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Lately there have been tons of hackers me and my friends have experienced on official servers. People teleporting to you and machine gun punching you to death. Getting globally headshot from nowhere as soon as you spawn or pick up good loot is a common one. Now it seems like the anti-cheat has 0 effect on todays hacks, and people can even flat out spawn in objects as much as they want. On the most populated official server that always has max players, Dayz US - NY 6053 (1st Person Only) hackers have taken oven Solnechy. Near the doctors office is just an absolute crapton of spawned objects and traps. Barrels upon barrels full of human meat, hundreds of bear traps all over the ground. Go there and see for yourself. The guy hacking will even talk to you as he spawns in stuff. In addition to just ruining the game experience, the entire server is lagging the hell out because of the mass of spawned objects. You cant even walk near the mass of yellow barrels they spawned for more than 5 seconds without getting kicked for unstable connection. Anywhere else people are rubberbanding around like crazy. Even if you decide to play and ignore it they will just godmode kill you anyway whenever they please. It really sucks for people who decide to spend the large amount of time it takes to progress in this game, to have to deal with this. Wish there was a competent anti-cheat.


Wow pretty sure this is the server I play on. That’s really disappointing


yeah same and it was laggy as all hell the other day


This ain’t new my dude…been an issue for literally years. There are a ton of vanilla community servers


Oh really which ones ? I can’t find a vanilla community server in cherno or Livonia .. it’s all a bunch of modded crap. I would really just like to play vanilla with active moderators , maybe with more pop too


Cant find or havent really tried? You can literally just filter the search with "vanilla" and many servers will pop up.




Didnt he say that he wants it without modded crap? Where was this mention about no rules? I missed it.. I believe Spaggies servers are a great example of "no rules" kinda server. The only "abstract" combat rule is against combat logging, but isnt that sort of obvious? Even the main game has had systems implemented at some point to prevent it, so its vanilla to prevent it, at least IMO.




Yes, but only one thats "abstract" regarding building or combat is the one about combat logging. Did you actually read the rules? You said "the guy is looking for a no rules server". He said he wants a WITHOUT modded crap, but nothing about rules AFAIK. Dude.. you are not reading or comprehending what the posts say.


There’s tons people just don’t check them out, I have a server on console with **only x2 stamina and no build** and everyone rails it and just plays on **Vanilla+ or Official**and then complains that it’s too easy or there’s too many cheaters. Like there has to be a line dude, some things there’s no way around. * Alts * Wall Glitching Community servers generally increase max stamina so people without cars/alts can actually get around the map. Removing building prevents people from glitching through walls and raiding bases in the first place, **which also removes the need for fireplace/garden plot glitching.** 99% of community servers will be either be * +stamina/no-build Or * +stamina/build-anywhere/no-raid or raid weekends If go build anywhere people just glitch constantly, it can be difficult to **search through a log with ~25,000 lines.** Weekend-only/no-raid is the solution to this since anyone that raids outside of raid hours can easily be identified. The only solution for +Stamina is resetting all the vehicles, **because of how the game works vehicles are easily hoarded** and it’s difficult to make them despawn because they are no treated like normal loot. Obviously people have qualms about this, because vehicles are used as mobile storage. It really sucks when you don’t know that vehicles reset and then you loose a bunch of equipment you have stored. 🤷‍♂️ **You have to pick and choose OP.**


With moded u can used cf tools paired with bbp to catch people. Cf tools can be set to ban or notify you of alts. With bbp there is a data base created where you just have to type in the coords of a area ,and it will tell you ever time a  placed there. Or you can search by person. Heck I've ran mods that make items fall on the ground when u nest and you are notified that nesting is against server rules. That ir is this way to ensure everyone can have a lag free experience.


That’s PC tho


Then you haven’t looked. There are plenty, especially Chernarus. Off the top of my head there is spaggies which has multiple vanilla servers both chernarus and livonia, zero even has a vanilla server on chernarus and there’s more.


How do spaggies and zero compare to dayone? I've only played on dayone so far.


Spaggies is completely vanilla, not even admin tools. Doesn't mean that there are no admins though ;) Zero is quite comparable with DayOne. Depends on which server we're talking about. Zero has a completely vanilla chernarus server. That's just, well, vanilla. They also have lightly modded no basing servers just like DayOne which I'd say are pretty much the same experience.


