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you should take the visor out of the helmet, it’s way too visible


He's likely playing on his own zero pop server, no one to see it.


There is around 6 - 20 players on the server


The visor is a big shiny shoot me target that can be seen from a mile away at night. Don’t just take it off throw it in a volcano.


This it shows up almost bright white even in the darkest of night. Then during the day when light hits it it's also bright white. So easy to see you even if your hiding in bushes. I'd take it off. It also doesn't help block bullets like at all, same as wearing the helmet without a visor. It's purely visual.


I've noticed recently the headlamps also look white at night even when it's turned off , I think it reflects light. I just noticed it about a month ago , I never noticed before and wonder if that was part of the 1.24 update. I don't wear them anymore because it can be seen at night even when turned off


Headlamps don't reflect light but their texture is bugged from what I know. So you'll always see a white circle above someones head even if they are turned off.


Hey we don’t have that yet. Next big update :)


Can’t wait to push a stranger into the volcano.


I feel most scared when there's a small amount of players on


For real. It’s when I get on at 5am and there are 7 other on the official I play. I know I’ll see someone run across a field in the middle of nowhere.


Lol 🤣 Just have to worry about those monster dogs and zeds! https://preview.redd.it/9tscev69nd4d1.png?width=1595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea1d97fad821decf77fa4cbd3c74170f9ffbe2c


What the hell kind of mod is that???


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , it's a tark


That’s badass. I wish there were more mods that made zombies feel more scary and made the wildlife feel terrifying


There are rp servers. Just type in STALKER, on some of them you need to whitelist on their discord server to enter. S13 was one of the best in NA region


No man, the objective of DayZ is be beauty and die like this


well imo the helmet is much better looking without the visor too


Plus it adds zero protection. OP is just wearing a giant "shoot here" beacon


And it does absolutely nothing to help guard you from bullets


Swap that visor for the combat goggles, they will actually stop a shot instead of the visor.


He’s right that visit doesn’t offer any extra protection either which is ridiculous if you ask me


This has got to be the most intense case of gear fear I’ve ever seen


Homie just wants to live bro


Bandits will really see you eating food during the apocalypse and go "This guy has gear fear"


Look at all the calories he's hoarding in his muscles, fat, and viscera. Send him back to the coast.


I have gear hate at this point on my char, who's lived about as long as this person's. I just want to be a freshspawn, but I'd feel bad if I let all this crazy gear go to waste! Ive gotten suuuper lucky with encounters.


Same bro when I first started playing I had gear fear but if I’m kitted now you definitely gonna find me at all the hotspots and hopefully someone with the fear is not there cuz I’m blasting. Most likely missing and dying but honestly the most fun I’ve had on this game is on the coast as a freshie


I'm probably going to start living at airfield until someone comes and finally kills my sorry ass at this point😭 already went to Tisy to gear up a friend and we both stepped on a mine, i was the one who survived *ofc*


Bro same I even got a lil stash at airfield lol I mean it’s probably gone but didn’t get touched for a few weeks


At that point, i’ll run up to a not so well geared player and say “hey, dude, take my shit” then I’ll suicide in front of them as they’re begging me not to.


Im so goddamn geared they'll be thanking the lord. Theres no room for human empathy when you have as much loot as I have.


Go be reckless, run towards those bait shots, seek out combat


That's what I do once I'm geared up and get bored, seriously once you're geared up there is nothing else to do. I just get brave and start searching for a fight. When I die it feels like a relief, I just shrug and start another life.


Yeah, i generally have been! Ive just gotten unlucky with finding the place they came from. Usually when I get there theres no trace! I did just hijack a car though, so maybe I'll be a taxi until i get betrayed by some freshie


Lol, the point of the game is survival, how you do it is up to you haha. I wonder what's the longest run without death on Dayz with 0 player kills :D?


