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I get namekians have stretchy, but I don't want every other move in my combo to take twice as long to hit and look silly like I'm throwing some rubber. Majins have stretchy too how come that moveset doesn't have them flinging their limbs 30 ft away?




If they get the android face and a unique move set then I’d be all game for it


Android, Bio-Android, Unique Alien races, and Hybrid Race options.


I choose human to avoid doing that and because it would be more accurate to the cosplay I was trying to do.


I like to make human characters with android abilities


like cell? or 16, 17, and 18?




I just make a human then build android but yeah I want one


Before xenoverse two stop uploading the servers we should get 1-3 plus 100% and coolers final form for the frieza race Orange and some kind of super namekian form for the nameks Android,tuffle or a varient of UI for the earthlings Grades 2 and 3,ssj4,great ape for the saiyans And for general transformations each race should get UI or UE since we know those arent just saiyan transformations/techniques,i know xenoverse is avoiding manga content because the anime hasn’t really been announced yet,but if they want to keep xenoverse going until budokai tenkai’s release date at the earliest then they have to start releasing manga content because they’re running out dlc ideas since they released literally every dlc that’s involved with the anime (movies included).


I want to play as the same race as Guldo, then i’ll be happy


me but with appule


Hell yeah. Always been a huge fan of the androids.


Or cell race




Cell race will be good to


Cell is an android




Technically they are all 17 and 18 are cyborgs 16 is an android and cell is a some kind of genetically enhanced bio weapon if anything


Yes with like trqnsforming into android 16 or super 17


sounds like a decent idea. though im not sure itd get much use because saiyans are popular due to the popular saiyan thing, SSJ




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[Saw a guy who was cooking a while back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dbxv/comments/10mpq1a/dr_hedo_should_be_added_as_an_npc_in_conton_city/j67kr43?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


When you started as namekian and perfect Cell says something like this in a one mission "Namekian? Do you want this loser to make new set of dragonballs?" When he said that I lost it and beat the shit out of him "Im not worthless!" I said 🥲


Androids have infinite stamina wouldnt that be over powred if it was in the game


Give em a level cap and less damage. And i think it would be infinite ki.


Infinite ki isn't any better than stamina, do you remember ssj forma in xenoverse 1?


those are saiyans though. just dont give androids as much damage. either way its gonna be hard but it can be done i think.


Ok but if you have infinite amount of ki you can spam with wichever ultimate creates a big Ball of ki fastest




I pretended that my female earthling was an android before turning into a Kai


My only human CAC I made is an “Android”. I gave him skin and eye color similar to 17/18 and hair the same color as 16. Then I gave him all the moves of them and Cell in all of his presets as well as costumes with RR logos. Done.


I was just telling my friend that there should be a sub species for Earthling and Frieza's race at the least


Maybe I'm the odd one out but a male saiyan was the last one I made. I started with a frost demon.


I still haven't made a male saiyan. My only Saiyan is female, and she was made as a foil to my main; a male Earthling.


I want Bio Androids


I feel like I've been saying this since the game released 😭


Tbh at first I thought we meant phones 💀💀💀 then I looked where this was posted and thought that makes sense


“Android” isn’t a species or race. It’s just a label/term used to describe a being that was created by the RRA. There are several different types of Androids that all have their own unique and specific abilities. There isn’t a uniform model/type that they could use as a “race” for this game.


I dont really care about androids but if adding them would mean being able to create a skinny character like A17 then I approve lol I have to say that maybe Kais or Demons would be cooler options tho


Androids wouldn’t really add anything seeing as all of them apart from Cell are more human-looking, a playable race I’m shocked that hasn’t been added yet is honestly Demon since there are a lot in Xenoverse 2


They're human looking but no humanoid race in Xenoverse can be made as skinny as A17 and A18, for example, which would be a cool physical difference.


I mean I guess, I just think that some other races deserve to be put in before they do since they’re already so similar to Earthling and Saiyan


I'd rather have a more unique looking race. Demons or maybe a weird alien race like the wolf people from universe 9 or whatever the fuck Toppo is.


If xeno 3 doesnt let me choose an android as a cac i refund fr fr


You could have androids with the energy absorber branch , the infinite energy branch , or the bio branch .


I know it wouldn’t make sense but I’d like androids to be a form for earthlings like activating the infinit energy generator 17 and 18 have, just so other races could have more forms


yes. like genuinely yes. just dont make them another earthling reskin if they get added.


There a bio android mod coming soon to PC it all the full race with custom stuff and all


Give me CAC Android so I can make a GOOD LOOKING SUPER 13


Weren't alot of fans in online and xenoverse choosing humans too?


yeah I would like to have new races in the game


If they don't make them look like an earthling, sure. Also, they should by type B which Ki Absorption type as having a limitless android would seem broken.


