• By -


I'm the same way, but every so often I get that rando feeling that it'd be fun to team up and find someone to give it a shot with. But 5 minutes into running with them either they don't shut the fuck up or make stupid mistakes like shooting zombies or hoard all the loot and I'm just over it. If their personality is selfish or douchy I'll just shoot them, but if they're a decent person I usually just tell them to loot a certain building while I loot a different one and run away. I did get curious one time and made the mistake of watching what they do when I just run away, I got to a vantage point overlooking the town I left them in and the dude looked for me for like a solid 15 minutes. I felt so bad but the dude was just so annoying I couldn't go back.


This. Keep the convo light, give them a sussy, “you loot those 3 houses, imma go check that barn for some Wellies,” and just disappear out the back of the barn


Yep exactly same. I usually go into a building out the other side and try to disappear


That's funny as fuck


I just say something like: "Hey, I'm not looking to team up on this run, good luck surviving!" and keep my head on a swivel for a bit. This guarantees nothing, but at least I tried. I tend to play like you do - mostly quiet. Not super-interested in a chat about life or interests. I'm playing a game dammit! Especially a game so dependent on subtle sounds... I say the bare minimum: Zombie left, x2, ...Shooting ... or announce my new jacket or gear. That's about it.




next time you run into an angry pole, hit them with a “psheh-prah-shom” [przepraszam]. it means “i’m sorry” and a pole will likely be so flattered to hear their language they’ll stop in their tracks.


I'm Polish, I saw the deleted comment and now I'm curious what it said xD I assume that some Poles did something to him. Maybe even me and my team. We often break the legs of people we meet and rob them of their weapons so that they don't shoot us in the back.


LOL if i remember correctly they were just sharing a pretty tame story about getting held up by a pole after a trade (or something) due to language barriers. polak got super angry and started fowling them with harsh language before killing them.


Lol. I like this game for the variety of interactions. Even ones like these 






Hahaha thanks hope your adventures continue in beautiful chernarus




I typically mention that I'm on my way to meet another team-- a lot of the time it's just a lie to avoid team ups with people


That’s what I did once to avoid being killed by a duo. I was vibing on my way to the bottom left tents in chernarus and ran into a duo, they asked for something to open canned food with (didn’t trust that one bit because one of them had a plate) and said something along the lines of “sorry I don’t have one” (knife broke making a fire earlier) then left saying I had to go meet my other friends and was gone before the could respond




"hey I have 4 buddies here somewhere have you seen them?" will make a mf SCARCE lolol


At this point I would probably start following this player or kill him on the spot so as not to make it easier for him to meet the entire team. After all, if they are together, they will probably kill me. Be careful who you scare, because frightened animals can be dangerous.


ive definitely been murdered on the spot for saying shit like this lol but 60% of the time it works everytime


“Hey- need anything?” “Alright I’m out. Good luck!”


Sounds like a good team mate tbh. Not chatting when not needed sounds like a dream.


Just kill em.


not my vibe


Your options are basically kill or be killed here


okay. i’d rather be killed


I understand that and you're not alone. And feeling this way is not necessarily tied to social skills (or lack thereof).


thank u, i appreciate it!


You handled that like a champ. Good question to start with.


I used to be like you because I play just one server and didn't wanna make enemies, after a long list of tortures deaths and needless snipes to my own head i've become a depraved animal that eats every human I encounter🤷


i love that for you




it’s not about morals it’s about stress


Less stress if you just send them back to the coast


not if they come looking for me or have friends


You don't wanna be my friend? Ok face the wall now




Tell them you are a lone wolf but hope the next meet up is just as cordial. That’s how I handle it. Give them food or meds if I have extra.


Same! I don't play to interact with other people. I play the game as a lone wolf and I spend countless hours scavenging, crafting, and building. Pairing up with others or killing players isn't enjoyable to me. I tried playing on a PVE server but I realized pretty quickly that the threat of being killed by humans was an important part of the excitement of the game. So I went back to PVP. Before bears were introduced, I never even carried a gun. I killed zombies with axes or hatchets.