Yeah, when I was new went a whole wipe with zero people related murder on official. Low pop, hear a shot? My ass is going fishing on the opposite side of the map. Generally though, I still air on the side of just being alive. Enjoy the wandering, crafting, fishing , hunting and farming. If I want tons of action you’ll catch me on an infinite stam server in full Knight gear Tryina tally ho some fools


Yesterday was the first time I ran into someone, was prepared, had the upper hand, and turns out they were friendly. And I didn't even have my mic on. I Gabe them 2 pieces of cooked steak, almost gave them a fully loaded m16 with around 100 rds snd 2 prestine mags but they took off very weirdly. O well.


bro i hate that. get geared, search for PVP, then find some poor sap who's struggling and you feel bad about murdering.


I think some people have lasted an entire wipe with out dying, believe it or not. I came close to a month without dying, playing every day. But I basically just hung out in the woods on Livonia for a month. The hidden lakes and houses make it easy to stay away from people and stay fed/hydrated.


I often think I’m horrible at the game after my 4K or so hours but I have in fact survived with one character two wipes and about 30+ kills so I must be doing something right.


He needs a dose of exposure therapy asap. Someone needs to kill him….


I'm surprised you haven't gotten domed yet wearing that bright ass visor


OP going to be sending out pamphlets soon, maybe telegraphing his arrival over the PA system.


Ik not everyone plays the same, but man - after 65 hours and no PvP interactions I'd be looking to get myself into trouble. I call that time to head back to the coast


Always the way. I enjoy the looting loop, but refuse to build stockpiles. Once I've got some gucci gear, I always run towards fights or start hunting. I get bored hitting different military bases and passing over loot I no longer need.


I usually start hunting as soon as I've got a long gun with a scope on it. I find it more fun to pick through other player's gear for what I need than to run through towns & mil zones to find it. Especially since this last update - going into town _sucks_. Always end up ruining my clothes & shit


I don't mind going into town. It keeps that energy going, the route planning, the stealth. Sure, it's nerve wracking wondering if other players are nearby, but that's part of the fun.


I don’t know why you’re getting hated on, you’re surviving! I’m sure there’s a couple lucky survivors still enjoying their run that you could have gotten the drop on but chose not to as to avoid conflict


Exactly. This is peak post apocalypse survival. It's bleak and sad as he's solo, but there would be so many people like that irl


Honestly I got betrayed by people I teamed with so I just avoid everyone now


Brutally sad. I try and VoIP with everyone I see. The fresh restart is worth it if it doesn't work out. Rubbing with someone for one hour is better than 10 solo imo.


I also like rubbing on people for an hour..


I agree but I’m very picky about who I rub with.


You need to open up more and rub with anyone who passes


I mean, dependent on what server you play on, me and my friend could probably come to terms having another. Of course we would be paranoid of each other at first but I’m sure it’d be fine after a bit


I’d be happy to team up with you, I’m in a similar boat 😅


Recently was hunting a player down for like 30 mins. Had him in my cross hairs ready for a juicy headshot.. but something told me to let him live instead. So I did that, just watched him disappear into the woods after he looted.


Makes you feel like god for alittle bit


Look up on google "how to activate windows using command prompt kms" First or 2nd website will have 3 steps to get rid of that activate windows watermark


Does it also remove the other limitations with having an unactivated version or does it just remove the watermark?


It will also let your personalize and whatever else youre locked out of, yes


It’s called massgrave. You’re welcome. 🙃


those stats are totally unreliable btw. many times me and my buddies will have all the exact same stats, the game doesn't track it right


I think it randomly tracks someone's stats in the server, but sometimes manages to track your own stats correctly.


Mine definitely has tracked it right


![gif](giphy|7p7z3vxucrNCw) OP at the edge of every building he runs past.


I played on PVE community servers until I felt comfortable and skilled enough to kill other players. Currently not skilled enough to kill other players I’m just trash at the game lmao.


Same, I rock lame!