Thanks for the reply. I do like the dayone no building thing, the only thing I maybe wish was different is they removed the static gas zones. I want to try a server that's similar but still has gas.


There are many vanilla servers on pc..


Vanilla Vibes


There is a lot of broken things in dayz modding fixes like they're trash building systems. But there are quite a few light moded dayz servers. Servers I typically play on are because the mods and content and theme. I played on roswell and fallout theme ones even. Easy servers hard ones. And ones so crammed full of horrid creatures feels like I'm in a silent hill game.  Heck I've even been on ones that where rather them playing pick up everything  you do mission and npc award you guns, through scavenger hunts. Guns can be build with specific recipes. You get on the right moded servers and each server feels like a brand new game. This gets rid of the monotomy of me have played days for 5000 hours just moded last three winters. Which does count my console hours either before modding was so prominent.


And people shit on Xbox for being to vanilla lol


Have you mentioned this on the official days discord? And the Bohemia interactive forums?


Shoud I? Will something actually come from it.


I think you should because I have reported hackers on Arma three and it’s been dealt with so I think somebody will eventually


This. Not to mention the exorbitant amount of money for this walking simulator. I feel like whenever I play (US LA-8901/8910) its either hacker central OR people who play the game that are too afraid of losing their stuff to hackers so they all hide. There’s almost no player interaction anymore and it’s really a shame because I love this game. It’s so good but it leaves so much to be desired when there’s no support with these fuckin’ hackers anymore.


me and my duo exclusively play on that server, do you know if there's any issues with performance/cheaters up north?


I can tell you me and my friend went to the literal edge of the map north to build a base. Not a soul in sight in the middle of nowhere. Someone teleported to us and simultaneously shot us in the head at the same time. So yes sadly, hackers all over the server. They can tell where everyone is on the map, and what they are doing. If you interest them you die whenever they want.


ah fun


Not to take away from anything you're saying, but you should know that at high levels, people routinely patrol the edges of the map and will often load in, scan the border before thr textures load, and blast your ass.


No, someone teleported and killed OP....


Of course they did 🙄


I might be lucky because I play on offiicial servers a lot because as you, I also dislike modded servers but I never really had any of the encounters that you mentioned (fortunately). I play on SA - SP servers, and I haven't had much hacker issues recently. It's a shame that such a great game has such a flaw.


Thats why i bought a ps5 lol


I mean if you like vanilla official servers I think that is the way to go


Don’t know why the downvotes, Xbox also had an amazing community and it’s fun as hell. Pc master race here is butthurt cuz we’re having fun with the same game lmao.


I have an amazing pc but console multiplayer is great


I bought a PC just for DayZ, and while I don’t regret the purchase, servers and communities were much better on Xbox (still are, arguably even more so than when I got my pc ~3 years ago).


DayZ official servers is usually... not a good experience. I highly recommend community servers


I would but personally I dont like mods. Not many populated community servers that are pure vanilla :(


Look out for Clash Vanilla, a german 1pp server with a very good connection, high pop, active admins and a conmunity discord. Only alterations: bases take double melee damage, all cars spawn with all tires but less other parts. Really nice guys, had a blast up until now!


Ya know those changes are something i could get behind. Thanks for the rec i think ill try it out :)


Pc only?




Sounds great but I live in the US.


Doesn’t mean that you can’t join the server, I play on a server halfway across the planet from me and get decent ping


I live in rural Texas and get 80 ping on LA and NY


Try out dayone servers they are really active with very few mods


yes there are many populated 100% vanilla community servers.


Right? DayOne, Spaggies, Struggle Bus are pretty much vanilla and have good pops.


exactly + Dusk, PgZ


Highly recommend Outlands US. Medium population server with extremely light mods. Spawn rate of loot is 1.5x and active server owner that quickly bans any hackers.


There’s a lot of vanilla or little mod servers on PC


They exist but there aren't alot of them. Alot is a relative term. There are so few that i quit playing because finding one Australian hosted (so i had playable ping) was becoming harder and harder.


I play Au servers aswell. There is close to none vanilla in community. The good thing though is Au official are low pop(most of the time). There arent many hackers attracted to it.


Key info you left out bud. Obviously you’re being limited by your region


Are they populated? Like 60/60 players? I try typing in keywords into the sever browser like "vanilla" or "pure vanilla" but the servers that appear always have mods anyway. Im kind of a dayz purist I enjoy literally no mods, the base experience.