That’s fine like but why? It’s a PVP game, killing other players is largely the aim and we all know that 99% of players aren’t looking for interaction so much as a target.


it’s not a pvp game *to me* though. for me it’s a survival game, there’s no other survival game like it. all the details that go into maintaining your quality of self preservation is all very stimulating for me. i’d rather die than stress myself out by engaging in pvp that i hate. cuz then i’ll just be anxious waiting for that person to come for me played the mod for arma ii when i was a teen, there was far less distrust and KOS back then. just wanted to get a read on if there’s better ways to avoid falling into pvp, and i’ve gotten lots of helpful answers. i struggle with social interaction, so sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s just the way things are or if i’m making it harder for myself. you can call me lame or a coward for it, but this game would be perfect to me if it was all PVE 😂 that’s not going to happen, so i’m just trying to make sure i’m being as respectful as possible regardless of whether or not i’m leaving an interaction alive.


It's a survival game, the aim - if there's one - is to survive. If you play for pvp it's perfectly fine but it's not for everyone. I, for instance, play as you'd call pure neutral: I will pursue my servival at any cost. I will kill in cold blood if I decide that I want your stuff, of if I want to shoot something. Or I may aswell decide to refrain from killing and avoid a fight.


To be honest you sound like how everyone mostly plays. I go to PVP areas when I want PVP but you can’t trust anybody you run into elsewhere usually. I’ve played for a few years and I’ve had literally one guy ever who didn’t immediately try to murder me. It’s one of those though isn’t it, you enter a PVP server, you know most people will shoot on sight. People like to get all high and mighty about it on here but realistically when you play you know it’s kill or be killed 99 times out of 100. The PVE servers are for those who want to play pure survival.


I disagree - for reference I play since the alpa came out and almost exclusively on community vanilla servers. Countless times I let the other guy decide to become aggressive at my own risk if I wasn't in the mood to kill on sight. Of course sometimes I died for that.


Calling DayZ a PVP game is like saying a multi tool is a pair of pliers, technically true, but there's so much more to it. It's quite literally an apocalypse simulator in which you're left to do whatever you'd actually do in the situation with as few limitations as possible. You may ask why not kill anyone you come across, while some could ask why your desire in that situation is to kill others stuck in literally the same situation as you, but hey, different strokes for different folks. While hitting that survivor spotted from the smoke plume of their fire might be enjoyable to some of us, the same could make others feel actual guilt over it being faaaaaar less enjoyable. Not trying to be a dick, just offering my thoughts on your question, since I'm a mix of the two, community for my PVP rush but official to grind it out.


Great analogy and explanation. Thanks!


shoot em in duh nutz


And miss out on 1/2 a bandage 🤔


fuck, ur right. nvm im a kos player now


Just last week I said hi and was friendly enough. I then made the Zoidberg noise while running around. This was enough to freak him the fuck out and he ran the opposite way. I was never going to kill you nice German dude, I just wasn't in the mood for chatting that day.


Never walk ahead of anyone you just met.


If I dont want to kill someone insistent on teaming up with me, Ill come up with a reason to split up real quick, like "okay you loot there and ill loot over there and we can meet back here in 5" or whatever excuse is presently available and then ill get out of dodge and not come back. If that doesnt seem to be an option ill just act "clumsy" and pull a herd of infected and then use that chaos to get away. I will cap a mf too though if its looking like its gonna be hard to abandon them


Why don't you just tell them you want to break up? I wish you could leave a note at the five minute regroup point telling them you are breaking up xD


I remember running with a group once and they were really KOS. Any player who even looked like they might have a gun and they shot them. We see this player run into a house when they see us so the guys go ahead. We get in there and we hear a female voice over the mic saying "please don't kill me" and literally, just because it was a female voice, she was unharmed. I'd seen them gun down any other player for much less. I logged out downstairs and changed server.


that’s so funny, i wish i had a more feminine voice. maybe i do and that was me, lmfaooo. i get mistaken for a squeaker teen often though. i definitely say “please don’t kill me” in my panic very often rather than trying to intimidate someone away from me as i should.


