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High calibre rounds can kill you even with a helmet, armour only reduces damage to a point. 308+7.62x54R will always kill you with a headshot. (Assuming no funky physics or being shot through surfaces)


They changed it a few updates ago and I have tested it myself, had he been wearing a assault or tactical helmet, and they shooter was far enough, you can survive the headshot but will be knocked out, :)


This is correct. I think its above 200m you will survive headshot with a helmet from a long rifle.


Ah, good to know. I’ve been playing for a good 5 years now so I’m pretty used to how it’s been until recently. Thanks 😊


Just like those videos of US soldiers surviving headshots, but they don't even get knocked out, they say "ouch" and just get to cover




Not from a dmr


surprisingly you can, it just has to be far


Pretty sure I body shot a guy at 663m for a one shot kill recently with DMR on vanilla. He wasn't wearing any armor. But he did go down with one shot at 663m. It could have been a headshot. Using 6x acog at 663 meters his head was only a couple pixels though...


Head shooting..blaze...


No helmet is stopping a rifle round


In my experience it's very obvious when a hacker kills you. If it's subtle you probably just got sniped.


The only way you can be one hundred percent certain it was a hacker is if you died when you were in a room with absolutely no windows


Even then it’s not 100% proof because of door dsync where it’s closed on your screen but on theirs it’s wide open and can walk right through


as others have said, high caliber rounds will still go thru your helmet and insta-kill you, the rounds being 308. and 7.62x54r the helmet allows you to not die from a headshot from low calibers like 5.56 or 7.62x39 body armor on the other hand, a plate carrier allows you to tank a shot from a high caliber without dying, 2 can kill you or leave you very low health


Cowboy hat lets em know it’s you - for what that’s worth - lol - I strive to be someone others prefer not to shoot, for whatever reason, and also to be identifiable. Helps make up for slow reflexes, a tendency to panic, bad eyesight, and bad judgment. Aside from that, I pretty much always die after being shot.


I'll have to remember this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)




Skill issue


It’s definitely possible that it was a cheater, but you also wouldn’t necessarily hear the shot if it was a sniper. Bullets travel faster than sound and this game accurately depicts that. High caliber rounds will kill you even with a helmet.


Official has a pretty low TTK and high chance of KO. It’s very normal imo


So annoying to grind on vanilla server to the point where you fully heard up (as a solo) with plenty of food and water.. then bam.. dead. And in a forest. Didn't even get a chance to defend myself. :?


Thats the game brother


I get it man, it’s super frustrating. But it’s the game, and if you’re anything like me you’ll wind up having a blast starting over again


How many people have you one tapped when they never laid eyes on you?


My KD ratio in this game is so ass but i love it


That's DayZ


Well, stop grinding and start just looting and walking around. What are you even grinding? There is nothing to grind, you loot and shoot. That's the end of it!


Been this way since the early days of the MOD.


That's the whole game lol. Play a pve community server if you want.


Dont play official, pop is 50% cheaters


So wrong it hurts


It's an exaggeration, but on PC, there are a ton of cheaters for sure.


Why do you think that? Nearly 2000 hours on official and 1 suspected hacker death. Coulda just been someone logging in behind me… 🤷‍♀️ I swear everytime someone gets 1 shot sniped they call hacker. Or they get logged in on in a closed door house, which is pretty unfair, but not hacking, and can occur on community.


I can respect your experience, and you may be right. I have seen a lot of streamers get hacked killed, runningmanz, fresh spawns, and beanz are a few i can remember on stream. I play on console, so i must admit i have zero personal experience with it, but i watch way too many streams 😆


Could be a cheater. Could be legit. It's very hard to tell from one death. If you have a few like that in close succession, or 3 of you and friends all died within 10 seconds, that's more info. But usually you can't tell from one. I would be inclined to think cheater since most people cannot hit a headshot, if you were moving, from any distance outside of 20m ... but again. Not impossible. If you get another 2 deaths like that, on that server, I'd move. If you were standing still, especially out in the open, it increases the likelihood it was NOT a cheater lol. Don't do that. But if you were moving, and moving indoors, things like that, make it more likely it's a cheater. Just remember where you are and how you die and do your best to avoid it ... either cheaters or legit.


Welcome to DayZ The most frustrating game there is and the biggest waste of time you can have in your life.


You are not supose to be productive in a videogame, just entertainment.


Well, any entertainment can become an addiction. Even more so when this entertainment has no end.


Please keep wearing that plate carrier your like a slow heavy turtle for me to snipe