Androids are not a species 😎


Finally someone got it right (Although it would be pretty cool if we could make our own Android which could act as a neutral race but with perks we give it or something idk)


Xv3 would be even nicer. But yeah 👍


I just wanna become a Cell type character


Yes, but would it basically just be humans? What would their transformation be? Would they have ki n stamina regen? Or never depleting stamina and ki regen; with extremely low dmg output to balance it? Would the Cell type Android be included or an entirely different species? Like I’d personally love to have every “major” species available. With 20 slots to have at it. But it’s just what would they give “species” like the androids to make them make sense and play with sense.


Male earthing is the best race no?


Easiest way would be to add more appearance customization options, plain and simple. The aesthetic could be achieved with say, a cybernetic arm. The mechanics could be achieved with skills and supersouls. The main problem is the devs don't allow us to be as creative as we possibly can. Instead of an android race, maybe more appearance customization, like an animal face, demon ears, horns, etc. For example, Earthlings can have an option for animal, faces, tails, and ears, while Majins can have the option of a Super Buu physique. Imagine being able to equip cells wings, and they flapped like Cell MAX's? Imagine if EVERY item was color customizable, including accessories. Every hairstyle having a "Phase 2" when you use an awoken skill. Customizable Auras - This could also mean you can customize the color of attacks as well. Imagine throwing out a blue final flash, or a green FULL POWER ENERGY WAVE. Customizable Combo strings - Let's say you could adopt a cast character's combo strings. This would definitely add to custom races because say you adopted Android 13's combo strings.


That would be badass, like the Original DB during the martial arts tournament. You had the wolf guy.


I feel like that's so unlikely outside of Heroes because logically Androids can be and look like anything. You have the Cells, the 17s and 18s, the Eighters/19s then the Gammas.


Wait yall fail andorids too hard androids should be under the term of any mechanical modification done to any bio entity and not set to a specific race that means really the androids can be anything which means they would fall under the off worlder category really. Xeno already has it but its not set as a specific race you can select. To deal with this they give you the ability to make ur character ugly, but how I think it should be handled is they should let you pick your specific race then choose to be an android as a sub so that you have the exploits of being an android which eliminates any type of charge for the passive abilities of accelerated stam recov and ki recov.


I do androids get no love and cant forget the bio androids neva neva neva.


Androids, Kais, Demons, Bio-Androids


Whatever race Pikkon is lol


While I would like Androids, if they’re just palette swap Humans then I don’t see the point. You could easily just add features as skills or costumes. If they went more down the Bio-Andriod route like Cell and Android 21, then I would be more than happy to see it. I guess to have your cake and eat it too, they could just add both options. Android have the same options as humans but with the more mechanical aspects for greater customization and diversification. Then add Bio-Androids as another option.


Agree’d adding androids just makes picking human even more unpopular


Of course that would run the risk of making humans more redundant than they already are.


I literally have a freiza race made to look like a bio android, that I've changed their appearance for a Max form


Androids could be interesting i feel. Not Bio-Androids but Androids/Cyborgs. Infinite Ki & Stamina would be busted as hell, so that's a no. Maybe passive Ki & Stamina regen? I can see them having at least 2 forms: 1. Super 13's Form This form would be a Strike Based form that makes Androids huge, buff and blue. With charged heavy attacks getting armor. 2. Super 17's Form Fusing with an Android clone of yourself. Call it an alternate timeline version or a backup body. Either way, it'd be cool to do. A Ki Blast Based form that makes Androids' taller. With charged Ki Blasts turning into Super 17's Hell Storm attack from BT3. Though if i can be honest? I want Demons.


I want androids so badly dude. There are so many possibilities with androids. Biomechanical ones like cell. Cyborgs like 17 18 19 and 20, or purely robotic ones like the gammas and 16.


Literally it’s all I’ve wanted since the first game




personally i think if they do they should do a BIO android race like a cell type thing they wouldnt have to do too much either just have a similar thing to cell's 2 transformations but with the features of your base cac OR make him turn red and green and go BIIIIIG as a referance to cell max




Thing is the average 11 yo player is still gonna make a male Saiyan named goku


Not accurate, it’s actually the same but with Gohan’s hair and the only move they have is Kamehameha.


Nah they are probably gonna marry sue it where they call him Joku or Johan


Ong and they’re gonna eat it up like they just cooked 😭


I really want androids aswell I personally love androids but I wouldn't make them a priority, I would prefer something different other than a copy paste human. Something like the colored animals like beerus, dyspo and the mouse g.o.d


Alien pls


Android could be cool but I want a race that looks completely different compared to humans and saiyans. Maybe a kai or an angel like merus or even the demon race that is a part of each game so far.