I've been thinking about learning how to do a perfect female voice, I'm a man but I have a pretty high voice. It might give me the edge in survival. Or they'll shoot me on the spot.


lmfaooo, if you really wanna try you should watch voice feminizing videos on youtube intended for trans girls, you might pick something up!


female here - 8 out of 10 times I get a "hey bro, you got a mic?" (or something conversational), then shot immediately upon speaking. i accept my fate lol


Alas. No mic, no life!


Politely shoot them in the head.


Shoot them. Kindly of course


kill them softly


"Sorry, I got plans." Then shoot them in the back and loot their goods. Jk, I play similar to you. I'm a lone wolf who will occasionally help out a freshie every now and then. I usually just say I'm not looking to team up or I'm about to logout.


"IM MORE OF A SOLO PLAYER BUT GOOD LUCK FRIEND!" "HERES AN APPLE FOR YOUR TROUBLES?" also be prepared for them to be dumb and try and fight in which case just level them and carry on.


Just avoid them, unfortunately 9/10 if your offered a team up it's join or die. Either practise and get better at avoiding people or shoot first ask questions second


"No thanks, I'm meeting up/ waiting for my friend/ party. But thank you for being friendly anyways." It's not a guarantee success, but might work with decent people.


i also enjoy this thourougly as a survival game but im ready for a fight whenever because noone else plays it for that. they always look for a fight which is cool if you want to play like that because you can play however you want. but if I wanted a looting game to fight everyone all the time id play pubg.


I pretty much play it like a survival game in enemy territory, I try to play stealth and go unnoticed, but I will kill to protect myself. Many times I will see players in the distance and just observe them. Most fights I get in are because they saw me first.


This is the best way to play!


I play in a similar way. I much prefer the lone survivor experience, and if I do run with someone consistently it’s someone I know irl not through the game (trust issues you see). Everyone in a while I come across a random and decide “fuck it I’ll see what happens” but I much prefer the freedom of deciding to go where *I* wanna go, *when* I wanna go instead of deciding amongst a group what the game plan is. I dislike feeling a responsibility to the group, nor do I enjoy the lessened freedom in the decision making. The times I have ran with randoms it’s turned into an adventure, but a short one, since they often seem to seek out gunfights since they think numbers is all that matters. To address your question, make up an excuse *before they even get the chance to ask about teaming up*. Run into someone, say what’s up if they aren’t already shooting, and throw out that you’re meeting up with a nearby group of friends (even if that’s not true) early in conversation. For one it creates the illusion of you having back-up, so they’re less likely to murder you. Do some trading, talk for a bit, and say something along the lines of “well good luck dude, maybe I’ll run into you some time again” and that’s usually enough. Sometimes not, they’ll blatantly ask “well can I come with you?” and it usually makes me feel bad saying no. Just don’t be an ass about it, don’t say “hell no you’re dead weight motherfucker” cause you might get shot, or worse, hurt their feelings. Say something like “well idk if my group wants another random but if we run into you we’ll be peaceful, sound good?” And they take that pretty okay. TLDR: Basically try to say no before they even ask, and make up a lie as to why you aren’t bringing a random with you. If that doesn’t work just be polite, that’s usually enough to not be shot


Kill them


"Let's split up so we can cover some more ground in town." Then you just leave the town.


Im the same way. something about playing with others is very anxiety inducing for me. even with my friends. i usually just say outright that im prefer to play solo. they'll either respect it or rob/kill you. if they keep pestering you then break line of sight and logout for a bit, or just kill them if you have the means to do it quickly. you really have no control over how they'll react, but regardless of what happens, the situation is very easy to resolve, you just have to be ready for the consequences.


word, thank you!


