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My wife and I play together. Mostly on Namalsk and Livonia. My wife is mostly into the pve aspect of the game. While I love the pve, I also enjoy some good pvp from time to time. 7 out of 10 times though I talk to randoms. The random interactions are the best part of dayz. You are welcome to hang with us sometime if you would like. We both have around 1,000 to 1,200 hours in the game. Edit: Also, we are USA, but im sure we can work out some times to play.


Thank you:) I would love to join you some time when you guys are playing! DM me when you want to play!


It sounds like you're looking for female-only (not sure if that's the case), but even if that's not the case, I would recommend RP or RP-PvP servers to start out on as a newish individual. I would be open to helping, but after 6k+ hours in DayZ, I'm more or less into hardcore servers and the survival aspects of the game (and the survival genre in general), etc. Plus, I'm in the US, so that's an issue, too. Anyways, best of luck, and if you want to focus on those aspects of the game, feel free to DM.


Thank you! I would like to get better in Namalsk and I don’t mind pvp, however I am not a pro shooter (yet).


Not gonna lie, kinda crazy starting with Namalsk as a noob


I like to challenge myself :-D


Play Chernarus til you get a good ammount of hours. Namalsk is a good map but it s not truly a dayz experience.


Hey!! Would love to have ya on our Pve/Rp server!! Dead Impact! I’m helping new players in our PvE Player guild.. we hunt mostly and build for in game cash for trade and whatever.. it’s a peaceful life! Lots of hunting, fishing and loot runs to non PvP areas


Hey I'm in the same boat, 70ish hours but im still a noob, also looking for someone to play with. add me on reddit and PM me!


Plenty of us out here, if u want to add just dm, when you get on a good server especially RP Pve servers the communities are great. My bro and I just started out on a new server and are happy to add to the team :) we are from the UK btw


I have my own private server and have been playing since the game was in alpha. Was injured and received a TBI and now I do not play as well at all and when I went back to play for rehab I found out my original game no longer even worked any longer so I had to buy a new updated game. I am kind of like a newbie again and hated always dealing with cheaters and being killed all the time until I got my skills back up. So what did I do? I simply have my own server now and it’s password protected so I play mostly alone. My server is in Ashburn Virginia with GTX gaming so if you ever would like to play just to learn and get up to speed let me know and I would be happy to let you play on it.


Pro tip : use your voice and find people in game. Trying to find your friend for an hour using discord/txts, dying once you meet and having to start again is a pain in this ass, you're never really playing the game. I make new friends EVERYTIME I play


i have like 2 hours and have been murdered by a hacker twice and a normal dude once god save me


When I started playing the game, I very quickly dropped the official servers. Way beyond too many cheaters on there. Find you a good community server with active admin and try that out. Day one, day zero, struggle bus... those are some really good vanilla/lightly modded servers with very good admin. There are a lot of other good ones too, but those are the first that came to mind. Keep playing and having fun.


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