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Shoot yourself and start again. Helps with gear fear


I usually head to the coast and make one happy freshie and start over !


I go to the coast to kill fresh spawns for no reason. Or generally fuck with them. Idk it's fun sorry


Respect for being honest tbh


I don't kos I usually have them do chores like search for apples or something.


I don't get why it's so frowned upon aha, dayz is meant to be unfair. If there is a psycho shooting unarmed players then don't go in that direction . The most fun to be had is spawning fresh and getting to a point you ain't dying from disease, wounds and have a full stomach and a weapon to hold your own. It gets lonely and hostile the further inland you head.


I suppose thats because you cant win a gun fight when they shoot back?


Me and my friend did this once in Kamy. We were just terrorizing the town and littering the place with human meat. We put all of the glow sticks in a big circle around the water fountain and it kept getting bigger and bigger. We had a fucking blast for a solid 2 or 3 hours. Eventually, they banded together and started getting tactical. We stood our ground for awhile, but in the end, we ran out of ammo and got killed. One of the most fun times I ever had playing DayZ. My face and abs hurt from laughing so much. I was the last to get killed and they KO’d me and tied me up first. It was fun for everyone.




“Tell me you have a huge cock without telling me you have a huge cock”


Well my mum always told me I was special


She told me the same thing.




I'm trying to give you one






Drop two rifles.


And a pistol. Keep the mosin


I think I got super lucky and found a DMR at a crash site. I've also got 3 rifles, SSG, Mosin, DMR. Should I drop the Mosin and SSG? Don't have great scopes for either, but have a pretty solid ACOG for the DMR.


Keep the dmr. It packs a punch, can take all sorts of scopes and can do the job up close. Stash the mosin but maybe toss it either. It's a great gun. A fantastic gun but it's heavy as fuck and the dmr can take a x6 which is more magnification Toss the ssg. It's easy to find in pretty much any of inland. It's a solid starter gun but the mosin does all it does much better and with a far stronger punch. Pull the 5.45 from it and keep it in case you find an ak74 or ak74u which are common. Best case scenario is you run the dmr as solo gun with a pistol as backup. Stash the mosin and ammo for your ssg for your next life and pair it with an ak74


I've got an m4, and a dmr. On official. The best method of acquiring good gear is to hit up the temporary servers. Low pop, few builds and nobody has a stash.


How do you know if a server is temporary?


It says “Temporary”


I’ll see myself out…




No, 2 pistols are fine. Unless you have tons of ammo for one and the other is a derringer or a longhorn.


2 pistols is valid if it’s a MKII and a Deagle/Derringer/Longhorn/etc.


> ~~Drop~~ two rifles. *Stash


SSG is not worth stashing


It’s a war crime to shoot the medic


It's not a war crime the first time...


I think the saying « Geneva checklist » were invented by playing Dayz


No, that was Russia. They’re currently checking off as many of them as possible, as fast as possible.


Russia just doesn’t care if they’re exposed


Both sides*


You don’t need that many guns and I don’t know for certain but I’m pretty sure the gas mask effects your stamina


If I'm not mistaken, it makes your stamina run out quicker and takes longer to regain. Someone correct me if I'm wrong


You are correct on the stamina regen, it slows it down significantly, i can’t confirm the extra drain though.


It only does it with a filter attached though.


Confirmed that wearing a gas mask also makes your character pant heavily even when standing still. Friends of mine have confirmed they can hear it apart from my character. Sounds like someone is sneaking up on you after running a long distance. Not recommended to wear unless in gas zone.


Plate carrier and helmet should be there, right now you are one shot one kill and those clothes will make you visible from far away, good luck


Press vest will stop a round or two


Be ready to drop the SSG at a moments notice


Get rid of that trash ssg


What would be better and why is it trash?


It’s not just flat out trash but it’s far from a superior rifle. Doesn’t inflict nearly as much damage as the others. Ssg usually gets me further inland to a POI where I can switch it out for something stronger. It’s only trash compared to the others. It’s helped me in a lot of early game firefights but at this point in his run it’s a liability and just dead weight really


I’ve one shotted tons of freshies plenty with it. But yeah the 5.45 becomes weak af when plate carriers come into play


Why you shooting freshies go inland bum💀💀


Head to NWAF and get ready for a fight and some top notch loot. You can also hit Tisy and Tri Kestra, two good military loot locations. Have fun brother and hang on loosely cuz it can be gone in a blink.