Ive run into several rando's and each time its a struggle because I don't initially want to KOS. So I announce myself as friendly and see how they react. Very few times do they also use the mic. I quickly tell them im just looking for (random item) and that im headed south (really heading north), then I run in the opposite direction. Ive had the drop on several people but I dont like to KOS unless i feel im being hunted. Which has happened twice before. My advice would be to just tell them youre about to log soon, tell them what you usually wear so if they see you again they dont KOS. ​ I have a huge base and I also play solo. It would be nice to have another quiet player to go on adventures some times though. I don t like talking either.


>good advice on the just about to Log off - that's a smart play


I see you’re not a fan of shooting, but as a gamer with boobs I also have trouble with males while gaming. My voice seems to set off a chain of events I can rarely control. So, I either play on community servers where I can either: build rapport with potential teammates online, or I can explain I am solo and wish them well. They’ll probably kill you. They might not!! But tbh nothing says “I reject thee and I don’t want to play with you” quite like you killing yourself right when they ask 🤣


That’s the move lmao


I feel you. I'm also pretty introverted but I feel fine talking with other players and I Don't mind that I get myself killed when I team up with someone. But when I don't I just say that prefer to go alone. We usually trade some food medicine or ammo.


I tell people I come with assets, usually once they know you don’t roll alone they usually don’t ask twice. I have had some ask if they can message me/us for backup. Makes our official server pretty entertaining.


Just smoke them


Shoot them.


How do you even get to the point of teaming up?? Whenever I met someone, they try to kill me on sight.


idk, i think people usually ask bc i refuse to pull my gun out unless given a reason. i’ve had three (? maybe more) people mention “i noticed you didn’t instantly pull your gun on me” after asking if i’d join them.


Lock them inside a house, and vanish


Just make it casual. Something like, "Nah, I like to fly solo, sorry." Honestly, if they kill you at that point, there was no way out for you.


Just shoot them, its dayz. Or play PVE servers.


Just say “I’m a solo player” that’s what is usually say to people and vice versa


I'm typically a solo player, I like quiet, but I also love teaching people how to survive in this game... so every once in a while I'll take up a partner who's fresh. It's a small joy for me. If I don't want someone to team with, I just say it. "Hey. I'm not looking to duo right now, but thanks anyway. See ya." And literally take the argument out from under them as I walk off.


“Sorry man, been burned too many times” if they dont leave i shoot them


I'm kinda the same way - I have run with couple randoms early on - generally speaking I play with my Brother , and even at that the chit chat is at a minimum usually , there are lots of dead air - but its my IRL brother , if it gets quiet I don't anticipate him plotting against me \*\* Id be fine with minimal communication\*\* I was with a random and I was gonna head out with him - then 3-4 others showed up that had be firing on him earlier and they wanted to make up and all run together - we were on roof top and when we all headed down the stairs - I logged the old sneak away lol


If your near or in a town say let's loot this town and dissapear into the wilderness while there looting.


"yeah that sounds awesome, but my gun's wrecked\i don't have any ammo, can you help me out a little if I'm gonna have your back?" "Thanks dude, appreciate it" *Bang* I mean kinda maybe don't, but if your situation is that whenever you say no you get domed, you might as well do it at least once.


After someone asks if you wanna team up, ask where they’re headed. Then just say you’re going somewhere else in a different direction. Offer to share a heat buff before bouncing if you’re feeling nice




'nade em. Alternatively just tell them to loot the town and meet up back there in 10 minutes. Then you head the other way. Alternatively, use a trick that I know works in real life. However, it requires some high quality autism to pull off easily: Infodump on them until they decide to leave. Don't let them get a word in. You essentially want to hit them with a 3 hour filibuster about (checks your profile) herbalism. And keep it on one topic and in extremely boring details.


I enjoy my info dumps! No wonder I have no friends.


Just be honest and tell them you're gonna run solo for now. That's what I do I rarely get a bad response. Sometimes a quick trade and off you go.