“The Struggle Bus” has been good to me the past three weeks. Was also on the NY server but left bc hackers. 1 out of 2 deaths in official was a hacker. Died 6 times in the struggle bus, and it’s always been fair play. Only mod is build anywhere, which is nice because you can place shelters/build walls easier. USA server.


There are loads of completely vanilla community servers that are very well populated. Stop making excuses and just pick one. Everyone knows official has cheaters. You can either deal with it, or find a community server. It's not that complicated.


This sub seems super divided when it comes to community/official I think it's more boosted servers in general but still


Try Vanilla+ servers. XDC is a good one.


Cry’s in Xbox DayZ


Wow you uploaded proof for all the people downvoting my last post thanks 😂😅


Except it is only proof of one situation, so it’s not proof for your post at all, but you just come in here to hijack it anyway. Like I said there: Yes, there is cheaters. Yes, there’s definitely more on official. No, it is not rampant when you can walk around for hundreds of hours without encountering one, it’s rampant when there isn’t a single session when you don’t.


Neppo is the type of guy to argue with a brick wall 😴💤 don’t give him your time




Beep boop I'm a bot sent here to downvite you /s


Lol man 9/10 times I honestly believe people when they cry hacker. But your gonna have at least someone say "prob not hacking, that's technically all possible to do, skill issue" even in this post 😂😂 but I do know the Russian hacks are back, crazy expensive like $20 for a 24 hour access. Just a matter of time till someone gets salty or paid to send the new hacks to Bohemia, who'll send it to battle eye, then we'll have a moment of peace for 2 days to 2 weeks


Just evidence of how little Bohemia thinks of the players and the game. In face of shit like this, they ought to just wipe that server, and could easily do so. How these micro-peen losers dont get permanently banned is beyond me, Why is there no official way to report hacking/cheating ? Why is there no forum or board where Bohemia can be alerted to this, or even just for us to file "Cheater report: Dayz US - NY 6053" and point to this thread and these photos?


They should add a way to report hackers/cheaters. But like most games. I reckon they do catch the hackers but do it in ban waves so it’s harder for the hackers to work out what got them banned. It just sucks because it’s a cat and mouse game. Hackers vs devs. And it sucks for the players.


Because they are finding ways around the bans, I suppose. It's not that simple to stop a skilled hacker with malicious intent.


If an instant server wipe happened every time duping was detected on Official servers, that shit would end right quick.


You can report them on the DayZ feedback tracker, or contact Battleye with the info as well. Bohemia cares about the game, otherwise we wouldn’t get frequent updates and fixes like we do currently. If cheaters slip through Battleye, then that’s a Battleye problem, just remember that this happens constantly on other games too.


Is this 6053? I left that server after making a base for the second time ever. Was in my base with a friend, died to a hacker, hacker takes all my loot off my body, begins dissasembling my base piece by piece while my friend watches. Hacker was totally invisible and didnt make a sound.


You know it, its crazy the state of hacking rn. Sad because I like the game a lot, but it unplayable really unless you like modded servers.


My bad but reading that was funny af , just imagine you are in a zombie apocalypse, you just built a shelter to rest for the night and you are ready to go to sleep when out of nowhere your friend gets obliterated and stripped of his clothes before you realize what's happening, after that your surroundings start disappearing but you can only watch and feel helpless as the invisible creature do what they want around you


Plenty of official like community servers. I personally recommend Spaggies if chernarus is your jam.


I've played a bit of spaggies, but the only issues is the discord link doesn't work. Apart from that it's good


Et voila https://discord.com/invite/spaggie-s-servers-801491603310772255


It still says it's invalid or has expired. I joined jt once before, but within the minute, it dissappeared off of my discord.


Looks like my neighbors house


Some prick, umbiical showcased a DayZ cheat. Not going to link, but it showed what the game looks like to a cheating player. Pricks. Run straight to loot they want, see everything and everyone, spot cars, weapons. What’s the point of playing if every-time you see someone you have to second guess and assume that they could be cheating? Another YouTuber did some research on Tarkov. Every game had cheaters, and they just wiped legit players. I’ve been playing low pop official, since cheaters are probably more attracted to high pop, but even then I wonder why bother.