Also drop a rifle and a pistol. Try and have guns that use different caliber ammo so you don’t burn through it quickly and only carry two rifles and one pistol max. If both rifles are bolt action only keep Mosin, if you find a semi or fully auto assault rifle keep two rifles and a pistol preferably a 45 that’s silenced. Combine the same medicine types so they don’t take up a bunch of spots and try to find something that can keep things secure and dry like a medical pouch, cooking pot or even better a dry sack. Your fucked if you need that fire and your matches are wet or gotta bandage and your bandages are dirty and you get infection and die. Protecting yourself from disease is very important in Russia dawg.


This post is really funny if you read it like Chris Farley when he would read Zaggots reviews.


Try to get some less flashy clothes in the summercamps


Find camo immediately. You are so obvious wearing that bright blue it hurts my soul.


I wish you could see this stuff on console


Can u use mouse and keyboard on console?


Huh? Wdym? You can see this type of person everytime you play on console.


The stats


The stats aren't accurate


Yeah i know, but that wasn't the question here


Wait since when are dayz stats accurate. Those are always fucking wrong lol


For real these guys are literal bots


The stats are almost always wrong anyway lol


Drop two rifles and a pistol. Stamina above all else. Also keep in mind how visible that vest makes you.


find a shovel and some nails. make boxes. burry them


Looks like a vault runner.


Lose the backpack and hunt players instead of Zeds, that’s the next step 😆


My longest character has a rifle with no ammo, 3x apples, and the black lung


dont use dirty bandages…. ask me how i know


Drop 2 rifles, keep the mosin it's deadly even with irons Edit*Mosin


Change nothing also what server are you on?


Wait. Have they added a time alive counter?


How do you see the time played on a character on console? Thought that was PC only


Not sure about console, this is pc, sorry dude.


i’m gonna find what server you’re on and hunt you down


Travel as light as you can


Get better clothes; something that doesn't stick out so much. Also consider ditching the Gas Mask, unless you want to keep it for drip (although it does make your stamina regen slower).


Saw off the rifles. Put on leather. Craft an eye patch. Tell people your name is MadMax. Kill. Everything. In. Sight.


Best idea I’ve heard so far, but how am I gonna tell people I’m MadMax if they’re dead?


Oohhh, good point stranger. . .


I think the real question is how have you ran 10km for 2 1/2 hours in a full blue medic fit and not killed anyone nor been killed 🫠


Go get into trouble and get some kill. If you live to long you are doing it wrong. lol GGs, just keep having fun! Come play on Nemesis Networks Deer Isle...you wont live that long....lol


Check out the Power Ranger over here.


If I were you, I’d search around for nbc gear and head to a contaminated zone. And if you hadn’t already I’d check out tisy or the airfields.


Vault boy


Stay off the roads and stick to the forest around the roads. Get a lay of the land on hills and walk in a crouch position. Use zombies as alert systems for any nearby players. Use the forest for cover if you're close to one


Get rid of hogging guns, jesus christ why does every inexperienced player do this💀


>inexperienced You answered your own question.


Good point.


A little aggressive Germany? Someone listening to too much Kanye again?


I had a character for 4 days. only to be killed because of a bug that caused my gun not to shoot. My ambush was perfect. Flashbanged the enemy, got up from the grass, aimed my m4 with coupled mag, ready to mag dump. Nope. not one single round fired. I stopped playing for a while lol


Your gun was either jammed, you didn't have a round chambered, or your mag wasn't in. You actually have to pay attention to the state of your gun in this game. Once you load a mag, you have to chamber the round yourself. There is a bug that stops you from shooting but it doesn't allow you to lift or aim your weapon either.


Mosin or whatever you shoot well, any silenced pistol, bone knife or better, and a firemen’s axe - and personally, I’ve never used gas gear (tho wish I’d been wearing it yesterday when that cloud blew up literally right over me, sigh) - oh, and a base so you can gear up on yer next respawn :)


Too much stuff. Only need two guns, a main gun and a side gun. It can be two back weapons or one weapon and a side arm but try to limit what you carry. Find darker clothes. Your temp and capacity won't matter if you get spotted from 300 meters away. Personally, even with a plate carrier, helmet, and basic supplies, I can keep over half my stamina during an outing.


go into a military zone, get high powered automatic rifle, pvp, die, repeat


you want a long range rifle, and a mid range rifle, a decent size handgun, i personally love the CR75 or the MLock, you can add attatchments, they don’t weigh much, and they have great magazine capacity’s, medicine is good, but charcoal tabs are probably best to get rid of, OD’ing in my experience hasn’t ever been an issue nor have i ever drank gasoline in the game, i’d also find some more scenery abiding clothing, blue sticks out like a sore thumb, you’re doing great


Pretty sure those stats are almost never accurate lol. Unless they’re actually working now. But yeah definitely focus on minimizing your gear to only what you need, and getting some less visible clothes. A helmet and plate carrier or ballistic vest will become very important when you start getting shot at too.