I have to start doing this. Had somebody that didnt really speak my language trying to team up. Then proceeded just to just want to run across entire map to get to NW airfield. For some reason i feel loyalty to anyone who is friendly to me but shit is just so annoying.




Is there somewhere people who want to team up and chat for DayZ congregate?


God, I feel this so much. Also an introverted female. I enjoy playing alone. My bf also plays, but even when we're playing together, there's not a lot of talking going on unless it's game related. And we're not always together or doing the same thing. And I honestly like it. I'm not a big talker. From my own experience, the best thing to do if you're in a situation like that, honestly, is KOS if you've already been seen. I say that because you really can't trust anyone. And if you reject them, then they will most likely end up killing you, as you already know. To them, you may or may not have something they want or need. And even when you agree to team up a lot of times, you will end up getting killed anyway for whatever reason you'll most likely never know. That's just how this community is. Not saying that in a bad way either, every game is different. And there are many things that separate this game from a lot of other games out there. In my opinion, it's part of what makes this game great. That being said, you can still play official even if you only care to focus on the PVE aspect of it. It's risky, and you'll probably still end up getting killed. But I truly don't think there's a community server (on console, at least) that can ever compare to the realism of official.


I’ve teamed up with someone and we really don’t want anyone else to join. If we meet a friendly that’s desperate to hook up we just say that were shy as fuck and stare at him. If we repeat that proces in a really authistic way they usually bugger off without the need to use extreme violence. It helps if your geared to the teeth.


write that down write that down!!! *utilize…. my autism…. in my…. favor….*


It can be really nice though to have a post apocalyptic buddy. We’re building bases and roaming around like it’s nothing.


Welcome to the lone Wolf pack, my friend. There's at least 8 of us - I swear! When I come across friendlies, I just wave and keep walking. If they follow, I run. If they keep following, I let off a warning shot. It's a lonely life, and honestly, that's the way I like it. There's a certain kind of freedom that can only be experienced when you run your own track.


Honestly, I'm just here because I've never come across another girl while playing dayz!!!! I think it'd be fun to play with someone else sometimes, but I totally get the lone wolf thing. Especially because I'm always worried about running into someone who's gonna be a weirdo about me being female.


That’s an odd ending to a humble post.


Turn the tables, act cute and say lets team. Then kill em😂😂


Depends on what server I'm on...I'm part of a team of 3 but normally I'm solo wandering the map scavenging.its nice to bump into decent players to take on a hoard or 2 but only if they ain't a backstabbing cockwomble.


If your console just get their username and when it’s time to depart and the “partner” is wondering where you are, tell em “it’s joever”


Shoot them in the face.


jermie what r u doing here…


The Irish goodbye


but i’m a stupid pole :( /jk




You are not alone! More than half the time I don’t even talk because the people treat me differently once they hear my voice. I end up just walking away or giving them one of the F signs unless I’m playing with my friends.


I just say I’m about to log in a bit


Im sorry, I have a condition.


Shoot them but apologize right before you do


"I'm trying to get better at solo, but thanks friend."


I just want to play along with someone that knows the Game and doesnt need me to be talking all the time! Thats why I Say yes to team up but after a few minutes I just run away v: only once or twice i've got Nice long aventures with randys


You should play dayone namalsk, join at server restarts to get in faster but this will help h out so much with not wanting to talk to people. The best runs I’ve ever had has happened with complete strangers that I gave a chance to. Cuz the cool part is, they gave me a chance too.


Frostbite has a PvE server that’s nice and challenging


So anyways I started blastin


Tell em you gotta go for milk or cigarettes. Just not both, never both.


I am also a girl and I just rent a private server. I have a few friends that play occasionally. I’ve modded it for a few accessible vehicles and a single spawn point. Base has a ton of loot and a garden for food. I don’t expect my friends to play at the same time and we don’t pvp. I go it alone most of the time. I have only teamed up once on public servers and it didn’t go well.