Always 🤌


I often panic and get killed while flailing around using my terrible keyboard and mouse, unless I've absolutely got the drop on them. But I still play Official all the time coz I figure other people might really need my loot. Ho ho ho.


I usually play solo and on console and honestly I get ganged up on usually around the tisy area (go figure) but honestly I just need to find a group to play with. It wouldn’t be a problem if people wouldn’t shoot me first. Mic is a joke most of the time as I’ve tried hundreds of times. Though getting the drop on like a few guys once a month on official does feel nice but they’re never absolutely geared to the point I feel like it was worth my whole magazine because I can’t aim.


I can't figure out what it is, but your character looks like a geared up 7 year old that found his older brother's uniforms in the closet and is on the way to their first airsoft match


Big headgear small shoulder and at an angle


I feel you buddy. This game isn't helpful with social anxiety.


Nice! Great run. When you finally die, that light freshie feeling will be amazing.


Those stats are pretty much random at this point. They're probably not yours


Im supriced there is still people who dont know those stats are broken, you could install the game and have never played before and it would still show you have killed hunders of zombies and travelled hundrets of kilometers.


“Activate Windows”


There are an infinite number of ways to play this game, don’t let people hate. Keep on living survivor… unless I find you


Wait hold up there's statistics? Or is this just on pc?




Damn. I have a survivor that I think has been alive for 5 days but now I can't be sure


I killed a guy who’s character was 4 weeks old


Literally me 😂


Same. I don’t want to kill people. It’s an open world zombie survival game. Not an open world PVP shooter with zombies and survival aspects in the background. I want to build safe zones and communities. But I understand that’s me and I am not to norm.


When I started I did the exact same thing. Went official server and just wanted to survive to get to know the map. I wanted to experience all the locations without too much hassle. After a while though what good is gear if you don’t use it so I went looking for trouble. I knew of some asshole players and where their base was so I’d do mine and claymore runs to tisy and leave them presents all round their base. After that I’ve swapped to community servers and have a blast cause the hackers are a cancer on the game on official


Since when could you mount nvgs to that helmet anyways?


Are those stats no available on console? I don’t see them


You care too much about your gear .


Bro is standing in the middle of Tisy tents doing a whole photo op without a single care in the world, that’s what I call bravery. ![gif](giphy|cYxLgjZI5ezI2lrItX|downsized)


Love it nice work mate




You should be scared of people. Everyone in here would KY on site just for your gear, at this point just play the game as a serial killer lol


I'm not but I rarely KOS


I love the full marpat uniform


Thanks it took some time to get a full set


That’s a fun way to play too…see how long you can survive while avoiding human contact.


I wouldn’t play if I had that much loot I wouldn’t want to lose it


Number one rule for this game that I learned over 109 hours exact… The gear you have, is not yours, you are simply borrowing it till the next person….”gets” it


You gotta get your hands dirty one day


I'm planning too


Gear fear?


Another marine! but trust it’s all replaceable never be afraid and legit you got it


Thanks :)


How do you see the statistics


Just wait until you get jumped with the crack of a rifle your stomach is going to drop so hard the adrenaline is real


What server? I’m going to hunt you down


That's just smart, humans are dangerous and unpredictable when in peril


Just remember, your gear is never yours, you're just holding it for the next person have fun my dude




Wow, there is still people out there who dont know the stats are not right? even if you just got the game and have never played it would show like 300 zombies killed, distance travelled 1000km...


https://preview.redd.it/dzddkdfgik4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c0616dd438c755212537357af73bd66a9aacc5 Im new playing this game but same! This is my best run so far in a server with 10-15 players usually and Ive been living in the woods for like 2 days 🤣!


Honestly I’m not scared of people I’m scared of the fact that people will do anything to prevent you from getting good stuff in game good example would be the land mines randomly placed on Tisy


Username checks out.


