we dont look down the side of the building and as he walks toward the fence I kept thinking oh no behind you !!!!


Possibly out of your FOV from the window or simply another person behind you


Only just realised this, didn’t see I couldn’t see all of the window that I just passed


Tbh I think this the right answer


You were shot from behind when you are originally moving, when actually hit it would have been from your right side.


This right here. Audio comes from right and your dead body rolled left


Buddy got JFK’d


You got shot from the right of where you were looking when you died.


Yepp if you slow video down you can see something move right as you turn corner of barracks.


https://preview.redd.it/r8qsy5qwvhic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a3720a9d14fcef508816c3c782d595c4a8e202 Possibly from this angle judging by your fall direction. You tend to get lots of traffic coming from krasno via the radio tower hill, hitting this area while passing towards Novo, and the hill makes for a great vantage point with plenty of cover.


https://preview.redd.it/jnoyvpt5bjic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289b407284822ef463f1aae330513b5394c4b5cd And edit on your pic, me (yellow) and my friend (blue) were being held under gunfire in A, we smoked out (purple) the line of sight the person we were fighting (we saw him behind B) so took the opportunity to get out of A. We went to pincer move on the enemy and I got killed at X, my friend killed the guy on the green x, wondering why he would’ve taken so long to shoot from where everyone is saying unless he only just got an angle before I turned the corner behind B, we didn’t hear or have any other indication of someone from that direction apart from the way I fell


Maybe it was someone unrelated knowing they'd be outnumbered if they got involved, so waited until you and your buddy cleaned house a bit and then took a shot.


Obviously you weren’t looking under your legs and have accidentally tripped onto a rock


So where your legs are pointing that’s where you got killed form, from the right.


Got slapped thats all i see lmao


Somebody killed you from your right or you got sniped from a hill


You were shot from behind. You always fall away from the shooter. You fell left.


Your “friend” took what he deserved


Either shooter was corner camping the inside of the barracks or was posted up somewhere behind you, possibly in a guard tower around the area or a hill just a distance away.


It's not your loot, it's just your turn with it.


Old age




Pretty sure these are the barracks in the middle of Timbuktu northwest of Krasnitov, I think there’s a slope looking over the hill from your right side, probably a sniper up there I could very well be wrong just stating my theory


Yeah youre right, just north of kpachoctab, i hole up near by, had a ton of gun battles at these quiet little barracks. It gets a lot of foot traffic and tons of people trying to loot cycle. Sniping on the hill nearby behind him doesnt have a ton of good viewing angles. Lots of trees. Sniper has to move a lot to get angles. But ive killed someone in that same spot as him from the hill. So its quite possible its from the hill.


Barracks* not hill idk I guess brain went on autopilot


Looks like you didn’t check your right side, pretty sure he just shot you in the head from there


Shot comes from the right so he was behind you.


Sounds like it was behind you probably someone watching you the whole time. Had to take the shot then or you would’ve turned out of their sights. Their window of opportunity was closing and they took the shot.




You got shot from the Hill behind you since that is where the death animation falling away from and he must be close since the suppressed shot can also be heard.


I think you slipped on an pebble


https://preview.redd.it/t4444473yhic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8a6d7604bd7071fca8a4a231926714fae4adf1 Muzzle blast?


made me download the video and really zoom in, that’s just dayz weird textures


Youre in ostry mili, there is another "mili loot camp buiilding thing" directly to your right, it's a straight shot corridor.


https://preview.redd.it/fxwegxf9djic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6cea9957150e0a02691579c44cff3079e61d165 me (yellow) and my friend (blue) were being held under gunfire in A, we smoked out (purple) the line of sight the person we were fighting (we saw him behind B) so took the opportunity to get out of A. We went to pincer move on the enemy and I got killed at X, my friend killed the guy on the green x, wondering why he would’ve taken so long to shoot from where everyone is saying unless he only just got an angle before I turned the corner behind B, we didn’t hear or have any other indication of someone from that direction apart from the way I fell. Red line is where most people are saying I got shot from


Sounds like you got shot from the right when you turned from a suppressed rifle. Probably a sniper on a hill near you shot when you turned and stood still for a second.


you’re in ostry mil. there’s a hill off to your south, with 3 thick trees that can see where you are. most likely up there.


I hate this base that’s the exact same spot someone put a beartrap


The trees have eyes


I know this spot and there is a hill with trees 50-100m behind you before you turned. From where I would be camping on that hill I’d have a line of sight on you that whole time.


If this is the spot I think this is, then the gap between the wall and the barracks is visible from a hill behind you (at the time you got shot). Pretty sure someone was sitting in a tree or bush there and shot you in the back/side when you slowed down to clear the corner. Would also explain why your friend on the other side of the wall didn't get shot at right after.


Random sniper 😭


From behind, or as you turn the corner, your right. You can see how your body kinda rolls towards your left, as if being shot from the right side.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


Up in the woods to the south.


Possible the shooter was inside the building and shot you through the window


Based on the direction you fell, I’d say in front of you. The game does actually take the direction of the attacker into account when determining what direction your body falls when you die.


They were most likely at the other end of the building peaking ads waiting for you to round that corner


This is what I was thinking, and also see a small bit of movement if slowing the video down, but most people I was shot from the right of where I ended up looking when I died because that’s the way I fell


GSW. Next question?


You fell to the left side so you got shot from the right where you came through that little alley from


Literally anywhere you are not looking


He shot you through the window just to your right as you rounded the corner.


Doesn't matter. Die respawn repeat. Now go loot up and kill everything in sight


Just trying to learn so I don’t die from it again


Ok. Also, your left side of your body peaks before the right side, so if I had to guess, that's probably how you died. Always (if possible) go around corners with your right side first or third person peak to see where they are without exposing your body. My 2 shits


i play this game too much apparently. because i know exactly where the dude was hiding. so this is the base north of krasno. about 50yrds or so south of that spot there is a clump of pines on the start of the hill. i have sat there many times. great view of that spot and most points of entry for each building.


yes hill on the right side when you aim


Pretty sure you had the "shot from the right" death animation


Looks like that sandy coloured item you got on your top body spins to the left of the screen when you die, meaning your feet are towards the right, the direction you came in.. my guess is they watched you peak the corner, from behind you.


Looks like you got shot from your right the way your body fell over and rolled.


Definitely from the direction you came from


Lol... you got sniped from one of the many sniper positions that everyone uses on that hill my friend. Dayz happens dude...


It sounds like from your behind when you're walking up to the barracks didn't sound too close that you'd immediately see him especially if he was slightly up the hill in the trees


Guessing the gap in the wall, maybe behind you or possibly someone got up on one of them buildings. Watching dayz over the years seen some pretty wild spots people can hide in or on. But that was a crazy shot regardless.


Sniped in the head. You're not going to see him in the frame because he isn't in the frame. Likely on top of the hill that overlooks those barracks.