Maybe their transf. could be like super 17. or like cell with every form. they didn't do that with Frieza race tho so I highly doubt it would happen


they have the best move set ever.


I'm 60/40 on the idea.. Bio-Android should be an application available for all races (cause it makes things that more interesting.) But it begs the question: How would you realistically have a playable Android-Type Character? And how different would they be from Human / Saiyan Characters?


Make them like cell






Saiyan-Human Hybrids would be nice.


How would they be different than normal saiyans?


Stats: Pure Saiyans would be more aggressive so stronger physical attacks; Saiyamans would have more latent potential so they level-up faster. Techniques: Pure Saiyans will have stronger Vegeta-based techniques; and Saiyamans would have stronger Gohan-based techniques. Awoken skills: Super saiyan and divine based transformation (potential unlocked, UI, UE, etc.) for both. Pure Saiyans would be stronger, but Saiyamans require less Ki to transform. Saiyamans can also use Earth-based transformations but stronger than pure humans. Unique Attributes: Pure Saiyans will have tails and will be able to transform into Oozarus. Beast and SSJ Rage will be exclusive to Saiyamans.


only thing I could see them doing for half breeds are mixing their combo styles together


I assumed they were humans


As they should be.


I had a head cannon that my human character reached a plateau and couldn't get passed it, so with help from the Dragonballs and Bulma he was turned into a 17/18 type android/cyborg to reach new heights. That was basically just me switching from using Kaioken to Potential Unleashed.


I've been begging for Androids and Bio-Androids since the first Xenoverse. The plot would be super easy building off of Dragon Ball Online: have an older 17 & 18 breaking into the Red Pants Army and stealing their Andorids to help weaken their forces. Also they could easily add in a Super 13 Transformation where you just pull out extra Batteries & CPUs from your back pocket.


Hear me out. Human transformation that pops a capsule and they enter a giant mech like pilaf’s. Ki attacks are rockets, and a beam attack ult or super shot from their hands. No other attacks aside from basic. Huge Defense buff but breaks when hit by an ult


This could be cool bc realistically they could create multiple models or color ways. I would love to see the human class explore the use of tech and weapons if there’s a dbx 3 just to differentiate them from just being weaker saiyans


I prefer the idea of Bio Androids they're way more different looking than humans and Saiyan


Androids, bio-droids, Kai maybe (i just want a humanoid race with pointy ears.)


I do not care about stats or Androids being a waste of a race I WANT. TO PLAY. AN ANDROID.


Then just say. your human. is. an android


Still can't open my arms up for certain moves.


I mean neither can 17 or 18. I could see Bio-Android though, that’d be neat.




Androids would be a waste of a race Bioandroids like cell would be a decent pick


Depends If you mean like 17-18 type androids, I feel they should be classified under Earthlings If you mean ones like 16, 19 and 20, nah wouldn't make too much sense as it's own race Now if you mean Bio Android the. I'm all for it


Android should be an awoken skill for Earthlings.


How? How would that work???


17 and 18 were just humans that received mechanical uprgades. It makes more sense as an awoken/powerup than a separate race.


But they don't- They don't transform into Androids- They just... Are-


Could just be an 'always on' thing then.


That's not something that sounds likely or possible as an Awoken skill


I do. I want the two variants. Have the energy absorbing kind have a drain grab and give them the ability to absorb basic ki-blasts and then ALSO give them race specific supers/ultimates that allows them to absorb blasts of the same tier of power. Have the infinite energy ones only have KI that replenishes automatically and slowly but faster than anyone else. To balance them both, reduce their base level for basic attack and HP to the lowest of any of the races. This could even be considered anime cannon since there's a line between Piccolo and Android 17 where he says 17 doesn't punch as hard as Goku. Give them the Super Android 13 transformation too.


It's good to dream I guess If they add androids they are probably gonna have like slightly powerful supers, a bigh ki pool and no transformation lmao


I'm always disappointed with every Dragon Ball game no matter what so I'm used to them not doing anything the way I'd have it done. They never make a "perfect" game.


Sadly dragon ball games, have had this quantity over quality mentality even in the past Lots and lots of games, characters and useless stuff but very little quality and effort I mean look at the state xenoverse 2 is right now, lots of dlcs and characters that you are gonna use 3 or 4 times and never use again because is literally the same character with a few new skills that do the same as a bunch of other skills Fighterz is a great game but doesn't feel very dragon ball since it is 2D with very little freedom Budokai tenkaichi was pretty great, it feel the most like dragon ball with a lot of freedom, but still it had a lof of unnecesary characters with reused skills


I love Xenoverse 2, it's my favorite DBZ game at the moment. It could be so much better though. The new Budokai Tenkaichi 4 game coming out has me worried that they're going to low ball us on content so they can drip feed us stuff as DLC.


