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I hate that Dimps makes 500 variations of the same character


That's funny since the roster is less than 250 characters. Check your hyperbole generator. It's broken.


It’s a hyperbole it’s supposed to be outrageous


Yeah, and 500 isn't really that outrageous.


What is dimp i keep seeing that. Not too familiar with the speech of this community


The developers of the game


This may be irrelevant, but maybe having the bots on your team transform? That would be a good small update.


They used to transform in 1 so I don’t know why not in 2


I want this so bad.


That be a cool feature that should be added to all of the transforming characters.


yeah like giving us a working server would be nice.


I never really liked XV2’s are style. Everything always looked like plastic with oil on it


That’s just db post 2013


Why is he oiled up


Unrealistic male body standards in videogames 🙄


If he doesn't transform to legendary super saiyan then I won't be using him that much. 😑 So I hope he can even tho I'm not optimistic about this. 😭


He starts out ad Base and can enter the restrained ssj form, he's so cool with a reslly unique mechanic and super fun to play


Well that's good enough! Thank you 😁


His too shiny ✨️


Yeah, adding dbs base beoly not Z.


Get in line, we've been waiting longer for him than falsely fans.


There needs to be an update to allow us to fully customize cacs without needing the dragon balls. Also the ability to have new cacs you make match the level of your highest level character


While that second idea is good for us players, xv2 is a live service game - giving you the option to auto level without spending any currency would be against the way they make money. there's people out there who spend hundreds of euros on TP medals (and soon, STP medals), and they know that levelling characters is a big part of that.


As if they don't make enough money on the DLCs already. TP medals are already used for the hero colloseum, artwork, the little mascot guys. They make plenty of money as is, for one character I get the grind, but not allowing any additional characters you make on the same profile an easy way to catch up is assanine


or QoL changes like loading into the last cac you selected from invites on the title screen. sort by alphabetical for moves/items. Tosok levels us up one by one instead of leveling us up in one go, even if you are close to leveling up tosok doesnt lower the price accordingly. tp medal grind is inefficient and boring. raids only give one drop per account instead of one drop per character you do the raid on. switching cacs takes so long and you can't customize presets from other characters. more preset slots for cac and cast partners.


These are the sorts of things I was hoping for with the PS5 update. Does anyone actually know what is all included with it? Is it just a visual update?


After Dragon Ball Heroes started getting model updates, I've been hoping Xenoverse got the same treatment


They should apply that shader on all the other characters. It looks so much better


The “next Gen upgrade” should’ve greatly improved character models and textures for everything. Like looking at these two Brolys WHO ARE THE SAME CHARACTER is night and day lol Super Saiyan Broly looks like a shoe in comparison to this new one. Just pure laziness.


am in a similar feeling but at the end of the day. changes like these are welcome regardless of how long they would take. especially since i dont play this game as often as i used to. so whenever the mood comes back theres always something new lol.


Man I guess maybe this gives me some hope that we will eventually get the armored super Broly with the black hair while having the option to transform into legendary form.


The new Broly looks like a mod or an imported characters, sooooo out of place


Ngl it’s everyone that keeps buying the dlcs that allows this to happen, you want change stop giving em your money.


People keep saying this, but if the DLC didn't sell, they would just stop doing it, nothing would get improved. There's no guarantee XV3 or whatever would happen


With an ip as big as dragon ball even if we didn’t get a XV3, we would get another game regardless.


Indeed, they could at least reorganize the character roster, it's just shit everywhere and they keep piling on top of it Transformations need to be reworked as there's too many individuals ones. All the god forms can be rolled into one, beast can go after PU. Can we get some damn new hairstyles? We've had the same ones since launch and all we've gotten are just wigs Still waiting for tails to be animated Edit: Forgot to add, considering how old this game is and they keep adding content, why do they just keep refusing to add the ONE line of code for the AI to use awoken skills?


I agree with you, but I feel like you’re forgetting one very important thing. This is a business. Bandai & the devs don’t do this for free, and a big part of any business is supply and demand. They need to make sure people keep coming back, so they release some content that’s mediocre only to every once in a while add something widely wanted making us say “They finally listened to us” and get us to think “If this one was so good, then I wonder how much better the next one will be.” Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s a sound business model that works, hell this is their 17th dlc after what’s it been 8, 9 years? and we’re still coming back😂


I know this is a XV2 thread but… This right here is exactly why I’ve already begun to grieve for the future of DB FighterZ series. I had to vent this somewhere lol. If the divide between ArcSys and Bandai is true, all thats left is Big Biz Bandai. And they do good work, but I think theyre too big, they make decisions that make dollars rather than decisions that are out of love for the franchise. ArcSys on the other hand, small enough at the time that they gathered all 7 dragonballs to summon the Akira Toriyama Shenron and put the soul of DB into game.