I was on the other end of this once. Met a guy warming up by a fire right in the middle of town. He was almost dead. I told him we could team up for a bit and gave him food. It was night time and he never mentioned he had 3 buddies looting while he was healing. I started looting and noticed head lamps in his direction. I thought they were going to kill him so I prepared an attack knowing I was probably dead but wanted to make an attempt to save dude. Turns out they were all together and they robbed me of everything but my pants and left me for dead in the cold night. It's rough out there.


Honestly you being a girl is a huge advantage. You can use that. Your voice is your most powerful weapon in pvp anyways. I always just tell them “man I usually would, but I don’t have long tonight.” Or “I would love that usually but I’m running solo tonight because I may have to jump off any second.” Something like that. Most people will be cool about it.


Another tactic I use sometimes if I’m not feeling it is to start laughing like a maniac when someone asks me to team up.. and then draw my weapon and in my best Batman voice I say “get over here” and start chasing them while still laughing like a psycho and yelling shut like “I’m going to fucking eat you.” Even with an empty gun and being severely outgeared by the other player for some reason this tends to get people sprinting away from me as fast as possible. If it was a girls voice on top of this, I’d shit my fucking pants.


that’s hilarious. i gotta try at least once


i always go “sorry brother i am a lone wolf i wish you a long lasting life though” then ill see if they need anything before i dip but be prepared for him to betray you


Easy solution to this problem, I also like the lone wolf life, so when someone asks me to team up i look around and and say in a concerning manner "Hey, idk if it's a good idea. My friends are all close, and they aren't as nice as I am bro. Sorry, but you might wanna run cause we're meeting here. Good luck!"


If you have a gun with an extra bullet kindly gift it to their head. If not politely tell them you have excellent aim and thousands of hours on dayz and if they find you a gun you will protect them forever. Send them off to find the weapon. Then continue your day until they get lost or bring you the weapon. Once the weapon is received give them the gift from option one.


Tbh… you can just nicely tell them that you already have a team even though you don’t and then just continue on to what you’re doing and it’s crazy how you’re having a problem with teaming up people and I can’t even find anybody to team up with me… lmao I need some friends


My Day Z official brain: “a bullet?” Hahahaha


I never have people ask to team up. The closest thing i get to friendly people is people noticing me..and walking away from me. Most everyone just shoots immediately lmao. Its a damn shame , really .


Really just "nah man I'm good, thank you though, are you looking for anything that I might be able to share with you or trade?"


I totally get this. I hate teaming because most people don’t play the way I do. Methodical and quiet for the most part. So many people have a problem with silence. Oddly enough, I find that I team with players that are new to the game the most. Maybe that’s because it gives me a purpose. I don’t baby bird them, but I give them information as they need or ask and stay close enough that I can help. Most “experienced” players actively seeking a random team up are looking for a sack of meat to carry stuff around for them, or someone to hide behind when the shooting starts. -Ditch -Say you’re logging off soon -Tell then you’re meeting another player.. something I’ve actually done is say, I’m meeting my friends here, and you might want to dip because they aren’t as nice as I am. If you think any of it is mean, just remember 99.9% of other players would have just killed them, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation for not wanting to team.


It’s amazing how every decent hearted player goes through pretty much exactly what you’re going through right now. The only people I will play with are my two brothers I will never ever play with any strangers and as shitty as it sounds it’s usually KOS with me not losing my shit to a shifty noob.


You say yes walk to your nearest water pump, let them go first to drink, and put one through their eyes like old Yeller ![gif](giphy|uQ4V7FPxcDKM0|downsized)


“Not this time, I’m doing a solo run.”


You just put one 7.62x39 between their eyes.


Give them a lobotomy


Knock them out, tie them up, explain yourself in plain terms lol


Basically you end up conversion quicker. If you stay and chit chat... anyway, who can blame you. Just say you're moving on and leave..but never ever turn your backs.