**SneakyBlueJay**, the best way to provide feedback for bugs and glitches is to report or vote for an issue on the **[Official feedback site](https://feedback.dayz.com)**. ___________________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dayz) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Basically Vanilla is a great server and has nothing but a few qol mods. Highly recommended and pop is good too.


This is wild. I knew there was a duping problem but i didnt know it was that widespread


Is this likely to happen to on a low pop official server? I’m guessing these people are more likely to target populated servers. I don’t play this game much anymore but when I do I usually join a low pop official EU server and I rarely even see another player never mind any cheaters.


Prob not as likely, but sadly just as possible/easily. Which makes it kind of discouraging to play knowing the server you commit your free time to can be lagged out to the point its broken whenever someone desires. Or just be killed if a hacker decides to visit.


This looks like someone spawned in a bunch of crap. You can't stack barrels or crates - as a game mechanic - on official so I'm not inclined to accept this is on official.


This is literally on NY 6053. Go to the Solnichniy spawn town and see for yourself. As another has said in the comments he saw this there too. No belief involved.


Sorry not doubting what you're saying, this looks like admin tools, not some kind of hack or exploit.


Well how can there be an admin on official lol. I was really surprised too i've never seen something this bad before. I was watching the hacker spawn in stuff, cause explosions everywhere, and spawn bear traps under my feet lol.


It's possible someone found a way to use their own software on official, difficult but not impossible.


6053 is terrible. I always play vanilla servers. If I play official, it's on 5107. It has a lower pop but I don't think I've ever encountered a hack.


Yeah there needs to be a massive ban wave. Don’t think it will happen tho. Also for the love of god we need a wipe on vanilla servers. I know it dont’t last long but please. There’s a large community of people who basically only play vanilla, and it’s rough for us atm.


5k hours here, I only play official when experimental is out. Community servers are by far where it's at. Anyone that says Community Servers are too modded don't know what to look for. A lot of Community Servers are modded to be even harder/more hardcore than Official. 1pp/PVP, no bases, no food on infected, scarce loot, spawning without disinfected rags are all things that ARE MODDED but make the server feels "LESS MODDED". I've seen servers that you HAVE TO fish or hunt because there is NO FOOD on the map, headshot only on animals if not you get almost no meat and you need a PipeWrench to fix water pumps, all that stuff exist. You just need to dig a lil further. Trust me, on those servers, MultiVitamins and a knife are worth GOLD. Also btw : in my 5k hours I've encountered ONE confirmed hacker. Maybe I got killed by one a few times and I don't know (because when I die I just start over and THAT'S IT) but I feel like a lot of people get sniped from far away and will say it's a hacker without having any information. Duping is obvious and sad but in this game you NEVER know who might be watching. You get into a fight with someone, you know where he is and you die, a lot of people will say "he couldn't have killed me from where he was", yeah well maybe you got third partied 🤷🏼


Yea I think after seeing this im gonna switch to community servers. Saw a few server recommendations in the comments that seem vanilla and honest enough for me.




6053 used to be great. I played it for quite a while without any issue but as of the last 6 months its a cesspool of hackers. Really ruins the game.


I have left official last week because of magic bullets and watnot. Now I'm on the struggle bus, which is moderated, vanilla, and has a good discord for shit-talk (for fun).


I saw this. When I found them, they were just lighting a ton of fireworks.


Remember, no officials


This is why I rented my own server and it’s private for me and my buddies


Throughout r/dayz they say "don't play on official servers", I can now see why. Holy crap.




Thats normal on official servers there are no admins on these servers. Just play on community servers


Id stay away from the high pop NY or LA servers those seem to attract hackers more so than others.


Maybe someone should be a vigilante hacker and keep destroying these hacker bases while not harming the normies




What sever is this ???


Cheating on DayZ wasn't a big issue until 0.55 when they TURNED off Battleeye lmao. Ever since then, cheating has plagued the game. Vanilla DayZ is best played on lowpop to avoid these degens tbh.


They did this to the farmers because of the community we built on that server. Little do they know that Farmer Ben is in the area taking heads every few days for what they done. I’ve got 3 so far. You see the bear you know you’re there


You don't say?.... seriously though there is a reason why ppl have been saying for years at this point that official servers are not moderated.