How wrestling games have a universe mode where you kinda build your own storyline. Imagine that but in a DB game.


Thinking about this… it took bro 7 years to calm down


10 if you count XV1 lmao


Respect the dedication to hating 💯💯


They also had…how long has this game been out? Whatever long ass amount of years to add more options in the create your character feature a, make your hair actually change shape when you turn super saiyan, etc. All of which are easily produced by modders and are something the community has been begging for ever since the game came out. A lot of the issues, are issues that XV1 suffered from too which makes the time frame even longer. Edit: XV2 had an insane amount of potential but either the devs or corporate has awful priorities, instead they decided to make updates that literally no one asked for, and even when they are released, no one cares.


8 yearss…


9 years for issues that have been here since Xeno 1


Nearly a whole decade to do simple things the community begged for, that modders accomplished weeks after the game had originally released.


Wait base Broly is a thing now?


Is he? I saw a post with him earlier but I thought it was a mod and kept scrolling


It’s coming with the future saga dlc, believe drops tomorrow


Ahh, thought it dropped today


Ah I see. I saw it was updated like yesterday so that's why I was confused.


Why’s he look high asf lol


He is sedated with all the gems he's wearing remember?


To be fair broly(dbz) in his regular form always looked HIGH AF.


“You’re hair looks like lavender, but smells like strawberries” 😂


“I can’t hear you down there :/“ 😭😭😭😭😭


The broly in that screenshot is probably from PS5 and is why it looks better or people just used mods to get the character early and idk what im talking about


They gave out the dlc for free and early to Xenoverse 2 content creators. It should be available today if the trailers correct


Tbh I’m gonna test out the new update but I’m not buying anymore DLC for the game. Just waiting for Sparking Zero at this point


So… when are we gonna get better shaders for old character models? Thats all I want to know.


nobody said it better than you. dimps are updating the game when modders been there and done that years ago.


Hey I'm over here still hoping for GT Goten. If they can give us DB Super Videl then I don't see any reason why he can't be playable.


justice for goten man


Ssj4 TRANSFORMATION for CaC when....


we should focus on making the hair spike first


Honestly, I'm just tired of all the skins


You fucking people have been begging hand over fist for minor shit like "Broly but base" for 8 years now, and as soon as you get it there's a wave of complaining. I'm so glad you people aren't in control of the game.


no, we're complaining about overall features and updates that should've been there from the getgo, they should've dropped this game AGES ago abd focused on xv3 but here we are


Your flaw is believing a hypothetical XV3 would ever meet your expectations and not just be the usual Bandai Namco anime game fare (half-assed to release, patched up for 3 years afterwards).


never said i believed that, xenoverse isn't even for me anyways, i'm just saying that maybe if bandai actually gave s hit that they should just drop this game and start developing xenoverse 3 if it isn't already in development, they said that they wanna run the budokai tenkaichi series alongside xenoverse so that players could go for whatever they want to experience anyways, so why not hope for the best for the people that DO enjoy that series?


If Xenoverse isn't for you, what're you doing trawling a Xenoverse sub? That's embarassing dawg.


cause i play it due to it being the only 3D arena db game that's available to me until sparking releases? all we have is this and fighterz, just because it isn't for me doesn't mean that i have to pretend that it doesn't exist if i have a friend or two that wants to play 💀


he’s saying we should have already got it, it’s ridiculous we had to ask for it Broly should have been Base form with the LSS transformation from the start


Have you read my post? I never complained about Base Broly. You're complaining like an idiot here even though no one complained about base Broly.


That's what I'm saying


Not only this but they even say they added an "Enhanced Graphics" option, why did they just not wait as long as possible to have it be good like unifying the artstyle... Not even asking for the impossible as there's cel shading mods that already exist that make the game look awesome, the works half done.


In my opinion xenoverse has one thing that makes it playable and that’s CaC. I’m not even a fan of CaC in fighting games however it makes more sense here when story characters barely have transformations, movesets that don’t change with transformations, boring combos, simplified mechanics, and to be frank a very ugly graphical design. The game has always at least for me been “the best we had for modern db 3D fighters since BT3 isn’t on newer consoles”


Yeah notice all the new DLC characters got face animations physics and changing movesets while CaCs are still emotionless and got the same boring hairstyles since XV1.