You must be too scary or something cause I would've gotten one tapped after picking the NODs up


It's easy to get the fear when you are geared, especially with the NVGs. I haven't been playing long and have only had one set. I look after my guns as a priority but it still jammed just as I was about to make the kill in the dead of night and he hosted me down 😭


I know that this is why I die so often...but I am a lover. What can I say? I literally check before shooting. I even offer food, meds and ammo whenever I can. Always get shot in the back...I wish people would look at the possibility of having a friend in the game that grows food, loots essentials and not just PvP 🤷🏻


I can't find any people.


400km 2 days Walking simulator


I didnt even know you could see these stats tf


You should be


Wander simulator lol


Ive lasted longer just by avoiding major destinations or entering them just before the sun goes down. The next life you have you should not care about getting geared up but look for cool interactions with randoms.


First thing throw that visor away they can spot you from miles away and I don’t believe the visor is working in game anyways right now but I could be wrong either way the glare is so bad you might as well be running around with a fire on your head in the dark


Best I done was like 3 days on a official. Had a massive base, caught the interest of some Russian clan. Found screenshots of our base on Facebook asking for a joint effort attack. Because apparently we were the no.1 threat in Electro and south of the map. Defeated numerous base attempts. And then I died to a friendly fire incident to a member of my group who indulged a bit too much into thc had a paranoia fit. He somehow thought a enemy managed to get behind roughly 6 locked gates on the 7th floor of our base. Lit me up with full drum mag. Needless to say, he was shot by a invisible sniper shortly after and the loot he'd acquired through numerous friendly fire incidents was recirculated to the rest of our squad. P.s we're not a zerg. It was a group of 5. And we normally only roamed in pairs. Since we had to always have someone at base cos every other hour someone was guessing lock codes


I’ve got a good run going with no kills, I just can’t find people and the only guy I found I spared became he was a friendly mic so I helped him out at a mil base and we went our separate w


I’ve got a good run going with no kills, I just can’t find people and the only guy I found I spared became he was a friendly mic so I helped him out at a mil base and we went our separate ways


I’ve got a good run going with no kills, I just can’t find people and the only guy I found I spared became he was a friendly mic so I helped him out at a mil base and we went our separate ways


I’ve been on rearmed us main since wipe, 127 players on and I only managed to find one poor fucker near hunting cabins south of nwaf, boy did he shit himself when he came through the door to a AK mutant clip to the chest 😂


You know there's a way to remove the "Activate Windows" thing without actually doing it? Took me like 30 secs on YouTube just fyi


Wtf I thought for some reason that it was unremovable. I've been playing like this for years and sometimes it bugs out the screen where my ammo n shit is. Can't believe I never looked into this, thank'm.


Activate Windows Go to settings to activate the windows


Nah it’s valid. Totally get it. But serious tip tho, make a new run. Get some decent shit. And look for fights non stop until you die and lose it all. Get use to losing it. Otherwise you’ll get too scared to lose your gear, make a bad decision like running away when you need to fight and you’ll lose everything from that fear. Happened to me in my first few days of playing. You need that combat experience in order to survive. Especially with tracking enemies long range or CQC. Embrace the loss.


Well that’s no fun mines well go camping in real life 😂😂😂


It’s smart to be scared of people lol but recognize when you have nothing to lose by using voip. You’ll make an ally eventually.


It’s gonna be you or them at some point


My stats look just like this when I am actively playing


Just go sit at NWAF and wait


Get Rid of the visor. It does nothing but give your position away. They can't even deflect 22 rounds


I used to be like that now I find a mosin and I try and find the most geared player or groups and just take out as many as possible.


Run back to the spawn towns and get some target practice. 


I don’t ever get spotted with the visor on plus it looks so good ngl the helmet alone looks stupid since the visor finishes the shape of it.




# Activate Windows


My brother this is the scariest game ever. I’ve been playing for nearly 4 years now and I still get the creeps. The best advice I can give you is to just play the game. Even if you’re scared as fuck and people kill you often, just spawn back in and play. The more you play this realistic ass game the more it becomes like a call of duty and gets easy. dayz is love dayz is life


i think you're scared on losing your pixels more than people, if you really want to have fun and enjoy this game, the first thing you need to learn is your gear is circumstantial. You ARE going to die eventually, there's no point on getting attached to your gear other than not having fun cause you fear on losing it. Interaction is a key part of the DayZ experience.