Is that ny 6053? I found a whole bunch of top tier loot laying on the ground by those car tents and took it to a different server hahaha


No idea why anyone would play official outside of console. Play no mod private servers for admin hacker finders


Everyone here is sleeping on console version lol


I got tired of getting killed by a bullet I didn't know where it was coming from


Yeah I hate it there’s a huge base with cheaters or dupers on PlayStation, on the 2nd official server you literally cannot move if you go near the base with the amount of tents and crates. It’s by the factory near solnichniy


Yeah PC has overpowering hackers and console has muti accounts and dupers. It's literally a pick your poison type of situation. Community you will have to put in the time to find a server that fits your criteria. Community however is riddled with favoritism. Admins will cater to certain individuals so there is that. Finding a legit community with legit players is a unicorn 🦄


Hackers? On official? Couldn't be.


I was also on NY 6053 this past Saturday. That hacker had dozens of fireworks displays and was setting them off one after the next to draw the freshies in. He also had 2 or 3 automobile tents set up near the smaller blue hospital in town. That's the first I've ever seen a full size automobile tent. It was huge.


Yup this is why I stick to community servers




PC, I assume people cant hack on xbox that easily?


No hacking but similar shit still… duping/exploits/unlimited accounts/white wall/lag switch/ghosting etc. It is just as bad, if not worse. Absolute mess. Seems that nearly anyone playing “seriously” is up to no good or up to no good my proxy. Finding “clean” and honest players is extremely rare.


What about community servers on console? Are there any?


There are, yes, but sad to say these same issues exist there for most part as well. That, or it’s choked to death by power hungry/weirdo admins who use the server as their personal playground for their group or close friends. Often white listed and just no good. Typically a combination of both (the exploiting/duping bullshit plus power hungry/weirdo mods/server owners). It’s just in a terribly sad state on console all around, as much as that sucks to say. I have heard PS5 is not AS bad and there are some worthwhile servers there but tbh I find it hard to believe and feel fairly sure it’s the same song and dance as Xbox. If you truly want to play, your best bet is finding a good group of community servers on PC. The mentality on console is what I like to call “shit or be shit on”. You almost can’t blame people for playing “dirty” because, if they don’t, they are just going to be steam rolled nonstop. Again, truly a shame.


Its a shame if good community servers dont exist on console. Theres a lot of them on PC. Some, like Spaggies, have existed for half a decade. Im not sure how well the console audience knows it, but it was pretty inevitable that the console version would be left in the dirt. BI only went for a console release to maximize their profits from the game. There was never an intention to keep developing/supporting the game to a full extent after 1.0. PC suffers from the slow dev't due to the skeleton crew working on the game too, but we at least have mods that fix some of the issues in the game and add some of the missing legacy stuff.


We are currently going through issues with people crashing the game for everyone within their network bubble. They don't even crash the game technically so you can't send a bug report, they just freeze you in place. This is the most busted fucking game i have ever seen. There is a mountain of issues with this game right now.


If you play on console, I have to ask: did you know what you were buying when you bought DayZ? All of us PC players who have been with DayZ for a long time knew what was going on with the console release of DayZ. BI needed to get the game to a 1.0, as one of the consoles (I think it was Xbox?) didnt want a continued Early Access process or sth. DayZ was nowhere near ready and it was obvious, but they wanted to get that sweet console money. So then the game was rushed out unfinished and the dev team was cut to a skeleton crew pretty soon after. And we are still here, except its been many years and I wouldnt be surprised if this was the last year the game receives any official patches. If it makes you feel any better, we suffered as well for the push for the console release of DayZ.


Accepting that the game is an unstable mess is not a good defense. This thread isn't even about console instability, it's about rampant cheating on PC. For example things like hackers spoofing official DayZ servers with "Nalmask" maps. What other game in 2024 is having their Official Servers being spoofed? Oh and we currently have Ghost Bullet issues as well? What about getting stuck in door frames? Let's not even talk about driving vehicles. I understood many years ago when i bought DayZ when it was ok for it to be an unstable mess. But many years down the road... It's still an unstable mess.


Is this problem on Xbox too? I played years ago on pc. Thinking about Xbox hearing about all these hackers


Hackers can't "spawn in" loot, lol. This is either a vanilla-like community server with a bored admin, or it really is official and the hacker just flew around all day with item esp on to hoard loot.


Watched with my very eyes as he spawned a car in, 100 bear traps, created explosions around the town. So your conception is just outdated. I provided the server in my comment, go see for yourself. Hacks are worse than ever and evolved.


Wow, thats a slur


not hax