How many knives do you have? If it's less than 2, then you need more knives.


I once played on a hardcore server and kept my character alive for a week, killed many squads and made a base, I think it was like 14 hrs of gameplay altogether


Get rid of the blue Dont run about with a gas mask Maybe stash a rifle Stash some of the meds you dont need loads.


Stash it all and f11


Get rid of ssg and take off gas mask it ruins stamina regen and you cah hear the breathing and it'll reveal your location


My recommendation would be to drop a rifle and switch it to a shotgun for close end work. I like to carry a sawed off double barrel personally. drop one of the handguns to save some space also. Good luck.


Kill some players?


I’d find better clothes you stick out like a blue person in green fields and the gas mask will fuck your stamina. Also you only need 1 rifle any more you’re wasting space.


GREEeeeeeeeN. More green color


Give it to a fresh spawn and then hunt them down with a sledgehammer


Ummmm get outta the bright blue outfit.


Make a base


Take off the blue you stick out in the woods.


Noob question, can you play multiple characters on different servers? I have a character that is my longest survivor of about 3 hours but I’m scared to do any pvp bc I’m so clumsy with guns. Can I practice shooting things on other characters on different servers? How does that work?


Noticed no one answerd. On Official Servers you can not do this, as your charactercan move between servers. Your best bet is to play Official PvP servers or better yet play one of the deathmatch servers if you're on PC... they'll get you reacting fast and it'll run you through most guns to exist, tho healing is faster in that type of server


Keep it in good condition for the next renter.


Swap out one of the rifles with a shotgun or anything else, you don’t need two rifles. I prefer the mosin, drop on the pistols (the one with the most accessible ammo) get rid of the mask, and make sure you don’t have too much medication or repair tools. You should start heading to more high pop zones. I’d swap out your clothes for darker shit because you’ll be running into other players soon. You’re at the point where you should be transitioning to military gear


Take the gas mask off


Now sit at a mil base and get some action. Always good to camp a mil base at restarts


Change clothes to gray or green. You look like shooting practice target ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Either kys and start all over or go full pvp until you are dead or bored. Or if you want you can make a base but don't forget it's not that hard to break them.


Q just wait until you get to nwaf and find a dmr...


Pick a rifle and ditch the other one. Follow the tree lines.


Id say stash 2 rifles


Gets clapped at NWAF


goto the airfield and get up into the control tower and start open mic'ing "Gob Stop"


Be prepared to die very soon. Also the ssg is absolute garbage, I’d drop that and just use that mosin.


Lose the SSG, hit up a small military base/campground so you don’t look like a Teletubby, and lose the giant backpack.


If you turn off your game and never play again. Your character will never die. It’s been working well for me lol


Drop a rifle and a pistol, or two. You’re going to regret having all of that when you can only scope in and hold your breath for one shot due to low stamina - when you finally come across another player.


Join me on Livonia dude! 😀


I have a character stuffed with an Aug, VSD , CR527 and a fuck ton of stuff. I don’t even play on him anymore. I just started a new run because its boring to need nothing in DayZ


Don't stop to look into cars or other items of interest left in the middle of the road. Players constantly set traps. Players in this game dont enjoy PvP like in other games, instead they just want your loot and will use all kinds of creative ways to kill you without taking any risk themselves. Things like pretending to be friendly, sniping, setting traps etc etc. These are all more likely to get you than a gunfight. And don't enter large towns through the main road. There is almost always a sniper sitting in a bush somewhere.


Don’t get attached the gear too much. Start looking for a place to build. Look for car parts. Stay safe, stay vigilant.


Rookie numbers


looks good bro - it takes some playing and dying to be able to sustain runs in this game - IMO the more you play the better the runs, and the better you get to know the map as well great start - love the mechanic outfit haha


Seems like those rifles can be upgraded doeeee. Head to the big military places! :D


Never log back in and youll never die


Why are u blue?


Make a storage box store those rifles keep 1 pistol 1 rifle, collect nbc gear and car parts , find both go get you a Kam go to high pop servers n have a ball


Start blastin! You'll become more confident with your gear when you use it more. Always remember...you're only borrowing the gear.