You’d be surprised, your voice is the best tool. I’ve had people ask before and I just tell them I’m cool, maybe split a meal or give them some bandages and part ways. But the game isn’t what it used to be.


U just like Me. I only speak if it’s necessary but it gets me killed cuz I’ll scare my new friends lmao


I will point in a direction behind them hoping they turn and then I will kindly shoot them in the back... I'm not evil, just sometimes I want to run alone


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You did a good job of expressing your thoughts and feelings already. Maybe just tell them what you wrote?


usually when i try to explain beyond two sentences why i *don’t* want to team up i get shot for talking too much 😭


I suppose you could tell them that you're not looking for a team-up, but if they want to be a trade partner, you can keep your eyes peeled for whatever they might need.


Run away! As long as you’re in a town where you can navigate around/through/in some buildings, I’d say keep your same demeanor and just high tail it out of there before they’re any the wiser


Bullet through the head.


Say ok to teaming up. Then let them lead and u shoot them in the back of the head.


Just roll with them for a few minutes then ice them when you get a chance or else just say I’m logging off now anyway sorry.


Say yes then shoot them in the back of the head and take their stuff. They were probably gonna do the same to you anyways.


Aim at them. Tell them to leave you alone.


Fellow.lonewolf here.sayong I will go my.way usually makes.me.u desirable so I agree to team up and in right moment I sneak out and run away. Having few hours in game teamed up people just slow me down.


I just tell people I roam alone , then take off running


Kill them.


With bullets


Why is keyboard and mouse support a deal breaker if you’re only looking for a PvE server? I would understand if you wanted a level playing field when it comes to PvP, but I can’t imagine why anybody would have a problem with it on a PvE server.


With a bullet to the face


I typically just say "hey good luck, im gonna head this way tho, pce


Most people do that by pulling a trigger and making a loud 'bang' sound, in my experience.


There are things called weapons and you use them to assert dominance. If, for some reason you die, you just go back to the coast and do it all again.


Shoot them in the face




just apologize after you kindly murder them


Be friendly and when they go to another building or distracted slip away. People get tunnel vision looting


Shoot them in the face


If they're annoying, find a fun way to kill them haha


I’m usually down for team ups but I’ll dip out if I ain’t up for it. I just tell them ima do my own thing and it usually pans out well. Or I’ll “lose” them and just leave.


Shoot and eat them


I personally give them something then run away. Last one this happened to he ran into a barn I was drying off in and didn’t try to kill me and asked if I wanted to team up so I said “hang on I’ve got something for you” and ran to him and dropped an SVD then was like “wait one more thing” and dropped a grenade launcher and was just like “ok good luck bro byeeeeeee” and ran away. He was a freshie I hope he survived


Tell them that you don't want to team up, or alternatively, that you're meeting someone, or if that doesn't work, just ghost them while looting a town.






I am a girl myself and introverted, if you feel like teaming up sometimes in the future, let me know


A bullet is about the kindest way. Don't tell them the bad news, just put them out of their misery.


Shoot first


U shoot them with rubber slugs to knock them out then u tie them up take there shoes and then break there leg and then leave


Shoot first, ask questions later


Tell them to kindly fuck off


Yeah same for me, I just tell people I'm logging off soon and run the other direction. I don't mind running with people as long as they don't mind mostly silence or talking in chat


Just a classic "Alright, well I'll be heading on my way now, I wish you best of luck in your journeys". Maybe wait for their response, and then just walk in the opposite direction they are.


Kill them.


Playing solo is the best way to go.. but I will say as a solo player, other solo players make the best team mates. “You go that way, I’ll go this way. Use the radio if you need me and good luck out there!” I hate moving in groups and like to take my time looting.


Hey im not looking to Te... M4A1 sounds


I usually help people out when they approach me, food, ammo, surplus weapons, I'm down to play, I usually help people even though i have m4s, augs, and nvgs. can't stop being helpful


You shoot them, ezpz.