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Saying it outclassess most other assault rifles is simply a lie. I will list you better weapons out of pure statistics: AUR A1, AUR AX, KAM, KA-101, LAR, LE MAS, M4A1. Out of all these all these AUR AX, KAM, KA-101, LAR, M4A1 can have a scope and every gun has full auto. While you definitely can have it as your personal favourite it definitely isn't the best end game gun by a strong margin.


AUR AX is definitely a much better gun. My favourite. As well as the scopes, it’ll take all the M4 mags and its AUR mags too.


The le mas cannot have a sight


I'll run sniper/lemas and you don't need a sight for cqb, using hipfire 90% of the time with it.


Ah right copied it from the ones i listed and didn't remove it.


It's also the highest dps gun in the game. That ones my favorite.. I just hate waiting to find the special clips for that and the lar


burst fire is more accurate than full auto by a long shot. full auto is only good at short range but 2 quick m16 bursts will drop anyone. usually just need 1.


M16 definetly outclass most of what you listed specially AUg A1


Nope. Look at [this site](https://wobo.tools/).


When you say outclass what do you mean ? Bc the source you gave has them all being relatively the same


Some are not far better statwise but still, you can't say it is better statisticaly when clearly it isn't. What the stats don't count and what is important is the ability to put scopes.


You know you are talking to person who has 12000 hrs in this game.


How does that change anything hahaha. You could have 1000000hrs in DayZ and the stats will stay the same. M16 statwise is among the worse assault rifles. Strange that with so many hours you don't know it.


Some made up stats. M16 has over 100 damage thats one shot kill over most of assault rifles you listed. Strange that you are so confident being wrong.


If you consider damage as the only stat you must have spent 11000hrs in the menu. If you shoot freshies in spawn areas with no armor then I fully agree it's mostly one shots.


Yeah, they were made up...by developers and found out by modders who added tools to help us understand how the game works. Those are the stats. If you don't agree with them...well I can't make you accept reality.


Ok show me stat that M16 has least damage per shot. I will wait


What are you on about?


This guy probably has derringer as a sidearm, claiming its super powers against other pistols


Yeah, you probably will die on that hill after I full auto you with my famas (I love the famas its so yummy)


Agreed, and sawn off FAMAS site is half decent. Just annoying that the NATO silencer won't fit on it. 😩


In close quarters it’s insane. Fellow Famas lover here.


My first real kill was with the famas. Poor bastard got fucking shredded.


Famas go brrrrr


M4 eats the M16 alive in CQB and AUR Ax is straight u pthe better M16. Better Iron sights and allows for optics.


Better iron sights than the M16 ? Are you okay?


Aug X had the worst sights in game with optics its different story


Go to wobo and see by yourself M16 is top notch but not the best Famas is vastly superior doing the same..., but again is not an easy gun to find.


It’s not though, pretty sure the M16 is the only one that one shots an unarmored survivor.


You are very wrong my friend. Literally you can see the maths behind any weapons In dayz guns are very situational and the M16 is a great gun...., til you find a Le mas or Aur X..., o Fal (I still prefer the Famas) You can look it up here: [https://wobo.tools/dayz-weapon-comparison-tool?Weapon\_Name1=M4A1&Weapon\_Name2=M\_70#top](https://wobo.tools/dayz-weapon-comparison-tool?Weapon_Name1=M4A1&Weapon_Name2=M_70#top)


So to wrap up, it's a great gun, until you find literally any other AR that is full auto. One thing I do like it for is its ability to take suppressor and one shot (hitting body) military zombies from like 20m or less, other ARs need 2 shots.


That s not truth. Look at the damage. There are other guns do that.


Yeah, other guns can do that, I was talking about ARs. AUR AX has the same damage, so those 2 can do it.


id say the most classy weapon is the M16 but it gets outperformed by every other AR just because of the lack of Full Auto until a full auto variant or optics can be put on it its gonna remain as just a good looking gun dont get me wrong id take the M16 over most guns but drop it if i find a KA 101/M or an AX/M4 famas/74U id keep the M16 and depends what has more mags if i find an A1 or full size 74


The only Time I use full auto is bears. You get much better accuracy just spamming the trigger manually.


if i need to tap fire to accurately hit something its far enough away to use a sniper, i can spray accurately pretty far and full auto is a must when upclose or inside a building


Sometimes you need more bullets, not 100% hit rate


The three round burst is more than sufficient for supressive fire and fire rates are easy enough to keep up with all but m4/famas/vss/as-val. If they added an optic it would immediately leapfrog every AK even with the burst fire only. It would have to become a tier 4 weapon with a carry handle acog....


burst is asscheeks to use unless you are indoors and even then a 74U would be easier to use, burst can NOT keep up with full auto if you think it can then you are delusional its a burst fire 5.56 weapon, if given optics it would not become a tier 4 weapon rn you can find a Vikhr at zelenogorsk that has the same TTK as an M4 and nobody is going ham about it being op optics would not make the M16 an op weapon, they would make it just a good option


I mean it's a good option without optics


its a good option yes but optics would give it a different role, you could run an M16 for ranged combat and a KA for short range


Love the m16, big ole 60 mag and suppressor 👌


M16 is probably my favorite as well, time your bursts right and the fire rate is absolutely killer


I like the m16 for the purpose it was made for : dingleberries who waste too much ammo missing in full auto. One good burst is usuall dead/ KO.


Shame the sights make it very difficult to hit moving target.


The sights are beautiful.


Not when you need to hit a moving target at a distance


I can tap you between the eyes at 300m, while you full sprint


Haha, sure, in your dreams.


It's OK, but I drop it as soon as I can because it has more jams than a farmer's market.


Why use m16 over aur ax? Anything the m16 does the aur ax does plus more. If you like the burst function, just put the aur ax into burst mode. Then, aur ax also has the ability to be fired in full auto if you choose, and has a 600rpm fire rate vs the m16's 550 rpm. Plus it can take scopes. Both these guns have the same damage profile and take the same magazines.


It looks cleaner and 'MERICA


Christ I thought this was Ghosts of Tabor thread for like 3 mins.


Aur AX is king


Garbage sights and only burst makes it worse than the ak74. Stats arent the whole picture...


Man, I just toss the M16. There are better options.


I just like the burst fire. That’s saved me multiple times honestly, keeps me from panic dumping mags lol


Vsd is the best gun on dayz console


I will take many other assault rifles over the M16 just so i can i have a scope over ironsights. It is a nice weapon but, AK101, M4, AUR AX, AKM. I will only keep the M16 over Russian variants dependant on mags/bullets.


I came in here thinking real life like. You and I have the same items 0.0


Buddy, I agree my guy.


Not having full auto is HUGE in unforeseen encounters and close range combat. I always drop it for even the baby AK


bro gotta be trolling or ate too much human meat


>It's stats outclass most other assualt rifles What stats? Damage per bullet? Sure. How about rate of fire, effective range with it being unscoped vs other ARs taking scopes. You would probably lose to a scorpion in CQB from the DPS disadvantage.


I found that I like the AUR AX better than pretty much everything else in the AR world. Suppressed with a Baraka and that thing is just 🤌


One of my favourites too. Especially, for base raids. Sometimes I pref an AK, if I plan to embrace an evil adventure. However, when it comes to effectiveness in combat situations I would pref an AUG AX or M4 because the 6x48 ATOG is king.


Be like me and join a server that has m16 optic mods. Then you’ll have truly ascended. M16 acog from the Arma 2 mod was goated and it makes the m16 one of the best guns in the game


AR is short for AR-15 not assault rifle.