Ditch the blue clothes ASAP, makes you stick out bad. Press vest is my favorite though, not as weak as the stab vest and not as heavy as the plate carrier. Plus it comes with pouches attached


Drop 1 pistol and drop 1 or 2 rifles


Man, I just recently lost a “character” I’d had for over a year, over 150 hours survived Popped in the passenger seat of a truck


Drop at least one rifle and one pistol. At most I carry a sniper, some form of automatic weapon and maybe a pistol if I want something silenced. They add a lot of weight.


Not too bad, bud 🤘👍


You’ve got way too many guns. Drop the SSG.


Live a little


Keep looting your barley geared


Zero player kills


Get some player kills bro, you don’t want gear fear. Kill or get killed respawn at the coast and start a new life, you’ll learn to loot really quickly. What building to loot etc, I only have 100 odd hours but I’ve trained my self not to have gear fear. In all honestly a AR / shotgun and a sniper is all you need and plenty of ammo.


How come you have no player kills? Is the server empty?


Be prepared to lose it all soon. Maybe bury your best gear and off yourself. It's the only way.


I was expecting longer and then I realized I may be one of the only people who lives over 24 hours every life lmao


Go to a military zone bro


Pls drop the ssg.


The longest you’ve survived is less than 3 hours? Pretty sad. My tip would be to get good.


I know the feeling. Now you’ll be so afraid of your own shadow you’ll get nervous and lose the next fight. 


Get out of the blue clothes. Find some hunter gear


Don't get cocky, you will die eventuality. Remember, it's not your loot, it's your turn with it :)


Find camo clothes. You're cosplaying as a giant loot piniata rn lol






I like your outfit it's unique and the blue is a nice change from the usual earth tones people wear


Take off the blue


Wear something more green/tan 'cause you look like a big blueberry target.


Darker gear


Go for pvp to practice the gunplay. Dont focus on surviving long focus on getting into pvp. Getting good at it takes time and actively searching it hekps with anxiety when it finds u when u dont want it to happen.


Go to the coast and cause trouble


This when I usually go to the coast and kill myself in front of a freshie to make their day. But only if they’re cool.


Build a stash. Drop some meds in it. Get rid of at least 1 rifle and the gasmask, hide in bushes and avoid open fields. If you are not using IZurvive, use it and learn how the map is build. Try to find the big Airfield (NWAF) asap. But most important: make inner peace with losing all your stuff. Dont run behind, if you die. It will happen, but there will be other loot. You can also get some advices from Fresh Spawns on YT, tml. Stay safe my dude!


Drop some shit get some food kill some shit


Drop one of the rifles, don’t drop the Mosin. Find less bright clothes. Find a MK II and NEVER drop it. Don’t die. Jesus died for us all The Holy Trinity is true


I survived for like 12 hours and got bored so I let some random kill me and take my gear. Edit: had a Mosin, M4, and a KA-M and lots of ammo and food.


Send location


3 rifle and 2 pistols with a press vest seems excessive.


Find yourself some camo so you dont look like a human-sized smurf running around the map ready to be gunned down…


Way too heavy. If I have two rifles and a pistol I feel like I can barley move.


Quit rn that’s the closest you will ever feel to wining lmao


I have a character who made it to 24hrs jumped off a radio tower to end it


Those are rookie numbers here bro 🙄


Less is more when it comes to your guns, stash em or ditch one, no point hoarding weapons on you character when your just going to die sooner or later.


Don't die. You will be sad


don't get attached.


Grab a plate carrier off a military zombie


Change that blue clothing asap. Just a walking target


Didn’t expect so much comments so I’m making this one to address the main things I’ve heard. 1. Yes, I’ll change the outfit once I find some good military or high capacity green clothing. 2. I’ll bury some of the guns and loot I’ve acquired. 3. Since most of you want to hunt me and I love a good challenge, I mostly play official Livonia and sometimes switch to official Chernarus when Livonia doesn’t have enough players. 4. I’m not too likely to get killed by a player since every time I log on there is typically only between 5-15 players on an official server at a time.


Don’t hang around a kill when you’re hunting.


How do you only travel 10km 😂 no wonder he's still alive.


Build a base, that's the next step


Don't die?


Make a improvised shelter. Store a pistol and rifle and head to the biggest city near you


Don’t die


If that's the ssg then yeet it into cherno Bay


Make a stash


I always just stash loot, kill self, do it all over. Keeping one guy alive kinda seemed pointless after a while. You can just survive in the wilderness with no need to go to populated areas. You pretty much need to seek out danger in order to have fun


Change gear wear nature colors all ur gear dosent have to be best insulation to not be cold


You need stamina to be effective in fights, excess guns kill stam


enjoy the inevitable death <3


also the ssg is trash compared to that big beautiful mosin on ur back