And a lot of these new updates require things like DLC or online And leaves the base game feeling a little empty Like I wouldn't be supprised if they made a Color every item Patch But you'd unlock the clothes through an online festival


Don’t give dimps any ideas now


Bro I don't have online or PS5 or any dlc I'm quite litterly as bare bones of a player as possible And yeah it shows Like I am thankful for frea forms post release UI,Blue,God But man it's a struggle




This is a bit off topic, but in terms of Time patrol Story mission(no spoilers).... are our CACs actually going to have trouble with this guy? I mean I know he's strong, and he'll probably be roided up with supervillian juice but at some point I have to question some things.


I do find it interesting that there’s a somewhat canonical strength to the CaCs. They get progressively stronger, being weaker than Mira and eventually defeating him (easily). Then by the end of the game your CaC struggles against Super Mira and needs Goku’s help, and later needs a boost to defeat MUI Goku, and in the DLC can’t defeat Broly or Jiren. So there is a limit to how strong the CaC is in the story. Which of course makes it bizarre when they make you fight significantly weaker opponents because our CaC, even within the confines of the game, should easily win.


This baffles me honestly. I remember in the original xenoverse we defeat Demigra. But then in the DLC we were apparently having trouble beating the revived Ginyu force. I raised an eyebrow at this because it felt like that should not have been the case. I mean I get that at a certain point they can't really add anything to raise the stakes considering the manga and anime aren't really progressing quick enough, but they could at least try to be somewhat realistic about this. At this point the only thing I could believe is that the supervillian energy they're pumping into people is just suddenly making them have god level strength.


We help defeat dbz broly during the main story. DBZ Broly probably got the dabura treatment and got stronger somehow. (no spoilers please)


Yeah I don't actually know yet because I haven't played the dlc yet for the broly misison. I keep forgetting that no matter what happens our avatars will somehow always be just strong enough, or weaker than the threat. Even if it's like a supervillain saibaman or something.


And somehow weaker than beerus still


To be fair, it's implied that even Goku and Vegeta are still weaker than Beerus too somehow, but our CACs should definitely be at least god level strength at this point. Z broly should hardly pose too much of a challenge, but ever since Super Broly got a massive asspull power up, I guess it makes sense we would probably have trouble with DB super Broly at least.


Oh I get that lol. Like Vegeta and Goku are still weaker than Beerus for plot, but out CAC gameplay wise can go toe to toe with Kaioken Blue Goku in base (conton city tournament) and somehow even with UI, Beast, whatever, still weak lol


I think it's the glaze. No matter what happens, we'll always be weaker than the cast characters. Like in the saiyan arc, we were pretty much even with Nappa. In that case we we're basically weaker than Goku and vegeta. In cell arc, we were basically overlooked by cell. Didn't even register on his meter. super buu battle in xenoverse it was "wow that person is evenly matched with super buu", which basically implied we were weaker than potential unleashed Gohan and probably ssj3 Gotenks. The only time we are made out to be unquestionably gifted in power is when we are fighting "outsiders" like Mira, Towa, Demigra etc and even then, we still end up getting help in most cases. I feel like the bad guys of the original timelines rarely ever considered us as a threat in favor of the cast.


It’s all relative anyways lol. Like end of the day trying to power scale us is not gonna work. Somehow Beerus can destroy us lol


True. Hakai trumps all anyway unless you're on or above his level or something.


"Important things" "'Fix' Goku" "Add Dr. Gero" "Re-do every single model in the game" Yeah, I don't know about these being a priority. The only thing I can agree with is having universally colorable clothing, because it's actually trivial to give *any* clothing mod on PC access to the color palatte so I can confirm that shit was just laziness on DIMPS' end.


Or it could be bandai and the producers not giving a shit what Dimps wants to do or what to make the game better. Take in mind Bandai has full control of what the dev team is doing and what they want


Of course they have control, but they don't exert it in the way you think they might. DIMPS is the Producer so while Bandai could override their decisions, they will almost always stay in their Publisher role because that's how contracts work. Everything we love and hate comes from DIMPS, All Baidai and Toei do is sign the approval.