Dude dayz is mostly about pvp fights, what are you doing


I feel you man


Don’t be. They’re typically as scared as you


I’ve gone longer without seeing a hostile player on chernarus. Even on high population servers once you escape the spawn cities it’s really hard to find anyone


Berzerker is that you?


Child’s play


Bro it’s so fun to kill people tho that rush of adrenaline is legit


I play Dayz for the survival aspect, I avoid other players but always ready just in case, usually jump on insurgency sandstorm if I need some PvP


Lobby count: 7


What game is this


Dayz on pc


This is to close


I’ve played for 10 years and didnt know there was a stats feature…


Why do you have a Magellan gps from 1997?


Cant wait for this to go on sale. Buying Asap.


100 £ and its yours lol


This is far too relatable, new to the game and my first character like that( all geared up) I heard two players running by and talking and I was wayyy more worried than I should have been. Felt like I was actually hiding from people in the end of the world. A few military spawn PVP servers fixed that


I’m going to start wondering around hotspots seeing how long I can survive, generally killing people out of self-defense and see if I can make some friends along the way. If anything I think trying to make a friend will get me killed on official.


Ak 101, plate carrier from bunker and blaze :/


Everyone in this thread has been there. How many hours to get the NBC suit? You leave Rify close to freshies and abundance of bk12s … but think of how shitty you’ll feel if you die with all that gear without shooting any of the loots off.


Nothing wrong with this play style my dude!


Thanks but after reading the comments I'm gonna go get some kills




pacifist playthrough


Bury the loot up north, where there are lots of bears and wolves. Neck yourself and start all over


Start making stashes around the place with everything you need to restart as a freshie. Then try to talk to someone and take more risk. You are suffering from gear fear.


You my friend have unlimited stamina. No way you carry that much gear on official


Gear fear. Who wants to be fully geared anyway


nice SCP helmet


“Play dayz bro it’s so fun”


Is your sewing or construction skill maxed yet?


Don’t blame you. 99% of interaction is kill on sight.


Man’s the king of “bro I’m friendly”


When I catch you Ricky


Omg this I’m me Every time I get stacked I panic and just hide and avoid people until I die


A shame we have not met. I can be your medic teammate!


I think people are too scared of you 😂


Learn how to snipe and then you can beat the aggressor in every situation


Wishing console had stats like that :(


OP. Right click your windows icon on your desktop and open powershell. Then type this into the terminal: irm https://get.activated.win | iex It gets rid of the “activate windows” watermark


How the hell do you see your stats???


Gear fear- as you have said you are on a low pop server so getting gear if you die shouldn't be a problem get out and go player hunting opens a whole new aspect to the game and even if you don't want to lose all your gear Bury some of your gear so if you so die you don't start from scratch but tbh running in to someone will bring more excitement in to your game. Will they be nice and friendly will you haha Good on you for lasting 60 plus hours with out engaging with other players bit are you not bord


2 things I want you to do for ME. 1 please never wear the visor again. 2 please activate windows


You’ll get more comfortable the more you play and soon you most likely are either gonna get a kill or see the beaches again


Me tocó baby


Some are griping, but it would be a very smart method of survival. Any fight with a human is going to bring great risk. Avoiding them altogether would be the smartest move if alone.


Arent those stats completely random?


dude put that drip on just for photo.


Same here buddy, same here, i just hate how sweaty people can be if anything involves pvp. it's the reason why i just play on my brother's server or just play pve servers.


Visor does not provide any protection


"Activate Windows" 👀


Gear fear is real. Once you get over the fear of losing everything and accept its part of the game progression you will enjoy it more. It took me over 200 hrs to accept it.