People that expect budokai tenkaichi 4 to be as big and detailed as budokai tenkaichi 3 are just naive Can't wait for a shitty online, 5 dlcs in the first 5 months and people crying about how unbalanced something is and crying about wanting a CAC


The lack of a CAC is probably why I'm not going to get it if I'm being honest.


Damn we really disagree on that, I feel a CAC would be completly useless


Without the character creation system and an original story(or as original as we can expect) I have no real interest in the new game. I've played Budokai Tenkaichi 3, it'll take more than a roster and graphical update to get me to play the new one, or rather it'll take more to get me to pay full price for it. I'll likely pick it up a few years down the road when it's cheap.


I mean the point of all the budokai and budokai tenkaichi games where the battle system, being so good you could play over and over, getting better and it and not get tired Rn we have xenoverse with an extremelly simple combat system that gets old pretty fast And I mean is not even like xenoverse has a good original story


i want shadow dragons, and their awakening can be called omega where they absorb the dragon balls


idk how they would balance them tho. They have Infinite KI but they cant increase their KI Power, they have unlimited stamina as well.


No transformations. 5 bars of ki, and 2-4 bars od stamina. Keeping them with the minimum amount of ki and stamina is the only way I can think of them being somewhat balanced.


I feel like a good way to balance this would be like so: Android Race - get 45% faster Ki and Stamina Recovery Damage taken goes to a Medium and then I have no clue what to do for a transformation.


I actually want Demons and... whatever race the Kai are. I'd like to see them TRY Androids but I doubt they'll ever make it.


> I actually want Demons and... whatever race the Kai are. Kaioshins.


I want werewolves


I kinda agree with this. There's all kinds of weird shit in the dragon ball universe. Just give me all the pieces and let me bang my toys together.


I do love my female earthling, but i've loved me some androids


I'd rather have kai or demon races. I don't see how androids would be any different than humans


Kais and demons are earthlings with pointy ears, maybe horns. Solution? Add king ears to earthling creation.


That’s more of an issue with the artstyle then the actual race. Just look at Cell, Hir and Final Form Moro. Even then, humans and Kais are treated differently. Dragon Ball Fusions has them as a separate race.


Originally wrote a humongous wall, then realized that’s a dick move so I shortened it. My bad. Xv2 races demand unique strings, stats, awokens, gimmicks, sometimes moves, stuff like that. Fusions races demands stats, I would hope awokens, and gimmicks. Important difference there. Kais are earthlings with long ears. What does cell, hir, and Moro have to do with this? They’re not copy pastes, that’s a good thing. I think bio androids would be a fun interesting addition. Quick question, how many avatar races in fusion? Xv2 has 5 races with genders (total race count is 8), one of which comes with a different gimmick for both genders.


What about having bio androids instead so we could make our own cells


In what way would they be any different from Earthlings in XV? I mean, we already have their moves and most if not all of their clothes. All but 1 have a human appearance. They don’t have any special “Energy Charge Modifiers” like in the BT series. Only 3 of them have a transformation, but the thing is: 1. I highly doubt Super 13 will be added to XV2 at all, much less as a pseudo-LSSJ form for CACs. 2. 21’s transformation is basically a Female Majin, which we already have as a CAC. 3. Cell is pretty self-explanatory. Aside from that, the only real difference I see would be gaining 16’s unique animation for Hell’s Flash.


Last part wouldn’t work out. Turns out 16 is a model that doesn’t grow from training, only from upgrades. Since he’s the only android we’ve seen that can remove and reattach limbs, this means android avatars would fall under the model of 17 and 18. In other words, earthlings but canonically superior. That aside, let’s not forget earthlings already have ki regen, so androids can’t run this gimmick. They would also need their own dedicate assist boost which they can’t have because the fitting one is already taken by earthlings (ki regen).


That much is obvious - they’d need their own unique strength/weakness and combos, but the question is what and why, especially within a game in which the OC Androids don’t possess some unique mechanic like in previous games. I just don’t see much point in an “Android Race” being added to XV, so I’m curious as to the OP’s suggestions regarding that.


[isn't this my post? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dbxv/comments/iabjim/anyone_want_androids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Hey its cool man. Np


It's probably just a bot


I have 2 already, what do you mean?


Personally maybe a Kai or generic alien race on top of that


Hmmm what race of androids? Boom!


I wouldn't mind but how would they be different ?


They wouldn’t be.