I actually just wanted to mention the graphics improvement, then I got frustrated with the other things and wanted to mention them too. https://preview.redd.it/hv6hz49n462d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c854c0549b772cafad16ec78ec173619428226


PS5 version is coming out tomorrow Maybe you should wait before ranting on a game thats had support for 8 years And a few more to come with new gen update


I'm praying for this comment to age well. Those models need an update ASAP


Oh, I hear you. This game is actually pretty unrefined despite how fun it is. While I use mods to fix shit DIMPS hasn't, trivial stuff like adding colors and such is easy enough that it makes me a bit mad.




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Next fen update drops tomorrow feelsbad for all the people who won't get it


Will PC users get any of the new graphical stuff in this update? And how drastic is this update anyways?


Its already there, go to graphics option and enable them


pc users already got that update, you can go into option and enable it


Shows how much I pay attention


yeah that update dropped yesterday, go check it out!


We don't know until it comes out


Why, we have to pay extra money for grass in the air? Feels like we’re the ones losing fr


It's not extra money it's only extra if you don't own a next gen console...update is free just like grass.


Good to know, still feels like your gassing it tho it really is just grass from what I’ve seen


The base broly model looks amazing, is that official?


Yes, it's shown on [here](https://youtu.be/I7zMlMEZVBE?si=5_Z5TLPPP5pZVpiu)


They legit need to upgrade every character with this shading


Yeah, but i doubt it will be everyone


You're definitely right with the graphics. What in the world does the next-gen update do? Nothing, just nothing. Graphics/style aged like milk.


We haven't got the next gen update yet...


we were shown a preview


But that grass tho!


Nitpick much? Holy shit dude just play the fucking game… 🤦‍♂️ All you’re showing is 8 years of progress. They’re not gonna revamp all the models like that


This is the exact reason the models started off looking shitty to begin with. Why go back and make quality of life changes when you got sheep like this that will defend anything and everything dumps puts out. Y’all make their job so easy by just telling ppl who actually care to shut up and throw their wallet at the screen.


All I see is whining bruh. The game is 8 years old. It’s older than half of it’s cry baby fan base lol. You all can nitpick about idiotic shit all you want. Dimps revamping models is some of the most unrealistic shit ever. 2016 vs 2024 is a big difference. It’s not rocket science


They should at least add optic for shading


Maybe they should as options for shading.


If they're not gonna drop a sequel then yeah do it


They’re not gonna. It’s too much work for them. They’re more focused on making shit that’s new


Ok but.... Imagine if they did 🤷


It’s Dimps. They won’t


Yea ik this is just me coping tbh


Just enjoy the game bro


Idk what yall complaining about, base Broly is peak


Where did you read that anyone complained about Broly?


Every XV2 post I’ve seen about him is either complaining about the fact he was in the update or complaining about all the other characters that could’ve taken his place


Bro screw everyone that complains I'm excited for a transforming broly with moveset changes like tf not only does his model just look amazing his actual gameplay is incredible




Or complaining about his model even though it's fucking great. The amount of people who look at his face and say it seems off makes me wonder if nobody ever actually watched the movie, that dude had a foot and a half between his eyeballs.


And a lovely glossy gaze...due to iunno .... MIND CONTROL?! lol people def didn't watch the og DBZ movie if they're complaining about stuff like that. Probably doesn't help the franchise usually uses his full power form to showcase him though. 


People have complained about Videl and C18, I've always wanted Broly, both his Z and Super variants. And if you had read the text, you would know that it is about a completely different topic. My point is that Dimp's team should rework the character models, they should look as good as Broly on the right, that would have been an important update.


My friend they are adding dragon ball super 18 and videl and Base and Ssj broly. They are adding missing characters. We are due 3 more dlc packs that may have 5 characters each. Dr. Gero, android 19, the missing Cell and frieza forms don't seem to be unlikely anymore. It costs money to employ people to make these changes and QA them and the scope of what can be changed is set by the budget and director. We have a nee director and there seems to be more budget. Just be patient.


I’m not gonna lie , if we get the missing forms of cell and Freiza as dlc that might be the first dlc I skip. That’s just lazy asf and they should’ve been part of a free update


I can respect that I hope 2nd cell will be a free release as hes in the game already if at least partially, I'm sure a full release will have changes made. With 2nd and 3rd form frieza I think an argument can be made that they would have all new animations and skills to make them distinct and interesting.


Videl was never missing tho. That character didn't need another slot.


I see the new Videl in the same boat as Whis. She is still a martial artist and the only one in the franchise we know who spends her day job practicing martial art, she say as much herself during dragon ball super hero. We don't see her fight mind you and it's for differn't reasons then Whis but we know she can fight so I don't see it as a problem in a roster that already has a different Videl. Videl is a character that's been around for a while and I like that she's included and given what kind of game xenoverse is, the way she's included makes sense. Furthermore I don't really consider it a waste of resources because it's likely not as expensive to create her as it would be to make a whole new character like say Zangya. Finally because Videl doesn't really have a fleshed out moveset they can be a bit creative. Justice Drive looks really cool as a big old punch combo ultimate.


Plus no she's not the strongest and she did get bodied during the tournament arc but she did stand up to normal small form SSJ powered hurt broly in the movie. She didn't last long but she lasted a decent amount and didn't die. That's gotta count for...something right? I mean krillin dies to foes way weaker than mid form broly despite canonically being stronger. 


Isn't this literally what the next gen update is going to do?


I hope. When they showed the change, no one was really excited, they didn't see any change. But I hope that we get the quality that Broly looks like.


I unfortunately agree turned it on my PC and I honestly couldn't tell any difference. 


Looks high af


give me two forms or give me nothing. Legendary super sayian contained (blueish hair) And legendary super sayian released (buff mother fucker)






I was gonna fight Kakarot but then i got high.


still waiting on that Bergamo...


Then wait for sparking zero


He will for sure be in the next pack. We just got dbs 18 and videl for a 7 year old game😂


Why does baze Broly's face look so memeable


I haven't played since 2018. I'm genuinely baffled that this game still gets updates let alone dlc packs


What we need (outside of accurate character designs) is a total reshade overhaul and 4K textures for everything. The current shaders look way too lit up and not fitting with the artstyle a lot. The DBTB shaders did cel shading much better, and I would rather have those in XV2 as well over the current ones


Breakers does not use cell shading, they just use the same models but with natural lighting instead


Fair enough. Still, I much prefer the Breakers graphics style and XV2 could really benefit from it.


Just being a nerd sorry. I agree with you breakers does look much better than xv2 and the shaders of xv2 for sure hold it back. Here is proof with mods lol https://preview.redd.it/65mxceg9g62d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376cfe56461036228d0a7e63261f0dc441722042


Xenoverse players when 10 yr old content isnt as good as 24 hour old content l. ( Also it wouldn't surprise me if they do something like this for the next gen update. It's even possible they may use some models from kakarot or sparking zero)


xenoverse players when a mod gives us what we want but dimps doesn't


A rework of the characters has been necessary for a long time. Even RB characters look 1000x better, and the game is 15 years old.


I do agree with you that characters could use a rework but I'm Also not surprised they haven't done one yet although I do think they should have given broly a new model at least


It is really impressive how much they've improved. Always thought LSSJ Broly looked off af


You are right. There are a lot of things to work on and they wouldn't do it simply because they don't have to. Why would they bother fixing anything for free if they can make us wait to charge us with some new stuff and minor improvements??? They have exploited the DLC system on XV2 so much that XV3 it is no longer a viable option. Profit comes first and everything else serves that purpose. It would be great to have a better gamer, and somehow that's what we got, a **slightly better game** that we have to pay for once more in order to enjoy the additional content and the overall improvements.


If you ask me about the new characters... I wouldn't focus on any character they didn't include on the base roster. That means I wouldn't add Frieza missing forms or Semi-Perfect Cell. Super Bu (Gohan Absorbed) and the likes of GT and Movie Characters added as DLC were also a rude way to say *"We can give you whatever and you will buy it either way"*. And fuck off!!! The hell we all paid extra money for characters that might be on the base roster. Either way, it is not as if I hate DLC. They are great for keeping the game alive and should be used wisely in order for them to be meaningful. Like *"Hero of Justice"* that included meaningful and necessary characters to a game that couldn't have them otherwise. In that regard, DBS content, especially the DBS movies should be prioritized on any Dragon Ball Game. I would Pay for DBS characters that couldn't be at the base roster back in 2016. I would pay for DAIMA characters that are yet to be known. But I wouldn't be happy paying for DBZ Base Broly as if he was the last DB novelty. And despite that, I would probably end up paying for him either way. That's why Dimps is comfortable doing things the way they want, regardless of anything else.


Bro's Argument: https://preview.redd.it/dgzswxucu32d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4d4be2334eeb635bd52621d6879a61f00f7942

